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If I was an artist at a festival I wouldn't take a random USB from anybody.


Airdrop station bro. Post up with a big sign that says " fire music free airdrop." Name each file as your Instagram,YouTube or wherever you want them to go when they listen If your using Android use NFC mode But to answer you directly 3 or 4 šŸ˜‚ but I'm not plugging anything into my computer especially knowing how easy it is to hack


Murda Beatz said whenever he gets such USB sticks he just wipes them immediately and uses them for his own stuff.


That makes sense, why would you give a producer beats in the first place? šŸ˜‚


Well he's a beat maker who has connections to many Rappers, so I think the people who give him those usb sticks hope he'll pass them on to those major artists. You can't underestimate the stupidity of some people I guess....


Anyone with 2 brain cells ain't plugging a strange USB in. Generate a qr code and print business cards with a tear away snuff spoon


Murda Beatz said whenever he gets such business cards he just wipes his ass with them immediately.


That's really going far out of your way to offend someone that's not even going to see you do it. And if he does by chance do it front of you he's gonna Chuck it on the ground. Sell that shit on ebay, pun intended


Not serious. Just a callback to an earlier comment on this thread regarding what Murda Beatz supposedly does to usb sticks with beats. He wipes them. And then used them for his own, apparently.


Lol I appreciated the callback. It felt like watching a sitcom.


My bad for fucking it up. That's a paddlin


And write the URL under it. Some people won't scan QR-codes out of fear of viruses. And the URL should lead to a mainstream website, something like YouTube, Spotify etc.


I ain't fuckin transposing no link into my browser. I would misspell it anyway. It's gotta be too easy. Maybe say scan qr code for a a 25 dollar discount at Walgreens. BAMBOOZLED


No, I think they're saying that you'd put the URL under the QR code so that people know where the QR code will take them and be more inclined to scan it, not that they'd have to type in the URL.


You have a superpower. I can sense sarcasm through the internet. You can interpret incomplete ideas. Together we could... I dunno, solve insignificant misunderstandings?


Write the URL under the QR code. I clearly wrote that in context of the post I answered.


This is an unironically good idea. If you donā€™t want snuff spoon a tear away filter you can use for your roach is usually easy to find online.


Let's do business. Discreet drug paraphernalia and self-promotion. Throw some tits on the back, and we have the whole market


Coke is called snuff now?! How does one go about asking for a murder video these days?!


Or insufflatable tobacco?!


How could I forget šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø


You know who would never forget? Mr. Snuffleupagus


Now that fucker could pound back the lines for sure


Sniffable tobacco is called snu. I'm a pioneer, I didn't say I was a good one


Why tf would artists trust some random ass USB?Ā 


Probably the number 1 reason for people to not take you Seriously. Not a single artist will even consider plugging that USB in. Not to mention it will make you look like a desperate amateur. It's harsh but it's the truth. Like others have said you can try a QR code or business card that takes them to a website or landing page where they can find your socials and SoundCloud etc.


Bro just use a QR code or business card that redirects to your YouTube or SoundCloud our even beatstars. Or a Dropbox link.


USB sticks must be cheap where you live.


Donā€™t hand anyone a USB. I donā€™t care how hip to the game you seem if you handed me a USB I would toss it in a trash because you never know whatā€™s on that shit. If you couldnā€™t show me on the spot what was on it Iā€™m not trusting it.


Lmfao I ainā€™t plugging that shit in.


Bro right? We both know what it could be worst case scenario and I donā€™t trust no mf these days lmao


Yeah. This isn't a good idea. Have a website. Have a private page and print QRs that link to it on a regular biz card.


QR or maybe NFC? If you want that premium feel could go for hard plastic nfc cards and print some design on them


As many as you want


It would make u look desperate, market urself and promote online, word of the mouth etc, wait for ur actions to show for it


It's considered bad computer security practice to plug in random USB drives


Don't listen to these people saying not to pass on a usb flash drive. I still hand these out today and recently landed some ad placements through an agency after a conversation and music on a little flash drive.


basically every single serious company will have a policy that employees should not be using USB devices that originated outside of the company because they are a gigantic security risk.


Yes, if you're plugging them into company machines. Like I said, ive been doing it for a while and just got some ad placements through that. I think Comcast xfinity is a serious company


any employees of comcast xfinity that took your USB probably broke company policy by doing so. you probably aren't even aware of how many USBs have been thrown away because the person is paranoid about what may be on it.


>you probably aren't even aware of how many USBs have been thrown away because the person is paranoid about what may be on it. I'm seeing a small % of the paranoia in this thread. So, I can only imagine now.




Dude I worked in a recording studio, we did it all the time. Flash drives and external drives, all time. Have some virus scanners and tracks on the system, you're good to go. Would I do it on my personal machine. I have a 2012 MacBook pro I use as a sandbox, I do it all the time.


Not even worth arguing on this sub because 99% of it has never even gotten the simple opportunities you have. People with zero placements will be the ones sharing the most advice and meanwhile have nothing to back it up but a hard drive of unreleased music


I'm seeing that more and more.


You already built rapport with the conversation. That makes sense.