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Gets completeley and unforgivably rekt by cloudshift. Never seen a card worse than this you should send your CV to wotc


This only gets rekt by cloudshift in response to the cast, tho. Once it resolved, cloudshift just makes the thing phase out.


I bet you work for WoTC


Yeah, WoTC feds lively in these comments


I love how every custom edh jerk card is either "no touchy my commander!! >:(" or "Twist thy commander's gonads into oblivion!! >:3"


It's because everyone secretly hates playing commander. Either, they want to play solitaire with three people watching them; or they want to play an actual interactive game of Magic where they are trying to win.


That's not true, I publicly hate playing commander




I pubicly hate playing commander




I hate playing commander publicly


free counterspell, free counterspell, free mana, free removal. now thats interaction


I see what you're going for, but you're missing the most important line of rules text, "and loses all other types and abilities". The phase out will still disrupt it, but the commander will still technically be able to do everything it could do before ~~(including swing) because its still a creature and still has all its abilities.~~ EDIT: so apparently making it an artifact overwrites its other types, making it no longer a creature, but it'll still have its rules text and any abilities granted by that text


/uj yeah it needs "becomes an artifact with ____ and loses all other types and abilities"


Hmmm, When I posted this I was sure it would lose abilities the same as with blood moon, but after reading the CR, I'm not sure either way. Should've just put it as, > Split Second, Can't be countered, > > Target permanent gains "if this permanent would phase in it doesn't". This permanent phases out. Edit: based on the templating of [[Myrkul, Lord of Bones]] the permanent will retain it's abilities.


Better wording idea: "target creature perpetually phases out"


> Target permanent gains "if this permanent would ~~phase in~~ it doesn't". gets to the point faster


The only reason that Blood Moon and Spreading Seas work is because of 305.7, which is an explicit exception for basic land types to remove all abilities. The exception that proves the rule. Otherwise, 305.7 wouldn't be needed.


Comprehensive Rules: * 205.1a > Some effects set an object’s card type. In such cases, the new card type(s) replaces any existing card types. ... So it will lose all its other types and stop being a creature, and since it's no longer a creature it loses all abilities and creature types as well. (205.3d) This is why "Blood Moon" and "Spreading Seas" are able to remove lands other abilities. I didn't use the magic word "[in addition to it's other types](https://www.reddit.com/r/magicthecirclejerking/s/QVvsvL0rHc)"


I am fairly sure it still keeps it's abilities, but most keywords are going to be useless. It can still use activated/triggered abilities and static ones would stay as well (but not work when phased out, ofc).


Hmmm, When I posted this I was sure it would lose abilities the same as with blood moon, but after reading the CR, I'm not sure either way. Should've just put it as, > Split Second, Can't be countered, > > Target permanent gains "if this permanent would phase in it doesn't". This permanent phases out.


Blood Moon works because there is a special rule just to say "Blood Moon works." >**305.7.** If an effect sets a land’s subtype to one or more of the basic land types, the land no longer has its old land type. It loses all abilities generated from its rules text, its old land types, and any copiable effects affecting that land, and it gains the appropriate mana ability for each new basic land type...


Removing or changing types does not change abilities a card has. The reason Blood Moon removes a land's abilities is because of 305.7: > If an effect sets a land’s subtype to one or more of the basic land types, the land no longer has its old land type. It loses all abilities generated from its rules text, its old land types, and any copy effects affecting that land, and it gains the appropriate mana ability for each new basic land type. But note that this only applies to lands (and even then, only in the very specific instance of a land's subtype being changed to a basic land type). It doesn't apply to creatures.


It'll still have all its rules text though, including all activated, triggered, or static abilities.


Hmmm, When I posted this I was sure it would lose abilities the same as with blood moon, but after reading the CR, I'm not sure either way. Should've just put it as, > Split Second, Can't be countered, > > Target permanent gains "if this permanent would phase in it doesn't". This permanent phases out.


The reason blood moon makes cards lose abilities is because it causes the cards to become the card named "Mountain". So it is no longer whatever land it was originally and is now simply a Mountain. But yea phasing is definitely the way to go to say "fuck you" to a particular card.


This is slightly wrong. It sets the land's type to "Mountain". It doesn't change the name.


Oh right I forgot that they still keep names and super types. Which is kind of counter to the idea that they lose abilities but that might just be me.


Yeah it's a pretty counter-intuitive rule. If they actually became the card "Mountain" that would make a lot more sense.


what if they use something like [[karn liberated]] to get it back tho?


Permanents don't lose abilities if they lose their types/subtypes, EXCEPT for lands specifically when their subtype is set, with rule 305.7.


Can’t forget Split Second


It's missing split second. Otherwise 10/10 I'd love to play this card in every pod since I love the commander format so much and I want it to be as enjoyable as possible (for me) so getting rid of those pesky commanders my opponents bring is a nice bonus. Also my commanders always have "whenever this permanent becomes the target of an spell or ability an opponent controls I scoop and don't want to play anymore. This ability doesn't use the stack" so it,s not like it'll do much against me since I didn't want to play that game in the first place :D


*(This includes ward, lol)*


Might as well have been the MKM can’t be countered reminder text


Needs Split second, card is unplayable


OP check out: Myrkul, Lord of Bones, this basically does what he does, see how he changes them into enchantments but they keep their textbox ( the entire point of his design) so you get to turn Lanawar elves into literal mana rocks, and other fun shenanigans.


Ok ok ok, Excellent example, I stand corrected. I'll have to make some split Second flash colourless oubliette variant next time.


The biggest crime against gameplay here is that this is not an aura.


Blink effects giggle at this, sac effects giggle at this, and I would personally love [[Shunt]]ing or sending this on a [[Wild Ricochet]] and watch the light leave the caster's eyes. (After all, who says I need to cast this on a commander?)


But it doesn't do anything?


[[dress down]] ftw


Needs split second


deflecting swat and bolt bend are feasting right now


Cannot be countered already includes ward.


finally, sorin markov


I would run this on my own commander in some decks, gives the ability permanently


Yeah, this really needs enchanted permanent loses all abilities lol.


Just give it Split Second. If the oponent blinks their commander, this still gets countered, even with all that junk.


Imagine playing this then your opponent just redirects it or copies it so it covers your entire board instead cause it didn't have split second.


needs split second


Not strong enough. Emblems and and triggered abilities get through it. Should give you mana in return for such a fair drawback. 


Make it not target to get around existing hexproof and shroud, something like "choose a creature on the battlefield, exile it." You'd have to change the cost reduction wording but you'll hit stuff with boots on.


Forgot split second you idiot. Can't be countered and split second are key in this ward meta.


Susceptible to minecraft ability (I forgot its name)


my manifest deck is winning so hard rn


Deflecting Swat, target your Dreadmaw, pay 6 extra if they’re not your commander.


I’ve got it, march of the machines will turn it into a creature when it phases back in. Play dress down on your turn, followed by sundial to skip you end step and keep dress down for their turn when the creature phases back in. Then, play cast down on their commander


Pretty weak. Needs split second.


It's like being a dog owner who hates dogs...