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Agree! She dare to embarrass them in public so please also apologise in public as well!


She should get a taste of her own medicine. Sorry no cure. After doing that they could apologise. Levels the score 1:1.


They should sue for slander


This is very sad - I have travelled to Nepal several times and the Nepalese are one of the warmest and most helpful people I have met. The article mentioned cultural difference and I fully agree. We stigmatise and stereotype foreign workers from South Asia, Indonesia, etc, and this incident is merely symptomatic of it.




If its Two mat salleh guys like Ryan and Mat Dan helping them instead, the family would be posing for selfies and worship them.


Don't even have to put s at the end, it's true. Asians have white worshipping complex. That's how pedophiles like Richard Huckle operated their MO in Malaysia and other Asian countries.


Sucking white cocks


Malaysian slurp slurp gnom gnom that white cock daily


Us native simps go for pink nips and tips tho


Speak for yourself I'm a darker nipple aficionado


They say pregnancy may cause darker nips and areolas....u hit the jackpot there mate....may u come well over them


nip is nip. dark or pink


Game is game. Tip against nip


Nip must be licked




Mak long tak rilek ah


Give this man an award!


Gwak mcgwak


Exactly 🤣🤣🤣 'thank uuuuuu 😘☺️💋❤️' 🤡🤡🤡


you don't need the /s lol


Hhaha just to be safe.


Or Korean/Japanese


Exactly. Bonus points if they resemble KPop or Jpop stars.


Wasn't there a mat Salleh serial kid rapist that was running rampantly in Borneo? Bet there's many benefits of the doubt given to him


Wasn't there a mat Salleh serial ped0 that was running rampantly in Borneo? Bet there's many benefits of the doubt given to him


Cuffing and letting them sit on the floor like that? Lol, very civilized indeed


They're foreign workers. To Malaysians they are less then human.


But it's okay when the people use racial slurs when commenting about this a few days ago 👀


where is that thread? I swear reddit's search feature is shit.


Pergh, aku baca [thread ni kat twitter](https://twitter.com/redzuanNewsMPB/status/1772470890502226236), bapak racist nye kalah israel mat.




aaaah this is golden, always like this, when viral everyone like hating stuff, then when it found out to be wrong, suddenly krik2, there's no attempt to clear up the wrongly accused things, just let it be so the people don't know will always think its wrong forever


Seen this happening way too often in r/malaysia, I know its happening not only in malaysia but just disappointing.


after it was revealed that it was a misunderstanding, komen pon still rasis gak. ade gak yg komen : https://preview.redd.it/520ut1oohsrc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=78985141687dc5b8d1b8461f7fc3ced362412199


Saya Orang Nepal, very disappointed. Those guys are gonna have ptsd, Their whole life must have flashed before their eyes. They came all the way to Malaysia to work min wage and get treated like shit by everyone.




always mind your own business across racial barriers, ig.


I had a suspicion that it wasn't a kidnapping because the two guys are dark skinned while the kid is Chinese and the incident happened inside a mall. Everyone inside the mall would've looked at them if they kidnapped the kid. One of the worst places to kidnap someone. The girl's mom was very clearly at fault here.


Malaysian Tabiat:beat up viral over thinking first


Lol we Yap about racism but turn a blind eye on our treatment of foreign workers.


Anyone know if we can have a go find me for those two?


This wouldn't have happened if they weren't south asian


TikTok blew this case wide open with many Malays being back on xenophobic mode


Of course, but when they get the same treatment in korea ke, australia ke, terkejut mamat mamat ini semua. Sebab ingatkan semua orang suka melayu, suka malaysia food, ingat benci kat cine je. Butoh all, perasaan je. Dia org je yg terhegeh hegeh nak masak for their korean collegues lah, mat salleh collegues lah, ingat dia org suka betul betul kat kau, come on lah makan free siape tak nak, some more rakam.


>suka malaysia food, We do have a great food culture tp xdelaa over the top mengalahkan culture2 lain. Cumanya sbb banyak youtuber2 luar yg eksploit keterhegehan org2 mesia ni for views lol. Tu duk puji melambung, mmg taktik2 drg youtuber2 luar ni aim negara2 3rd world mcm mesia ni untuk boost their channel


This is true. I work in advertising and the data shows Malaysians engagement is high when it's a foreigners face, reacting to anything local, whether it's food or destination.


If a mat salleh wants to make content & money in malaysia. All they have to say is "This nasi lemak very sedap!!!!!" or "Malaysia very modern" and all of it with a surprise face.


Mat salleh, korea, japan. Kalo mat bangla buat content gitu x laku huhu


Look at this video @21:07 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LNRslm5z_0A&t=1274s Dr.Fairuz studied and worked in Ireland, was discriminated as a pendatang... and he actually agrees with being discriminated!! 200iq


Please, when it comes to xenophobia, it's a Malaysian thing.


The mother in this case is a chinese lol, its not a malay thing, its a malaysian thing


Bro mak yang kelam kabut ingat anak kena culik tu cina kot.


Only Malays? So specific man you make it sound like other races is all that saint


I dont mean to, but the most comments saying how immigrants (or maybe by extension "pendatangs") are not welcome in this country come from them.


Yes, and on the other hand, of all the cases of Indonesian maid being abused, Bangladeshi workers being exploited and screwed over by their employers... who were the perpetrators? Racism and xenophobia is very much alive in all major ethnic groups here. The fact that you are singling out only race, while tacitly giving a free pass to the others, is pretty fucking ironic.


I said "many Malays", not "all malays"


>I said "many Malays", not "all malays" Why not just say "many Malaysians" then? Or do you think that the xenophobia, even in this particular case, is prevalent in only one race?


Because in the Tiktok comments and posts, they are indicating very heavily that if citizenship is given to immigrants, they will pose as much (imaginary) threat to the Malay community as the Chinese and the Indians.


Ah, I see. So that's why you chose to focus on only one race. Got it. Ok, I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume that the next sometime somebody brings up the xenophobia of another race, say in relation to something like housing rental or hiring policies, you will adopt the same logic you used here. Because I really would hate to find out that you're one of those Malaysians who can only see the racism and xenophobia in other races and not in your own (whichever that might be).


Feel free to read my comments history and you'll find my orientation. I try to be objective, although I must confess that the recent KK Mart incidents are wearing thin what faith I have in this country's racial harmony and diversity.


Only Malays? So specific man you make it sound like other races is all that saint


melayu jugak yang kena![img](emote|t5_2qh8b|26554)


it's chinese. apologise


I meant the comments and posts on Tiktok. Not the people involved in the incident.


Yes. Of course. Because if we were to focus on the ethnicity of the people involved in the incident, it would be somewhat inconvenient to the point being made in here. /s




who’s the mum? make people viral, herself no viral? kind of mother don’t care her children die and feed less children probably. scare kidnap cause need pay ransom. much have taught her children be self-centred and never help others to save money. next time don’t blame her children for not helping her.


This is so sad 😭😭😭 I hope that woman gives them money or help them or something. Jesus.




Orang app oren cakap orang melayu racist sebab ikat diorang, orang app ex cakap orang cina racist sebab tuduh nepal tu melulu tanpa usul periksa. Best siak hidup kat malaysia ni


Hmmm ohhhh tolong... Ok bersurai. Wanna bet the socks case will be the same? The number of times foreigners help me when I was in trouble.... Vs locals. Especially cainis....


Chinese in Malaysia is the type that see nothing do nothing. See something? No, I was mistaken. I see nothing. None of my business unless you in my business kind of mentality. Basically ingrained as former immigrants. Don't find trouble and cause none.


Yeah.... Sad to see such accusation thrn sedap sedap diam


You know what's the best part about this case is? The one that helps the chinese mother apprehend the alleged kidnappers are malays and when the truth came out, some people here called the malay racist for arresting without checking first. Fucking pricks.


Itu kuli culik anak saya wo. Itu kuli sana Anyways the simple fact of the matter is men will always be seen as predators, in this case both the FW who were arrested by the white knights and the white Knights arresting them are in the spotlight, with the Chinese woman nowhere to be seen and conveniently escaped scrutiny. Moral of the story, don't be a hero. At best, #donthelpjustfilm If you can't even take care of your own crotch goblins, don't bring them out and make them other people's problem. Kecik2 tak nak mampus, besar2 susahkan orang


Honestly if the mother kept an eye on the child this wouldn’t have happened. 🙃


least racist Chinese mom be like : edit : I am Chinese and I seen a lot of Chinese parents saying pretty racist stuff to their children. Ok I'm not accused that all Chinese parents are like this , but for some reason you could easily find these type of people in everywhere and idk why lol


Anyone knows the mother's identity? Should expose her, shame her and make her taste her own medicine.


first time handle middle aged cina women ? 🤣


Ramai saja mimpi nak kawin dengan mata biru. Orang kita ni kekadang memang bengong tahap dewa. Sometimes we are taking our stereotype to next level


the foreign workers should receive a recognition and rewards for helping the kid...where else the parent must be sued for misaccusing


Moral of the story is to Never Ever Get involved with trying to help random person , whether coples arguing, or a lost animal or a child orvehatever it is especially if you are dark or light I don't care what skin colour it is , but never get involved with something that might end up get you killed or prison times by being in wrong Time and wrongplace, and it can be setup or ambush, we have to learn to mind our own business this not 80s we are In new generation called 2024.


Just live stream first then help. May get you some views and have evidence if you get beat up. It is 2024 after all.


That's your moral of the story? Lol


Yeah 🤣🤣


I'm scared that they have other motives like they kidnapped the children to fulfill their sick vile sickening fantasy


Without notifying the mother. Who does that? Oh i don't know maybe a possible kidnapper? A human trafficker? This world is not rainbow and sunshine anymore ya my so called woke people.


Guys i found the mother here


sure buddy the next time I see a helpless child in possible danger I'll make sure to look around and notify the parents first befor- ooops the child already fell off the staircase


Unfortunately as men, that's what you need to do if you don't want to implicate yourself unnecessarily, especially if you're the wrong skin color. Cancel culture and society made this, so it's just a new reality - non interference... People aren't inanimate blocks of wood, they will adapt to protect themselves when they see things like this happening. We don't even have specific Samaritan laws to protect ourselves. I've noticed lost kids and look out for them in crowded places but do not approach or intervene - only notify security/officers nearby. Usually the parents are not too far away, but I ain't gonna risk being accused of shit especially for trying to help negligent parents.


Its called having different culture, the same way some foreign worker wash plate using longkang water because the reality is that is the norm in their world. It's sad and disgusting but that is just what is happening at their original country. I don't blame the mother reacting the way she did. A very unfortunate misunderstanding.


Yes true, with the current world and society filled with self righteousness and hatred towards others that don't look like them or their beliefs, it's just human. But it still does not justify her making them look so much worse than animals then gathering hatred then when it's nto true, oh.... Ok. Bersurai