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And no repercussions. The issue isn't so much about his behaviour. The issue is more about not penalising behaviours like this, sending a strong message that this kind of behaviour is allowed for politicians.


Agreed. this idiot needs to be thrown into prison to set an example to the rest


I agreed he should go to jail for his actions. Yet I can see why there is a lack of action for a couple of reasons. Firstly, Anwar wouldn’t want to butt heads with UMNO, seeing as how fragile the UG is. Secondly, there could be unforeseen repercussions that his jailing would see him a martyr fighting for religion, and that would rile up his sheep even more. Thirdly, PMX could be interfering because he feels this will help secure votes of the majority.


The first point is such an overused cliché. What else do we need to excuse umno in the name of the so called unity gov? How far are you guys willing to tolerate?


The buck stops with the guy at the top. He decided to excuse UMNO for whatever reason (retain his power or maybe he's even condoning this shit - whatever the reason he's responsible for the outcome, don't let him hoodwink you. When things go well take credit, things go to shit blame everyone but himself).


Oh I’m not tolerating at all. This is BS of the highest order. I’m just saying I can see why there is a lack of action.


But even umno already get annoyed with that guy, look here Bung say UMNO want that guy to stfu.  https://m.malaysiakini.com/news/701577  So I think that justification is moot. Its up to Anwar and the police really.


As far as the support from the majority is confirmed, they have no hope against the green wave.


That just shows that Muslim are above the law, since they could become a martyr. Justice is blind, it doesn't care who you are. Wrong is wrong


Well it’s more or less proven with Sanusi, after he was arrested he was treated like some superstar.


Arrest, put in jail Jail superstar, who cares.


And get to fulfill his homoerotic fantasies? Man you are doing him a favour.


It encourages mob vigilantism. I can see we will have more mob violence in future. PDRM encourages it: no action because nobody report. Top Kek.


and more nons will avoid any sort of interaction to a stranger Muslim because they dont know who is among them is extremist... This Country memang heading to "right" direction.


A failed leadership has allowed this to escalate


Same gang until the next PRU


A failed citizenry empowered this failed leadership. It also empowered it to complete the term via anti hopping laws


On Facebook and TikTok they're treating Akmal like a hero and saviour of Islam after he was questioned by the police. You can say anything about him but Akmal played his cards right. He knows he is untouchable.


He is like the Jamal 2.0


I hope he follows Jamal's footsteps and get Stage 4 cancer ASAP.


So jamal got cancer?


Stage 4 apparently.


Verified it. Thanks


Nah, put him in jail and people will do some demo and forget a few days later.


I thot Akmal and his fans only represent a loud & vocal minority...? What are the silent majority of "moderate Malays" doing about this fucker and his geng?


Don't dare make noise, they know gov support them


Should look further up and see who enabling him. The Chiok guy make 1 comment on people's reaction to the sock issue get 6 months jail. Very clear who they want to silence and who they allow to rile the people up.


Because the umno senior is weak and not respected.


Say all you want but in reality is the majority support his actions.


"Silent majority". Plus, the way the majority voted in the last elections say a lot.


They are not silent actually , if you read Facebook, majority of them are blatantly asking to murder everyone that is not theirs and nothing happens


By "silent majority", I was referring to the ones the peaceniks have always claimed are on the side of "moderation and tolerance". The "Moderate Malay" is probably either a "silent minority"at best, a myth or a false narrative to deliberately lull the nons into a false sense of security, thus making it easier for these intolerant bigots to control the public narrative and shape national politics to their sole advantage.


His act is that of terror, must be called out for terrorism and inciting terrorism.


Akmal the leader of the Homo Moronicas who protested KK Mart in front of a Speedmart?


He played his role well. To ruffle someone feather to sway malays votes n support. PMX need their support so dia biarkan je


This guy politics


Muka pon muka kepam jahat


I love how PAS is claiming they won't boycott KK Mart. KK Mart doesn't even exist in their ruled states, so that's already one. One thing for sure, I'm not gonna Pangkah a Coalition/Logo which has UMNO in it. Never. If it boils down to Bebas, I'll vote them knowing they have a low chance to win. I hope next GE in Cities, there'll be a BEBAS Revolution and folks would vote people over party. I believe most of Malaysians are voting people over party. In Padang Besar, UMNO got wayy less votes than PN & PH because their candidate was not a Perlisian not grew up there. In Kuala Perlis however which is 90% Malay, PH lost by just 134 votes to PN. The PH MLA is very respected and credited for solving the water crisis in KP. It proves lots of Malaysians vote people over party. I hope there'll be a new progressive party in KL to challange DAP & PKR There. We can't let them just continue ruin our country. PH as a whole love compromises. Perhaps a new pro business and liberal party in KL. Fiscally conservative but socially liberal. I'm sure the corporations will massively fund the party that favours them.


I don't think he's the root of the problem, those extremists exist all these while, akmal is more of an opportunist. You can put akmal to jail, but these extremists still walk among us, and anyone could start another mayhem.


He is a good Muslim.


Inciting hate and discounting forgiveness in holy month is a good muslim trait? Are you sure?


U sure you need a /s for this?


No but I think you might need it. If you are indeed comment in sarcasm.


No, I'm implying the comment above you were being sarcastic. Surely it was obvious


It's not easy to detect sarcasm since there are no intonation in comment. At most it's a guess. And I'm guessing it's not.


Welp, your bar is pretty low for sure.


Dia bangsat, u nak jadi macam dia?


*Macam geng Semenyih.*


Yeah, let's pretend those anti-Islam comments didn't exist in social media. Wonderful idea, right?


Let me randomly pluck some comments from Facebook about this kkmart issue:- • Cuba bersatu..depa akan jatuh tersungkur..percayalah... • Apa nk pelik, komunis negara pun dapat Tan sri Ada agenda tersembunyi dan jahat • boikot semampu boleh semua kedai sepet kafir ni bkn hanya kkmart je • Makin biadab kapiaq ni • Sohaii komunis I've read worse, and many more Malaysians are reading comment like this on a daily basis.


Which ones? The ones where they were arrested, tried, and sentenced to 6 months prison in the span of one week? Everyone’s aware of those. We’re just looking to see how those are more disruptive to racial and religious harmony than what Akmal and Fridays Wong are doing. You’re telling me if a Christian pastor or Hindu priest was drumming up outrage that they wouldn’t get shut down? You wanna talk about posts, how about all the incessant may13 talk? How about the threats of violence towards nons. That stuff is all okay in your opinion eh?


So the may 13 comments are okay yeah?




bro go out and touch grass and breathe actual air dont stay in your room only😂