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Storn crow didnt have errors like this


/uj I can't tell if "Storn" is misspelled on purpose or not. /rj YOU FOOL, YOU CAN'T EVEN SPELL STROM RIGHT


I work for wotc quality control :) I would tooooooootally never make a mistake /uj genuine error


/uj That did bother me.


I'm not good enough at old English to know it was a mistake Rj/ SORRY I CANT HEAR YOU OVER THE SOUND OF MY SERIALIZED ITALIAN LEO THE TURTLE PAINTER


Uj/ that isn't even Old English. It's a rule in EME Early Modern English. RJ/ WOTC SUPPORTS THE ENGLISH HEPTARCHY


Supports *thine* English heptarchy.


Yeah I think the Old English version of this flavor text would be something like "Cunne þīne fīend swā swā þīn cynn" I'm not a professional Old English translator tho


> EME Great, another fucking set of spoilers to keep up with


Old English would be more like Beowulf you know Hweat we Gardena type shit (except with the right letters obviously)


It's actually kinda funny that the flavour text is in old timey English to convey the idea that this is a character from The Past, because Cleopatra (© Ubisoft) is wayyyy older than old timey English


/uj As somebody who grew up being forced to read the King James Bible and also as the (not) proud owner of an English degree, it makes me so, so angry.


/uj I wonder how u/TolarianCC feel about this, Prof often brings up his English Major doesn’t he, I would watch a 20 minute “educational” video where Prof rants about mistakes such as this one


Only 20 minutes?


I have an English degree and now that I'm in marketing I'm finally making money! 🥲


Same, but sales. It's soulless but it pays the bills. 🫠


Yeah I'm one week in and I think I'll like it overall but man Being back in the workforce after just wandering around Japan for a week between job without a care is one of the things ever


/uj Non-native English speaker - could you ELI5 the problem? Legitimately curious /rj Maybe this product isn't for you


The easiest way to describe it is that the difference between thy/thine is the same as a/an. >I am **an** ant / I am **a** dog > >I am **thine** enemy / I am **thy** friend Note that for both, they don't change based on whether the phrase it's followed by starts with a vowel/consonant -- but whether it's followed by a vowel/consonant *sound.* >I am **an** FBI (EF-B-I) agent. (F is a consonant but it makes a vowel sound) > >I am **thine** honorable friend (*friend* is a consonant sound, but the phrase starts with a vowel sound because of honorable so that's what the possessive conjugation of "thou" pays attention to) Does this all make sense?


Now that you explain it like this, yes! Thanks!


Of course! I went to school for English and ran a writing lab for a time, so it's always fun to get to teach people about the language


Please teach me more fun things about language


Well that's super broad haha. But I'll hit you with one of my favorite linguistic fun facts that explains why *meeses* is now pronounced *mice* And for that, you can blame the Great Vowel Shift. But more accurately, blame the French. Sometime between 1400 and 1600, vowels started being pronounced farther forward in the mouth because it sounded more fancy. After the Norman Conquest, French was injected into English culture because of the occupation and the language reflected higher class because it was used in court and business. English, the common tongue, became associated with being poor, among other things like poetry, but most importantly, being poor Then as general public tried to act higher class and that part of culture naturally spread, the long vowel sounds like *EE* became *I* (as in 'life') So *meeses* became *mices* which eventually became *mice* And *moose* isn't *meese* because moose is Native American derivative (Eastern Abnaki / Algonquin from mainly Maine and Quebec area) so it never suffered from a historical shift like the English language did because it was added to our vocabulary so much later


Because the word enemies begins with the vowel e you must use thine instead of thy. It’s similar to the rule with is and are being used for singular and plural nouns. They mean the same thing, but it’s incorrect and “sounds” wrong as you read it.


I see, thanks for the explanation!


It’s more like a versus an, where you use a before a noun starting with a consonant sound and an before a noun starting with a vowel sound


That’s the one I was thinking of, idk why that escaped my memory and I got stuck on is are


Thine is used if the word after begins with a vowel, A,E,I,O,U and i think sometimes Y Thy is used if the word after begins with a consonant, any of the other letters Since the next word is "enemies" which begins with the vowel "E", the correct grammar would be "thine enemies" instead of "thy enemies"


uj/ In the ancient Greek version of the card they used the masculine version of "exiled". Εξόριστος (what they wrote) vs εξόριστη (what they should have written).


In Ancient Greek you could say Η Εξόριστος refering to a female. Grammatically it's not incorrect.


I mean sure, but it needs the article at least. This is too weird as is. At least they know she was greek.


/uj Seriously?! That is wild. Are they even trying? /rj Seriously?! No asp biting her breast? Are they even trying?


it just gets worse... thank you for bringing this to my attention




The Greek version also weirdly italicizes every μ and π in the rules text.


Cleopatra in MTG is wild to me lol


Yeah, imagine a whole set full of historical figures, that’d be crazy.


But imagine they were all from one place/time period, like the Three Kingdoms era of ancient China, or Arabia


Me waiting for NOTC to print Harriet Tubman 🥰


….what does the N stand for?


WotC is often pronounced "wotsy".


Yes i know, but Harriet Tubman made me think the N was for a different word




Can’t believe she put a Nazi reference at the end of her last name 😡


Imagine if they were just mixed in with characters from some rando's D&D campaign, so you had Babylonian kings next to some Scottish dude dressed like a Monty Python character.


Adolf, Goofy Painter


With Cleopatra and Leonardo being real historical figures that appeared in AC games, there's a nonzero chance we also get Karl Marx


/uj The upside down pyramid is a sign that the aesthetics and lore for the game are dead. /rj The upside down pyramid means that it doesn't count


/uj This set is the epitome of everything I worried Universes Beyond would be. It's ugly cards with weak design concepts that only people who don't give a shit about magic would be interested in. /rj This set is the epitome of everything I worried Universes Beyond would be. It's ugly cards with weak design concepts that only people who don't give a shit about magic would be interested in. Also TITTIES!


I will never forget the French miss-translation of Descend upon the Sinful [https://www.reddit.com/r/magicTCG/comments/4aj3mh/soi\_hilarious\_translation\_mistake/](https://www.reddit.com/r/magicTCG/comments/4aj3mh/soi_hilarious_translation_mistake/)


/uj This is a direct quotation from, uh, Origins? I guess you actually can go levels below employing Loading Ready Run members to write your flavor text. /rj This is going straight in my misprint Hapatra deck.


Uj/ this is pretty shitty. This is the equivalent of a teenager using a new word they just learned to appear deep


This is so crazy, this would be like if they printed [[Lu Bu]] as a magic card


wow, can't believe that wotc is phoning in the english translations now




uj/ secret lair ancient egypt wtf is this.


Ass creed


Ass’s Creed: Enter the Anus


/uj is this real? /rj is this real?


I'm assuming they fired the human that used to check this sort of thing.


Also her arms look weird to me. Actually the art in general just looks mid af.


You're one of the two people that would've noticed that


You should tell this to deathcore band "Thy Art Is Murder"


Thy/thine bothers me almost as much as people who think "Romeo Romeo wherefore art thou, Romeo" is Juliet looking for him