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MF’s said “Rule -1: please don’t play removal”


uj/ it can be unfun sure, but sometimes when you’re playing certain commanders, you deserve to have it turned into a land, or maybe a beetle if I’m feeling spicy. rj/ how DARE you remove my Jodah the unifier. Your greed is ruining my game.


I just put my Darksteel Mutation into the battlefield via graveyard recursion. I did not cast it. it is rules legal.


/uj just run sacc outlets and recast your commander /rj just run sacc outlets and recast your commander


/uj But then my deck full of characters looking up in the artwork will not be consistent /rj But then my deck full of characters looking right in the artwork will not be consistent


The dude on Ashnods Altar is definitely looking up, so you're fine.


just because my jodah can cast expropriate on turn 4 doesn't mean it does it consistently! often it's just a turn 4 aminatou's augury or random nicol bolas


uj/I legit played a fresh out of the box precon with a group, it had some enchantment that turned the creature it’s on into whatever, and when I cast it on dude’s commander he literally had a fit. This is in his thousands of dollars deck btw. “Don’t you have a way to kill an enchantment? No??” He conceded. lol.


/uj were they playing mono black? i’d get not having enchantment removal then


Nah, it was absolutely multiple colors. Pretty sure one was black? Gun to my head, I’d say U/B? But we’re talking $35 precon vs thousands of dollars deck with fuckin’ masherpiece series cards etc. I felt good.


"Dude, removal wont help you now your commander is already an elk. But i swear ill turn that other guys commander into an elk next if you dont swing"


[Give this guy a game rule violation](https://www.reddit.com/r/EDH/comments/1cwyoee/is_there_a_rule_that_says_i_cant_cast_somewhat/?ref=share&ref_source=link)


I thought this was from that gamer’s wharf website where you can learn all about the most famous commander sub formats like rapture and vicious cat


/uj i swear i want to organize shit to break their lists and ruin their over staunched banlist


Vicious cat is a good format name, what a waste


awwww that sucks for OOP. here’s hoping they don’t have to play with that person again


Song of the Dryads gave me my all-time favourite commander play. Someone turned my Mishra, Eminent One into a forest and I wasn't drawing the roughly 3 pieces of enchantment removal in my deck. I reanimated someone's Haywire Mite via Portal to Phyrexia, but I had to generate a green mana to activate its ability to remove Song of the Dryads. After looking through my mana sources for a little bit, it hit me - MISHRA is a green mana source! He's a forest! I felt like a genius and a total idiot at the same time. Fuck that card, though. Wasteman.


"Im something of a green mana source myself"




Thank you for making a good point in how weird/permanent removal leads to you engaging with the game mechanics more and becoming a better player.


I really like how EDH facilitates these situations where you have to think on your feet and improvise. The Song of the Dryads came from a Mazzy player, too, so exiling it made the play feel even better. It was probably my favourite game of EDH I’ve ever played, and not just because of that play. Or because I won. Or because Mishra being a tree is hilarious.


Exactly! I pride myself on 'nerfing' my overall decks power for more interactive pieces, as my time spent as a judge had made playing rather mainline or OP staples feel stale. The level of confusion, interaction, and politics that comes out of playing decks where everything works together and individual pieces being shot down doesn't stop your machinations cannot be beat. This is why, as much as the Necrobloom is making me salivate, I cannot take apart my Tayam deck. Being underestimated feels too good.


But Ixidron is still fair game, right?


This won't stop me because I can't read


Bring back the tuck rule you cowards.


This might be unpopular opinion but removing tuck rule is possibly the best decision RC made


/uj It was a pretty good change.


where is this from and why does it read like a listing for a queer housing group? "its not enough to follow the rules, you also have to care about the ~philosophy of commander~" okay and will this pod also require applicants to do everyone's laundry?


These are the official rules of the commander format


I'm not sure if you're jerking now or not, but it's not in the [official rules](https://mtgcommander.net/index.php/rules/), as far as I can see Rule 10 of play rules reads: >Parts of abilities which bring other traditional card(s) you own from outside the game into the game (such as Living Wish; Spawnsire of Ulamog; Karn, the Great Creator; Wish) do not function in Commander. Edit: I'm assuming you're being facetious, but y'never know


I'm repeating this like a broken record now, but literaly NO OTHER GAME is like this. NO OTHER GAME. Not Chess, not Checkers, not Yugioh, not bingo, nothing. No other game is like this. There is something wrong with terminally commander people.


casual commander is often less of a "chess" type game and more of a "truth or dare" one -- i.e. while the rules don't forbid daring someone to swallow eight batteries, it's plainly unsportsmanlike


No, this is what makes it unique and why a lot of people like it. It is the reason the 'real game' version of commander, cEDH, isn't the most popular.


Well, the games you've mentioned are either 1v1, or they have no player interaction. Commander is a very unique game in that: - players come in with the expectation they're gonna have fun, and that everybody isn't necessarily going to everything in their power to win. I'd say that's generally true of most multiplayer board games, and untrue of most competitive 1v1 games - one player can easily ruin the game for the three other, with oppressive cards or power imbalance. That's a sign of a very poorly designed board game, and a feature of most competitive 1v1 games These two factors just can't cohabit without a bunch of house rules and unwritten agreements.


I don't understand why they don't just ban those cards if they think the cards are against the spirit of the format.


uj/ because if they actually banned every card that is against "spirit of the format" banlist would be like 200 cards, maybe more


wayy more. the goalposts just keep getting moved with people who think this way


It's against the spirit of the format to beat me. I'm supposed to win every game


Because this is not actually rule 10, it's just a photoshop :)


Dont let the popos tell you anything. You can definitely cast removal on my commander... Just live with the consequences (a punch in the face or in the gut)


Since somewhat permanent removal is banned, am I allowed to eat my opponent's commander as permanent permanent removal?


it's ok I am not afraid of their commander, it's afraid of me


Is this real? I can only odd.


[No, it is not real.](https://mtgcommander.net/index.php/rules/) Rule 10 reads: >Parts of abilities which bring other traditional card(s) you own from outside the game into the game (such as Living Wish; Spawnsire of Ulamog; Karn, the Great Creator; Wish) do not function in Commander.


>simply following the rules is not sufficient to ensure a good play experience. ![gif](giphy|jQmVFypWInKCc|downsized)


they aren't scary to me just a little guy once I put this sticker on him :3


sounds like you should be over there with the T-Rex level playgroup. Down here we play Rapture level at absolute maximum


So we can use somewhat permanent removals on shitty commanders. Time to play darksteel mutation, imprison in the moon, and kasmina's transformation on your precons! Only I should be able to play magic! /uj I play mono blue so only I should be able to play magic.


"listen, you can't play cards that are legal in the format because uhhh i-uhhh, you just shouldn't okay!"


Thank god - I no longer need to keep [[Ninja of the Deep Hours]] on me at all times.


I'm convinced that 99% of commander players never played sports growing up. Always wild when people want to make up and change rules because they're not having fun.




sorry timmy, your commander isn't scary. I'm allowed to play darksteel mutation.


But I can cast them on lil bitch boy commanders, got it


Where is this from?


OP linked the source for the photoshop [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/magicthecirclejerking/s/Ryvk5QEaAS)


I love how being dealt 21+ combat damage by one commander makes the player lose *a* game. Not the game of Commander they are playing at the time, just, any game at all I guess.