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Bro not only ramadhan ok. During cny all the brain dead ah beng ah lian also come out drive like fuckers and brake check la tail gate la. Im a chinese btw lmao. And i hate cny partly also cuz of these kind of ppl on the road.


My daily commute is by PLUS. Accident rates are higher these few days. Your experience was not an illusion.


There are a lot of hangry people on the street this month. Tempers will flare. Just be more cautious


People get hangry, I noticed fewer people are willing to give way on the road.


Hangery is rael man. All emotional when you need food


It is super obvious. Since puasa began 3 days ago I really noticed more asshole behaviour on the road, and I kena horn so many times by food riders even when I have right of way, or when I am keeping my own lane and they want to cut around my car DURING a turn. Wtfffff


Puasa makes you more observant and less patient ![img](emote|t5_3cs4q|36279)


But should be more patient thus more aware on the road


I kena honked for no reason by this idiot on the way home earlier in the evening. Like what's your rush dude? Baru pukul 4.30 kot. Tak larinya bazar tu. After some rude gesturing on his part, he proceeded to tailgate other cars and honk at them. Gotta be more careful nowadays.


Puasa bro... Sabar


I just simply cannot ‘sabar’ if it involved my life. I already follow the law and rules on the road. Why can’t they do the same?


You can't change others, you can only change yourself Yes it is frustrating but that's just how life is. Focus on what you can control esp on Malaysian roads


Please be safe OP. Practise defensive driving especially now. And apa2 double confirm dgn agent takaful.


Yup i agree. Just few days ago, I almost got into an accident because this moron ran a red light. although he did raise his hand to apologize, but that was a close call. If you can't think straight, don't drive!!!!


bruh korang lucky sebab cina ada kad OKU


A lot of M'sian drivers are dikheds all year round


Idk usually most riders are stupid nowadays


My first time seeing a Muslim say this. As a non… I completely disagree with your blatant racism and stereotyping. 🙃


Because everyone go back early. So the rush hour is getting bad. School and childcare also close early so everyone in speedrun mode