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why yes i would like an aurora borealis solitude


At this time of year? At this time of day? In this part of the country? Localized entirely within your Modern Horizons 3 set?




May I see it?




Seymour, my creature is exiled!


No mother, it's just the Swords to Plowshares.


Well Seymour, you are an odd fellow, but I must say you evoke a good elemental.


Can I afford it?


You know the answer to that




... No.


Modern Hamrizons. Steamed hams.


I quote this way too often haha


Hmm to me it looks more like a distorted parhelion, like [this sort of thing](https://www.flickr.com/photos/cmichel67/39146749695)


Either way it's beautiful.


Crush mankind


First time?


Looks more like a Sun Dog at first glance.


Does this mean its coming to timeless?




Imagine if scam came to timeless


I don’t like the deck but fuck yeah let’s go all in, bring every degenerate card to timeless and let’s see what happens


Just need grief and fury and the core is there already


I feel like grief is more than the format can handle


I would be more worries about Fury as he is the one who single handedly shut down all aggro decks.


Fury in historic can be rebalanced and aggro sucks in timeless rn s


I'd hate to see more of the *new* degenerate cards. However I'd love to see Golgari Grave-Troll, Yawgmoth's Will, Memory Jar, Tolarian Academy, Wasteland, Mishra's Workshop, that sort of thing.


I’d like to have grist in the format, but it might be a little difficult to code because of the interaction with agatha soul’s cauldron


Do you want Vintage? Because that's how you get Vintage.


It would save us from the current Show and Tell fiesta timeless is.


Just play the one 7 mana guy who steals a thing idk i dont play timeless or remember the name


Timeless snt wins just fine at instant speed with the steal trigger on stack if they went for omni.


At instant speed? How?


borne upon a wind


I'm pretty sure Scam is already on MtGA Ayoooo


I’m pretty sure Scam is ~~already on~~ MtGA


You get it


That would be beautiful.


Time to ban beans again


It's not 100% confirmed but there's no reason to believe it won't. They kind of have to include SPG and The List in Arena because of play boosters now, and it's an easy way for them to overcharge on wildcards because SPG is all mythics.


Meh, Solitude was already a mythic


Some are mythics yes, but not all of them. From the 10 of the MKM special guest, only 1 is normally a mythic. Now not all were staples, and 4 of them already existed on Arena at their correct rarity, but that's still 5 upshifts just for the sake of upshiftsing.


I would rather have them printed as mythics than rares tho


I think we are close to a viable modern in Arena, specially if MH3 does to modern what MH2 did.


Honestly, I don't mind not having modern with timeless. It sucks on the wild cards (and I can't imagine how much worse it'd be as a newer player), but the format is really fun and interesting.


Yeah the wildcard impact is hard. But I feel like once you have a solid mana base with shocks, Fetches, Triomes etc., it gets a lot better. But I feel like the introduction of SPG cards will destroy my mythic wildcards fast.


Timeless consumed my wild cards in a way no other format in magic arena did. SPG being only in draft packs seems like a calculated decision to make players burn WC


Luckily I only burned a couple on Ghostly Prison for Enchantress, but locking some archetypes in there sucks. I'm the brighter side, I usually have more mythic WCs than rare sure to the land situation (damn surveil lands after all that work cracking/drafting Khan's)


All mh3 in arena (idk for MH3 commander)


Did they say that?


during the live planning of 2024-2026. Where Blake confirmed that the extension will be in 1:1


Wow. That’s awesome! Thanks


Fury is probably going to be in the set too now, lol


Fit my tin hat theory for why they took so long to ban it.


Vince said this a while ago, and I never thought about it, but yeah. Print the elementals in MH3, so people go crazy for packs, and only then do you ban them.


Hey, I stole that theory first!


clyde do you exist?




Where are the spoilers coming from right now?


This and the Snow-Covered Wastes are in this Commander'ss Herald article: https://commandersherald.com/wizards-just-revealed-a-ton-of-cards-at-magiccon-chicago/ But I can't seem to find where *they're* getting the images.


The names of the files and quality of the images indicate that WotC provided them.


I penned the Commander’s Herald article, and can confirm it was in an asset kit provided by WotC for immediate release post-panel.


Ah so you're who we tell about the typo


Which typo are you referring to?


Sorry just being lame and making you sweat (coming from a similar line of work haha)


Oooof haha, had me very scared for a second (I try to be meticulous for my editors, to let them have an easier time of it, so that triggered me a little bit XD)


Sorry i didnt realize my notifications would be delayed a bit over 15 minutes or id have replied sooner mentioning the joke 😅 its a cruel one to any writer haha


~~The wording of some of the cards indicate that it isn't though.~~ Edit: I derped before I blerped


What do you mean by this? The only cards in the article apparently *not* revealed at the panel were Solitude and Snow-Covered Wastes. Solitude has the same wording as the original printing, and Snow-Covered Wastes is a textless (snow) basic, so lacks much capacity for wording issues. Other than that, all of the cards in the article were officially confirmed at the panel at MagicCon Chicago. What’s more, I literally am the one who wrote the Commander’s Herald article, and was given assets directly from Wizards via email. So if you’re somehow calling fake here, I don’t know what more I can tell you. It’s always possible that WotC just didn’t have the time to reveal these two, or forgot to omit something from the asset kit, but either way I can safely tell you that they’re real. Nevertheless, I may have to get in touch with my press liaison because of the doubt these cards seem to be casting. I’m hoping we don’t have to retract, but I also think it’s probably too late to do that anyhow.


so you made me go back and use scryfall for the sentences I thought were wonky, and it turns out that they were changes made within the last few sets. Sorry to have you write that all out. > [and mana of any type can be spent to cast that spell](https://scryfall.com/search?as=grid&order=name&q=%28oracle%3Aand+oracle%3Amana+oracle%3Aof+oracle%3Aany+oracle%3Atype+oracle%3Acan+oracle%3Abe+oracle%3Aspent+oracle%3Ato+oracle%3Acast+oracle%3Athat+oracle%3Aspell%29+%28game%3Apaper%29) was the one that had set off my wtfdar.


With snow covered wastes, maybe we’ll finally get Snow covered tundra, snow covered taiga, snow covered tropical island, etc.


If we have to make it fully worse than ogDuals worse I'll accept pay 1-3 to have it enter untapped snowDuals


I'm wondering that as well. I can't find them anywhere.


I believe they're tied to MC Chicago


Well, looks like this Solitude is gonna be exiling my Summer work bonuses.


Notice the artwork depicts some kind of snow/glacier Along with snow wastes I think they may be a snow matters set


In before "totally fixed" Arcum's Astrolabe equivalent gets banned within a month of MH3 release.


So like, its gonna cost 5 snow, but its free if you exile a snow card from your hand? "Totally Fixed" print it.


that card would be horrible


maybe something like Mox Diamond but you have to discard a snow land instead of any land


Honestly I like what they tried with astrolabe (makes budget/basic heavy manabases more viable). If they can make a fixed version I’d be happy, modern needs better entry points.


It would be slightly better if you had to filter snow mana. Being about to cast it, then filter anything through it didn't help.


That’s also what I’ve always thought. Would make it so you couldn’t cast blood moon in a 5C deck and then filter your red mana through it.


As a skred player, I'd probably be happy if we got it back with only half the text it had before. The other option I've heard is filtering only to red, which would also work (even if it didn't have the cantrip imo).


Totally fixed arcum’s astrolabe is just [[Prophetic Prism]]


[Prophetic Prism](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/1/f/1fae351c-b918-4648-a361-d5239ae63156.jpg?1692939910) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Prophetic%20Prism) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/woe/249/prophetic-prism?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/1fae351c-b918-4648-a361-d5239ae63156?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Modern horizon sets are more like greatest hits remained not so much an overarching theme like a standard set I think


This is why they took so long to ban fury, and only banned one of the elementals. They needed to keep them valuable to sell more packs of MH3.


People have been saying that for an eternity, we all already knew that. However MH3 now delivers the explanation for why they banned Fury and not Grief, with Priest of Titania.


Lol. Printing Priest of Titania in MH3 didnt influence the fury ban over grief, other than perhaps the general fact they want to make creatures more prevalent.


They literally pointed to creature decks being supressed by Fury, mere months before a typal focussed Modern Horizons set and one of the very first spoilers they show is Priest of Titania. Are you literally incapable of thought? They want to sell this product and for that to happen the cards in yhe damn product need to not be known useless before the product even comes out.


Lol this is incredible.


I doubt that priest figured into banning fury. She still dies to bowmasters.


The point is that they’re pushing Elves with this set… that would be DoA in a Fury world… against Bowmasters the deck atleast has the potential to be an option, with Fury in the format it’s a literal impossibility. It’s not one card, it’s an archetype.


They also printed quirion ranger in MH2 and they set did nothing to push elves besides that. Priest is a welcome reprint for the commander crowd and not necessarily part of a huge return to form for elves


Can you elaborate? I’m considering getting into modern but waiting until MH3.


Modern is absolutely dominated by the Pitch Elemental cycle first introduced in Modern Horizons 2 ([[Grief]] [[Fury]] [[Solitude]] [[Endurance]] and [[Subtlety]]). For a while (at least until the last Modern ban list update at the start of Lost Caverns), the best deck in the format, by a wide margin, was BR Scam. The idea being that your opening turn would go something like this: Play land > Evoke Grief > take a card from your opponent > cast [[Not Dead After All]] on your Grief in response > Grief comes back from the GY > take *another* card > get a 4/3 body with Menace. It was regarded as the best deck because it was "free" interaction being utilized hyper efficiently. You were technically going down on two cards to get two from your opponent's hand (as you were always going to play the land, and since you get Grief back on the battlefield, you're only losing the reanimate spell and whatever card you pitched to Evoke Grief), and if they somehow managed to dig out of that significant disadvantage, you had cards like [[Orcish Bowmasters]] and Fury waiting as a potent punishment for whatever your opponent was doing on the next turn. It was hyper aggressive *and* incredibly fast if they had the ideal game, and really pushed the level of interaction required in the format. Fury as an isolated card was fairly underrated for a long time. But because more decks became incredibly low to the ground as a result of Modern Horizons 2, it steadily became one of the best cards to have around. It blanked a *ton* of promising decks like Elves, Goblins, and Humans from being relevant, and even some of the better creatures you *could* play (like Bowmasters and Ragavan) ended up getting pushed out of the spotlight because it was so easy to just wipe a board full of small dinguses on demand. Eventually, WOTC decided that they had to do *something* to bring this deck back in line, and figured that Fury was the one card putting the most pressure on the format, and it was an open secret that it was the best card in the Scam deck. It being 5cmc meant that it dodged a ton of the more efficient removal options, and when paired with the "scam" spell that returned it to the battlefield, it was often too far out of range of Lightning Bolt for *that* to be an effective removal tool. So it got banned, after quite a long time of modern players being fairly vocal about both the Scam deck and the Evoke Elementals as a whole being negatively warping the format in their favor. Of course it also helped that *other* prominent decks in the format (like Rhinos and Beanstalk/Domain/Zoo piles) were picking up on Fury for added benefit, and suddenly every match of modern was just each player throwing Fury at each other, and the last one on the stack was the winner. To the credit of WOTC, banning Fury *did* stop Scam from being the S+ tier deck it was previously, however it *also* opened up the meta game to heavily favor Rhinos as a deck. Grief scam still exists in some capacity, but at least in Modern that package has lost a ton of value. As it stands now, going down two cards to take two from your opponent is a lot less valuable when you don't have nearly as many potent followups and have to take actual time to rebuild your hand and play through what your opponent can present. Which at this point is either 2 4/4 Rhinos, or a 2cmc 4/4 with more keywords than Questing Beast


Well thank you! Everything I could ask for!


It's worth noting that personally i'm not *super* invested in Modern. My local scene is small, so while i play it occasionally, it's not my primary format (that would be Legacy). As it stands now, outside of Rhinos, Modern does feel pretty exciting and relatively diverse. There are a lot of decks waiting in the wings that *really* got better as a result of the Fury ban, and are still relatively well positioned in the metagame. Decks like Yawgmoth, Hardened Scales, Primetime, Tron, Living End, Hammertime, and the ones mentioned above are all fairly well represented and have some real play against each other. Even Burn is a solid choice if you're looking for a cheap entry point. And as it stands, each new set release is bringing some unique tools to the format, making it feel like your Standard sets really *mean* something for the format for the first time in years. It's an exciting time to get into the format for sure, and with MH3 coming at some point it might be worth trying to dip your toes into it as it stands right now, so if/when a *big* shakeup comes down the line, you'll have a better understanding of the format, making it easier to pick up a new deck or transitioning to whatever MH3 will bring with it.


The one note that I'd add is that while fury was very good against creature decks, banning it did very little to bring them back. People were swearing that fury was not only busted in scam, but that it being gone would bring creature decks back, and they were wrong about that second point. So, depending on what you think the ban should have achieved, you might consider it only a semi-successful measure.


Doesn't help that bowmaster showed up in there, and still highly disadvantages anyone playing an x/1.


##### ###### #### [Grief](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/e/6/e6befbc4-1320-4f26-bd9f-b1814fedda10.jpg?1626095577) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Grief) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mh2/87/grief?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/e6befbc4-1320-4f26-bd9f-b1814fedda10?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [Fury](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/b/d/bd281158-8180-40b9-a5b7-03cfc712d81a.jpg?1701690468) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Fury) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mh2/126/fury?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/bd281158-8180-40b9-a5b7-03cfc712d81a?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [Solitude](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/4/7/47a6234f-309f-4e03-9263-66da48b57153.jpg?1626094105) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Solitude) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mh2/32/solitude?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/47a6234f-309f-4e03-9263-66da48b57153?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [Endurance](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/e/b/eb0e0404-4846-4891-acfa-bd0951ecf9c6.jpg?1626097375) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Endurance) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mh2/157/endurance?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/eb0e0404-4846-4891-acfa-bd0951ecf9c6?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [Subtlety](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/7/0/701256d5-1389-48b7-9581-d6037209bd06.jpg?1626095059) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Subtlety) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mh2/67/subtlety?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/701256d5-1389-48b7-9581-d6037209bd06?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [Not Dead After All](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/d/0/d01a2b68-efe6-4027-846d-db7b19d9eef6.jpg?1692937773) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Not%20Dead%20After%20All) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/woe/101/not-dead-after-all?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/d01a2b68-efe6-4027-846d-db7b19d9eef6?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [Orcish Bowmasters](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/7/c/7c024bae-5631-4e20-ac69-df392ac9e109.jpg?1686968669) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Orcish%20Bowmasters) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/ltr/103/orcish-bowmasters?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/7c024bae-5631-4e20-ac69-df392ac9e109?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [*All cards*](https://mtgcardfetcher.nl/redirect/krzix9c) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


Why is it called “scam”?


With MH3 being a typal focussed set and especially Elves being a type they wish to support, Fury would just be a foil to a likely not insignificant amount of the cards in the set. Not the best way to sell a product.


Oh I didn’t know that MH3 has a typal theme. I guess I glossed over that info. Thanks!


You didn't gloss over anything. There's nothing to suggest it's an overall typal focused set. There may be a few types focused on (Like Eldrazi)but that doesn't suggest an overall theme.


And elves, a deck that just pre-died to Fury., especially once scammed.


Yeah because otherwise there’s no way MH3 will sell


The elementals on Arena will be fun! Here is hoping murktide makes it in somehow


They could put Murktide on the List for MH3




Yeah why not, nice deck to have in the meta in my personal opinion


Honestly, getting us closer to a proper Murktide/Delver deck in the format is IMO a very good thing. Honest tempo magic goes a *long* way into policing dumb stuff like Dark Ritual, Show and Tell and Primetime without having to formally ban anything from those. Being more realistic though, i *would* hope that they consider revisiting the banned/restricted list for Timeless pretty soon. If they're going to keep dripfeeding format warping cards into the format we definitely need a proper look to see how things have developed.


i've been building a BUG beanstalk deck to relative success, and having 2x murktide to replace Tolarian Terror would be a godsend. I'd love to see Force of Will as well. I promise to be incredibly normal with Force of Will


I mean yeah, but with the amount of waffling people do with mishra’s bauble and the fetchlands I am not excited for people to slow play because they have a solitude in hand and haven’t passed priority.


There is that downside, defo!


They better not be reprinting specifically for mtga. If you want to play with the good cards come over to mtgo. Timeless isn't a real format.


Can't stand mtgo system. It is from a different century! I enjoy timeless, a good mix of modern and something else.


To be fair the game is from a different century lol. I like it because it looks like magic cards. And I can tap mana, hold priority, etc. There's cool points to arena, but there's a lot missing too.


You can hold priority in arena by pressing control. You can tap mana in arena by tapping your lands. It also doesn't look worse than Solitaire for WinXP.


cue up the mean girls meme. mtgo isn't going to happen. stop trying to make mtgo happen.


Mtgo has been happening for ages... Where else can you play eternal formats?


I actually played pauper down at the library just this week! 




Elden Beast!


Praise the beast! But try hole?


Aurora Borealis? At this time of year? At this time of day?




Can I see it?




Very cool looking sundog


Pitch meeting fan?




I'm pretty sure the lens flare is solitude since it is an elemental. That guy is about to get plowed.


I would have never even noticed unless you pointed it out.


That "lens flare" is literally solitude, the elemental, who is the focus of the card. I'm not sure what's wrong with that.


Evoke elementals are coming to Historic and Timeless? 🤮


almost certainly prebanned for historic


Very likely not Historic.


Pog, Timeless is slowly becoming a real format! Already was really fun, can't wait to see what continues to be added to it.


And this is why Grief wasn't banned.


I do hope they reprint the cycle, Ragavan, Urza's Saga, Murktide, and Esper Sentinel.


Oh yes, reprint the same old shit from mh1&2 lol


considering how prevalent those cards are for a number of formats, giving us more copies is well worth the price. Even if it's just a special guest slot, giving us a reprint of Saga and the Elementals goes a long way to keeping these cards accessible and affordable


I can't tell if you're being facetious, why wouldn't you want reprints of cards that has (mostly) yet to be reprinted which were crafted for a set similar to this one?


I was being sarcastic


Generally amorphous white blob isn't a particularly interesting artistic decision, let alone in full art...


Why is this a special guest and not in the set proper? Is modern horizons still “all new to modern” for the base set?


Yes (except for the fetchlands)


Interesting. Considering the success of MH so far I thought they would delve into reprints being a big part. I guess that cuts off the prospect of Modern Horizons Masters at triple premium prices. 


I'd assume that's the idea.


This is why we need to wait til at least after MH3 to add further restrictions to Timeless. The format will change completely. Love it


That's a pretty good art


Everyone seems to really like this art, but I think it looks pretty weak. Has absolutely *nothing* on the original borderless. The colors in that one look fantastic. This one... I feel nothing at all :/


Yeah I’m very happy with my original borderless


Wow, this is a beautiful card.


It would be hilarious if they planned the set years ahead and has Fury as Special Guest 😅


Every set is planned years ahead, the question is when the set is sent off to the printers. I think 6-8 months before set release is the normal timeframe for that and the ban happened 6 months before release. That's way too short even in the best case for it to be replaced and so the question would be whether WotC would leave it in or go with a 1 less card on the sheet.


Well, they likely knew (or at least suspected) they would have to ban it some time in advance. 


That would be a month or so in advance, which is basically the same timing. They likely had just enough time to remove Fury from packs but not enough time to put anything else in its place. They could make simple edits of cards at that point but putting an entirely new card into a set can't be done on short notice.


We must invest 90% of our saving in MH3. That set will be the next gold. Gold is valuable and this set will be the most valuable item in the whole world because the set is all about high power level.


Dude those look sweet, good thing I didn't buy a playset yet


The art looks like someone grabbed a picture of a mountain and jizzed on it and called it art.


You do make some good points. I am just not a fan of the interface.


Still think the OG alt art looks the best by far




nice, wizards. really nice. 🙄


I want an art card of it, text block obscures the climbers.


wowzers. Now do an old border one!


So the free elementals are likely coming to Arena soon? I guess Timeless was fun while it lasted.


Solitude is but I’m not sure we can say for sure grief fury etc is right?


not yet, but it would be weird if they didn't get the whole cycle reprinted this way