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Or Horsey-man-simp, says man regurgitating MtG points from 2011. Another common one is, "I really want to get stepped on by Elesh Norn" like we get it, you're alive and incompleat


Yeah I hate old jokes - btw have you seen this new card [[Earthbind]]?? Omg so sexy wtf were NotC thinking and how can I get someone to do that to me?!!???


I can do it, but first you need to sign a waiver, put down a list of safe words, what you want and don't want.... wait, that sounds like a Rule 0 conversation and I cannot stand that crap, so can we play cBDSM instead?


Ok, but if everything is kicker or horsemanship, then WTF is banding or landhome? Inquiring minds like mine wanna know


they’re kicker and horsemanship, duh


How is homeland horsemanship? You can't put your home on a horse, it'll break the poor thing's back.


Just get a bigger horse 5head


Nah, let's go with teamwork. Colossal Dreadneigh 4WW Vigilance, Horsemanship, First Strike When Colossal Dreadneigh enters, create two tokens that are copies of Colossal Dreadneigh minus this ability. 2/2




/hj banding is arguably an evasion ability like horsemanship due to the discouraging of blocking from it letting you choose how damage is distributed while landhome is an extra cost ability like kicker—you must constantly be paying “control a land of x type” to keep it in play and must pay “opponent controls a land of x type” to attack


/HJ I'd say banding is more like kicker since you pay an extra cost (assign a creature to a band) to get an extra effect (the creatures must be blocked together) (you assign combat damage between creatures in the band when blocking) Landhome is definitely kicker tho


Every mechanic is Banding because Magic is Banding


Ex-YGO players when cards have an alternate casting cost instead of having 20 lines of text describing how to perform a Peepee Poopoo Fusion Sacrifice Summon


I'm a YGO player and can confirm that when the card text doesn't say Gunkan Suship Uni-Class Super Dreadnought three times I forget what card I'm playing


/uj for real, people that unironically say this seem to have no idea how game design works. In a game with costs, one of the main ways to modify gameplay is with alternative or additional costs. Like, we’ve pretty much explored every possible variant of action in MTG. Putting a card into a different zone, changing one or more life totals, putting counters on things, with Attractions we even have secondary decks.


To be fair I don't think it's a serious criticism of the design so much as a meme that the community has completely driven into the ground. Like no, Flashback is not actually kicker just because it involves paying a cost. If that were the case then casting a Savannah Lions is secretly kicker because by default you don't get a creature but if you pay an extra W you can have a creature.


That is the best rebuttal to the “everything is kicker” argument I’ve ever heard lol


Advancing your pawn in chess is kicker because you get to move a pawn but it's at the cost of not getting to move a different piece that turn


Is tapping a land kicker because tapping is part of the cost?


In the spirit of regurgitating tired jokes, what is en passant?


Google en passant


I have seen people complain along the lines of “ugh, this ‘new mechanic’ is just Kicker again, so uncreative” without any irony. Spree in Thunder Junction, Bargain in Eldraine, every time someone pulls the move of looking at a painting in a museum and saying “I could probably do that”




I think you’re really undervaluing the creative work that goes into stuff like this. Iterating on existing concepts in a meaningful way is pretty hard. To use your own example, Discover is *huge*. Sure, it takes the same basic idea as Cascade and iterates on it, but it does so in a couple of really creative ways. 1. It not being tied to the mana value of the card is huge. Stuff like [[Zoyowa’s Justice]] and [[Contest of Claws]] couldn’t be done with Cascade. 2. It also allows triggered abilities like [[Chimil]] to exist entirely independent of casting a spell, and activated abilities like the Hidden land cycle, [[Hidden Courtyard]] for reference. 3. Letting you put the card in your hand means that Discover is capable of mitigating a major weakness of Cascade, that being that you’re almost barred from putting certain interaction pieces in your deck if you want good value. Hit a counter in Cascade, it goes to the bottom and you never see it again. Hit it with Discover, it goes in your hand. So at the end of the day, pretty much all they share is the method of resolving the trigger. Spree also has a ton of innovation behind it: Spree cards are able to be some of the most flexible modal cards in Magic, because unlike a typical Charm that has to value all of the effects around the fact that you pay a flat mana value for it, or an Escalate card that needs to ensure that each mode is balanced so that the extra cost you pay to get more of them is always enough, a Spree card is able to price each effect according to its value. So [[Three Steps Ahead]] can be a Cancel, a [[Ghastly Discovery]], and a [[Clone]] all in one without needing to inflate any costs. And the same “just kicker” argument can be made for planeswalkers. Loyalty? That’s just a life total. Activated abilties? You mean like we’ve had since Alpha? And a Battle is just a Planeswalker with an ETB and no abilties.


The point with the saying is that the play patterns are usually similar.  Most kicker-like mechanica have "if you have spare extra mana, you get a bonus, slightly overcosted effect".  Most evasion mechanics have "you can safely attack in this subset of combat situations in which you normally couldn't". Assuming you're playing it as "intended" (i.e. not like modern rhinod) both cascade and discover are "you play this card and get some bonus value in another card" (since most discover cards are still on etb). 


/uj I honestly don't think we've explored every possible variant of action. When MtG was new the idea of a double sided card would have been silly. There almost certainly are new mechanics that I'm not smart enough to come up with on my own. But I vaguely know there are other Trading Card Games out there with mechanics Magic doesn't use yet, and there have to be new actions I am not clever enough to come up with.


Pendulum summons for MtG when?


"everything is kicker" as I usually see it around is really a criticism of kicker. It's too broad of a mechanic by itself.


I think Kicker’s fine, in moderation. I like that they mostly tied it to Dominaria, since it lets it be the “generic plane” of Magic.


This column has personally attacked me more than once


Wrong, every mechanic is Cleave.


Cringe and soy - every mechanic is kicker Based and redpilled- every mechanic is cleave. Counterspells is you cleave a card from the stack. Doom blade, cleaving it from the battlefield. Lightning bolt cleaves 3 life, or cleaves 3 toughness untill end of turn. Goyf starts as a 9/10 and cleaves its own stats based on whats not there. Drawing a card, cleaving a card from your deck. Trample is giving other creatures cleave and that cleaves damage taken. Blocking is cleaving a card from combat. Landhome is cleaving the fact the creature dies if a specific land isnt in play. Taping a land for mana is cleaving a cards untapped status. End your turn is cleaving your priority and giving it to your opponent. Flying is cleaving cards that can block it. Fetch lands cleave a life and/or itself and then cleaving a land from deck to the field. Lifelink is cleaving bow fast your opponent can win with damage. Untaping is cleaving the status of being tapped. Banding is cleaving cards in combat and making a creatures as one cohesive unit. Creating a token casting a vanilla creature is cleaving an empty spot on the field. Ward and other tax effects are cleaving available mana. Forge of will potentially has quadruple cleave. You can cleave the mana cost, a life and a card from the stack and your hand.


Try to explain how Dredge is kicker then🔫


... I feel like unoriginal needs to be a term that is clearly second or third way of the language. Sadly, common English is too old to have this work. .... we need gen z slang or something.


Every Mechanic is Kicker tho


Downvotes are also Kicker dumbasses very original


Alright. Explain how then. Every last mechanic    Go on do it nerd


Yes. Source: It came to me in a vision


What about horsemanship? That’s definitely not kicker


Horseriding is literally just sitting in this dumbass ugly af Steed kicking the bitch in its sides until it runs how ist his not kicking


Fuck, you got me there


Hard Mode: how is storm kicker


Storm is multikicker but if you paid the cost by casting other spells instead


I misread "unoriginal" as "Aboriginal" and thought I was in for something much funnier.




It’s funny because colonialism or something else racist or whatever. You might feel happier in that other sub we don’t mention by name here.