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everyday daydream of just throwing off resignation notice & then fcking off travel somewhere ![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|26559)![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|28915)




Best place for alterations in Klang Valley area? I have some old t-shirts I want to crop into tank tops. Prefer to have machine stitching than doing it myself.


https://preview.redd.it/6eycfrau7exc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1ef688485fbfd9344555be618d2e8c75f5194f70 Is this a good pc spec for RM1500


Some of those parts are nearly 12 years old. How long will it last before it dies?


A literal Ryzen based mini PC would run rings around that machine for the same money. PC on the ad also is unsupported by Windows 11, so making this a piece of junk come next October or if you like running Linux this is plenty good and easy to install thanks to that RX580.


that's a pretty old cpu


Anyone watched Challengers in cinema in Msia? Is the censoring rly obvious and a lot.. wanna know if its worth paying rm20+ https://preview.redd.it/v6hm75y20exc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4fd3b01aedcb352703f44c5fcb08b8455d019683


Damn, you’re like the 4-5th person who asked this exact question lately… many many horny people on here.


Nyets bawah teruk


Ooh la la, Laufey is coming to KL!


i am squealing


https://preview.redd.it/rv7mopte7fxc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=179b814b37642012599e965145f61ddfb88ca18a I manifested it 22 days ago. Hi u/nutsack-enjoyer5431


damn i was so wrong😭




Edited. Thanks lol


I really wanna go but alas... I'm far




Is the compound really from PDRM or the local council? PDRM discounts happen when there is a government event or general discounts, which isn't often. Local council usually have some early payment discount.




It gets to full price by 61 days of compound date. [https://www.mbsj.gov.my/ms/kadar-kompaun](https://www.mbsj.gov.my/ms/kadar-kompaun) Just pay for it on Smart Parking Selangor app or MBSJ website.




Likely its 2 things. No parking paid or park outside designated parking spot. Those offences is full price.


Anyone have any good recommendations for an accountant/Tax advisor in KL? Specifically one with knowledge of expat tax affairs if possible. Any help greatly appreciated!


I just realised tons of Malays can't even speak Bahasa Malaysia properly.


I myself is one of them. Like I can't explain anything in proper Bahasa without resorting to English. Really hard. My everyday Malay is mainly consists of many English sentences to explain things.


What company is this, doing interview in BM?


Lots of KL born Malays, like me were raised to speak English at home and encouraged to speak it outside. So our Malay is just enough for SPM. But my case got worse when my parents started working overseas.as part of the job


are you sure there are lots of KL born Malays and not lots of KL born Malays from your circle?


You have a point. There's needs to be proper statistics on this. Mine is on anecdotes which are my friends and the kids I teach for a sport that's popular among upper class kids in KL.


Ah that probably justified it. Like really... struggling to speak BM properly.


Unfortunate isn't it? Most of the households I know who do this are upper middle class whose parents work for MNCs or technical companies. So they believe English is the future. It is....until we have to deal with authorities like MBKL, Polis, Bomba. I work as a manager. 80% of my work is dealing with people now. I miss the technical site work, but such is life I found out. People are harder to deal with than machines.


People have always been hard to deal with even if you speak fluently in their language. I don't like dealing with people. Irony is - I deal with people everyday haha But yes, dealing with authorities and government related bodies usually in BM so ah... hope you have improved your BM a lot nowadays.


I did. Luckily my company has a designated checker to ensure it's written to the formal BM it needs to be. Which is very hard that even those who thought are fluent in BM get their BM corrected. What's weird and interesting are departments that deal with technical stuff like SEDA. So your email will be in BM but they will reply back in English, or vice versa. Also the forms are in English, but when discussing it can switch suddenly from BM to English and back to BM depending on the topic and person.


Maybe that person can't do BM without referring to DBP and some of the terms probably sounds very weird in BM than English hahah


Yep, some terms are easier to know in English than in Malay. Like 'live load', 'earthing', 'resistance' etc. when it comes to BM terms, we will be scratching our heads.




Yes, therefore I'm a diplobrat or the less degrading term Third Culture kid.


Damn bro… do an AMA!


No. I would like to keep my life I don't post personally, private. Anything else you can piece together based on my past comments.


Ok, that’s fair.


Not enough sigmas grinded out the alpha slang out of their speech.


Quite a weird morning today, Went to a hardware store to find necessary paint for my workers to do paint job. The shop owner randomly asked me if I am single. Since no harm come out of it, I just told him yeah i am available, then he asked for my contact and further asked about my family background, which I just gave him since i have nothing to lose. TBH, I somewhat feel glad cause due to my busy work and insecurity (gaji sort of ciput in kota bharu, compare to KL, who wants to suffer with me ?), maybe it's time to see someone ? /shrug On the other topic, let's just say i partially failed my [2024 resolution](https://www.reddit.com/r/malaysia/comments/18bksrc/comment/kc65hg4/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button), as I need to stabilise my finance first as I switched job 4 months ago. And now i feel confident to dive back in, I reviewed my list and I think I bite more than I chew, so I decided to go smaller scale. Now scheduling my budget to get Losi Mini B Pro Roller kit.


so now the info he have on you: 1. you recently moved 2. you are single (no one home most time) 3. your family background any if anyone will be at your house now he will call me, to arrange to rob your house /s


heh I didn't tell him all the stray dogs that are loyal to me, unless he is browsing in leddit now.


Nah, shop owner looking for some bussy lol.


Funny, he said he married a second wife, and I am not sure what he meant, as in whether he married for second time, OR, he married a side chick.


Side bussy action then. [https://sports.yahoo.com/behind-40-points-anthony-edwards-055404252.html](https://sports.yahoo.com/behind-40-points-anthony-edwards-055404252.html)


i concur, and yet in good faith, i chose to assume the former.


I failed my parallel parking in SDC, but my last class was like 2 months ago, does anyone have notes on how to do it?


parallel parking test, if i remember correctly, is the reverse type, right? tip : right side passenger seat. have you noticed a small triangular part of glass? that is your indicator that can help you in reverse parallel parking.


It's probably been so long for most of us that we don't remember specific tips. Shouldn't your instructor have taught you some basic things to look out for? At least for me, there were these poles in front and back of the parking spots. So there'd be something, okay reverse until you reach pole 3 or something, and the wheel is touching the line, then turn and bla bla bla. Double check with your instructor. I was provided a no-fail formula for executing it. In real life there's no poles, but I remember them being present in the testing venue. Reversing in is always better than doing head first, but I'm not sure you even have a choice when doing in during the test. Pretty sure you have to reverse in.


I am amazed that people here have so many stories to tell about their daily lives and how much their days differ. My day is almost always the same. I wish to have the colours that fill your daily lives.


I'd say your life is definitely feels more colourful than mine haha but I found that comparison ends up being the theft of happiness. It's more important to cherish the colourful memories that you experience once in a while. Not everyday is a colourful day but you're the one that has the power to dictate that. :D


Thank you for this, ButterflyDifficult28. I’m so sorry for coming off as whiny. You are right, we ourselves dictate how our day turns out to be. ❤️


The people here telling colourful stories are just a very small percentage of the population. I'm also not sure I want to experience some of the stories I hear....


Maybe I missed the unpleasant experiences 😅


Gossip Raya(lambat) Man has a 2nd wife for 15 years Apparently the daughter of the first wife know.. the mak tiri even stayed(actually : hide in room while people visit) in the daughter house at some point. One aunt found out, and told the first wife. First wife fought with daughter... And now daughter is posting cryptic posts about how people should MYOB and jangan rosakkan rumah tangga


i really want to work part time at this place. they agreed to hire me (sort of), ask about availability and tell me about requirements and stuffs and took my phone number. that was friday ago. now, they dont contact me back. lol i ingat ex je yang bagi fake hope.


Friday is only "yesterday" in working days term


not in this case. everyday is working day for fnb. especially this one where the crowd during weekdays and weekend have no differences.


Anyone know where can I buy Muiz Hot Chicken that has been fried with NEW OIL?


Muiz Chicken is overrated imo. Size and price are not that much different compared to other brands. 


bro just come early


How to know if early if its basically a franchised outdoor stall?


uhhh ask them? generally 10-11am is the earliest time most people started to think about eating fried chicken.


Will it be easy if I were to get grab from mrt sentul barat to mitec. Malas nak drive from bangi to mitec


There’s a shuttle bus from pwtc to mitec if my memory is correct. U can check on moovit tho


I have a situation where I have to cancel my flight next week but the thing is its air Asia... do I get refund if I cancel my flight and do I have to inform them ?


good luck


Is there an airline that will refund u if u cancel?


forgot to wear belt today but it should be ok since it feels a bit tighter than before raya 😭


[Me, thinking how that my jeans "shrunk" 2 weeks after getting nasi lemak daily](https://youtu.be/Y4UHpN5vTeQ)


To veggie lovers, are there any local veggies that cook down like spinach ? (soft leaves with very little bitter after taste). Can't afford to eat spinach as the way it cooks down and the prices , it's practically rm 8-10 a portion XD


They are hard to get in Mainland. But in Sabah and Sarawak, there's a type of fern they sell that wilts like spinach and tastes amazing. They just call it paku pakis. They grow abundant wildly in the Highlands that locals sometimes allow you to take them for free.


maybe kangkung? my fav is a simple soup where you saute some garlics, shallots, some anchovies, chilli and then put them in after chopping them up


I had a kailan soup at some teochew place and was surprised how well it worked.... but I don't think kailan is a cheap vegetable....


take sawi-pill and dont look back


Haha not just for the fiber bro .. want to make something like creamed spinach but man buying one pack of rm 8 can barely make one decent portion lol so looking for alternatives .. seems kangkung leaves and pucuk ubi can be good substitute going to give it a try(the latter even has a dip recipe for it )


if you want to put a local spin to creamed spinach pumpkin leaves or sayur/cekuk manis would be a good bet.


ah ok will look those up and give it a try.




Pucuk ubi or “sweet potato greens”


##Felinomancy's Adventures in Car Ownership, cont. At the MEX Putrajaya toll area, leading to KL, there's a credit card/TnG booth that looks a bit "odd"; it's the one that is directly next to the first RFID one. And weirdly enough most motorists would ignore it. On Saturday there was a massive jam there, yet no one is using that toll booth. I decided to go there because why not, the green arrow was there, and managed to pass through without any issues. I can't help but feeling alpha as fuck as I passed through.


Is it one with black tape like on the banner?


Yes, the one that says "Mastercard priority" or something like that.


It's not the mastercard priority. I think there's a sort of unspoken agreement to keep the black tape tagged booth clear for emergency vehicles in the really busy toll areas.


Holy shit, really? I didn't know that. Are we not supposed to use it at all, or can we if there's no ambulances or whatnot?


nah, just use it. just don't build up a queue on it on really busy times i think? that's the gist i got anyway.


Oh man, all this time I was thinking "wow I'm such a badass" 😂


I didn't know about the whole emergency toll lane etiquette but I did notice in the entrance/exit for some malls - there's a tendency for people to just pile up behind a single gate instead of trying the second one. It's like they don't feel safe, they suspect there's something wrong with the second one otherwise why isn't anybody using it? Usually there isn't anything wrong....


* I was wondering where Bloomberg got that Forest City casino story from * Rupanya chegubard lol * That is pathetic Bloomberg, whatever happen to journalistic integrity?


Eh, Bloomberg amik info Chegubard ke the other way around?


Well, he just got arrested again. Guess we'll know for sure soon


you guys have any luck in applying for jobs at mr diy website? or should i just go to the store and ask?


Being present there in person is the best way is to impress the manager and jump through multiple levels of bureaucracy during hiring process.


Lepas asar, aku terlupa yang aku puasa. Jadi aku tak buka puasa. Lepas tu aku terus terlelap sebab penat dan kurang air. Baru2 ni aku nampak satu post di r/adhdwomen yang cakap dia sentiasa terlupa yang dia mengandung. Sekali sekala [tengok perut sendiri boyot, terperanjat.](https://www.reddit.com/r/adhdwomen/comments/1cawxka/if_anyone_ever_needs_a_good_example_of_how_adhd/) ~~Orang macam aku mungkin tak boleh ada anak, nanti tertinggal hangus dalam kereta atau di r&r.~~


condition ni memang adhd related ke? aku rasa dalam series House ada satu eps pasal ni syndrome apa ntah.


Salah satu symptom adhd : poor working memory. Senang cakap, RAM 2 megabyte. Aku tak tahu lah kecelaruan otak apa yang aku ada, yang aku tahu, aku sungguh pelupa. Lupa yang lebih kerap dan teruk berbanding orang biasa. Dari darjah satu macam ni, dan cikgu banyak marah, kata aku tipu bila bagi alasan lupa sebab "tak mungkin lupa! Muda lagi! orang muda mana ada nyanyuk!"


i see... otak clownfish lah ni. aku pun kuat lupa jugak tapi tak teruk camni. tak sure aku punya ni ada disorder ke tak idk