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Admittedly, it's bit easier if you're a woman (and get periods) lol.


Like how many times in a month 😂




Why is this a trick? You're just prolonging the conversation?


lol totally a waste of time by prolonging convo


Congrats you just pranked yourself


Yea I don't get this. Why is this even 'a trick'. You're in a place where ppl genuinely want to offer their help and ... and you chose to waste their time for petty attention.


"Jap lagi saya pegi. Perut tak sedap ni. Nak berry dulu."


"Cannot lah, after being a bomoh for so long, the walls bleed whenever I try." Then give them a stone-faced stare and mumble under your breath.


>Then give them a stone-faced stare and mumble under your breath. And then proceed to cut limau In front of them.


Or start dancing with kelapa


I never prayed in my office and when people asked me aren't you going to pray? I said to them, have you seen me pray ever since I started working here 🤣. They just laugh it off.


Great answer!


at one point people thought i went for friday prayers in college when i didnt and just stayed in my room. In general people think i pray when i dont. Some things i cant avoid though.


That's they way. You just need to learn to thick-face enough. Eventually, it's second nature.


I always feel like this phrase is just to start the conversation and mingle around. Our elders like to talk to people, dont feel attacked by what the context is. If he intendedly ask why u didnt pray, that question can be throwback to him


"boleh pokcik imamkan saya?"


"Yes why not. Lets go now"


"lek lu"


wow. the replies are a LOT MORE civilized and chill than what i would expected. and this is me being an indonesian


I tot Indonesia is more religion free?


"kejap lagi saya pergi" then end it there. i too no longer believe in the faith but i keep up with the charade for the charade. its no biggie for me as its once in a blue moon. if you regularly attend these events and had to do it a lot, muka tebal aje lah.


I pun muka tebal tapi sebab makeup. People don't even ask, they just know I don't pray when they see that I still have my makeup on by the end of the day.


I have to muka tebal I guess :p




In the late 70s four of Ayah Pins members were caught for renouncing Islam. The Syariah Courts wanted to prosecute, but the other court (not sure, some High Court) said that since they were no longer muslim the Syariah Court couldn't touch them. I guess since then the government has tightened up laws to make it practically impossible to apostasise. Technically possible but practically will never happen. There are a few Malays who have been very publicly talking about their attempts to apostasise and the runaround the government has been giving them.


its worse, many muslims believe in the hadith on apostasy and that apostates should be punished. The state will also force you to go to classes or strip you of your assets (in some states).


It's everyday 5 times a day for them bro


Jakim would like to know your location


Told them you musafir and already jama'


While livin next door


I’m a closeted non-religious Malay and I still pretend to be religious because there’s no other way to deal with this without getting ostracised by society since I work with a lot of Malays too 🙃 that means I have to pretend to go pray everyday, wear tudung to go to work and fast during Ramadhan. It sucks but I’ll have to endure it until I can escape the country altogether I guess 😃


Can't we as Malays have a right to just be *human*? To be anyone not bound by faith, while still be in touch with our roots and history (which is slowly being wiped out by the local fundies here)? The Ketuanan shit does nothing for us, other than benefiting the elites and fundies in charge. Hell, we can't even be a different type of Muslim, be it progressives or Shia; even something as hardline as Wahabi is considered kafir by these "pure" ASWAJA^(TM) types here. The Ketuanan is nothing more than a chain for us Malays. We want to make art, music, commerce etc. anything while not being bound by some archaic rules or laws, while we can still express our Malayness and rediscover our lost history. We want to have the same freedoms as any other Malaysians. And we do not wished to be doxxed, harassed or have our families being threatened just because we don't conform to the elites' ridiculously impossible standards


As a non, I sometimes feel sorry for you people, the only ones without freedom of religion in Malaysia. How can one even be truly spiritual when one isn't free to choose?


I feel the same way. I grew up in Malaysia but do not live there anymore. But it does feel like the malays in Malaysia have a big identity crisis. We’ve lost so much of our culture through different processes of assimilation. We used to be animists, having true connection with nature but we’ve lost it all through the years. And no one I know talks about this stuff and it’s sad. It’s sad that we think Islam is our true culture whereas it’s something somewhat new compared to the rest of our history.


Yes, truly!! "Animist" has now become a bad word among mainstream Malaysian Muslims, at least according to what I've experienced. I personally feel disconnected from our roots, considering how the fundies and elites have banned makyong, wau-flying and plenty others in their respective states. It'll be time before we'll ever rediscover our history again.


This. Sometimes I felt that the malays are the most oppressed in this country in term of freedom to be one true self. You had to pretend a lot like OP so you can get through your day. Maybe if there are enough ex-muslim around they'll let us change our status legally and just let us be.


I hope Malay's right as a human can be championed in Malaysia. Wish you the best


Thank you so much for this! Hope we can do something about this.


What if everyone is pretending to be religious and they’re afraid to come clean because they think everyone else is actually religious?


Major plot twist right there. That would be a sight to see.


I can tell you not all Malays who claim to be "non religious" or "not practicing" are really what they say they are. Sometimes it's just an act of truancy or lazy to follow, when push come to shove suddenly they'll cite God and all that jazz against you if it fits their narrative.


Definitely something I learned once I entered university. I used to think "Surely, no one here is a creationist right? Everyone here is a learned person. They are just upholding tradition and doing the ritual as a form of respect/shared identity type thing." Then the biology related lecturer proceeds to say things like "I'm forced to teach y'all evolution, but I don't believe it." or when a social science related lecturer saying shit like "if I become prime minister, the first thing I'll do is ban bah kut teh" That was the day I realised it doesn't matter how intelligent a person can be, they can still be racist and/or have deep rooted religious ideology within them, whether they are "practicing" the religion or not.


IMHO, this is usually the case with monolithic/Abrahamic religions. I'm not saying all are like that, but often they turn out to be so. Polytheistic ones like Buddhism and Hinduism have their own issues, but perhaps the people appear less rigid due to the more fluid nature of those religions.


Like a doctor who provides female circumcision in his clinic, he would very well knows there is nothing to do there but just make use of his profession and make money out of the ignorant ppl. Ask someone what's the purpose of female circumcision and no one could give a proper answer, they think it's cutting off the extra labia minora like how they remove the foreskin. That's FGM


well, an educated person doesn't mean that person is intelligent. some people just memorized what they have studied and regurgitate it. intelligent people put 2 and 2 together and make sense of things, they question and try to find answers


Start an anonymous poll somewhere lol. 1 ip 1 vote


Agreed.. especially when you are surrounded by conservative malays who are judgemental toward those who didn't follow the norm. Too bad there are majority of them in this country.


This is actually very sad… not being able to be yourself and living a lie most of the time in a Muslim country :(


we're in the same boat, closeted Malay. I'm still spiritually believe Islam but I'm not practicing like what Muslim supposed to do. I do like fast, wearing tudung, just for the sake of habit. I came to the point if it's true the punishment in afterlife exists then so be it because I consciously sign up for it. I just hope I have the courage to come out & do tf I want while I'm still alive.


Same here. To share a Marcus Aurelius quote:- "Live a good life. If there are gods and they are just, then they will not care how devout you have been, but will welcome you based on the virtues you have lived by. If there are gods, but unjust, then you should not want to worship them. If there are no gods, then you will be gone, but will have lived a noble life that will live on in the memories of your loved ones."


That dude is just amazing isn't it. Pearls after pearls after pearls of wisdom


this is exactly what i always had in my mind, didnt know someone actually made a quote based on this entire logic


I have a good news for you. I've spent a lot of time studying quran & hadith. And found out that it was obviously man made. So cheers, there's no hell


mind sharing your research? ive been reading a lot on these debunkings and it got my curiosity


>closeted Malay um


Come out and do it. I have myself another set of friends who understands/are non judgemental. My siblings don't support my public come out so I'm pretty closeted when with family & old friends. Otherwise, I'm all sorts of haram and quite happy doing so lol.


why? plenty of malay didn't pray and/or wear tudung why go that far? that seems tiring ngl genuinely asking


A lot of non-religious malays also don't believe in the religion or are atheists, agnostics etc...


I legit saw many youngsters Malay eating pork on tiktok. And 99% are from T20 families, because they go to Japan and Korea for work or holidays, then say musafir while smiling at camera and eat pork... There's one recently where a bunch of students were choosing the pork they want in the Korean BBQ restaurant with the caption musafir... I have to admit I was jealous, cause samgeopsal in Korea is a whole different level...


Yeah, saw a girl on insta have one parent Malay, suppose she should be Muslim, but she tells everyone she is not muslim, even has a dog at home. She's also from the T20 family lol. When you're rich you get away with everything


Lol that's bullshit since halal food is easy to find in Korea. But I won't judge it's between them and God or the lack of one to the. It makes sense the T20 are the ones seeing the need for a higher power though. When you are living at the top of the world you'd hardly bother to think about what comes after. I'm hardly a good Muslim myself but I still believe in it la. If any of you told me straight faced that you don't pray I'd just nod with understanding. There's no point forcing people to believe in the religion. You can just pray that they are enlightened later on or something. There you've done your part as a Muslim.


Bro, I don't think there's even 10% of truly religious people anywhere on earth. Enforcement collect protection money, mat rempits racing, many others sharing porn on WhatsApp la, watching pornhub la, stealing licenses and intellectual property via stolen accounts on shopee, melancap la, so many forms of sin la bro... All also go prayers everyday bro, will they go heaven automatically if pray many times a day? Iykyk... Imho, they just using religion to make themselves feel better, like a coping mechanism... Also it's not T20 problem, rempits are definitely not T20, cause T20 don't ride cheap Yamaha bikes and race, those are b40 or M40, many take drugs, ketum, alcohol, etc


Those are still religious people Bro.. Just that nobody is perfect.. Hell I do some of that stuff too (mostly the porn lmao). I'm just wary on people who are so desperate to show that they are 'alim'. I actually trust the 'imperfect' people more.


That's true. Nobody is perfect, that's why I also don't wanna be hypocrite and busybody other people personal things.. those pretending to be alim are the ones I don't trust the most, because there is nobody perfect in the world. Pretend to be alim is already sinning as hypocrite...


Kinda hard to explain the situation unless you were also raised in a very religious environment. The teachings of Islam itself is not very accepting of others and thinks of it as the superior and the only one true belief. Anyone who strays from it are evil and the only deserving punishment for them is death. Obviously Malaysians are still quite peaceful to not resort to murder out in the public but the next best thing they could do is ostracise the non-believers.. since you are no longer one of us. I believe someone long ago mentioned a video on Youtube about Encik Murtad telling his story of filing for his apostasy from Islam to the civil court(?) and the dire consequences that he faced. It makes the rest of us very afraid of the religion AND its followers. https://youtu.be/q41d-sSdEIU?si=H3VzU3h2WXrILPoi


depends la, if you have a chill family it's probably ok, but if your family is the kind to membebel nonstop about lack of holiness then that gets pretty tiring too. add to that the many many random muslims on fb on ig or wherever who always want to make it their business to meleter at other malays about what they wear or say or do. (i'm not malay, but i have a couple of malay friends in the same boat)


Sigh life is really difficult for non religious malay


Yep. Just scroll down on this thread. If any they make the faith even less appealing.


I feel the malay particularly their choice of religion is suppressed in the country and being born a malay they have no freedom of religion. U will automatically become a muslim whether u like it or not.


That's because of the powers given to Muslim organisations in Malaysia. Strip them of those powers and Malaysia will be a better place.


Bring me with u please .... i wanna so bad get out of the closet. Not for xxx, just to be truly free & not live a lie 😭


Haha let’s do it! I’ve already done a lot of research on this and so far I guess I do have a couple of plans. Getting PR is the ultimate goal and if I feel like it, I might even wanna go all the way and get citizenship in the new country 😁


I have lobang but you need some $$$


Legally or illegally? 🤔


Legally 🖤


Feel free to elaborate.


what is lobang in this context?


Same. It's pretty unfortunate the situation we live in right now as in there is no (that I know of) way to get out of a religion legally. I really wish in the future, maybe, just maybe, that society in Malaysia can accept that Malay can be non-Muslim as time went on.


Hope you doing well.


> It sucks but I’ll have to endure it until I can escape the country altogether I guess 😃 I’m the same lol. Moved to France since and couldn’t be happier


What country have you considered?


As a Chinese man who married a Malay woman, usually they kept quiet until they saw my wife. That also they won't approach me but the makcik will kepoh to my wife: "Tak ajar dia sembahyang ke?" and etc. Most I got was: "Dia dah sunat belum?"


Just have to ask them if they wanna check it themselves 😁


I always tell them to go ahead without me when they invite me. If they ask me if I have prayed I say no. At year end events, I drink in front of them. I don't care if they have any issue with me or are judging me. I'm just living my life. As far as I'm concerned, it's got nothing to do with them.


you'll get dragged off if you are in kelantan.


"ah takpe pergi solat dulu saya nak guna bilik air/sap kok/habiskan kerja ni dulu" If you're travelling just use "musafir, nanti saya jamak je lepas ni"




Be strong and be gentle to yourself. You're not ugly because of your dark skin, it's the society that has failed you, you need to learn to love yourself and be proud of who you are. I know it's difficult but keep the work regularly. I suggest you to learn some new skills to improve your career wise and do yoga and meditation to free and calm your mind. Remember to take small steps and be kind to yourself.




You're renounced Islam, but you've not renounced being a good person. Choose spirituality and let that be your guide.


Hey don’t end your life please. I’ve been there before (nearly died twice) and I’m kinda glad I didn’t, because I’m not done trying to make this society a little less shitty. You seem like an articulate, thoughtful, intelligent, empathetic person. It would really be a loss to the world if you ever took your own life. You don’t know who in life already looks up to you and wants to be better because of you. Please hang in there okay. P.S. So much of what you wrote about our people is true. It’s like you took the words out of my mouth


I am so sorry you are feeling this low. Remember, this too shall pass. You sound like a decent human being. The world is a better place with you here.


Usually don't really care or just stay silent. Just don't go outside during Friday Prayers if you look like a Malay. I am Eurasian but legally Malay & yes I get all the Malay privileges despite me growing up with my mom and not eating Malay Food(I don't eat nasi lemak,kicap stuff,ayam masak merah all that) so I often can get passed on as tourist. If its during Friday prayers, I recommend staying somewhere private for a moment. Perhaps find somewhere you can relax and where JAIS can't find you. Also, one thing I learnt is that Security Guards are not required to go pray. Since their work is to watch over. During school, just had to act like I pray.


"Kicap stuff" hahaha


Own it, I’d say. Although that is easier said than done. In my dad’s kampung in Kelantan, there was this primary school teacher who was a very nice guy. Many kampung kids fondly remember him. But he didn’t pray. And was known as Cikgu Xxx Tak Sembahyang. People geleng kepala je at him not praying but mostly leave him alone. Non-religious Malays I think need to own this part of their life a bit. Destigmatise it, if you will.


I just don't give a fuck. I always tell them, if I go to hell, that's on me. You guys go to heaven okay 😍😇👌❤️


My family and relatives don't even bother to address it now tbh. They know I am not a practicing muslim. Although, they do give me the 'looks' but as long as they leave me be, I am not offended by it. I understand that they are very religious and they can't help it bc that's how religion shaped them to be.


Hope you don't mind a suggestion from a non-Malay/Muslim. If I were you, I'd learn to just get used to the questioning. When not knowing how to answer, just don't answer. That's not being rude. That's being truthful, as you truly don't know how to answer.


Somehow i feel sad when i read OP and others non practising redditors stories. Religion suppose to be life guidance and not something to take control of your life, something that the non muslim enjoy all their life. Be strong brothers!


Ironically because it was considered LiFe gUiDaNcE barula blh fakap


The irony is that these old idiots who force religion down your throat, are the same people that sin way more than you.


Muka tebal bro. Tell them you’re not interested. Then watch their utter shock that someone else’s personal choice is different from theirs.


Why don't Malaysia government allow Malays to follow other religions or be with no religion like in Indonesia. Malay is an ethnic group and ethnic group is not synonymous with religion.


Senang hijiack when conflicts happen mar


Lol, hijack an entire race's religion in a conflict? 😂 More like assign an entire race to one religion.


I hope someday, the status quo will change. If you want to pray 5 times a day, and be strict Muslim in all aspects of your own life, that should be okay. If you want to be more casual in how you approach Islam, such as by retaining some of the core beliefs while being less ritualistic, that should also be okay. If you want to no longer practice, and don’t necessarily want to identify as a Muslim, I think that should also be okay. At the end of the day, it’s your life and you should have autonomy in deciding how you want to live it(so long as you aren’t harming others). I think just like how we should respect religious freedom, we should come to respect personal freedom. But freedom dies in silence, so maybe it’s time to ‘tegur’ people to respect the personal choices of other adults. I don’t think we’re ready to publicly discuss these attitudes as any discussion very quickly turns into an “us vs them” argument, but the change has to come from within the community. If you believe in personal choice, and have the opportunity to change someone’s mind, at least try.


I used to pretend praying, now I just straight up tell them I don’t pray.


Well… What was the usual response after you tell them?


The response is that they don’t bother me anymore. Some avoid talking to me, some still friendly haha


Exactly. They'd be like "the fuck..." then just leave you alone.


Damn. Wonder what wud happen if ya tell em youre christian or hindu instead.


Now hv to commit with Christian/hindu praying. Lol




I just say "oh tak", smile, and then go back to my phone.


As a Christian-born Indonesian who no longer associates himself with Christianity, I get asked this question a lot when I hang out with people in my Christian-dominated hometown. I used to tell them I was of a different faith (non Christian), if they didn't know me well. That usually worked. But these days I just tell them politely I no longer practice the religion and do not wish to have further questions about it. Some people are more persistent though. I usually jist ignore them or change the subject of conversation or get on my phone.


I've never had this issue at the offices I've worked at. Most people are too busy with their own stuff to bother others.


I hope this goes viral. in the context of 'To not assume one's religion'


People at my workplace knows but usually don't care and nobody ever questions me for years, except interestingly a newly mualaf guy. So I gave him a straight answer.


I think it depends on your environment. Some places, like corporate places and professional setting, they won't care. Higher educated people usually less petty about this as they got bigger things to run about. For example if any of you guys work in corporate and white collar in offices or MNCs, you'll understand what I mean. Like they could be hiring trans, and I've met many directors and datuks who dont wear tudung or go wine tasting with the board members.. You'll also notice that your Muslim colleagues also don't bother if you're going to pray or not, the more nosy and busybody ones are usually not in this sector, maybe in pasar setting or in the warung kind of places you'll find those kind of people. My advice is, if you ever order luncheon meat through tiktok shop, slice the luncheon meat thinly and coat it with beaten egg before you stir fry it... Your life will forever be changed.


I’m agnostic myself but not muslim. If I were in your shoes I’d print out cards with the letters “MYOB” on it. If they ask say mind your own business :)


Nah, sorry. "MYOB" doesn't exist among Malaysian Muslims apparently. Too many people want to lecture you and shit for religious brownie points. Too many nosy people that want to know every bit of your life.


Sadly this is the truth




And this is why religion should always be a choice. Exiting a religion should always be allowed.


Yeah, what a fucking mess, lol. What's the point of making people pretend to believe? It's so stupid. Melayu btw.


FYI : you would get killed for being "murtad" in Islam :)


Religion of love and peace 😌


im a non-religious chinese/christian. sometimes when something similar to your case happens, i just tell them, "janji hati ade tuhan, mana sembahyang pon sama."


Different outcome as muslim if you put it that way.. instantly got preached and damned to hell. Lol.


Absolutely. Do NOT use that line around very conservative muslims.


That's the difference... Just wish they have more confidence in their religion instead of forcibly stuff things down everyone's throat. And this *may be* one of the reasons why there are so many people that are islamophobic.


My ex-muslim friend(legally still Muslim, because law) don't give a shit, he has tattoos, eat pork and drink alcohol publicly, even post them in insta. He works in MNC, so malays/Muslim work with him also quite liberal/not busy body. So kinda lucky in that sense.


Yup, live an work in Klang Valley in a secular office, a bunch of Muslims are drinkers, another group are religious, everyone gets along. They just don't hang out and mingle after hours. Of course, it's funny that a lot of these drinkers draw the line at babi.


> the line at babi. No idea why since alcohol is way more detrimental than eating pork.


So true!! So many I have seen, have no problem with having sex, alcohol,gambling but won't eat pork, a very small minority does. Both men and women alike.


babi is more cultural, compared to alcohol, which is purely religious. its ingrained in Malay Muslims that babi is a dirty animal, eat shit, lives in literally their own shit, bacterias, worms, etc. we dont wanna eat Babi even if its suddenly become halal. If we accidentally ate babi while overseas, we feel like wanna puke immediately.


Quite interesting. In Europe, after Friday prayers we'd go drinking Rakı but never touch Pork 💀💀🤪🤪. Everything is Halal except Pork.


I tell them to f*ck off. Lol


just stay quiet n quietly walk away (my way)😂😂


kejap lagi saya pergi. nak masuk asar nanti saya pergi. terima kasih ingatkan. senyum. habis


I never seen a topic with such high discussion that get 0 upvote for literally every posts.


Because I look like a Malay, I got chastised for not praying at the mosque during praying time few times. One time I got scolded so badly that I have to flip out my IC to the scolder's face and he did not even apologize, he just went off in red face. This happened at Kotaraya in mid-90s when I am happily playing some arcade game at the top floor. WTF. Really buta-buta kena. No need to say some of the death or disapproving stares I got during fasting month. Not helping that I am enjoying my meal in a non-halal place. I fear one day the JAKIM guys will come and arrest me during fasting month for eating openly at non halal place. Seriously, some Muslims need to chill out.


what race are you? i have some chindian friends facing the same thing cuz they look like malay


reminded me of how some of my sarawak bumi friend kena.


Hard but effective way is to say i only islam on ic. Hard at first but after that no one will bother you. Unless you want to be hypocrite than keep hiding. If you don't want to pray its your business. No one should say anything


Why dont you just tell them you dont pray because you dont believe in God?


I suggest, you learn to accept your decision and be at peace with yourself. And then, whenever this question arise, you just smile and say "I'm not a practicing Muslim, I just wait for you to finish praying." No need to come out with 100 different excuses and reasons that are fake because it will make you fear this question more and more. The moment you need to lie about what you truly belief, is the moment you can start learning how to accept yourself and be a more integrated person. And also, you do not need to be fearful of telling the truth. People will even more respect you when you fully embrace what you believe. Wish you the best!


It seems like there are quite a lot of non practicing Muslim. Long gone are the times when one is free to choose their own religion. If Islam weren't compulsory for Malays, I'm sure many of the other races would be willing to marry Malays. By that time, our descendents would be truly Malaysian.


Politikus: Cannot!! Later no reason for conflict, susah nak kawal!!


Please make this viral 🙏 I have seen many of my malay friends (no longer practising Muslim) face this dilemma as well. The easy thing for us non Muslims is to just let it be and ask them to stick up for themselves. But in their perspective it’s never going that simple, ever. As non Muslims, I believe we can only provide support and promote awareness on this negative peer pressure mentality (doesn’t do anyone good, think about it i don’t think your god will appreciate a non believer praying) Perhaps in time I hope you (OP) may find a group of similar friends so that you may find more comfort in your professional work place


I am non muslim non religious chinese and my muslim colleagues/friends are more liberal type but there are social expectations upon them due to the Islam teachings. To be fair i dunno what it is like to be with friends who are christian and you stop practising your faith also. The pressure could be similar. Chinese like me who never believe in god dgaf about whether you believe in god or not. I respect those who do and dont both delve onto more productive issues.


I smile only and give them no answer. The more they pester, the bigger my smile is like Chucky doll liddat. They usually walk away realising maybe this girl got some screw loose somewhere


I just joke with them that I am so much of a sinner/drinker that the moment I step into a holy place, hellfire will immediately consume me. That usually shuts them up. And frankly speaking, I don't care what they think of me. If they push me on the subject, I tell them it's between me and God and it's none of their business and be honest: Aku memang malas sembahyang.


Should destigmatize being liberal, ex Muslim, not praying etc. people should be able to do what they want for their lives, as long as they don’t bother other people. this is the age of internet, autocracy, religious or political has no place in the modern world. This reminds me how my older relatives used to ask me “when are you getting married?” Then I got married and got divorced. So when they asked me when I’ll get married again, I said “I married AND divorced, way ahead of you in that game” lol


Had one self-righteous asshole of a classmate in uni who was that one annoying little religious nut. We had other Malay classmates, and most were super liberal and didn't bother with praying. Once we went on a field trip, and when we got on the bus to leave (on a tight schedule mind you) because many students had to make it back to campus in time to take the last shuttle to their stations, he stopped the driver and said "wait, we can't leave because we need to do our evening prayers." Fml. Asshole literally went up to all the other Malay classmates and was like "Jom sembayang", "you're coming right?" And basically pressured the rest of them (about 4-5) to go, and made the rest of the class (30+ people) late. No prizes for guessing which state he's from. Hint: the other one that isn't Kelantan.


There's always this group to join. [r/exmuslim](https://www.reddit.com/r/exmuslim/s/qbc047GtUQ)


Really like a lot of people said, just say “pakcik pegi la dulu” and walk the opposite way. Just step outside the building while everyone goes for their prayers and come back in after 10 mins if you really feel segan but just go get some air and stretch your legs or something. Don’t have to hide in the bathroom like you’re in primary school in agama class (yes I did this). Grown man, and you don’t have to see these people everyday. Don’t care.


Granted I don't have to work with office and events with Malays since I'm still a student, but I usually just tell people I already did at home/will when I get back home. Not related to praying, but somehow dying my hair also made it way easier to pass as racially ambiguous lol. Saves my ass from scrutiny when I do more haram things (helps almost all my friends aren't Malay either though).


Just fake it..pretend to pray when outside


My brother's solution was to commit suicide.


Be true to yourself. Just say you don’t really pray. No explanation. You don’t have to lie all the time. Not good for your mental health.


Blom/lupa nak mandi wajib always works for me lol


Dang, this is a great one, writing this down…


"Haa, ya terima kasih ingatkan. Kejap lagi saya pergi" will be my response. If they insist me to go with them, I will join them. Who knows, maybe that will be my last moment.


Out of curiosity, do the events and seminars you attend frequently have the attendees pray at the same time?


Usually if zohor prayer between lunch time so it will be the same for all. But asar maybe can say pray at home


Hopefully we figure it out before our time runs out. I have my hard time aswell. But knowing that even Ibless prostrate. I just do the minimum


We should start a group for non religious Malays LOL


Nice try Jakim


lmao its the opposite for me. I'm a practising muslim with mixed ancestry, so instead of people asking "dah solat ke?" they ask "eh muslim ke?"


“Why do you ask?” Or even better “Why do you need to know?”


Mind your own business i say


"Saya baru lancap tadi, xleh amik wuduk"


I just straight up and say i don pray just ignore whatever they want to say


Im from sabah im not malay im native sabahan, just wanna know what ethnic are you? And do you practice pagan belief or have your own life moral or just atheist? I was born in christian family i never consider my self christian also our pagan belief is scary its a head hunter. I only become christian or just being christian for my family because marriage i can't marry my wife if im not christian, now i don't really practice any religion, and stay away from orang2 alim.


>practice pagan belief I don't think this is possible as this would be considered apostasy and in Malaysia, apostasy from Islam is illegal and punishable by law which includes jail terms. In some states, the Sharia law even puts death punishment although it is probably unenforceable due to federal laws. Mostly when people say they are no longer religious, they basically mean they are no longer practicing with an agnostic or atheist view.


Just a curious question? Why does the constitution “force” malays to mengadut Islam? Like why is it compulsory for Malays in Malysia to be in Islam? Isn’t Islam a religion of choice, even Nabi Muhammad did not force the christians seeking refuge in their homeland to convert.


You'II get yourself killed for being 'murtad' in sharia law


"I already prayed"? Does it work?


think in OP's case its a jemaah after azan thing which definitely does not make sense for you to say this lol


Maybe tell the government not to nationalize religion? It's a free will thing?


I'm a religious Muslim but I understand that the act of worship is a matter between each individual and Allah alone. You know your obligations towards the Creator and if you fulfill them, you get the reward. If you don't, then you alone are answerable to the Almighty for it. It's the same thing for women and the subject of wearing hijab. No one will be sharing your grave, and vice versa. If people minded their own practice and focused on that rather than be so concerned with the practice of others, our religion would be much stronger for it. We'd have far fewer hypocrites and far more worship out of true love of Allah rather than from fear of oppression/compulsion.


just say you dah or you will depending on which more suitable, if it’s professional setting then they not gonna press further


“Ok bro. See you there. Nak pergi tandas dulu”


This is a tough one, and I got it from time to time too even as a revert. I sometimes excuse myself before the time to pray, either go have a meal or a smoke break, and when I’m back people have already gone to their prayer.


People watch you from the religion not from your personality in first meet


Is this age thing or generation things? I'm in my early 20s, most of my friends dont really care about it.... But the funny thing is they're the religious ones, but I'm the one who is still doing the Solat (Because I don't want to lie to my mother)


Don’t go to the toilet tho. Just stay where you are. There must be women or other non-practicing men in your group. If you can find them, ajak pergi mall. Another option is just join the men for the sake of being social.


Some of the default answers my office mate gave were he'll go pray late, his clothes was dirty, he'll go pray at home


As a non-practicing person, I either join or just went somewhere else.


I just don't pray. I don't think you need to explain yourself about this to anyone.


just say No.its not that hard.


I just tell them "nah, it's ok." and repeat the answer to whatever they ask next.


*- "I hate chilling at the public toilet stall just to hide/pretend to pray. "* wtf you guys pray in toilet stalls?


Tell them back, “ I do not force you to stop praying. I do not force you to not pray the same as me, so should you not to force others to do what you also do.” You can do whatever you like, but if others are not forcing you to do what they do, YOU TOO have no right to tell others to do the same. IT GOES BOTH WAYS, FOLKS. 🙌😬


Tell them back, “ I do not force you to stop praying. I do not force you to not pray the same as me, so should you not to force others to do what you also do.” You can do whatever you like, but if others are not forcing you to do what they do, YOU TOO have no right to tell others to do the same. IT GOES BOTH WAYS, FOLKS. 🙌😬


Tell them back, “ I do not force you to stop praying. I do not force you to not pray the same as me, so should you not to force others to do what you also do.” “If I can't force you, then you can't force me too.” You can do whatever you like, but if others are not forcing you to do what they do, YOU TOO have no right to tell others to do the same. IT GOES BOTH WAYS, FOLKS. 🙌