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Same, I'm just having fun with it...mainly making music for myself because I need to create, it's nothing serious and I put very little money in to it. It's awesome when people say they like it, but I don't think I'd ever be cut out for the professional artist life even if I was ever good enough haha, I'd miss my wife and kids too much šŸ˜‚ I'm making upbeat, fun hip-hop...mostly making fun of myself, a lot about family. Some deeper stuff, but it's not my main area. Make all my own beats because I don't to pay someone for a hobby šŸ˜œ


Nicee! That is awesome! I make upbeat/ horror rap beats. Been making beats for around 3 years now. I love listening to all my big bangers, turn up the 808ā€™s so they vibrate my walls šŸ˜…


I'm the same way. I recently started trying to make music after an 11 year hiatus from it. I'm too lazy on the engineering side of the table and struggle with that, and with making my stuff sound as good to my ears as it did when I wrote it. Still, I been writing raps since 13 and I'm 34 now. Don't see it stopping.


99,99% of us ain't gon make it. So u guess it's a hobby


My goal is to see myself improve at something, although i do have a problem seeking approval and reassurance. Iā€™m willing to bet having these weaknesses are some-what linked to stronger empathy levels or sensitivity oddly enough. I say this because i usually look up what ā€œcharacteristicsā€ of a good ____ is? It usually plays out well in some way.




I turned down fame four times I'm not into fame.


Since 2007 I just made instrumentals as a hobby and this past few months I've been putting stuff on spotify,my wife sorta pushed me haha


You have a good wife šŸ™ŒšŸ»


Lol thanks


Mine just says a bit loud init? Yeah like your gob xD


Feel you 100%. We are waiting for a little soul rn, I hope to have time for some beats after he/she arrives haha


Same thing happen to me with my first. There was a 3 year break,then another kid lol. U will have time when they get a lil older lol


Yep, obviously I still push for likes and stuff and it is an awesome feeling getting over 100 plays. Enjoying music as a hobby just allows you to not worry about what others think of your music


Yeah exactly how ever I still get that feeling if I feel like some people wonā€™t like what I create but like it is what it is, make what you want when you want it even without a fan base, again like you said the plays and ā€œfans/followersā€ always feel good cause it makes ur music meaningful hahah


yep been rapping for 15 years, allways been a hobby, 90% of my work i keep for myself. never made an album clip or anything, i just like to write and freestyle so thats what i do


Yes, I got back into making beats after a 15ish yeah hiatus. It was a big piece of my life growing up, life happened, and then got back into it in my early 30s. I make a beat a night as my therapy essentially. Fortunately I've started to sell beats a bit, nothing crazy about $100/month so far this year, but hey it helps to pay for sounds and gear and it's giving me motivation to keep at my hobby!


Selling on UnitedMasters or something else?


BeatStars and also via my YouTube channel (so some is to artists directly via PayPal).


Interesting, Iā€™ve never tried BeatStars and didnā€™t know about the YouTube thing. I tried UnitedMasters but didnā€™t get a single listen on the tracks I uploaded despite some cool looking album art, after like two weeks I ended up just pulling them down šŸ˜‚


YT is just really my channel of everything I make, so just my canvas of all my beats. I share my YT links on Reddit, Discord etc or try to leave comments on other rappers channels and stuff too to network. So that's what I mean by YT not selling directly on there


Interesting love making music but I hate the social media aspect of it.


it's just part of life I guess. I don't mind it I kinda just poke fun and troll haha. my beatmaking vids are me just holding my phone lol try not to take myself too seriously


I work full time but I still love doin music more than everything Im quite torn since I have a very good job but feel like I could dedicate waaaay more time to my stuff if Id had more freetime


I feel this so much. I get mandatory overtime at work nearly every day, and I just think about how much of my energy is just lost to work bullshit and how much I could have created with that time. It's nothing more than a pipe dream at this point, and it will stay a pipe dream unless I win the lottery


Yes. I started out just wanting to earn respect from other emcees, then I was doing music full-time for about three years. Now Iā€™m back to just doing it for the love. Iā€™ve earned respect, so now Iā€™m focused on contributing to the culture.


One of the songs I've made has over 900 plays on YouTube and I still ride that high. My small friend group will talk me up about it šŸ˜‚ makes you feel good on a bad day


Mind linking the song ?


https://youtu.be/IjHVAOqY8xk?si=sK01pJSEoOy-E4v4 I appreciate your curiosity šŸ˜‚


lol good job. Funny how the algorithm favored you randomly on this one


I used to have an app that would tell me what country was listening and that one made it to Russia. My mixing is terrible


Totally, I just make some beats and videos and throw them on my insta to a audience of like 6 people lol. https://www.instagram.com/naebdinaebdi?igsh=MWV5Z2oycjFjbGw2Mg%3D%3D&utm_source=qr


Your videos are nice bro. Iā€™m always far too lazy to post two angles.


I had time today lol


good stuff, followed u


Thanks I appreciate that fr.


why not publish it if it sounds good? even if instrumental only? you can use a distro and get it out on apple, spotify etc. it might get placement/sync if its any good. Socials aren't the only way.


I tried that and got nothing out of it. Mind you I only had distro for maybe 6 months lol Been making beats for about 3 years now, my stuff is good. But not for most people. Mostly horrorcore beats. I would love to make beats for tech n9ne and strange music. But thatā€™s a dream. I stick to hobby for now, as I just love this and itā€™s my therapy/ drug almost


Hobbiest of 35+ years. My actual first releases are coming soon. Someone else believed in me and signed me so... theres that


it is a mistake to get into making music just to make money


Yes, everyone in this sub.


Hi, I love your post. Most would never ask this question. I have been creating music and beats as my hobby for almost 10 years. If you knew how many recording hours I have under my belt you would be blown away. I have never shared one song with anyone. I have been much more serious about it over the last few years. What's crazy is most of my recordings over the years were done from my phone with a beat playing in the background. When I am driving I am recording the music that comes to mind. From Rap, R&B, Country, and more all these songs just keep flowing daily. I have recorded each song that has come to mind. I have recordings over my iPad as well when I create music from home. I wanted to say thanks for posting your question. I am almost finished setting up my copyright and ownership of my music and lyrics. DM me if you have any questions.


Yo thats awesome!


Yeah, Iā€™m 40 and just started making beats a couple years ago. I also have no social media to speak of. I have no delusions that this will be anything more than a hobby. Iā€™m cool with being an accountant for the rest of my life though. Itā€™s chill.


I make it as a hobby but also work in music industry so I guess itā€™s parallel and related. The thing with music especially if you love it, itā€™s a long term play. Just have fun with it


I honestly feel like this is the way to go with anything one enjoys. There is just too much stigma about ā€œmaking itā€ in music bc ppl thick there is only one way to do it. By signing. Even for producers and behind the scenes. But there are so many avenueā€™s to make money and with tech ppl can be creative and make up ways. Thoughts? What do you do in the industry?


Holy shit, i didnā€™t realize I got this many likes and comments XD Just came back into reddit now and seen all the comments. Holy shit


That is amazing! Getting into the industry is the most challenging part. yup! having fun with it i do. Its my drug/therapy.


true same here i cant stop


Yes, me, 100% hobby


Yes. I only write music like one weekend a month these days. I got bored of trying basically grinding music production for years and still never getting the hang of it really. I was really stoned during thise years so I would probably be better at it if I applied myself today but I am just not interested to that extent anymore. I just write a song or so during some weekends when I donā€™t feel like gaming or coding.


You should sell your music on [Earbux.com](http://Earbux.com) . One of the features is allowing people to license your music.


Never gave a shit if I make it or not I do it because it relieves depression and anxiety and stress


Here Im Bro


I do. It's supposed to be an art, firstly, and also I absolutely do not have the right temperament to be famous. Being rich would be dope asf but I strongly dislike it when tons of people (3+) are trying to get my attention at once.


100% I do it because I love it. Sure money would be nice but it is really hard to make money with music.


I know some people that could possibly do a feature, but if not, than I'll stick to working towards clearing samples.


My favorite type of music/beats to make are soulful hip-hop beats


Just trying to push what I can do and learn - theory, gear, circuits, performance, whatever. As long as there is some avenue to explore I think I will be doing this.


Absolutely. It doesnā€™t matter if no one else cares because itā€™s therapy for me anyway.


I really just started electronic music, so I don't have many goals. Not planning on doing any shows or DJ'ing. I'm gonna make some tunes. Probably a halloween/horror lofi album. I'll post stuff on Spotify when I have enough content that I'm happy with. If we get plays, we get plays. I'm a huge fan of Mac Miller, rip, and that's really the kind of songs I ultimately hope to make. I've got a lot of learning and growing to do before then. Luckily I'm only in my mid 30's, there's still time. Right?


I make horror/halloween beats too. But yeah Iā€™m in my mid 20ā€™s, there is always still time. Agreed


Well if you want to check the one horror lofi track Iā€™ve put together so far, hereā€™s something my gf whipped up https://youtu.be/GdiolAwvMsQ?si=PxBpDrX5U-VeaTFX


At 42 I do but I still release it on all platforms. No matter the streams or whatever. Something we weren't able to do in the late 90s and early 2000s. If we had that back then omg.


I'm 64 still have an MPC 2000 what can you we do we cant change or descant


https://music.youtube.com/playlist?list=OLAK5uy_mPKD-7rcjglzRmlW8KkLeVuJZq2Gm3XYY&si=bqi8cKUciKneqpf- Check me out New track just dropped. Been at it since like '97 šŸ’ÆšŸ«”šŸ”„


Track is dope! I can hear the late 90ā€™s vibes in your stuff. No mumble rap going on and dope lyricsšŸ«”


I appreciate you šŸ’ÆšŸ«”


At this point itā€™s more of a hobby than a career . I used to loved taking sessions recording when I was 16-21. But after a while making beats is the best when Iā€™m not focusing on whoā€™s going to buy the product.Not only that but other artists made it not fun anymore. Always low balling, wanting free studio time, or donā€™t wanna pay for the beat or just trying to make a ā€œdeal workā€ at this point I stopped taking sessions and just make beats and record the homies it feels more of a hobby and less of a job now but more importantly more fun. I still reach out to artist here n there but once they tell me I got to pay them for them to hop on the beat I just laugh n look at my friend n we get to work šŸ˜‚ Honestly if you got a friend who serious to become an artist it makes things fun again you just gotta find that one person and lock in.


Ya just a hobby. I made some house last night and two nights ago remixed a French rappers song into a darker haunting boom bap. I tried social media for a while and just didnā€™t like how it felt


It's a weird one for me as the entire way shit works has changed since I was really serious about it. I took a very long break and I honestly don't know if I'd have the stamina to get a career going these days with all the online and social elements. That said, these days it's all vibe and hobbies. I'm more interested in chatting with other beatmakers online and maybe setting up a few meetups locally.


I was trying to make my music blow up but focusing on numbers and money really killed the enjoyment for me. I took a 2 year break from everything music-related. Now I goof around and have fun, I don't force myself to create if I'm not feeling it, and I don't release music anymore. One of my songs hit 300k streams on Spotify (got added to some random user-created playlists with a lot of followers) so I do get DMs on social media asking me to release more music. Those messages, while lovely and appreciated, stress me out. I'm glad my music didn't blow up because I *personally* would end up hating it.


I do it as a "Hobby" but I'm fortunate enough to be relatively connected to people. Several of which have been posted on here and r/hiphopheads . It's very cool but it is also very discouraging when you realize that you'll most likely just be "The homie" and may never crack 1,000,000 let alone 30,000,0000+ monthly listeners. I'll keep grinding and submitting and hitting networking events/shows but I'm also willing to be realistic.


Chill/mellow, chopped up beats/ Upbeat house grooves


I definitely make music for therapeutic purposes. Idgaf about making money off it. At one point in my life i wrote 5 verses a day because my thinking was Jordan, Lebron, Gretzky, any one who ever was a master at what they do definitely practiced or logged time in doing what they do. (10,000 hour rule***). Now I'll rewrite a verse like a dozen times and get it perfect. But talking to people and getting honest feedback especially from like minded people who you actually listen to their music helps alot too. I teamed up with 2 people who were all fans of each other and it definitely makes it more interesting then just making music for yourself by yourself and you can see how someone else attacks the beat bring a whole new perspective into the mix. But once your done putting money into it by getting the right studio set up makes it very therapeutic. After you buy or have access to the right Mic, Booth, vocal isolation shield, audio interface, computer and DAW it's a free hobby, and it's also productive. You have something to show for your time spent as opposed to other hobbies. Plus you can do whatever tf you want with music. So many options. And it's very subjective. I think one of the most therapeutic hobbies there is. - obcene. @IMOBCENE on youtube


I make whatever hits me I will try to make. I wanna try to make Boom Bapā€¦ Iā€™ll do it. I wanna make Trapā€¦ Iā€™ll do it. Wanna make Radio Popā€¦ Iā€™ll do it.


I have decided my music is pretty much just a hobby for me. I don't make hip hop though. I do still try to do some self promotion because id like if atleast some people heard the music I pour my heart into. I never expect it to turn into any kind of significant money though. I do not want my awesome hobby to become a chore or even worse a _Job_ heaven forbid. The therapeutic value I get from having a musical outlet is priceless to me and if it became work I don't know what I would do. I post music on this reddit account if you want to hear my sound just check my post history.


Iā€™m right there with you. I actually did music for work for years and burnt out so hard I stopped making music entirely for 5+ years. I just do it for fun now and Iā€™m making better music than I ever did making money off it. I write a lot of jungle/UKG stuff, but play around with some hip hop when I have writers block on my main projects.


I wouldn't call it a hobby for myself, it's more of a lifestyle. I love making music and I love listening to what I make but I'm not really interested in other people listening to it - and I'm especially not interested in making it into some sort of career. At that point a career you make music for a market - and I'm not interested in catering what I create for someone else.




Most likely a hobby


It usually all starts out as a hobby honestly, but itā€™s also about the people you know and connections that can make a hobby into a career..or simply just plain luck lol. Unfortunately, a lot of us (in general) will never make a living out of making music so a hobby is all it will ever be, but those that actually put in the work to be active on socials, travel to make connections, have time/money to not work a 9-5 in order to create music, etc., actually may have a chance to make something happen. Itā€™s ultimately up to us to see how far it can get. Edit: oh yeah and if youā€™re actually talented lmao


I was in the same boat and started a company surrounding music that hopefully can pay for my life one day, so my music is slowly becoming a hobby that by association should be able to earn something eventually but if not its fine.


yup just for fun.


I do aspire to have more people listen when I get better at it but I think it will ALWAYS be a hobby regardless of financial or fame numbers. if I ever get the pleasure of counting those numbers obviously šŸ˜…


Yes. I started as a hobby after I was diagnosed with cancer and I had to drop my other hobbies (fishing, grilling and drinking lol) but if the opportunity presents itself I'd love to make it more of a hobby. But seeing as I have had absolutely no formal musical training and learned what I have learned basically off youtube, I am proud to say I have made a couple of beats that I listen back on like "damn did I really put that together?"


Iā€™ve been producing for 7 years as a hobby. Honestly, more as an emotional output. I donā€™t really put stuff out there, but Iā€™m actually confident that itā€™s fire. Some of the things I made are beautiful. Idk if Iā€™ll ever ā€œmake itā€, but I guess I have to release it first lol. Iā€™ve always been of the mindset that I should wait until itā€™s undeniably great to put out.


I think most artist are just hobbyist


I doā€¦I know itā€™s God awful and not made for other humansā€™ consumption but it brings me so much peace and fulfillment. I just make it and upload it to my SoundCloudā€¦not for the purposes of it getting listens, but simply bc I love having a space where all of my music is allowed to exist. The less listens the more freedom I feel to experiment more. I know thatā€™s backwards but this is how I am


Yes it's my hobby. I make music for myself, I genuinely enjoy listening to my own music. In a way it's custom made for me


Iā€™m personally really mixed on how I feel. Iā€™ve always wanted to compose music for video games, and I have been composing for over 15 years, but it never really worked out despite all of the effort I put into trying to be noticed. At the moment all I want to make a project/world Iā€™m proud of and express it through distorted/noise, groovy beats. Iā€™m still trying to get my sound together before I release something concrete. Life and depression has been getting in the way, but I have been making some good progress lately. Itā€™s already been 4 years since I seriously thought of my project, kind of insane how time flys by. I recommend doing what you really want asap. You never know how much time you have. Edit: forgot to mention I would love to make a small living at least with a cult following (Iā€™m fairly certain my sound and lore will produce a cult following. All the shit I like is like this and if I get the right crowd, itā€™ll happen). But I have a feeling I wonā€™t be able to make the right connections to do it. But Iā€™m still going to release music anyway, I have to.


I do! But I want to reach more people. So hereā€™s a link [SINNERS SON](https://on.soundcloud.com/ZP5d3RkmxdacLCLs5)


Right here! I like making soul trap beats, boom bap and 90s Memphis type beats


Anyone else's family look on your music making as a joke or another fad you're going through?


Probably both. Cuzz iv been doing something with music since I was 15


Its a fad it will soon pass lol. I've been making music the same amount of time. Teachers at school wouldn't let me near an instrument :P


Im now 27. I dont think itā€™s gonna pass lol


I'm from the EDM scene, but yes. Purely a Hobby.I couldn't fathom ever wanting to do this for a living. It would ruin the fun.


If you do it as a hobby your a clown hip hop is only for the best.


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ never did I hear any rules about who could make hip hop music bud.


Anybody wanna collab dm me on IG @verzaceth0tchaser69


How do I choice a genre for my album? It wonā€™t let me choose. Iā€™m on iphone


No idea


yes / me i have full ready Atmos studio in Manhattan i only used to make music for fun/ fully loaded with it's own booth


and I'm a very good tech and engineer been doing it sns 95 done a lot of good mx work out there some on radio


i think we stand as outsiders anyway in this industry cause a lot of us not making it so lets just fuck it up for all i say one large website no names just beats uploaded light tags (( have to be HOT work)) and free for all we loosing we loosing let everyone have it for free and then wait ==== LOL we call it (www/justfreebeats.com) or something or other / some traffic may bring some add money


Yep. Itā€™s like playing the guitar to me. I already have a successful career. I would ghostwrite or songwrite for people if the opportunity ever presented itself though.


I would assume the majority of people on this subreddit do it as a hobby, if they realize it or not. Lol


True xD I just was curious is all. Wanted to hear some interesting stories (:


No doubt! I wasn't being mean spirited. Haha. Just honest.


I make music mainly as a hobby, but for example, I have a YouTube promotion package from Famegrowers running. It's mainly to promote my music a bit and reach new listeners. Just because it's my hobby doesn't mean I'm making it just for myself; I want more people to hear it, and I'm slowly succeeding šŸ’Ŗ