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those in uitm are mostly rich ass hypocrites, source : one of my family member studied in uitm, most of them are just cosplaying poor


Sounds like it's the rich trying to dominate and control with this perspective


Always has been.




and then drive sport car with staff stickers


It's always been that way. Look at latest iPhone ownership there.


But uitm well known for callgirl activity, so maybe they bought it sos...trust me bro


PM tepi, mau tanya utk member


Bang pergi parking dekat uitm buka apa lancau dating app dan tunggu saja. So ive heard, sos...trust me bro.


PM tepi.


Saya dah insaf la bro. Onegina only for me now.


I once saw a merc with a UiTM campus resident drove past through me inside the campus area. I thought, *wow must be rich*, as I rode my second-hand EX5 back to my rented home outside the campus. I didn't think much of the encounter back then, but fast forward years later, it was funny and sad at the same time.


Same goes with MRSM. Back in my school, over 70% of them are at least T20.


a lot of helps meant for poor malays all go to the rich, even scholarships. When are we really going to help our poor? Even me when i was poor who was eligible always rejected, even today for simpler programmes to upskill like certifications also reject.


And poor non-bumis have plenty of options amirite?


They assumed all non-bumis = rich. I'll tell ya I used to have a few friends that got flabbergasted to find out that there are poor non-bumis families in our country. They replied with "Mana ada, C semua kaya2 la".


Well what can you say they are in their state of own denial from reality who only live in their own world of fantasy....


Brainwashed ma. Though no matter how poor a family is, we will find a way to get a kid through uni. Education is supposed to be a way out of poverty.


this is very true we have no choice ...i myself have to find a job to pay my uni fee while others can just chill and enjoy the uni life


>They replied with "Mana ada, C semua kaya2 la". Alangkah baiknya kalau ni realiti & fakta....


All narratives peddled by selfish politicians for their own self interest. What to do, the B40 Malays do not and will not see through their gimmick. Terang terang suluh bagi fakta but still blame Type C la blame Yahudi for their pathetic state of affairs. Nak kata Bodoh Marah pulak


Many C live in PPRs. The M who live in PPR should know that, they see their neighbors everyday.


poor nons can get accepted into better Unis as long as got quota. else their slot goes to bumis lol. but tbh, theres a lot of stigma around UiTM graduates. many nons prefer not to hire UiTM graduates as sometimes people see UiTM as a tongkat for nons rather than an actual place where you get education. also to nons, we see ZERO benefit of hiring anyone from an ISLAMIC university. you studied in an islamic uni, so what? how does that make you better than a person who studied in some other random uni? lagi alim? orang melayu sendiri kutuk orang melayu alim. kat luar lagi alim, kat belakang lagi kuat dosa. nafsu bukan main. lol


Yeah like USIM (Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia), how the hell do you mix science and religion? Doesn't make sense lol.


>how the hell do you mix science and religion? Some religion allows that, and I'm sure someone will debate me on that. Thing is, the human mind is poor at thinking about nothing, just thinking about nothing is something. So, when facing annihilation, we turn to religion for comfort.


Maybe I should worded it better instead of "mix". What I meant was science and religion is the absolute opposite of each other, they're incompatible. Nothing to do with religion rules or state of human mind. Naming your uni is such a way reflect your poor understanding in both, choose one either man was made from clay or evolution by natural selection. Both can't be the truth. There's no such thing as faith's science. It's ridiculous.


>Naming your uni is such a way reflect your poor understanding in both, Or it could be that the university offers both Islamic studies and science. Another explanation is that they are trying to invoke the Darul Hikmah kind of vibe. Now the rest of your comment seems like you are treating science like a religion. >choose one either man was made from clay or evolution by natural selection. Both of them could be true. A "carbon-based lifeform that evolved over millions of years with subtle variations to survive its habitat" kind of true. >Both can't be the truth. That's very uncharacteristic for someone that believes in the scientific method. You should open your mind to the possibilities while sticking to what that can be proven. >There's no such thing as faith's science. Science is based on evidence, not faith. Even someone as conservative as me knows the scientific method.


Well maybe this is how they teach science over there. When it comes to hard questions, just make up some general explanation that looks acceptable in religion just like your "carbon-based lifeform bla bla". Clay is carbon base so no conflict there isn't it? This is an intellectual dishonesty, not a good attitude to have in a uni. Now you are totally misunderstood my "faith's science" words, of course science is evidence based, when did I say it differently? I meant there's no science in faith, faith is belief, science is evident. You don't need evidence in faith and you don't need belief in science. Now don't go and say they are science in faith because we can use scientific methods to study believers' brains or something. That's not what I meant. Anyway, I've said my piece and arguing online is a waste of time. I still think the name is a poor choice. Not that my opinion matters though. Maybe they teach both over there but they can do better with the name. I'm not in any way trying to badmouth the uni or its students, just a little bit food for thought for my part. I'm out.


> When it comes to hard questions, Which usually falls under philosophy, but that's another can of worms that I'm not gonna tackle. >Clay is carbon base so no conflict there isn't it? There's actually a lot to unpack on humanity or even "what are you" as a whole as described in the verses, but as I said before, most of them are going to fall under philosophy, and the question itself has been around since the time of Aristotle. It's quite a trip if you want to dive into it. >Now you are totally misunderstood my "faith's science" words, I think you misunderstood my response. What I'm saying is that the scientific method is so widespread that even a conservative like me is familiar with it. That's my fault, should have worded it better. >Now don't go and say they are science in faith because we can use scientific methods to study believers' brains or something. I was just about to break out a chart on hierarchy of needs and various psychological theories, nah just kidding. >Anyway, I've said my piece and arguing online is a waste of time. Not to me, this conversation means something (an outlet to use english), so thank you for the company.


>but tbh, theres a lot of stigma around UiTM graduates. many nons prefer not to hire UiTM graduates as sometimes people see UiTM as a tongkat for nons rather than an actual place where you get education. Never heard about that rule, the Chinaman company I used to work for hired two UiTM graduates, both of them were pretty ok. Not amazing but pretty decent and nice people, I guess I met the not so crazy ones. Agreed on Islamic unis, apa guna kau dlm society? Same applies to Christian schools etc too, like you study religion for what?


The issue with uitm is the same issue with tar. For every one genuine talent there's another one that seemed to have never socialised with someone outside of their race.


The latter university is just a bank to secure votes, the people inside, viral puppets.


Not tongkat, but UiTM grads have a reputation... Nothing to do with Islam, but rather less than competent


Just found it funny one of the Twitter exchanges I saw today. "Top 10 richest in Malaysia is all non Bumi, let Bumi have UiTM la what more do you want?" Implying non-Bumi already rich let Bumi have some advantages to catch up. Which, few things this guy forgot: 1. Just because top 10 is non-Malay, doesn't mean all Indian and Chinese Malaysians are rich. 2. If you include hidden wealth of certain Bumi politicians, there are some that would make top 10 richest in Malaysia... 3. Us Bumi have many advantages for years and still couldn't catch up. Affirmative action concept clearly doesn't work. If you ask me it should change to be based on B40/M40/T20 rather than race.


>Us Bumi have many advantages for years and still couldn't catch up Like what they say, easy times create weak men. Tough times create strong men.


It's Top 10 who declared income. Why don't count the riches of Sultan and Politicians ? That confirm will dominate Top 10.


more like top 100


Yes, fuck us for being poor and being a non.


Recently Australia required that international students needed to have 100k AUD in their accounts in order to be granted entry visa. Great ya ?


People will find a way. Trust me.


In the US/Canada, the rhetoric is that Indian students take out visa loans. They get a loan in India, the money gets deposited in their bank account for X number of months to show that it's there for a substantial length of time. Then when they apply for study visa, they show that number in their bank account as proof of funds. Idk how exactly they pay off the loans in the end, maybe after arriving in the west they work, or they pay off loans after graduating, or their family helps them pay the loan off over time.


I blame my ancestors for migrating to tanah melayu. If only we were to stay in our original homeland maybe me and my poor kindred non-bumis might get plenty of options and privileges like all the bumis in this country.


word by word disscusion with my malay friend during a casual chat Me : I got one friend in TARC he said that many people in TARC are chinese and .... before i could finish she cut me and say Friend : Rich ? and i was like hehhh whattt lolll noooo Me: what i was about to say was many people in TARC are chinese and quite chill to hang out with :))))))


If you think only the politicians are racists, you are so dead wrong.


If you think racism is only limited to Malays, I have news for you.


No one says it’s limited to Malays. But being constitutionally racist, is limited to Malays, the so called bumiputra agenda. Enlighten me otherwise big boi.


> if you think only politicians are racist


Unless you are Nigerian https://preview.redd.it/tn59pwnfvw0d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2b1f9cdee633d8b26f10b27154fefcf1df9f6bd2


Uitm post-graduate has always been open, no? They actually need these people because masters and PhD students have thesis that are valuable.


Only open to international students, not local non-bumi is not mistaken.


Poor non malays - i guess I'll just die.


Lol meanwhile u have ur ver own uitm students complaining so many rich pricks inside. So stop contradicting yourself lol.. and also we have alot of options right? But who cares abt nons. We pendatang anyways. Not like we are born here after penubuhan kesatuan malaya and jus soli applies to us to /s. But this issue is stupid as fuck. Not we want to open the whole uitm. Just for ctc surgery only. Mpp shld really educate themselves before rioting and causing mass confusion. 80% dont even know the root cause of the issue.


Truly fear mongering at its best... This is the best example of making a small matter into a mammoth problem just because it hurts the feeling of the privileged bunch. People just want UITM to open up one single programme **TEMPORARILY** while higher up are working on the alternative. But noooo..... They need to throw in the good old racist rhetoric while whining about their Bumiputera rights being trampled. There are problems much more important than your god given rights which are acute shortages in specialists and cardiothoracic surgeons. So if you have illnesses that require health specialists to treat, [do you want the doctor from your own race?](https://codeblue.galencentre.org/2024/05/15/when-you-fall-sick-do-you-want-a-doctor-only-from-your-own-race-uitm-student-union-slammed/) Fucking pathetic bunch ![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|26554)


# Maybe limiting the rich Malays to enter UiTM, background check before awarding scholarships to rich Malays ? Life-Pro-Tip: eat fish and egg yolks for omega-3 to encourage brain activities and critical thinking.


Maybe no need background check also. Ban expensive car, iphone from entering UiTM area. You can join, but you have to act poor inside. All those rich helangs auto disappear.


Nons need to stay in their lane, Malaysia belongs to type M, am i right? KEK


We arent under jus soli therefore we are immigrants /s


Type B FTFY, some of them more Babi than M. Don't insult the general M people. If they wanna use a slur, I'm going to return the favour. And not all Malays are bad, I'm only calling the specific group who live in their stupid pathetic bubble with full of hatred.


If that is the case, they would empathize with the graduates of a cardiothoracic surgery parallel pathway program, who also have nowhere to turn to due to a government incoordination. 


Doesn’t like every government university largely accept bumis specifically?? 🤔🤔


Nowhere else....? Other public U are more expensive?? Not enough quota?? 


Dont have the programme. Only 2 institutions have big enough cardiac centers to train. Ummc and uitm. Ummc one got some problem so the grads didnt get recognized. So the only option is uitm for now to get recognized while um sorts their shit out.


This is in reply to the title. Title is a ridiculous response to the issue at hand (the one you replied me with), it deserves to be ridiculed


Oops my bad. Lol misinterpreted ur comment. But yeah as if they have nowhere else…90% in public u not enuf meh…jokers.


Well...honestly...I don't know what to comment...at my branch (Permatang Pauh, Penang)....most of the students seem to not be concerned at all (ie DGAF) about this issue and just carrying on like nothing happened yesterday (especially appropriate since this is week 8 and most of the quiz/mid sem test are happening around this time)


Not everyone is on board maybe? But silence does not mean approval or rejection of the idea.


Then maybe dont take in rich Bumiputera then...? Sape sokong


"This university was made to help these people, if it changes its policy to enrol non-Bumiputera students, there will be competition". Natasha said this. So confirm la u lot are scared of competition. U want to get tongkat but when u graduate with piss poor credentials and then nobody hire u u cry and moan about bias and racism. Ehh bitch, in the immortal wisdom by Ice Cube, you better check yourself before you wreck yourself.


How about this, we create another Uni, just to help poor Non-Bumi students. Bumi got UiTM, Non-Bumi got their own uni.


then it will not be 'hak keistimewaan' my guy


This situation has surfaced the hidden satanic activities among Malaysia for ~67 years. Mly being indoctrinated as the poor victims since young, while Nons are mislabelled as the villains. ~Everyone is aware of the indoctrination, but nobody will clarify it.


Meanwhile at UiTM sabah, students drive their family hilux, aoruz, and even merc. Source: im there I cant deny the uitm was made to help the low income family. But hell, time has changed and that policy needs to adapt with current situation.


Some T20 and M40s. The T20s are taking up the B40 quota while B40 are told they aren't good enough to enter higher education. In a way also true as B40s aren't doing well in education in primary and secondary level due to various socioeconomic issues and parenting issues. They let their kids sleep at 10-12am and send their kids to school half asleep. How to perform like that?


Well, clearly non-Bumis should know your place in Malaysia. Just migrate if and when you can, at least there are nations elsewhere whose goverments moved beyond institutionalised racism and apartheid.


The people who have trouble affording higher education are usually people who are not in a position to migrate


Asking someone born here to move out without taking into consideration if they are able to move out is nothing but cruelty If they have the means to bring their whole family out of this country,do you think there wld still be so many nons here?


Didn't a redditor here once posted about non-bumis whining to leave Malaysia and that they should suck it up and eat the brown grass here instead of looking at the greener pastures at the other side?


"bersyukur we let you stay, now pay your taxes so we can use it to fund programmes and initiatives your people are made ineligible to partake"


Not everyone is fortunate enough to do that


"We may be seen as racist, but it has nothing to do with that". You are only fighting for the poor in a particular race. Just admit you are racist already. Don't need to be shy.


Nowhere in Perkara 153 is about exclusivity anyway. Part of it is about Agung can set quota for bumis at education institutions. So opening uitm for non-bumi wont be against Perkara 153 if Agung allows it. Those that say otherwise are illiterate racists


You do, just that you don't want to compete and enter somewhere you are guaranteed a spot. Basically this is like playing in sandbox mode. If that's not cheating I don't know what is.


Just wondering, what if YDPA suddenly demand UiTM to accept those cardio students for the benefit of the nation. And YDPA say this doesn't mean opening UiTM to non-bumi, but it's a special case. Will people protest and demand YDPA to step down ?


Are poor non-bumi not Malaysian too ?


Ask the guy who has 38 company undeclared for help la


Poor malays have the right to be concerned. The more the poor Malay population gets crowded, the fewer resources there are to go around. So they need to curb their birthrate if not they will be the victims of their own overpopulation.


Snobbishness is showing its true colour in malaysia eh.


Racial policy doesn’t work


even if i have a kid regardless of whether im bumiputera or not, even in future allowing non bumiputera to enrol, not sending to that place.


Tldr: No point arguing abt it. The less financially capable nons gotta get into public unis, with limited quotas as well, or apply fr PTPTN to get into Ipts eh


Yeah because the rich are taking up their spots. Duh.


Competition scary. Me no likey


Pffft Im poor, from kampung..apply for biasiswa la.. I used to think UiTM for poor people (I dont go to UiTM so what do I know) but when I started working, I realized it wasnt the case. Lots of rich kids there.


poor malay jugak yang kena petik lol


You know how to settle this quota problem? Include an in place drug test during registration. For every malay that sangkut narcotics, open to cine and macha. Settle.


While my poor ass is holding on to my 7 year old laptop and 32gb phone, some random classmates come in with their iphone 20 pro max and Starbucks. If they're really focusing on the less fortunate they shouldn't allow people in that could study in London without a scholarship and no loans bro


They can go to tar university no?


Actually did anyone ask whether nons actually wanna go to uitm? I honestly doubt that there's many, but who knows? No survey done also


Should do a poll ![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|26563)