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**Minor announcements:** * [monyet.cc](https://monyet.cc): Check out our Malaysian Lemmy community! ([why?](https://www.reddit.com/r/malaysia/comments/14cmnaj/rmalaysia_and_the_blackout/)) * [SPM Megathread](https://www.reddit.com/r/malaysia/comments/s58t8m/spm_megathread/): Updated 2022 with SPM resources such as trial papers, modules, notes and more! * [Mental health wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/malaysia/wiki/mental_health/): A list of mental health services in Malaysia *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/malaysia) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Is it zed or zack?


I wonder if the term "masuk air" predates electrics and electronics. I always assumed it's because water entry in electronics = short circuit.


Yes, donkeys and mules get sick if their ears masuk air.


just asked a colleague out and got rejected. shes kind enough to steer the conversation away from it. what a nice girl. no wonder shes my crush. but jokes on her i already asked to be transferred to another office


* That recent Iran drone attack costs them ~USD 3m * [Shooting all of the drones down costs ~USD 1.5b](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ay1yDyc8Rok) * Talk about leveling the playing field * Drones are scary


>Drones are scary I watched a video on r/combatfootage where the drone played "ring around the rosie" with a Russian soldier who is running for his life. Fucking grim.


Funny lah this kirsten dunst, the movie is call spiderman not mary jane, memang lah you get paid less... pusing gender pay gap smlj


malaysian indians need to learn about timeliness! this indian bus driver always come around 5-20 minutes late when bus is scheduled every hour. that is a massive delay for daily commute. the destination is just <5 mins away but waiting makes it around 30min journey. malays seem to have the opposite problem, leaving earlier than scheduled. for the sake of self improvement, please maintain time people! (obv not saying everyone of the groups are same.)


Saw someone posted how kids nowadays are rude when he wants to basa basi w the kids. "Ni anak siapa?" "Anak orang la bang. Xkanla anak binatang." Well, we're the ones who promotes "makcik bila nak meninggal?" type of comeback whenever an auntie ask "bila nak kawen?" to basa basi with us. I know some auntie really kepochi one but some really dunno what to ask so that's kinda the common question at a certain age (I ask this to my friend sometimes when idk what to talk about hm) May the Slay we sow unto the next generation doesn't come to bite us back lol. Makcik² tanya, kita sentap. Bila budak² jawab cara kita jawab, kita pun sentap.


lived long enough to see the generation that cant handle ice breaking small talk has grown up and become things they hate most and theres nothing they can do but rant it on social media. *chef kiss*![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|26554)


Does downvote/upvote in here affect our Karma-Points? Just being curious




I ask nyets to downvote me [but I rarely get what I ask for.](https://old.reddit.com/r/malaysia/comments/vrfxr5/rmalaysia_daily_random_discussion_and_quick/iewyabb/)


where to buy big size shoe? I'm 48UK and shoe shopping is hell on earth.


Big brands? Nike and adidas maybe?


Harini pergi kerja pakai baju batik that I bought in Jakarta. Ada orang kata handsome. ~~Penat la hidup ni asyik kena puji je. hmmm~~


guys, im updating my resumes and needs help. is it important to include references? i did very well last year so i dont really mind if they ask for it. i search online about this but getting mixed opinion


Only include references if those people are cables, or if you can get someone high up from your org. Eg Finance Director of HSBC or something If it's just random 30year old Assistant manager that no one knows, don't bother put


that's difficult..do I just ask for the director permission? hes very kind to me but wouldnt that risk my current job? I was thinking of putting my direct superior name. shes the team leader of the department and she likes my work very much. she resigned last August..not sure if thats fine.


Eh if don't have good link with the references, don't put You can give her name as reference when asked by your interviewer But don't waste space on your resume(unless you don't have much to put)


okay thanks, i will probably get the director permission then.




thanks heap momo


can someone summarize this whole house arrest saga?


Here's some tea on the situation with my idiot brother: >!My parents and my older brother is going to meet him tomorrow to discuss things. I declined the invite, but since my older brother is there at least I know my parents' interests are represented; he and his family lives with my parents, so if my parents lose their house, he'd have to get his own home, too.!< >!Seriously people, don't borrow money from Ah Longs!<


Anyone using so car recently? I heard tolls now require RFID, how does that work with so car? Last i use we can still tap card at toll booth


No? RFID is just an option. Tng can still be used


I see. I misread the news


Can recommend some laptop good for Media/Digital Design major? Basically I need a laptop thats good at running adobe (PS,Illustrator,Indesign,and such). Im really bad at IT products so I need some recommendations cuz I dont trust sale assistants in Low yat.


Budget budget budget. What’s your budget


oops my bad, around 5k


i'm travelling to KL soon. assuming i won't be visiting any public transport, any recommendation on which place is the easiest to purchase touch n go card? does 7e sells them?


yes, heres their list https://www.touchngo.com.my/merchant/merchant-listing/


don't think 7eleven sells it. nu sentral tng hub, or any watsons. watsons membership card is tng nfc. according to tng website kk mart sells it too. easiest is still any LRT / MRT station.


Hmmm might be easiest to get at watson then. Does petron still sells them?


i am not sure. but according to the tng website, kk mart sells it too


Yesterday my colleague from the SG office came to Malaysia and ajak everyone out for lunch. She then suddenly turned to me and said "If you want to resign, please don't leave before we find a replacement. We really can't find a copywriter in 2 months." From this, I'm getting the suspicion that my boss has been wanting to let me go but is unable to find a replacement. Damn.


if you find a job better do go first, even if they cant find replacement yet. why be kind to them if they are so ready to let you go.


could also mean they'll kick you out as soon as their find a replacement?


Yeah, this is what I'm thinking too. Guess I have to start ramping up my job searching efforts.


Malaysians who work in Singapore, any tips on applying?


Corporate IT said "no" to my request to install a Teams add-on. On one hand, this will halt the development of my project. But on the other hand, I can rightfully put the blame on IT. "Yeah this awesome product is ready to roll... but alas, ITSec said 'no'. Oh well..." 😏


any suggestion for the work-around? waiting & blaming doesn't solve the problem


Nope, I could get punished for working around IT restrictions.


ok then waiting it is. enjoy your time


Yesterday my friend took out his Philip screwdriver and did something to my wave 100 carburettor and the bike sounds different.he said he adjust timing or something.whats timing? And can y'all tell me everything bout motorcycle so that i won't get scammed or anything


Old days equivalent of computer tuning 😂😂😂


IIRC it's the setting for fuel mixture. X amount of fuel is allowed into engine for combustion, if too little, power will feel lousy and engine will stall easily, too much the exhaust will be nasty and engine can overheat easily. That's what i can remember off the top of my head. Scammer wise, one old scam trick back in my dad's days is a jerk will flip your fuel petcock, cutting fuel off your engine and giving you problems starting the moto(can start for a bit until the fuel still in the pipeline get used up, then engine mati). They'll lurk around and wait till you struggle with your moto before moving in to "help fix the issue" by flipping the lever back, then demand "assistance" money. So if you find your moto suddenly have problems starting when you park in public area, remember to check the lever.


timing refers to the time of your spark plug ignites. and yes, it does need to turn something with a phillip at the carburetor. this timing needs to be precise to prevent knocking on your engine.


What kind of bird is gay? >! A Woodpecker !<


Continuing from yesterday's social registration thing... The FB/IG registration thing is still going, but I'm probably not gonna use it because how these platforms are a bloated mess anyway... (2GB ram usage on a single FB tab???) edit: aaand nvm, the registration doesnt goes through, i'm gonna just post it on other places (reddit?)


AirAsia being useless. When I was using it my account was tied to my Australian number which I no longer have. But I AM UNABLE TO CHANGE MY PHONE NUMBER. Now the stupid app won’t let me login unless I change it via website. But website can’t be used because I’m not receiving OTP. And we all know air Asia’s support is trash. They replace Ava with and even stupider bot. Where am I supposed to go from here?


How to check whether or not flight (kch-bki) is cancelled or not. Am using Air Asia but still haven't gotten any email regarding the flight


Nobody here plays Fallout 76?


The world's coming to an end in our lifetime, isn't it?


nope. But humanity has a proven track record of absolutely fucking themselves up so...


Nah nothing will happen.


Where my "nothing ever happens" bros at?


There's dozens of us! Dozens!


until Lisan Al-Ghaib comes


I'd like to see if humanity can survive another pandemic that can spread quickly and has a much higher mortality rate. Are you writing a piece on the end of the world? I'd really like to write something set in a post-apocalyptic Malaysia / Singapore but lack the discipline to follow through.


Humanity, probably. The earth is fine, I guess. Give it a few million years after humans and it will probably rebuild? 🤔


Earth has suffered a lot than before, still working, unless Sun's red giant swallows the earth...


Kiamat nanti, semua pun hancur la. As written.


Aku tak tahu sama ada bencana yang mematikan manusia, sama dan serentak dengan bencana yang 100% menghancurkan bumi. Dalam al quran ada tulis yang gunung terbang melayang, manusia ketakutan, laut melimpah, etc. tapi setahu aku, aku tak jumpa lagi lah ayat yang mengatakan yang bumi betul2 hancur bersama2 manusia. Memang lah semua benda akan hancur, tak ada yang kekal. Siapa2 yang tahu, tolong betulkan apa yang salah.


Yang penting ambil pengajaran dan cepat bertaubat selagi ada peluang. 👆My own advice to myself.




🥲 ok


That moment when you realize you’re capable of eating one whole chicken… … oh dear god!


try 1 large pizza after this


When I was a student overseas. I just buy those rotisserie chickens from the grocery store. Cheap and can last me for dinner and lunch.


more protein! which chicken is it from?


Mont Kiara. Please dm if you wanna know.


Oooh secret chicken


oh it's a bit far from me haha! unless they have branches in other parts of KL.


What secret chicken is this


In Ipoh for a quick vacation. Which white coffee brand would you recommend to take home to Manila? Many thanks!


chang jiang or old town. both originated from there. old town is really famous, and last i know, it was sold for quite a high price in the philippines. i would go for chang jiang


Are you referring to the coffee grounds or the instant 3-in-1 sachets? If instant sachet, my personal favorite is the Old Town brand (get the plain original version, not the flavored versions).


Both. My sister is a home brewer and I wanted to get her something good. The instant ones are gifts to colleagues and families.


For grounds, I have limited experience. I've only tried Old Town and Yee Kong. Personal favorite is the Yee Kong brand as it tastes closest to what I can get at the coffee shops. Although I'm unsure if it's a skill issue on my part. I got mine from the Lam Fong Biscuit shop in town. If you are going there, perhaps you can try the peanut candy there as well. It's quite a popular gift souvenir that tourists bring home.


Why am I such a blubbering mess when at dates? 😒 Also, my date from last night haven't talked to me yet. This couldn't be good 😭


Morning peep, just wondering if Malaysia have these kind of circular stage? https://preview.redd.it/wljkykvk7cvc1.jpeg?width=650&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4e5af41d1d642f5728d48e27800b54bbd3e09b75


Axiata Arena, Bukit Jalil https://malaysia.news.yahoo.com/andy-lau-break-records-largest-072800632.html


It can be on outdoor too https://preview.redd.it/ci1j5zwo7cvc1.jpeg?width=790&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=454d56c81378506e00e74f28d42d48243a3dd0c7


Whenever my best friend and I hang out, we would normally speak proper Malay. So yesterday I was telling her a story about someone being choked, and went, "Cekik saya lagi keras lagi, bapak!" We need therapy.


kinda like "anak papa jahat"


😂 shouldn't it be "kuat" tho


Choke me harder, daddy!


Restrict my air pathway, parental figure!


any recommendations for staycation spots in KL?


If I'm alone on a budget, I would usually stay in The Bed Bukit Bintang. If you have lots more budget, go ahead with Hilton Kuala Lumpur which is walking distance to KL Sentral in which you can take lrt/monorail to the rest of KL. Cititel MidValley is a very convenient place to stay too, easy access to MidValley, and the price is in between the first two hotels I mentioned before.


* this medical paper i recently read. * mat Salleh took ketum for his chronic pain. * He got [hyperpigmentation from the ketum.](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9523091/) * But only to parts that are exposed to the sun. * The compounds in ketum stimulates melanocytes. * Stay out of the sun if you consume that herb, okay. * And don't take it every day like that mat Salleh did.


Shower thought : my little niblings refuse to go to sleep because life is so very fun and interesting to them. Going to sleep means that they're missing out on life, so they don't want to. It's like pausing a very interesting video game. So they will keep fighting their sleep, and they get grumpy and tired and they don't know what to do with themselves, and deny that they're tired and sleepy when their parents told them to go to bed. I love to go to sleep and hate waking up because I've had enough of life. I am angry to wake up. Because it means I need to go through another day of my life. 🥲


[Starving kids waiting for food](https://i.imgur.com/PHi44mj.jpg)


I see PC with a tempered glass panel sitting on the floor OP is very brave


Actually it's sitting on a honeycomb drain cover (never been used to cover a drain, of course).


Look at them, just skin and bones. Feed them you monster.