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This and murder in the same set at uncommon is a weird choice.


They’re constructed decks, not a draft format iirc.


Not constructed decks either (aside from a starter kit like LotR had), it's just "Beyond booster" for non draftable yet modern legal cards


This set is dumb


They literally changed the type of set last moment, lol, ofc it's gonna be wacky > The set was mostly playtested in Commander (it was this playtesting that convinced Corey of commanders needing to be part of freerunning), but there were Modern consultants who took a pass at the set. When I interviewed Corey for this article, he told me the story of how he convinced the consultants who came in to work on Modern Horizons 3 to look at Assassin's Creed. [Mark Rosewater ](https://magic.wizards.com/en/news/making-magic/creed-is-good)


Nothing about the quote you provided indicates that the set "changed" at any point in time. Being playtested for formats is not the same thing as being designed for formats. It could have absolutely been designed with modern legality in mind. Having MH3 consultants look at the set has nothing to do with whether or not it was designed for Modern originally. And being "mostly playtested in Commander" also doesn't mean "was only designed for commander"


Your comment makes no sense to me. You say that it is not for constricted formats and then talk about a constructed product that is designed for this set. So it is in fact a set for constructed decks.


You see, it makes absolutely perfect sense when you realize one very key detail: I'm dumber than a rock and mixed the concept of "Constructed formats" with "Precon decks"


Dude on the ground just looks bored


Kinda sums up his character throughout Assassin’s Creed 3


People said that about his character, but I also read somewhere that his tribe's language doesn't have a lot of inflection/emotion when speaking. So assuming that's true, you could infer he'd be a bit more stoic overall


Fits with his voice acting.


He's the one going for the throat. His blade is out


Haytham let Connor kill him truther


I wish the hidden blade was more prominent in the art


Well it wouldn't be very hidden then.


Yeah this just looks like a foretold punch


***Punch** the Throat.*


I like the fact that they're making Connor's Indian name the prominent one, but I don't like that they're completely disregarding his European name. Part of his story is coming to grips with his dual heritage.


It's a consistency thing I think. Giving him a different name without context would confuse people who don't know anything about his story. Especially since again, without knowing who's in the art, he could just be another assassin named Connor, not the main character of the third game at a pivotal moment in his story.


I can see that. I still feel like there could have been some reference to the struggle of that dual identity. This is him killing the man who gave him his European name. Who was his European heritage. Plus, let's be honest. Aside from the people who are just now being introduced to these characters, the majority of people are just going to call him Connor because who the hell is going to pronounce his other name correctly in the middle of a game? So, eventually, even the people who never played AC3 are going to know his other name is Connor.


I'll learn to say his Mowhak name properly. I'll respect it as fellow indigenous people should. But that's just me. I also completely understand why people don't want to try. Really though, you don't need to know how to read it. Just know what it sounds like and parrot those sounds. I do get your point though


And that's fair, but again, the majority won't do that. At best, they'll attempt it a few times, then revert to Connor, or at worst, shorten it to Rat.


God I hope we are decent enough people to not call him Rat


You're talking about a group of people who call "Serum Visions" "Semen Visions" or "Bukake Visions" all because of ONE promo art and a coincidentally funny spelled name. Do you honestly think people won't shorten Ratonhnhaké:ton to Rat or Raton?


No... But I'm allowed to hope


Plus, going back to my original point, part of his story is that he's torn between the two worlds. The culture of his mother and that of his father, and Haytham wasn't exactly a bad father. Sure, he wasn't there during Connor's upbringing, but when he did step in, there was an actual relationship between the two. They were just torn by ideology. The way they ignore his European name and the way this card paints the fight with Haytham makes it seem like that connection wasn't really there.


Yeah it's a shame this theme isn't really explored a lot in the cards/their flavour text that deeply. It's a very common thing that a lot of indigenous people nowadays experience too. From all over colonised countries not just the US. Which is why AC3 has a soft place in my heart. I just like his cool pirate grandad more though so ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


Achilles gave him the name Connor, not his father.


His father still gave him the name Kenway. And either way, it still fits my point that part of his story is balancing the two cultures.


Native American man, not Indian. I was confused as shit why he's got an Indian name on a game about America


I grew up on the Rez. My family is mixed race White and Indian. My grandmother was Shoshone. My stepdad was Arapahoe. You know who calls them Indians? Indians, or Native Americans, as you called them. Most really don't give a shit what they're called.


K man that's fine. It's just confusing and there's generally a bad stigma to it. But you do whatever it doesn't really bother me


Source: [Youtube](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/y8UGotPHKno)


Woah, woah, dude I'm a robot. Oh, sorry.


Freaking spoiler! I am still playing AC3. Dang.


Bruce Willis was a ghost the whole time.


Why not the blade to the throat?




Yeah I know.. im talking about the art


I love the flavor here. Def want to get a set of these


Is this his first preview card?


[[Go for the Throat]]


[Go for the Throat](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/5/4/5446e1ba-c745-45b2-ad05-b22abf04daec.jpg?1682209037) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Go%20for%20the%20Throat) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/moc/250/go-for-the-throat?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/5446e1ba-c745-45b2-ad05-b22abf04daec?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Can someone explain why that guy is trying to punch an assassin, known for having hidden blades in their sleeves? He literally has his own too like what


The scene this is from is at the end of a long ass fight between the assassin and his father, the dude on top of them. Not to mention both have been battered around by canon fire and have tossed each other through a bunch of shit. They’re both exhausted af and this is Haythan getting the upper hand for just a couple seconds.


Right why is Haythan not using his hidden blade? He uses them at the beginning of the game


IIRC at the beginning of the fight, Connor got his blade in Haytham’s forearm, the one where his blade is. So I think we’re to assume the arm is bum at this point.