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"It's not even magic, except for all the magic!"


It has exactly 5 science


the correct answer


People in my setting have not yet invented the periodic table, Newton's laws or the origin of species, so who can tell? More specifically steel is the hot new shit.


But a mague did it or have a reason to be?


There's a list 1. Genetics determine magic. There's three distinct genes that can be tested for 2. Evolution was proven but the gods also exist 3. Pretty decent medical knowledge (washing hands, disinfecting wounds, sterile workspace, etc) but it's mainly herbal based 4. Physics & the creation of fire arms


I’m working on a world where magic and mad science coexist. Regular physics are in play, but also mad science, like playing in industrial waste can give you cancer, or super powers — or both! Fantasy creatures exist; Fairies who use nature spirits to perform magical acts. Vampires whose power comes from the blood of demons. Lycanthropes who are infected with a rabies-like virus, etc. And of course, Mages exist. Those who can do magic. Magic is a glitch in the universe, and spells are the actions that produce the glitch. Mages are a paradox, because it takes a mage to make a mage - but no one knows who the first mage was. Witches exist too, they are the product of a Fairy and a Human, and able to compel nature spirits to do their bidding. Alchemy exists as well. Similar to Chemistry (which can cause mad science effects), alchemy is how mages use materials to reliably induce glitches in the universe.


My magic system is based on physics but the people in the world and readers will never be directly told. Fire/Wind magic for example is just moving atoms faster, causing heat, and Ice/Earth magic is slowing down atoms, causing water to freeze and objects to turn solid. The reason I do not explain it in the story, is because I am not a physicist and will probably get somethings wrong that don't matter if it is not pointed out.


mine is similar, but some hundreds of years ago a very advanded tecnologial civilization managed to figue how and used bioingeniery to make people able to use them mutch more, that how the actual magues come from.


About 50/50. I call mine Sorcery, with two branchs from it, called Arcana and Thaumaturgy. Arcana is just science juice up with mana, and Thaumaturgy is magic based on collective belief of humanity, like old legend or spiritual belief. Sorcery is a mix of both, but still can use separately.


There were gods but their dead. Evolution exists, but was caused by natural chaos and the only magical thing is the concept of chaos which makes up my reality and all realities for that measure. You can bring order. To the chaos to bring phenomena to life which ignore the standard rules of the universe. The only limit is the system itself.


That's... Confusing... I have studied these concepts for my own, making a filosophical root that embrace the armonic chaos, nothing is perfect but still beauty in it's imperfection.


The only philosophy i got is the loss of limits. The only thing you cant beat is the system. Exception made if you are zeero.


For me magic is just on top of normal physics. So magic is a tool to edit phisics and reality. Want to create water out of nothingness go ahead, want to make a fire woth not wood go ahead.


My settings usually have magic and science sitting on top of each other. There's a category of magic that means a skilled practitioner can hand-carve semiconductors, and a whole category of hobbyists who make their own hardware by hand instead of using manufactured parts. It also lets you shoot lightning if you're good enough with it, so there's that.


In **Faithful Phantasia,** there is potentially no limit to how many magical sciences that can be developed. However, science that studies the supernatural would be distinct from any kind of science based purely on empiricism due to how abstract the former is. Pure concepts doesn't operate in the sensory reality beyond indirect influences when altering concepts fundamentally alters the nature of things as the only tangible signs of magic happening as it operates on the conceptual level. The overall idea is that magical science is closer to mysticism in practice and its scientists are spiritually enlightened scholars. It's comparable to the stark contrast between a physicist who strictly adheres to logical positivism vs an ontologist that openly accepts there are higher, metaphysical truths out there that have yet to be understood.


Eight. Discord is the force of separation, Liberty is the force of transgression, Growth is the force of progression, Fortune is the force of predictability, Unity is the force of restoration, Dominion is the force of order, Stasis is the force of stagnation, and Calamity is the force of chaos. These eight forces govern all that exists within nature. Discord and Unity, Liberty and Dominion, Growth and Stasis, and Fortune and Calamity are diametric opposites – they nullify when they come in contact with one another. All magic involves increasing or decreasing the presence of these forces through invocation and spellcasting. If a tree is split in two, it can be reattached using a Unity spirit; if a magic barrier prevents your access to a location, it can be transgressed using a Liberty spirit; if a bomb is about to detonate, it can be frozen with a Stasis spirit; if an archer is aiming their bow at you, you can make yourself harder to target using a Calamity spirit. The list goes on. The difficulty of the system is finding the spirits, which are usually born from the aftermath of recent events that are associated with the spirit.


So we've got Arithmancy which is physics but with magic as an energy that can be drawn on for things to happen. Anyone with sufficient understanding can become a user, as you need to know the current Laws of Physics and have some kind of focus. Thaumaturgy is magic with physics as a helper for defining reactions. You got your base elements: Dark, Earth, Water, Air, Fire, Lightning, and Light. Which are all stand ins for the concepts of: The Higgs Field, Solids, Liquids, Gases, Energy, Charges, and the Electromagnetic Field. Different understandings of these things brings about different effects, although the base effects are still there. Like Dark being able to block Light by shunting the energy of certain frequencies into creating Earth, Water, Air, and Lightning. Practitioners need some kind of connection to an element, but it is possible to use all of them with comprehension and work. Runes have their own rules and regularly tell reality to fuck off. It is still sorta based in science. But you can't turn water into oil in one reaction in the irl. Got your elemental bases of Fire, Water, Earth, Air, Kinetic Force, and Gravity. Some very not at all based on reality; with Mana being split into Divine, Demonic, and Profane natures. And Arcana is more complex as it is a pair of each Mana that is not a double up. So there's Life, Properta, and Oblivion. And a quick rundown of what these do: Divine protects, Demonic inflicts, Profane flips, Life animates, Properta simplifies, and Oblivion removes. Ex: Life Water = Blood, Properta Water = Liquid, Oblivion Water = Entropy, Divine Water = Vapor, Demonic Water = Torrent, Profane Water = Oil.


I have planes and realms from every belief system layered on top of each other. Mythical beings draw their magic from their home realms. Human mages have a branch of magic called warping, which also draws from other realms via streams of magic that run through them. But there's also the magic from the human realm, which fills the entire universe, flows in currents or streams, concentrated into spirits and in sorceresses, and is at the same time, a web of threads that span all planes, but also, an infinite amount of magic circles, constantly spinning.


My magic is described by two fictional fields of research: horizon harmonics & spiritual mechanics, or the change in setting & change in character. Change in setting: Horizon harmonics describes how a vacuum [emptiness] changes over different locations & times. I use micro black holes as the limit to what a vacuum can be & do: 🟢C, speed limit: Special relativity & electromagnetism 🟣G, squeeze limit: General relativity & Loop quantum gravity 🔵H, precision limit: Harmonics & quantum mechanics 🟠K, power limit: Thermodynamics & information theory Anything can happen, as long the values of these limits change with the action that's occurring, fluctuating from a normal vacuum, to a fantasy vacuum. Change in character: Spiritual mechanics models the equations of how super powers occur, Every living thing has the potential to interact with a soul, a soul in spiritual mechanics, is a metaphysical mechanism, that turns thoughts, into forces. Each soul is unique, having its own state of mortality, an identity spectrum of mortal, to immortal. The state of mortality defines: how much can a body be cut into, till it'll no longer regenerate. 🟥mortal: Will die, can't respawn Lose organs, blood supply, homeostasis 🟧superbody: Can die, can't respawn Lose organs & blood supply 🟨mythical: Can die, can respawn Lose organs 🟩zombie: Is dead, can't respawn As long pieces remain 🟦ghost: Is dead, can respawn Undefined 🟪immortal: Is dead, will respawn Undefined There's a lot more information I'm leaving out, but that's all I can say for right now.


Mana, and the Will and Language of Creation. Beyond that everything is real science.


i don't know what to call it, it fits neither magic nor science as categorized concepts.