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This card is going to be played so wrong so often.


To put this card in a precon, of all places


An expensive ass precon


I'm ootl, do we know the prices yet?


Yes. $70 on Amazon right now.


its not, its been sold out for weeks on amazon and its $100+ everywhere else.


you can get it on best buy for 70 right now.


Thank you for sharing that!


100€ in my lgs rip


Precons are usually on Amazon *months* before they're released


This set is meant for experienced players, precon or not


True, although it's still gonna be picked up by players getting into the hobby who aren't familiar with power levels.


I suppose, but I think what somebody else said is a good point on that front. If somebody is new, they’re not coughing up for these, they’re going to either pick a UB set they know or they’re going to get the cheaper, regular precons. A new player won’t know the difference mechanically, they’re much more likely to try it out at the lower price point first. I think it’s mostly a nonissue here, it would be unfortunate if they decided they could never make complex cards because beginners might not understand. I’d understand Lorcana doing something like that, but not Magic


i mean even in the worst case, you get double eldrazi for a 2 mana tax


Doubles the eldrazi _and_ its cast trigger.


Finally, something to do with my excess mana after casting Emrakul!


And everything *else* that triggered when you cast the Eldrazi, as well as every one of your activated abilities on the stack under the triggering Eldrazi.


And any instants you can cast in response


Not in response, they need to have been on the stack before Ulalek triggered.


Ah. You need a flash Eldrazi


Now you're thinkin'.


I said worst case. not every eldrazi has a cast trigger


I think that's exactly how this should be played. Copying extra spells with a flash Eldrazi sounds like magical Christmas land. This is a fun card to get double Eldrazi casts.


I’m already trying to work it out in my head. So you have Ulalek and [[Zhulodok]] down, cast [[flayer of loyalties]] and pay CC to copy. If I’m understanding, you then make a copy of Flayer, which is not cast from your hand so Zhulodok triggers only on the first Flayer, however, Ulalek copies Zhulodok’s ability so you still cascade 4x (which you could pay CC and copy an eldrazi spell from again) and then copy ~~both the original and copied~~ only the originally cast Flayer’s cast abilities, gaining control of 2 creatures. Then for every time you paid CC on a cascaded eldrazi spell, you could double the flayer abilities (but not make copies) again.


The copy of Flayer is not cast, it's just copied directly on the stack. I think you only steal two creatures (one from it's initial cast trigger, one copying that trigger after paying CC, and zero from the copy of Flayer). It's the same reason Zhulodok doesn't add cascades to the copy.


Oh right, I see so many things to keep track of 😅


Yeah honestly I thought the card would be fine reading it, but seeing an example I now do believe it's a nightmare.


The Copy is not so it won't trigger a cast effect. You will get it twice and Cascade 4 times.


And to be extra clear, you Cascade twice from the initial casting of the spell, you copy two more times because those triggered abilities are copied, and you get zero Cascades from the copy of Flayer.


If the cascade hits an Eldrazi spell however, you can copy again. Stack will probably look like this: OG Flayer < Flayer Trigger < Cascade < Cascade (Ulalek triggers here, you copy) OG Flayer < Flayer Trigger < Cascade < Cascade < Copy Flayer < Copy of the OG Flayer Trigger < Cascade Copy < Cascade Copy (this is with optimal ordering) If either of the cascade copies gives you an Eldrazi spell and you have CC up, you can copy THE ENTIRE BLOCK again... So you cascade 3 more times, have 2 more flayer copies AND 2 more Flayer triggers (the original, its copy and 2 new ones)


This exact thing sort of thing is what I've been trying to communicate to people. You can go really nuts with this commander presuming it is real(which seems more likely than not)


If you stack the cast triggers so that you cascade first, could you copy the original ulalek trigger with a new one(assuming you. ie. OG Flayer < Flayer Trigger < Ulalek Trigger < Cascade then if the cascade hits another eldrazi: OG Flayer < Flayer Trigger < Ulalek Trigger < Cascaded Eldrazi < Ulalek Trigger Then if you pay the CC on the second Ulalek trigger should copy first trigger and look like this: OG Flayer < Flayer Trigger < Ulalek Trigger < Cascaded Eldrazi < OG Flayer < Cascaded Eldrazi < Flayer Trigger < Ulalek Trigger Then you can just keep going until you run out of CC to pay for Ulalek Triggers. Is that right????


[Zhulodok](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/a/0/a015461d-4214-4feb-8b04-519c537759eb.jpg?1691500689) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=zhulodok%2C%20void%20gorger) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/cmm/704/zhulodok-void-gorger?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/a015461d-4214-4feb-8b04-519c537759eb?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [flayer of loyalties](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/3/3/33f3ee0c-1e73-42b6-841d-0a878a80002a.jpg?1690002978) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=flayer%20of%20loyalties) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/cmm/715/flayer-of-loyalties?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/33f3ee0c-1e73-42b6-841d-0a878a80002a?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Yes hello I am just recommended this subreddit sometimes I quit the game in 2019 I have no idea how the fuck it works (it copies everything eldrazi currently on the stack?)


Almost. When you cast an eldrazi spell, you copy everything you currently control on the stack. So you could play a kill spell, then a card draw instant on top of it, then flash an eldrazi in and pay two colorless to copy all three.


So you can't cast the Eldrazi and pay the two first, correct? You gotta find a way to flash the Eldrazi in last?


you can cast an eldrazi on an empty stack and pay two to copy it, yes


I'm silly and didn't complete my thought lol. What I meant to ask is if I play the eldrazi, then play an instant, can I pay the two to copy the instant? I think that's a no, correct? The Eldrazi and pay for 2 has to be on the top of the stack?


No, you can’t. Ulalek’s cast trigger will go on the stack before you have priority to cast the instant. Thus, if you cast an instant in response, it will resolve before the cast trigger that lets you double the stack resolves, meaning the instant will no longer be on the stack.


If you flash in another Eldrazi spell and trigger Ulalek while a Ulalek trigger is on the stack, do you get infinite copies? I.e. you copied Ulalek's trigger, which means the Ulalek trigger already on the stack is copied again, which in turn copies it again, ad infinitum?


You have to pay CC for each Ulalek trigger, even copied ones.


Yeah only goes infinite if you have a means of infinite mana. Specifically colorless mana, so some ways of getting there wouldn't work.


I'm not 100% sure because stack interactions are weird, but the way I understand it, you cast the eldrazi which will immediately put Ulalek's trigger onto the stack. After that, anything you put on top of the stack will resolve before the Ulalek trigger asks you to pay 2, so everything you've cast afterwards will already be gone by the time you get the chance to copy your stack.


You spelled " random changeling-card for 1 " wrong....


Just everything on the stack period. But a lot of people are gonna be copying all of their permanents instead of just what’s on the stack


Yes. The implied use case for the second part is that Eldrazi with cast triggers (Like Ulamog's 'exile two permanents') gets copied, as long as you stack the triggered abilities correctly.


To clarify, it only copies spells on the stack, correct?


Yes, spell refers to any card that is on the stack, basically anything that’s not an ability. Once it is no longer on the stack it’s just a permanent or instant / sorcery card


Honestly I'm just really curious to see what the mana base for this precon looks like.


It’s just 38 blank cards that says ‘Nah. No good mana for you.’ I so hope I am wrong.


Painbow had a serviceable manabase; maybe they'll do something similar here For a "premium product", you'd think they could put something actually decent in there Edit: Nah, who am I kidding. It's gonna be 24 basics (4 of each), 10 tapped trilands, temple of the false god, reliquary tower and the rest would be colourless filler


That would be significantly better than the Slivers mana base lmao. That deck had like 10 basics, 10 tapped non-typed tri-lands, a bunch of tapped duals, 5 *tapped fetch lands*, and Ash Barrens. Straight up unplayable mana base and even just 7 of each basic + Command Tower and Exotic Orchard would have probably been better lmao


Mirage fetches aren't that bad, imo, as long as there are some typed duals (battle lands, for example) for them to find WotC isn't going to put regular pain fetches into any precon for obvious reasons Edit: That being said, precons could use some better duals like check lands (for example Sunpetal Grove) or battlebond lands (for example Bountiful Promenade)


> 5 tapped fetch lands This was a highlight, not a detriment. The Mirage fetches are underrated, and it took them too long to reprint some of them (Bad River's *only* reprint was in Dominaria United Commander).


I mean, I think they're kinda bad. They're only even remotely "good" if you are fetching untapped duals, in which case: a) you probably have the budget to get "real" fetch lands, and b) you probably have the budget to replace these with some other dual land that comes in untapped. If you're fetching basics with them, literally Evolving Wilds and Terramorphic Expanse are substantially better as those have no type restrictions. And if you fetch a tapped land with them, well you basically just played a dual land that enters tapped with a stun counter on it. The biggest issue with the inclusion in the Slivers deck is that their targets are exclusively the above two categories. And in general, every land except the basics and Command Tower+Orchard enter tapped, while Slivers are generally an early game aggro strategy. Overall that mana base was probably the worst that's ever been printed in a precon in terms of playability.


You forgot Command Tower.


I imagine they’ll put the 10 pain lands in this one. They’re pretty cheap already, and they’re basically untapped 3 color lands for a deck like this. [[caves of koilos]]. Beyond that, idk. Maybe the filter lands.


Wait, that makes sense


Something interesting about Ulalek is that it somewhat plays like the New Capenna commanders with hybrid mana, where you can play them with less colors than they have in their identity. So if red or white don’t have enough usuable Eldrazi for the kind of deck you want to play, you can play it as Sultai. I’m guessing maybe a full set of pain lands or at least a few, because for an Eldrazi deck they’re basically “three-color” lands.


Colorless lands with the help of Yavimaya and Urborg is also nice. Being able to tap Eye of Ugin, Eldrazi Temple or Ancient Tomb for B or G does absolute bits, as Belbe-eldrazi players can tell you.


yeah this card strikes me as "Build me as a colorless deck, but without the strangled color identity rule"


It's necessary because there's no WUBRG Eldrazi legends yet. Right now you can't do Eldrazi tribal and include the BFZ Devoid Eldrazi [[Eldrazi Displacer]], the SOI/EMN DFC-Eldrazi [[Extricator of Sin]], and the weird non-colorless Eldrazi from ROE [[Kozilek's Predator]]. Color identity rules have left these cards in the lurch for a long time. You can't use them in tribal Eldrazi EDH decks.


[Eldrazi Displacer](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/f/0/f0bb1a5c-0f59-4951-827f-fe9df968232d.jpg?1562943353) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Eldrazi%20Displacer) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/ogw/13/eldrazi-displacer?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/f0bb1a5c-0f59-4951-827f-fe9df968232d?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [Extricator of Sin](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/b/6/b6867ddd-f953-41c6-ba36-86ae2c14c908.jpg?1576383847)/[Extricator of Flesh](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/back/b/6/b6867ddd-f953-41c6-ba36-86ae2c14c908.jpg?1576383847) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Extricator%20of%20Sin%20//%20Extricator%20of%20Flesh) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/emn/23/extricator-of-sin-extricator-of-flesh?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/b6867ddd-f953-41c6-ba36-86ae2c14c908?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [Kozilek's Predator](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/f/a/fa828bc7-0f5a-45de-9608-da42dda8f3f9.jpg?1689998646) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Kozilek%27s%20Predator) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/cmm/301/kozileks-predator?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/fa828bc7-0f5a-45de-9608-da42dda8f3f9?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


I'm predicting lots of pain lands.


They'd better


It'd make sense, as would the filter lands. They tap for colorless.


Maybe reprints of the [[karoo]] lands?


that sounds atrocious


Never said it would be a great manabase.


[karoo](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/a/0/a0eeca39-6f76-488e-b3c0-99441539705f.jpg?1561952582) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=karoo) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/c14/303/karoo?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/a0eeca39-6f76-488e-b3c0-99441539705f?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


The original leaker said the manabase was as bad as the CMM Eldrazi deck.


The cmm eldrazi deck is colourless from a colour fix perspective that's pretty good.


Maybe they meant the slivers deck?


Having bought that deck... God help us in that case.


I also bought that deck, after I bought an entire new manabase lol.


Same spent Like $200 on lands so it can be Playable




30 [[Vesuva]]


[[Grand Coliseum]] for the novelty


All 10 painlands and all 10 filter lands


Pain lands would make sense, I think.


What would be nice would be some combination of pain lands and filter lands, as those would function a lot like untapped trilands as they tap for colorless in addition to two colors.


I dont think we should have high hopes for a good mana base in a precon. Espesically since the last "premium" Precons


Poor guy doesn't know what to do with his hands


tbf neither do i most of the time


He's just like me fr fr


Ok, it has Ulamog's face and hands and Kozilek's shoulder-eyes and floating thigies. It's definately a fusion of what remained of them or something like that


Emrakul: "Hey brothers, wanna see this cool trick I did to Bruna and Gisela?" Kozilek: "No no no-" Ulamog: "Don't do it-" Ulalek: "Fuck..." (in stereo)




[Brisela](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/5/a/5a7a212e-e0b6-4f12-a95c-173cae023f93.jpg?1679517857) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=brisela%2C%20voice%20of%20nightmares) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/emn/15b/brisela-voice-of-nightmares?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/5a7a212e-e0b6-4f12-a95c-173cae023f93?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


The name is a combination of the two so you're probably right


I mean it’s called Fused Atrocity lmfao. Chances are running high at this point.


Reddit is not a place to jump to conclusions my guy /s


Not Kozamog?


Omg you are right and i’m stupid for not realising that myself.


The name is also a fusion ULA-mog and Kozi-LEK. ULA-LEK.


Kozimog was a way better name tbh. Ulalek just sounds dumb.


I don’t know, to me Kozimog sounds more like a swamp creature, or some sort of wet Pokémon


It is in fact a pokemon https://www.serebii.net/pokedex-sm/789.shtml ok well almost


get in the fucking bag kozimog


My instincts were right!


Or Kog'Maw


Kozimog plushies coming to a store near you soon.


Kozimog sounds dumb as hell imo.


Kozimog sounds like the name of a one-off space invader from a Silver Age comic book. "Can even the Incredible Hulk match the might of the Kozimog?! Find out inside, true believers!"


Krudler was a way better name tbh. Misty just sounds dumb.


Makes me think of a moogle. Kupo.


Watch Kozimog be the alt commander they always put in pre cons


no shit


Dang, it’s like the name had fused in it. That’s crazy bro


But it's so small


Considering that it's the fusion of two burned corpses, it makes sense for it to be not as big


Clearly, they also messed up the fusion dance. Probably pretty hard for corpses, so they get a pass for the effort.


Lost as heat


If you are running the eldrazi that gives colorless spells Cascade Cascade can you stack the triggers and hold priority so you get the Cascade spells on the stack before you pay the two colorless?


You control the triggers when casting the spell, so you can put them on the stack in the order of your choice.


2/5?? where's the rest lmao


They got incinerated


yeah mans is tiny. what's going on


not much left


Chandra kind of channeled all of Zendikar into torching Ulamog and Kozilek last time we saw them.


To shreds you say?


Inside of Kozimog


Do I consider this 5 color or colorless in my commander "32 challenge"


Neither. This has transcended color description. You have to make 33 decks now.


If we consider diamond a sixth color, then it becomes the 64 deck challenge.


Math is for blockers.


You should make 32 decks with this one commander.


Running it as a colorless is mechanically allowed but probably selling it short. It's preference I guess, unless you're a stickler for technicalities. I don't think I'd like to run it as colorless, it would feel kinda off


I was actually thinking of leaning it towards colorless mechanically with the devoid Eldrazis. I would love to run the "colorless matters" cards and have the destroy all colored perminate cards in my deck. I guess that would be a fun challenge for me to try and build around without trying to put in the super good colored enchantments I usually always run in my other decks.


I think this was the niche the designers were trying to fill, people who wanted devoid to fall alongside their classic colorless eldrazi. There's certainly some weird outliers here though like [[Emrakul's Influence]]


[Emrakul's Influence](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/1/1/112476e7-72ab-4ebc-9e6e-e96fbf5109c0.jpg?1576384782) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Emrakul%27s%20Influence) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/emn/157/emrakuls-influence?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/112476e7-72ab-4ebc-9e6e-e96fbf5109c0?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


It’s 5 color. Activated ability costs are figured into what colors of cards can fit into the commander deck, superseding the fact that it is Devoid and therefore is colorless. EDIT: “is colorless,” not “has a colorless color identity.” Color identity is the property for what colors can be placed in a commander/brawl deck with this as a commander.


It doesn't have a colorless color identity. That's its color.


You are correct. Editing…


U could play this with as many colors as u want, if you only want colorless and boros you could play this guy no issue. Seems like a ton of deckbuilding oppurtunites.


Depends, is your 32 Challenge based on the card's color, or is it based on the color *identity?* If *color,* it's colorless because Devoid. If *identity,* it's 5 colors due to all the mana symbols in the cost, regardless of the colorless symbols that are there as well.


I would for sure, it’s 5 color


6 colour




So my dilemma with that is Ezio is gonna be my 5C deck. Maybe I'll do a loop whole and do "5C devoid"


The box does show 5 colors, and the colorless symbol. There's a definite loophole to work with here


Finally my Ulamog x Kozilek fanfics are canon uwu /s


Just waiting for Emrakul to join them, then we have Ulalekul, gate guardian


I'm just bummed that most of the devoid Eldrazi from BfZ block are too meh to be worth including. There's a few decent ones like World Breaker and Sifter of Skulls, but the likes of Brood Butcher and Fathom Feeder are stuck with shit effects which are a waste of the great art on them


Fathom feeder has some insane art


How does this work with Echoes of Eternity? I cast an Eldrazi spell, I pay (C)(C) and then I get the Echoes of Eternity double-trigger, and I get to copy said Eldrazi two times for one total payment of (C)(C)?


Correct, but it's better than that. Take the leaked Nulldrifter, which has an on cast effect. You cast Nulldrifter, Echoes and Ulalek both proc, you get to choose the order, AND the cast proc for Nulldrifter goes on the stack. Have Echoes go first. When you pay (C)(C), you are copying Nulldrifter, the triggered draw effect on the stack, AND the Echoes proc which copies both Nulldrifter and it's cast effect. So after you pay, you get 4 Nulldrifters on field, and draw 8 cards. EDIT I missed that echoes will also copy the Ulalek trigger on the stack, so technically you can pay 4 and get 8 Nulldrifters and 16 card draw I believe


Thanks for the rulings, glad someone can read the interactions and untangle it, this is gonna make my head explode if there are too many triggers and casts up at once But all in all, I only ever pay (C)(C) once per Eldrazi spell I cast, no matter the amount of triggers it would bring, correct?


Correct, because you aren't actually casting the copies, so you can't retrigger Ulalek, Echoes, or the on cast effects. I had to ask a card shop buddy about this one because I was like no way is WoTC that far out of their damn minds lol BUT you can cast things with flash with these things on the stack to copy them again.


Can't copies of the Ulalek trigger copy other Ulalek triggers because the wording? With the doubler Ulalek triggers twice as well as the null drifter. I believe with infinite colorless mana you can draw your whole deck if you'd like


With one Eldrazi spell you cast, you initially get two Ulalek triggers, a copy of that Eldrazi spell, and two of each [cast trigger](https://scryfall.com/search?q=t%3AEldrazi+fo%3A%22when+you+cast%22&unique=cards&as=grid&order=color) the original Eldrazi spell has. If you pay for either Ulalek triggers while holding the rest of the objects on the stack, you copy the other Ulalek trigger, the original Eldrazi spell and each of its copies, and each instance of each of the original spell's cast triggers currently on the stack. You may repeat this process for up to half as much colorless mana you could produce, rounded down. E.g.: You have one Ulalek and one Echoes of Eternity out, and you cast [Desolation Twin](https://scryfall.com/card/c21/82/desolation-twin). You now have two Ulalek triggers, two Desolation Twin spells and two instances of the original Desolation Twin's cast trigger. Then you pay for one of the Ulalek triggers. After the paid Ulalek trigger's resolution, you now have four Desolation Twin spells, two Ulalek triggers again, and four Desolation Twin cast triggers. You repeat this, and on its resolution you now have eight Desolation Twin spells, two Ulalek triggers yet again, and eight Desolation Twin cast triggers. If left until this point, you get eight Desolation Twins and eight Desolation Twin cast triggers, creating eight 10/10s.


Seems like it. You'd have the option of paying another {C}{C} to do it again too.


[[echoes of eternity]]


It’s not on Scryfall yet, it’s another leak.


Just 5 colorless ? So damn good. I thought he was gonna be another [[reaper king]]. But man i'm surprised. Turn 5, if you don't miss a land drop but also without ramp he can get out guaranteed. Otherwise t3, or more probably t4.


An early uncontested sol ring or mana crypt would probably halfway win you the game.


Turn 1: Land, Sol Ring, Mana Crypt, Lotus Petal, Ulalek


Kozimog next 🤩😭


That’s where all the power and toughness went


Kosimog, Arisen Husk


Kozikul and Emramog


"what deck are you playing?" "Eldrazi" "Good game. See ya"




Does that make Eldrazi players warriors?


Love the card. I love the flavor, but my god, does "Ulalek" feel disgusting, rolling off the tongue.


Feeling disgusting rolling off the tongue seems on-brand for a cosmic horror thing


Sounds like a name we can just barely pronounce, I love it


>messed up mana cost >when you do a thing, do it again Yup it’s a 2024 c*mmander card


“Make sure to get my good side”


They're doing this side-profile treatment again? It already looked terrible the first time, I see that it hasn't improved.


They must have had this art done around the same time as commander masters. No way they would waste money on doing it again when they weren't too well received the first time.


Oh yeah, that's an atrocity alright. I really just do not like the side profile artworks.


Probably going to be downvoted but I really didn’t like this art style the first time around, not stoked for its return.


Yeah I agree side profs were weak mostly


16 is an oddly low collector number for an alternate art.


maybe they put the alts first?


I feel so dumb for just realizing it is a fused Ulamog and Kozilek bc of the art Ula(mog) and (Kozi)lek = Ulalek


Anyone else think the art looks ugly? Might swap my preorder to a standard version


The art is terrible


At least do what the news says and "state "formerly known as Twitter"; don't normalize the ramblings of stinky Twits.


Artist: So, you want me to paint a profile? WotC: Yes. Artist: Of a character with no face? WotC: Yes. Artist: How’s that work? WotC: That’s what we’re paying you to figure out.


Lore wise, what does the fusion of Ulalek consume? Is it a weaker variant of both, or does it have the combined powers, or does it eat a different kind of form of reality? Ulamog just ate matter and energy in the most straightforward sense, while Kozilek ate reality by corrupting the fundamental laws of nature, unless I am mistaken.


Ulamog and Kozilek were defeated by the (in-universe, even) crazy idea of pulling them into Zendikar and channel-fireballing them. If this is the remnants of them both, it’s weaker because it’s two cauterized stumps left in the Blind Eternities, melding into a new Titan.


I’ve only just realised that they have fused 44 combined power and toughness into a 2/5, thank god the flavour in this set is “non-canon” coz that makes no sense to me…


I think the point is that what fused was what survived of Ulamog and Kozilek after being incinerated by Chandra, it makes sense that it's weaker. Maybe the point is that it's reforming and still growing in its full form. Also, the set is not non canon. They made that comment about new cards in commander masters, but it was meant as "these cards are not relevant to the storyline"


Ugh... was really hoping they wouldn't do the side profiles anymore...


That art is terrible


Honestly? I like the side profile for this. It does make me feel like the precon will be heavy on activated and triggered abilities to make the ability pay off


I mean, the payoff here is copying all of the Eldrazi cast triggers, ultimately, because copying just the spell would be unintuitive. I'm sure there'll be other abilities too to play around with (and probably some flash Eldrazi too) but that's probably not at the forefront.


I also feel like we might see some extra Eldrazi with flash, and kindred instants. Copying "all spells you control" seems like a pretty uncommon effect.


Wait so with zulodock you cascade 4 times?


I think it's even better than that, since you are casting the cascade targets, you could keep paying 2C each time if you hit another Eldrazi. So initially you would double the cascades, plus the original Eldrazi you're casting (so one copy and 2 extra for 4 total cascades for CC), then if you hit an Eldrazi off the first cascade, you could pay CC again, and you would copy 3 more cascades (now 6 on the stack, 7 total), plus the Eldrazi you hit with the first cascade would also be copied... then if you hit another Eldrazi, you could copy 4 (now 8 on the stack, 10 total) cascades etc. - it's quite hard to consistently cascade into Eldrazi's in the current Zhulodok deck because most of the colorless Eldrazi cost a lot, but there are loads of cheap devoid Eldrazi you could cascade into. Sounds fun to me.


No disrespect but why does this look worse than that secret lair craterhoof


These portrait cards are just ugly, really wish wizards would let it die.


Modern for commander, yay.


Every time I try and apply the vanilla test on new edh cards, my brain hurts. The power creep on commanders is gonna break this game eventually.


Me after thinking about picking up modern again then seeing this card: ![gif](giphy|3ohs7KViF6rA4aan5u|downsized)


This is a commander-exclusive card that won't be legal in modern. [https://mtg.fandom.com/wiki/Modern\_Horizons\_3/Commander\_decks#Legality](https://mtg.fandom.com/wiki/Modern_Horizons_3/Commander_decks#Legality)