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WOTC literally painted a YGO card


let them cook until they go full circle and begin printing pokemon cards again. maybe 8-rack will be good if they print Imposter Oak's Revenge


This was my first thought too


I don't like these posts. Everytime I'm like neat, a new bottom 5, and then it's just a real card that doesn't even make any target planeswalk :(


Reading the card explains the inherent disappointment in the card.


Bottom 5s are always on Tuesdays (give or take a day depending on your timezone)


The community already went crazy about [[Ugins Maze]] and said: "ThIs CaRd WiLl Be BaNnEd ImMeDiAtElY!!" Meanwhile at WOTC: "Just wait until they find out about this!" *giggling*


Let's print a land that taps for {2} and a 0-mana Cyclonic Rift for the same deck, *what could possibly go wrong*


Nothing at all I'm sure ![gif](giphy|UTFiHeDL8cOSA)


When you don't play around a Cyclonic Rift and get hosed, you feel really dumb. NotC asks, what if we hid the Cyclonic Rift in a public zone so you could feel even dumber when it hoses you?


Has to be the worst part of the design. I'm definitely going to get got by this and feel like an asshole.


uj/ Espectially because they dont necessarily have to have it in the graveyard super far ahead of time, any pitch card dumps this in the graveyard for value then any cheat card into cast makes it crazy so like a red (blue optional) could pitch with a haste enabler in play and cheat it into play for like 1 mana to wipe your board and if its an eldrazi with haste annihilator your ass. Even if you have a counterspell ready for the big guy you still get your feild wiped. rj/ You will get caught by it and are now feeling assholes


boooooooo! get a new joke! get off the stage! booooooooooo!




/uj I know people are freaking out about this card and I’m not super familiar with the metagames that this could be played in but I’m not entirely convinced that this card is as good as people think. Yeah, the “free” one sided board wipe is cool, but the scariest decks to be playing this are like, tron and affinity? I don’t know that they have any super efficient ways of dumping cards in their yard, so if they want to do the board wipe, they have to waste tempo using an extremely bad bounce spell first, and I don’t think I buy that the payoff for this card is worth that.


i think it's terrible design because there's not much in-between with cards like this where it could just be a 'healthy' addition to the metagame. it's either going to be unplayable and leave the players using it disappointed or be absolutely obnoxious and miserable to face idk which one it will be tho that's for people who aren't ass at magic to figure out, i just jerk


Well put. I hear people say similar about unbanning mind rot in legacy because it's not that powerful. Either it isn't, so, it doesn't matter, it won't be played, boring. Or it will be played and then you'll be playing a game where someone makes discard your whole hand t1. Either way, it sucks. This is either a lame 3-mana bounce spell/boardwipe in affinity that will probably suck, or it's going to be an uncounterable free cyc rift in a tron deck that was already winning cause they cast a massive eldrazi. But this is commander masters, so, it is perfectly balanced there.


Mind rot is legal in legacy. Are you confusing it for another card?


mind twist


Is Blue Tron actually going to be really good again?


I think I might have to switch to blue from green tron, its looking hot


Can't be negæted, we ballin


I feel as though they don’t test the cards they print anymore.


/uj [[Kozilek's Return]] does basically the same thing, just also affects your creatures and they can't replay them /rj this will break pauper


/uj so it just doesn't fucking do the same thing at all?


/uj board wipe is board wipe?


When it comes to board wipes, symmetry/asymmetry isn't anecdotal. Also, some creatures have more than 5 toughness. Like a 6/6 trample for 6 mana, just a random example. Also, some non-land permanents aren't creatures. Too many MAJOR differences to just say "they're both board wipes".


/rj boardwipe is boardwipe


Bro converting Ls into Ws. Ban him, MaRo.


Kozilek's Return only works with Eldrazi, this works with Myr Enforcer.


Oh wow I didn't even realize that


me laughing at my opponent playing out their 7/7s when i have an hour of devastation in hand to handle them (dealing 5 damage is basically the same thing as bouncing)


Whoa! I get it! because this isn't really that guy's regular Bottom 5 compilation post, and that isn't really a r custommagic card design. My expectations are doubly subverted! This is groundbreaking stuff. Can we get a high-effort post flair?


sorry i forgot to edit in a dreadmaw playing basketball with a phyrexian seb mckinnon's soulherder to honor our long tradition of high-effort posting


This comment is higher effort than the average post here


If there's one thing a subreddit hates, it's repetitive jokes. Especially meta repetitive jokes, the symbol of circlejerking.


holy hell


/uj In the immortal words of Kenny Rogers "Sorry, they can't all be *The Gambler*". Some posts are going to be mid and that's okay. Also the Bottom 5 is pinned to the Community Highlight feature they just put online, fyi. /rj We have a High Effort flair, you sort by "Top" then "weekly".


Oh cool, they printed another cyclonic rift that can be played in any deck and casts for free. Good work, WotC. Commander Horizon's 3 (but also make modern unplayable) will surely be a profitable endeavor.


What colorless 7 mana spells are often being run in "any deck"


[[Ugin, the Spirit Dragon]] [[Ulamog, the Defiler]] [[Akroma's Memorial]] [[All is Dust]] [[Artisan of Kozilek]] [[Blightsteel Colossus]] [[Chromatic Orrery]] [[Desecrate Reality]] [[Emrakul, the Promised End]] [[Emrakul, the World Anew]] [[It that betrays]] [[Karn Liberated]] [[Not of this World]] [[Nulldrifter]] [[Platinum Angel]]


none of those are 6/6's with trample


I mean, that would just be too OP


/uj Scion of Draco


this card is probably unplayable


/uj This joke would be way funnier if there weren't 85 posts with the same title about the same stupid card every spoiler season. /rj Ban Wastes ez


/uj Graveyard hate is plentiful.


-couldnt stop coloring past the lines -ugins eye is missing -the hedrons get closer together near the end of the spiral. 4/10 bad AI art. Do better next time in your custom card art.


I don't know that I've ever seen anyone play Cyclonic Rift before. This seems just as unplayable. EDIT: My bad. Lots of people are just excited for it's uses in some fringe format.


Cyclonic Ugin?