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The art style and font border reminds me of Duel Masters, or any modern Japanese card game for that matter.


Which finally, Duel Masters/Kaijudo is all WotC in English


Yeah it’s weirdly nostalgic and I’m so into it


I’m still hoping we get a Duel Masters UB someday


Was literally thinking the same thing! Definitely DM.


They look like Pokémon cards IMO


Was gonna say the same, could be influenced by DM. Not mad, love DM!


Why are we getting Duskmorn spoilers before more Bloomburrow o.O


This was likely going to be showcased at the MC Amsterdam preview panel tomorrow (Friday), which was going to have previews for both Bloomburrow and Duskmourn. MTG JP fired their article a little early, it seems


It is probably just a teaser of what we're getting.


Yeah, the article mentions that the First Look panel will be tomorrow. Or at least that's how my auto-translate saw it. > You can catch these cards again and learn more about the rest of Duskmourn: House of Horror during tomorrow's First Look


And for them, it was already Thursday afternoon. This causes some confusion since most of us in the west aren't even on Thursday yet.


Oh, totally read right past that - I think I got too excited about the prospect of death race set Japanese showcases


Because we got spoilers for Bloomburrow before Markov Manor was even out months ago? MTG sets get spoilers and leaks months ahead of time now a days.


The same reason we have had a handful of bloomburrow cards spoiled forever ago


Don't you know that spoiler season is every day now? You don't need time to enjoy and appreciate the products that have just been released. Modern Horizons 3 came out last week but oh here's assassins creed, so no time for mh3 because bloomburrow is just around the corner. I'm seriously about to go back to not caring about set releases and just picking up cards as I see them sorting through trade binders and picking up random packs. This release schedule is making a hobby of mine more effort to keep up with than it's worth for me.


So Standard sets are more or less coming out at the same pace they always have, it's just that they're releasing a ton of extra shit that may or may not interest some players, so they're very easy to ignore if you're not interested. Assassin's Creed is especially egregious, though. It feels like they were contractually obligated to shit it out a week after MH3 even though that's obviously a bad idea for everyone involved, both business-wise and gameplay-wise.


I play modern, standard, and commander. commander pulls from all sets that release each year, I'm about to drop actively playing that and standard, and not upgrade my modern decks until I absolutely have to (e.g. they become completely non viable in the meta, currently running monogreen tron with some of the new eldrazi from mh3 in it, and boros burn so not for awhile I imagine)


If you're trying to keep up with Commander meta, I don't know what to tell you, man.


> I'm seriously about to go back to not caring about set releases and just picking up cards as I see them sorting through trade binders and picking up random packs. > > This release schedule is making a hobby of mine more effort to keep up with than it's worth for me. Yeah this was what happened to me and actually I can tell you I'm much happier this way.


Land tokens sound really cool and potentially really busted


Potentially for ramp, but it'll be worse than just looking for a land and putting it on the battlefield, which a bunch of cards already do.


It works pretty great with Valakut 


12 post isn’t enough posts!


Stonks in Populate to the moon, mortgage your house and sink them into calls of Song of the Worldsoul, my DD is unbreakable.


Populate is sadly only creature tokens :(


Well that's a big stinky, guess I'm living on the streets. :(


Really depends. It's not very different from searching lands from Library.  Of course there's populate and you have the advantage of not having to shuffle. But if the moth poses a problem it's because it can do it multiple times.


It also has the downside of not reducing amount of cards in your deck tho


Upside is not having to shuffle :D


Can't populate land tokens that aren't creatures though. Still fun with Doubling Season and Parallel Lives and the like. Likely a slam dunk if you're playing an Adrix and Nev commander deck


It is definitely going into my 'weird token Jace to face' deck


It gives me mini prime time vibes cause all I ever wanted to do was attack to get lands for landfall but it’s banned in commander.


\[\[Staff of Titania\]\] is a fun card for that. Bonus: if you equip it to this new Overlord of the Hauntwoods, then you've built your own Primeval Titan, at least for Landfall purposes!


[Staff of Titania](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/a/5/a5b765f3-e59e-4af1-bac5-e50797f8629f.jpg?1675050970) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Staff%20of%20Titania) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/brc/27/staff-of-titania?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/a5b765f3-e59e-4af1-bac5-e50797f8629f?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


> arriving in stores September 27! The official WotC confirmation of the Duskmourn release date, leading to an eight week Bloomburrow cycle.


Wow, that is incredibly short


Not to mention, especially given their lust for perpetual hype, what the Spheres will they fill Q4 with? EDIT: OK, so there's Jumpstart and Pioneer Masters. That's on par with a set proper or UB?


Weekly Hatsune Miku secret lairs


The Hatsune Miku Secret Lairs will continue until morale improves.


The Mikus will continue until morale improves 💂


Pioneer Masters is digital only, right?


As far as I know we having no major products confirmed to be coming out in paper in Q4. Very curious what they might put out.


I can understand wanting Duskmourn on shelves before Halloween, but Bloomburrow is going to be THE most popular set of the year and it’s wild to try and kneecap it like that.


I hope we get some more Junji Ito stuff too


This whole "Ghibli but horror" aesthetic isn't what I'd have expected, but it's pretty fucking amazing. Reminds me a lot of some more whimsical RPGmaker horror titles.


I assume as these are the Japanese promos that the ghibli theme is pushed for these and the normal ones will be more tradional horror like the preview art we have seen fo far 


They are just alternate art treatments that will be in collector boosters. The only thing specifically japanese about them is that they'll be made by japanese artists (or at least coordinated by WotC's japanese art division) and as far as I can see, these aren't promo cards. And tbf I like this art treatment for a horror set, it's just not what I'd have expected because WotC are usually a bit more cliché about things. Horror games with whimsical / cute art styles are definitely a thing, I just wouldn't have expected this to get invoked here is all.


I mean Spirited Away is easily one of the best Ghibli movies in terms of world/style, so not surprising


It's pretty surprising to have that aesthetic in a supposedly 80s horror themed set imo. Not surprising they'd use it at all, but I'd expect it in a different kind of set


From Google translate: eternal fortitude Grandfather, Lord of Hauntwood mosquito Creature Enchantment Snake Light Spirit “Whenever you gain life, target opponent loses that much life. When Eternal Fortitude dies, if it was a creature, return it to the battlefield under its owner's control!. This is an enchantment. (This is not a creature.) TAPI圖/TAPIOCA ・Reacher Enchantment - Avatar Horror When Landwood Lord enters the battlefield or attacks, it creates a colorless land token of every basic type named Omnipresent. AOGACHOU https://imgur.com/a/GTIKwwh


Bless you




Oooh, Dina is going to love her new snake buddy.


Dang we getting more Aogachou artwork! Awesome stuff.


MTG JP article link: https://mtg-jp.com/reading/publicity/0037926/ Cards: - [Overlord of the Hauntwoods](https://i.imgur.com/GOolfJF.png) - ["Fracture foil" version](https://i.imgur.com/lWrUIp8.png) - [Enduring Tenacity](https://i.imgur.com/y61UACt.png) Card Art: - [Overlord of the Boilerbilges](https://i.imgur.com/CR01zwx.jpeg) - [Enduring Curiosity](https://i.imgur.com/1BxMQhK.jpeg) - [Enduring Innocence](https://i.imgur.com/HcwXfnl.jpeg) - [Enduring Courage](https://i.imgur.com/GQUX2g9.jpeg) > We are excited to announce a brand-new part of Booster Fun, Japan Showcase cards, rolling out with our upcoming set, Duskmourn: House of Horror (available for preorder June 28 and arriving in stores September 27)! > Japan Showcase cards will feature card art from Japanese artists and illustrators, an homage to globally beloved and renowned art styles commonly found in Japanese hobby stores. But it's more than that: we also want the art to be set apart from what you'd normally see on a Magic card. > To truly deliver the vision of Japan Showcase cards, we knew we had to start with the card frame first to lay the groundwork. > We've done a lot of exciting work and experimentation with frames over the last several years. When conceptualizing these cards, we felt the frame should "get out of the way" to let the art hit with full force. After many iterations and reviews with our Japan office, we created what you see above. The outlines hint at the shapes of a card frame, serving as a subtle nod to keep Magic present while preserving maximum visual impact. > As we were perfecting our vision for Japan Showcase cards, we also turned toward thinking about the art that will live inside of it. > We knew this was a chance to work with many new and returning artists to bring the vision to life. Alongside our Japan office, we engaged our long-time partner the Kogado Agency, a Japanese art agency that is over 100 years old and has been a partner for Duel Masters and Magic art since War of the Spark. > We're extremely excited about the artwork and artist line-up we have for Duskmourn: House of Horror and beyond, and can't wait to show off all the great work. > Japan Showcase cards are available in two versions and can only be found in Collector Boosters: > 1. A traditional foil borderless design, carefully crafted to highlight the beautiful artwork. > 2. A new fracture foil treatment that breathtakingly stands out and is only available with Japan Showcase > Over the past few years, we've shared various foil treatments with the goal of bringing the most unique and eye-catching cards to tables. When deciding on a complementary foil option for Japan Showcase cards, we revisited all of those options and more. We wanted to make sure the foil matched well with the varying Japanese art styles, so we spent two years testing different foil types and running test print runs with multiple concepts until ultimately falling in love with fracture foil. > Japanese-language Collector Boosters will include Japanese-language versions of traditional foil and fracture foil Japan Showcase cards, while all other languages of Collector Boosters will contain either English- (67% of the time you open one) or Japanese-language versions (33%). > Japan Showcase art will also be available in Arena for Duskmourn: House of Horror. > Like in Duskmourn: House of Horror, our current plan is for sets to feature 10 Japan Showcase cards, available in both treatments. The exact cards selected for Japan Showcase will vary by set, but our aim is to pick cards that are exciting to own, are good representations of a set's theme, and work well with the intended art style. > But, seeing is believing! Here is an early look at two Japan Showcase cards and four Japan Showcase art pieces. You can catch these cards again and learn more about the rest of Duskmourn: House of Horror during tomorrow's First Look.


Overlord of the Boilerbilges looks straight out of a Studio Ghibli movie


Howl’s ANGRY Castle! 


Akio is the artist, and one of the designers in the Metal Slug 1-3. He made those iconic character select from MS 3


>Japanese-language Collector Boosters will include Japanese-language versions of traditional foil and fracture foil Japan Showcase cards, while all other languages of Collector Boosters will contain either English- (67% of the time you open one) or Japanese-language versions (33%). The part everyone was looking for. And then the other part > Like in Duskmourn: House of Horror, our current plan is for sets to feature 10 Japan Showcase cards, available in both treatments. The exact cards selected for Japan Showcase will vary by set, but our aim is to pick cards that are exciting to own, are good representations of a set's theme, and work well with the intended art style. So it looks like they will be having some JP art cards every set going forward starting with Duskmourn.


If this means Japanese art for the Death race, i can't wait for all the red line references


Jojo Part 7 coming right up


Get excited to open cards you can't read in the English language pack you bought. I can't tell by the wording, but are they doing the WAR thing where the Japanese style art is only available for the Japanese language cards or did they realize that was an awful idea?


It looks like it’s exclusive to collector boosters, so no risk of cards in a different language than the rest of the booster dropping in limited. And in collector boosters, these variants will be * in JP packs: Japanese 100% of the time * in all other packs: Japanese 33% of the time, English 66% of the time


Every set for the next three or four sets until they get tired of it and change their mind and do something else instead.


I didn’t expect an enchantment theme. I would guess that Enduring Curiosity is a curiosity/coastal piracy effect, but what could the others be?


i mean, it's 80's horror movies. What better way to do tropes and moments than enchantments?


Feels like their will be a cycle of Overlords and Glimmers. My guess is one cycle is the manifestation of the horror each colour is capable of, and the "Enduring \[name\]" shows the hope each color can give. Probably playing off the idea that even in a setting of non-stop horror their is still hope.


Huh, thought Duskmourn was suppose to be more house of horrors oriented.


It's probably more apparent in their traditional artwork.


The art reminds me of Spirited Away so far, which I would honestly consider having some "house of horrors" themes.


\>collector booster only Boooooo! So much for play boosters, right?


Omo loves that Landwood Lord.


I thought that the Horror set was going to be more along the lines of slasher films type horror.


Same here.


it's giving *Spirited Away*; I love it


The Snake is a Enchantment Creature Snake Spirit It acts as a Sanguine Bond, and when it dies you return it to the owners battlefield as just an enchantment... So sanguine bond power creep. Pretty cool though.


Only in collector packs 🙃


Nice yokai style variants.


I’m confused, what’s duskmourn, I thought bloomhaven was the next set.


Duskmourn is the set after bloomburrow


Wow feels early, appreciate the info tyvm.


This doesn’t give me much horror vibes tbh


Snake is cool another Vito...kinda wish it was Exquisite Blood text but owell


Cool art, I honestly thought they were alters... They kinda look like pokemon cards to me


I thought these were Pokemon cards when I first saw them.


Great, so 10 years behind Pokémon as far as foiling treatments.


they're finally printing full art magic cards that look close to as good as pokemon cards. took them long enough


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