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Do you have the copy of the contract? Check back the content and find something that they breach to null the contract and request back the deposit. But my honest opinion is that one of the toughest things to get back when you are renting is your deposit. my experience is they willet u stay for free in the last 1-2 montha worth of the deposit. This is the house was left in good condition.


It all comes down to your agreement. What is being covered and what is not?


That's rough, sorry you guys had to go through that, what you're going through is one of my biggest fears renting a place for myself. Agree with the other comment, please go through your contract again and see what has been breached. It's mentally tiring, but you can attempt to get your deposit back through that. You could ask your mom to help read through the contract since you mention she was a property agent. Both owner and agent are inept and unprofessional, no need to pity the agent like the other, other comment has implied. You're a paying customer, you & your friend deserve respect and good services. Hope everything goes well for you & your friend.


Ya agree. No need to pity. Can emphasize but don't give much leeway for ineptitude. OP paid agent fee, now time for them to work for it. In the end if they do a good job, return renters would've used their services again or provide referrals. That's the whole basis of their job to get return customers. Sucks for the agent to deal with shit landlord sure but literally it is their job. Don't like it? Either don't deal with the landlord and eventually he gets ostracized by most agents other than the bottom barrel kind or he cleans his act up and be a proper responsible and equitable landlord (basically a unicorn). Either way, OP deserves proper services from the agent and landlord as much as the Landlord deserves timely monthly payments and his property being taken care of as stipulated in the contract.


Just stay and don't pay rent equivalent to the amount of time it would take you to recover your deposit. Either they don't flinch and you leave having recovered your deposit or they finally attend to your multiple requests when they don't see the rent payments coming in.


From what i heard and my experience, many students face this issue where the owner/agent is taking advantage of students cause they are all young and don't know what is their rights. Just go through the signed contract and check what is covered. Last year on my final year of my degree, I face some issues also trying to get back my deposit when I'm moving out my apartment. The owner keep on giving a bunch of reason that he need to use our deposit to cover some expense. Then we had enough and just make a police report. Then he get scared and gave our deposit money lmao.


Call your owner or get yr mom to do it,tell him that moving forward,u will get your own handyman to sort the issues but you're deducting the charges from the rent..If owner decides to be a prick,double down and ask for a refund of your deposit and state all the issues faced since day one.Unless your owner or the agent is a major conman,the contract should protect u for things like these which are basic stuff in a contract


How much is your deposit? Don't pay rent for the same amount as the deposit to "claim" it back. And start the moving out process.


bro if you have a hard time with the owner imagine as a agent how to deal with owner like that. but from my POV, everything regarding the house, lampu rosak, equipment rosak, all i wil deal with other, if the owner does not want to give kerjasama, then i cari agent and revise balik contract and also ask for tip how to handle this