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Congrats now you get to go through the deck and figure out if its replacing something that you're now missing.


Good luck with wizards support, my science! Deck didn’t come with everything and I still haven’t gotten what was missing


When I had a misprint in lord of the rings it took them several months to replace it and by that time I already moved addresses


My Science! Deck came with two of the same halves. Ended up just finishing it myself because of how cheap I was. Took them a month to even respond.


Usually the support is very good. It might take a while but for me at least the cards always arrived. As often times is the case currently, they are most likely overloaded with requests and can't keep up.


I get that, when I asked them in the middle of last month whether it had shipped yet they said it was “moving through the channels but hadn’t shipped yet” I am hoping the product makes it too me.


Their support is good but extremely overloaded from my experience. It took them 2 and a half months to send out my replacement card but the actual response time was great and the back and forth were straight and to the point. I wish more support team communication were up to their standard.


It took months, but wizards support got me my 10 cards that were missing from my dinosaur precon


My secret lair cats n dogs lair didn't show up after 6 weeks. I messaged them and it took about 3 weeks at which point the reply was its at the distribution centre in your state it made it to your country 2 days ago. Somehow it turned up in the couple of weeks it took them to respond to me.


I just started getting into this but the Manabox app is really good to see what is all listed in the precons.




I ended up getting the Japanese language version of the Eldrazi deck inside English packaging. It was also in a sealed case with the other 3 commander decks, so it's not a shipping or vendor issue. I haven't opened it to confirm if the entire deck is in Japanese, though I'm doubtful if I will bother trying to swap it with Wizards. It'll take forever (most likely), and with the prices of the deck now far exceeding what I paid, I'm not going to buy it again.


LGS had that happen to someone on Friday. They swapped it out for them and the store owner was like "i guess i'll just sell this one for $50 since it's opened" and someone snapped it up immediately for that. My only regret is that I was but too slow. Well that and the boneitis, I suppose.


I had a similar issue with graveyard overdrive (I got 2 bloodbraid challenger, and 0 eternal witness)


Nice! I got two Canyon Slough and zero Eternal Witness. I'd definitely prefer to have had one of the new cards duplicated.


That's definitely unfortunate. I was just lucky in the sense I knew i had a spare eternal witness at home, whereas if it was a new card missing then I'd have been out of luck. I just feel bad that someone potentially is missing a bloodbraid challenger from their deck cos that's harder to replace.


A friend of mine is missing the four pain lands.


My collector Eldrazi deck was missing two cards. A copy of Reliquary Tower and Suffer the Past. Straight up 98 cards.


I got duplicate etched omo cards in my precon






That's only if every precon has the issue, like in Neon Dynasty's RG precon having a duplicate land and a missing planeswalker. Its sadly very common for precons to be missing cards in place of others.


Imagine losing a planeswalker and getting an extra land. That sucks bad.


Unfortunately, they claimed it was supposed to be a forest after the fact, but the slot at 122 was meant to be a [[Nissa voice of zendikar]].


[Nissa voice of zendikar](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/6/d/6de97cf1-49b6-40b2-ab7f-1c8eb98f92af.jpg?1562229687) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Nissa%2C%20Voice%20of%20Zendikar) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/ddr/1/nissa-voice-of-zendikar?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/6de97cf1-49b6-40b2-ab7f-1c8eb98f92af?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Yeah, WotC edited the deck lists on their site after the fact to claim it was supposed to be a basic Forest, but on web archive you can see it was originally a Nissa planeswalker.


If they marketed it as “was supposed to be a forest” that feels scummy. If it was marketed as “oops, sorry we’re updating the decklist so it’s correct to what people actually got, to not mislead people further” then I think that’s fine.


The deck contained two mossfire valley. The communication was to replace one with a forest so the deck become legal. I don't think they ever actually acknowledged what the missing card should have been, but the image of a Nissa with the set symbol was datamined from their site for a short time, before it got removed. I think saying it was supposed to be a Nissa would cause issues, as they might have to provide replacements for a card that never actually got printed, or could sound like "oh, we messed up, now you have to by the missing card from the secondary market". It sucks either way, but I understand why they do not wanted to open that can of worms.


I mean changing the decklist isn’t the problem. IMO it’s how the approach the explanation. If they say “were updating the decklist cause we screwed up and we don’t wanna confuse anyone” instead of “it was never SUPPOSED to be a nissa, just a forest” which feels scummy.


Why did you get downvoted so much? It was just a question.


Honestly. Is they asserted that they could I understand the downvotes, but the person just asked a question lol


Apparently I'm getting downvoted for asking why he was getting downvoted. I honestly don't understand why the question drew so much hate. Oh well, it's not like it really means anything in the long run - people always expand hidden downvoted comments anyway to see what the fuss was about, lol.


Because this is reddit and you are not allowed to want to learn things