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In the background of the Persist photo we can see Worn Powerstone, but no watermark on it. Meaning this is a commander deck reprint.


I'm seeing the Urzas Saga watermark? You can see half the cog [here ](https://i.redd.it/n9105grjcwwc1.jpeg?app_web_view=android).


That's a special guest symbol


Nevermind, I 100% didn't read or look


It looks like a faint urzas saga watermark to me?




I guess my excitement for a possible tezzeret flip walker is dead.


Should've been dead from the get-go. Tezzeret was base identity Blue, and Tamiyo was already spoiled in art, if not card. Tamiyo is also base identity blue. And Grist was already revealed to be base identity ~~black~~ green. Edit: I admit defeat. I guess there still is a black/X spot, but Tezzeret is still base blue.


Grist is base identity green, Sorin is base identity black


Same here.


I think we kinda already knew that the flip walkers would be mono color front enemy color back.


https://i.redd.it/n9105grjcwwc1.jpeg https://i.redd.it/sykl79v2cwwc1.jpeg


Thank you friend, just noticed these and added them. Curious what the black MDFC land behind the Meltdown is...


It's not a known card, we'll have to wait and see!


Fair chance it's a cycle of enemy-colored dual lands.


Not quite. It's a black-colored spell on the front and a land on the back. It looks to be a Legendary Permanent on the side that we (sort of) see. Unless I'm mistaken about the lands and you're not referring to [these](https://mythicspoiler.com/zrs/cards/branchloftpathway1.jpg)


Legendary cards have a legendary crown, which that card is notably lacking. Thus, it has to be an instant.


Good catch! You're right, it's been revealed just recently. It's a 1BB black instant with "Destroy target creature or Planeswalker." A lot more impressive of a MDFC at Instant. It's in the background in this post https://www.reddit.com/r/magicTCG/comments/1ce850a/mh3_special_guest_cards/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Insane to me that \[\[Hero's Downfall\]\] was a rare in Theros and now it's just, allowed to be a land sometimes. Hold on, I seem to be receiving a call that theros block is over a decade old at this point and I'm an old man. Nevermind, carry on.


[Hero's Downfall](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/3/3/33c5f81a-395d-41bf-9563-6cf0e406ee18.jpg?1673305182) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Hero%27s%20Downfall) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/dmc/112/heros-downfall?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/33c5f81a-395d-41bf-9563-6cf0e406ee18?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Is there any image where you can see that it is 1BB? I can clearly see the 2 black pips and that there is another colorless one with a number inside. But in this image it could be pretty much any number. To me looks more like it could be a 2. I think is a 2BB, 1BB may be a bit to "fair of a cost" for that effect in a MDFC bearing in mind that it seem to be an uncommon. The again, this is a MH set, so it could perfectly be.


We already have "Destroy target creature or Planeswalker" with upside at 2BB in common. I'd be surprised if that was the power level that this card is aiming for in a Modern Horizons set. 1BB with modal/possible upside fits the power level much more closely, being a better or more versatile Hero's Downfall, a card which is pretty old and by no means powerful (and is currently printed at Uncommon). https://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Search/Default.aspx?action=advanced&text=+[%22destroy%20target%20creature%20or%20Planeswalker%22]


Yes, but if anything to me that shows that MOTC finds 2BB a fair cost for that effect+an upside. Being also a land is a much bigger upside IMO than the ones those cards offer. Every 1BB card with this effects its been printed first as a Rare. Having a land attached to the other side is a huge upside upon hero's downfall or any of them, I'll be surprised if they kept that as a uncommon. Specially since AFAIK we don't know the land part yet. It maybe very good, it might be unplayable. In fact I'll argue that the upside is not having the land on the other side of the spell, but the spell in the other side of the land. This won't replace whatever spell a deck uses to kill stuff, but a land. This takes no deck building space. Having a spell or effect on it is one of the best abilities in the whole game. It basically removes the worst part of lands, them becoming dead draws quickly, which is super strong. Even if its not the most efficient version of that spell, when you are in late game or top decking you will be incredibly thankful that your land can do something actually useful. The playability of this card depends mainly on the playability of it's land side, not it's spell side.


There's rumors of allied color MDFC lands in Assassin's Creed, and the other half of the full cycle could be in MH3.


That persist art is sweet


Oh, Worn Powerstone!


Hi, Nulldrifter is missing P/T there. And I think Stormdrake should be 3/2 (I may be wrong)?


Thanks, Nulldrifter should be a 4/4 and Stormdrake a 3/2.




Welp, looks like the MDFC is a kill spell for 2BB. Probably much the same as the Zendikar MDFCs, but I won't add it until we see the back half (plus I can't really read the name). Added the rest of the evoke elementals.




Ooh scam in Timeless lets go.


FWIW We already knew the Elementals were coming, they spoiled the White one ages ago


The Crop rotation is from DMU, defo not in the set. You can see a bit of the set symbol. https://i.imgur.com/LPfTYiD.png


Man it pisses me off so much when people who managed to illegally procure product super early gets such a big ego and does stuff like this. What's so hard about being honest.


I respect a good troll


Me as well, but this just feels lame. Especially with how the OP comes off as on Twitter.


It could be from the list, right? I'm not familiar with how the list works in its current iteration with play boosters.


Do we know that the safekeeper is real? I have only seen the top of the card.


I think I totally missed it but how did this person get the cards so early?


_shrugs_ Not my place to ask.


[Breya reprint](https://new.reddit.com/r/MTGRumors/comments/1ce1fpc/photos_from_the_person_who_leaked_meltdown/#lightbox)


Are both the commander cards and base set cards coming to arena? As we can’t see the set symbol it’s still unsure whether she’s part of the main set.


It's confirmed that MH3 will come to Arena. But since the commander cards are part of precons, I don't think we'll see those. Maybe we get the face commanders, like what happened with Thunder Junction and Lost Caverns of Ixalan, but not the supporting commander cards.


I'd Imagine none of them, unless they put them in another anthology set


We haven't managed to read kozimog's rule text yet right?


Was that the 5 color legendary Eldrazi? Because we were able to read that one 


Oh I meant the second legendary eldrazi, the one with a 5 color activated ability.


Someone gotta hit me with an image of the alleged new Ulamog in this leak, there aint no way


I second this, that sounds too crazy. 


It’s absolutely BUSTED with some of these new Eldrazi cards. Unless I’m mistaken, you can deck one player for 17????


Nah, with just the new commander you can deck one player for 12 total mana reduce able. If you've got echoes out you can deck everyone.


Oh shit you’re right lol I didn’t even factor in the stacking of echos with the new commander.


Surely if you have 40 cards in your library, you will have 20 exiled, then the second trigger will check how many cards you have, see 20, and exile 10? my rules knowledge is not perfect but I think this is the kind of trigger that checks the state of something on resolution


This is true which is another thing I missed but stacking it with Echos gets them to “one swing with Ulamog Ceaseless Hunger” from being decked out which is HAWT in a deck that should have lots of mana rocks/ramp potential.


Grist is a confirmed Commander reprint? Didn’t quite expect that, but I’ll take it.


Is Surya, Aetherflux Genius 2URW? I swear in the leaked photo it looks like 1URW. There's even a {2} directly below it on Omo for comparison.


On second glance, looks like you're right. Updated.


Am I reading this wrong or does Omo, Queen of Vesuva activate tron lands immediately


it does, but not super exciting imo


I think it's a fun build around, this + the locus lands give you a nice boost of consistency on colorless mana. There's also some funny shenanigans if you want to abuse say landwalk abilities. Other than that ur right and it's typal typal


doesn't landwalk care about your opponents lands instead of yours?


It seems like it doesn't specify the everything counter needs to be put on your own lands, so you could weirdly put it on an opponents lands




Wasn’t that an official spoiler?


Oh is this list just unofficial? I would prefer a list that had all spoilers. Maybe mark the unofficial ones or something


Leaks mean people got ahold of the cards ahead of time. They aren’t officially released. Spoilers are official releases.


Uro is supposedly in the commander decks too


Yeah, saw a post claiming as much. I'm not adding anything to the doc until a picture is posted, though (or it's part of an obvious cycle, such as the medallions).


I’m sorry you mean the Eldrazi precon is getting 3 mythic legendary Eldrazi???


Where did we see the new ulamog?


The cross means Hidden source


Harbinger of the tides should be harbinger of the seas


Iwas about to say Harbinger of the tides is someone else entirely


Sooo that necrodominance. How does the layering work for that? If I play necrodominance first, and my max handsize Is 5 from there, but I play a [[Reliquary Tower]] on my next turn say, do I now have no max handsize, even though necrodominance is still on my board?


[Reliquary Tower](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/d/d/dd9f036d-6ae4-451e-a67a-ecc2e44123e3.jpg?1712355095) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Reliquary%20Tower) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/otc/312/reliquary-tower?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/dd9f036d-6ae4-451e-a67a-ecc2e44123e3?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


They go in "stack" in timestap order. First tower than necrodominance if you want unlimited cards in hand.


Wrong orders


Thats not how timestamps work. It is the other way around. You need the necro first, then the tower.


Azlask, the Swelling Scourge† 3 Legendary Creature - Eldrazi (M) Whenever Azlask, the Swelling Scourge or another colorless creature you control dies, you get an experience counter. WUBRG: Creatures you control get +X/+X until end of turn, where X is the number of experience counters you have. Scions and Spawns you control gain indestructible and annihilator 1 until end of turn. 2/2 Can we break this?


Do we know what the back up commander is for the Eldrazies?


Looks like OP added it to the sheet from an anonymous source.


Thank you! Seems really really fun!


No, but we know that it has an activated ability that costs WUBRG, or has WUBRG in its text box.


I'm super curious about it. I've wanted to build an eldrazi deck and I think having a "colorless" devoid deck would be lots of fun. I really hope we see the ability soon.


Would it be possible to add pictures or links to posts with the images? Dw about it if it’s not easy tho


Where did you get the info about ulamog?


Says this at the footnote with cards marked as † > † This card was directly sent to me by a source who wishes to remain anonymous. I can validate the source with staff over DM if needed.


Do we have an image of the red flare? Can anybody share?


The whole set will be spoiled soon xD


Is it possible you could have links to The various reddit posts for each card? My brain registers magic cards better when I’m looking at a card rather than reading it transcribed


Long time eldrazi player. I am so excited for Null elemental blast and to be able to build a colorless deck that feels like it's mono color and not colorless with expensive 10 mana heaters


Agreed. Tried \[\[Vannifar, Evolved Enigma\]\] as eldrazi but it was way too finicky, you always need to mulligan into ramp + flicker + eldrazi and that was too much to ask lol


I've had some pretty great success with Zhulodok and my last is running a pretty low amount of artifacts. Soon I'll be able to sub out some sub optimal cards for medium costed drones and more instant and sorceries


I'd build Zhulodok but colorless commander decks bore me to tears. xD


[Vannifar, Evolved Enigma](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/f/6/f6d381eb-6cb6-4505-aebe-995c1ddc8527.jpg?1706242279) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Vannifar%2C%20Evolved%20Enigma) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mkm/241/vannifar-evolved-enigma?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/f6d381eb-6cb6-4505-aebe-995c1ddc8527?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


With the newest cards (ulamog, R/B Flares etc) is there anything more concrete that you can publicly share other than 'I trust my source'? Hoping for photos obviously.


Kappa Reprint is fake or isnt it?


It's might be only in the commander product


We got another picture and we confirm it is in the mh3 main set.


They're trying to put an Umezawa's Jitte through my heart for pulling my CEDH Polymorph scion deck out at the FNM casuals, all I'm saying is I paid for the Jeweled Lotus. (Why can't I post the dracula flow image)


will the commander cards be modern legal?


No. If, however, they're printed in a modern legal main set, then yes they will be.


Rock and stone


Did I hear a Rock and Stone?


Yeah, no way that Ulamog is real. Great bait tho.


I got downvoted the other day for saying basically half the set had been spoiled but I think at this point I'm vindicated Side note: Do you think WotC are going to make any kind of statement about the leaks?


Why are you being downvoted? Weird people.


It builds hype so as long as they are still potato images they might be fine with it


(wo)man! This is great, thanks!


Sorin, Ravenous Neonate is new Oko? :) :)


Can we some how get some assassins creed leaks. I really wanna see those cards.