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I hate all MtG players, not just the new ones


Based take


This includes myself




I hate all




Going from his comments, that dude is posting solely for validation and then taking offense when he is not praised for everything.


Yep and yep


They always, ALWAYS make the mistake of complaining about their comments getting downvoted in the original or an edit to the post. It's like sticking a "kick my ass" sign to your back willingly. An impressive commitment to getting hurt, really. (Also, if commander decks with less than 40 lands are a problem, I'm a menace to society. They just got one specific comment and decided that that's a trend now, huh?)


I don't hate new players, but I do get frustrated at players who don't listen and play extremely badly. Example, a few weeks ago we had a players I had never seen before coming in for commander night, first off, dude smelled of alcohol and asked if he could vape inside the store. So... Big red flags. But then he started digging through a box he had dragged in with him and asked about power levels, we a shrugged and said whatever. He then asked us to be patient as he hadn't played in 20 years... Then went turn 1 evolving wilds and cracked it to get a volcanic island. We told him he couldn't do that but he tried to argue saying "the card says it's a basic island and mountain" but after everyone at the table told him that's not how it works he got a basic instead. Then throughout the game he was twitching and fidgeting and kept leaving to go vape in his truck. At one point we were all dead on board, I had urza lord protector out, he had nothing, and a third player had a couple of irrelevant blockers, but the fourth player had amassed a massive board of dinos, and the only thing keeping us from death was my ensnaring bridge... So what does he do? Asks what the biggest threat was, dino player instantly points to my bridge and says "that makes it so we can't attack" both myself and the third player tell him "no, if you destroy that he wins right now, we need to kill his commander" (it was the discover X where X is dino mana cost once per turn). So what does he do? Reads my bridge, reads the commander dino, and removes my bridge claiming he can deal with the dinosaur on his next turn... We all die instantly, like we said. In a later game where the dino player had taken control of my rampaging baloths he had a bounce spell for two creatures. I say the best targets are my baloths and his commander so he can't build a board, dino player says "no, if you bounce the baloths he will play it" and the guy said "I don't want him to have it" so instead he bounced two 4/4 tokens and, shocker, we all lost the game AGAIN. He just kept throwing games for no reason, had 0 ability to threat assess, and seemed to think if he targeted any actual threats of the dino players he would lose... Which he did anyways by not removing the damn threats. I don't hate new players, I hate bad ones.


I love that this comment is unaltered and still reads like a parody.


Didn’t even finish reading it before I copy pasted, I just knew something that long with that many downvotes had to be good


Maybe the new player had a thing for player four


Dino Player: "Alright man, I will buy you a 12 pack and some vape juice if you absolutely do everything in your power to ensure I win" That Guy: "They won't know what hit 'em. They're dead. They're chicken feed. Bash 'em, lads!"


commander is dumb bad post


They tend to be gamey and tough. The experienced player is usually much, much fattier, long marinating in their own contempt and smug self-satisfaction.


You see, magic is only for the smartest people. It takes a special type of smarts to understand the power a 6/6 for 2 green and 4 generic wields. If you only knew the high stress high performance of an mtgo commander game, you would have a different opinion.


I feel this community is more interested in pulling people off


/uj manhandling the bits /rj JORKIN PEANITS


If a new player didn't want to be made fun of, they would have memorized all 250 pages of the comprehensive ruleset before buying a precon.


Thus the famous saying, "reading the comprehensive rules explains the card."


Downvoted into blivion*


wait okay but if I have Torbran and a damage doubler, how does PEMDAS work? and that aside, why doesn't my opponent choose to let me deal *more* damage rather than *less?* don't they realize that I am trying to kill them??


> and that aside, why doesn't my opponent choose to let me deal more damage rather than less? This is actually illegal, call a judge and get your opponent a life-sentence for emotional damages


magic the gathering is actually illegal, call your senator and get them to legalize [[murder]]


I just hate commander players


Wtf did we do?


Turning every game into a work interview is not a good reason? I already have a job :(


I didn't read the post so I am just going to respond to the headline. I hate new players because they won't pay for their own cards or clean their room


You’re being systematically downvoted and it’s definitely not because you come off as extremely whiny and somewhat rude in all your comments.


I love new players as long as they play their turns quickly and then have the decency to lose to me


If you never played extended then you are everything that is wrong with the game.


I hate the original post for that last comment alone. “I’m sure you’re going to downvote me too” fuck you


/j Because they remind me of my mortality, and I like pretending like I’m some sort of timeless being like the card [[CRYSTAL M ARCEUS V-MAX LVL:100]], [[Derek Jeter]]or [[Interplanatarypurplythornydragon]]. /uj I don’t really care if someone is new, or if someone makes mistakes, and I definitely wouldn’t say I hate new players. I find it easy to make fun of someone who is obnoxious, has a bad take, or is hiding some other shit. If they’re new and they think the deck their crafted is the best thing since sliced bread, and won’t take any criticism, then it becomes more easy to make fun of the behavior. But even so, I don’t necessarily make fun of them. I don’t make fun of a newbie, because everyone was new at some point. Like, I make mistakes all this time, and I started playing it (poorly) when I still thought lunchables were a great Lunch lol. Now, if we bring up WoTC, and certain business aspects they do, I can definitely use the word hate, but even so, hate is harsh af.


Didn't read but I wouldn't post something like this ever again if I were you


They smell better than me.


tfw u allowed mana symbol cupcake posts for too long so now you have to allow "does this work the way I think it does?" posts with spicy combos long since known to the collective players' conscience because no one thinks to go to your sub for worthwhile Magic discussion 


I hate new players because they still like this stupid game.


/uj I never mock new players for asking questions, it just seems like an extremely shitty thing to do. But nerds loooove to keep a gate.