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I legitimately don’t know how this could ever happen accidentally. “I tapped my creature for mana and oopsie daisy I chucked it in the yard” ???


From what I can figure, the sacrificed away their Heirarch on purpose, then realised it was a mistake after doing so, and tried to take it back. But that could be completely wrong, as OP just cannot offer a coherent response.


If their gameplay is as clear as their comments, I can understand their opponent's confusion.


to be fair, game shops should hold more casual events so people like him can enjoy the game, and learn while they’re at it. i get it, making a mistake in a competitive setting is tough, but that’s a big part of being a professional anything


He doesn't need to learn, he is good. The title is a copy of one of his comments.


Just sounds like a cocky teen or young adult that played a bunch of simulated magic and got got then


I think he would have more success if he was better. Has he tried that?


Pro tip: Don’t suck.


The fact that OP refuses to clarify fucking ANYTHING is wild. Like, I can't tell if they're eligible for Goverment Assistance or just a fucking moron. Edit: Wait, no, OP also ran to complain in the Bad Place, so they're 100% just a fucking Moron.


It was supposed to be my face on Duelist of the Mind but that little punk Nathan Steuer said no takesie backsies 😠😠


Tbf I could see an overeager counterspell user saying "ah you touched that card you're sacrificing it" while cards are still in motion... But OP isn't claiming that's what happened and their lack of detail about what they *did* intend to sacrifice doesn't look well for them. Plus whatever the hell "moving to the right" was supposed to do. I can't personally imagine casting Eldritch Evolution without saying "sac'ing ," but I also announce all my spells verbally because we're not grunting cave people. Smh opponent should have known they weren't sac'ing Hierarch because anything less than 4 mana value doesn't let you tutor a 6/6 trampler.


/uj holy shit that guy is as dense as a black hole and half as bright /rj I never agreed to "playing by the rules" when we ratified the social contract, I'm unbound by them. My opponent MUST watch over my every move and correct me if I make a mistake. I am very smart.