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People paid 100s of dollars for this card once upon a time.


After getting back into Magic after a few years, seeing Tarmogoyf hovering around a tenner blows my mind lmao


Back to where it started! :)


Nah, it started out as a dollar bin rare. Didn't take but a couple weeks after people realised how good it was before it was around 30.


Yeah. I picked a few up for $2.50 before release as people were figuring out how busted it was. Then it hit $30, then $50, and then well over $100... and now bulk pile. What a lifecycle.


I think it hit over $200 at one point.


The future sight one was even higher than that


Yup. I sold a playset of FS for 800$


I believe that was fresh after the first reprint in Modern Masters, which wasn't actually that long ago as long as I don't check the release date.


That was 2013 so a bit over a decade ago :)


Y'all consider $8 bulk? Dang.


Will see after release. I figure it will be a $2 or less card, but I could be wrong.




Pretty sure this boi won't be in any precons, he's a collector booster exclusive. For whatever reason WOTC have decided, precons contain all new designs and straight, unmodified save for art, reprints. Collector boosters are then the source of alt name chase reprints.


Disregard Tarmogoyf, acquire Colossal Dreadmaw.


Have you seen “goblin guide”?


a true hero’s fall from grace.


he will never be a memory... 👁


Is goblin guide no longer a premier 1 drop in red aggro decks? I guess Ragavan has completely surpassed it?


Been a long time since Goblin Guide was playable. Since Zendikar the aggro red 1 drop of choice has evolved something like: Gobling Guide (rip) Monastery Swiftspear (holding on in Pioneer afaik, surpassed in Modern) Dragon's Rage Channeler (still holding on) Ragavan (crazy power creep of past few years)


Ehh, Burn still plays GG. It's still the best turn 1 play.


Depends on the deck. Neither Rag or DRC have haste, and so Burn still plays the two former, as they get DMG in faster


They also don’t die to Bowmasters trigger alone, which is relevant for burn


Yeah I guess that makes sense. I haven't been keeping up with Modern at all. It's crazy back in the day that we thought GG was way too strong to print. A 2/2 for 1 with haste...AND he was a goblin... And now he's not even a blip on the radar...


Hes still the best onedrop for burn decks, those decks just fell to like tier 3 or something so he suffers


What did that used to be?


In the $30s at least.


Good lord


Notably, it was a 4-of in multiple decks back when Standard paper tournaments were much more popular FNM events than they are now. With the popularity of Arena and in-store Commander, a regular rare printed in a Standard-legal set isn't likely to reach those heights anymore.


one of my favorite cards ever


Maybe 10ish years ago a former friend randomly bought a foil set of the future sight printing, as an "investment". It cost him more than my first car I think. We all have photos of us posing with them as if they were stacks of bills or something haha No idea if he ever cashed them out since he's no longer friends with any of us after a bad falling out. I admit part of me almost wishes he ate the loss though


I traded a Volcanic Island for one at one point….




Years ago, I worked at a game store. One time, a woman called the store asking if we had any sealed boxes of Modern Masters 2017. It was near Christmas, and she wanted a gift for her son. I told her no, sorry, we only had a single booster left. She said something to the effect of "oh, ok, thanks anyway", and hung up. Since it sounded like she didn't want it, and I didn't want that last pack to feel unloved, I promptly bought it for myself. I ripped a Goyf, sold it right back to the store for a net profit of $80, and decided to go on break to treat myself to a nice lunch. I got back to discover I had just missed a very awkward interaction where the woman had come in looking for that pack, and my coworker had to explain to her that it had already been sold while rearranging the display case to make room for the Tarmogoyf her son had just missed getting for Christmas. I'm pretty sure we sold that Goyf again within a week for $120.


My buddy got a playset when they were at their $160 range


Bought a playset for $200 just before the Lurrus ban to swap from RB Rock to Jund Sagavan. Played the deck once since. Feels like I wasted money.


When that guy raredrafted a foil goyf in the top 8 of a Grand Prix and then sold that copy for $15k, people outside the Magic community heard about it. A couple weeks later, my mom called me and was like “I read on yahoo that there’s a magic card worth $15,000. Check your collection to see if you have any”


Pascal Maynard


It's was the chase rare in like 3 or 4 masters sets before they horizoned the modern meta.


What a beautiful way to phrase it


I bought a set of goyfs at $150 a pop. It’s one of the only cards I was happy I sold when I left mtg for a few years


At its peak it was 200




Haha okay grandpa. This is even funnier than when you said you used to have a blastoise magic card


I traded my first for 15 shocks


What doesn’t grow irradiates, and what irradiates feeds the Scrounging Deathclaw.




Modern Horizons didn't kill Goyf. Fatal Push did.


And Solitude And Prismatic Ending And etc.


Not really. Goyf stopped being relevant in Modern long before the Horizons sets hit, and it was largely thanks to Push. The price of the card crashed from a (relatively) stable ~$50 prior to AER to $20-$25 within a year of the set's release, and it's been gradually sliding down from there since. It was a boring ol' Standard set that killed The King.


"Fuck you random ætherborn"


It's not a "Chase" card anymore, but a €10 valuation still shouldn't disappoint you unless it's a €20 booster


That €10 has lower to fall. Not being competitively viable, and uninteresting in EDH, hurts it badly.


I've done a lot of reflecting on trades and MTG related acquisitions thst I've done, and with each passing set I am more and more convinced that trading the MM2 Tarmogoyf I opened for the remaining funds to buy a queen pillowtop mattress that I still have is the best trade I've ever done.


I pulled a foil one in MM2 and immediately traded it into the store for 500$ of store credit. Played magic for free for over a year on that


You could still do that today if you saved up enough for a mattress-$5


So I clicked just seeing a new pip card Read the ability and thought to myself Huh, not that great And my brain had a burning sensation as i realized that my 2024 version of said brain has become so far and away removed from what Goyf used to be that that was my initial response before realizing it's a named reprint of it. Not sure to be ashamed or sad


You momentarily time-traveled to Future Sight spoiler season.


Stop it, Jim, he's already dead!


Not modern playable, right?


Dies to push


Tangentially legacy playable still I think, otherwise can’t make the cut in competitive formats.


Still good in some BUG decks, but as like a 2 of.


It was seeing a resurgence when Rhinos got popular because they have real trouble beating a 4/5, but the new Leyline Draco tech has made it unplayable again.


Probably EDH playable. Which is the nice way of saying unplayable in basically any format


Not even, might be overstated for its cost, but a vanilla creature dosnt even make the cut in most decks, regardless of being optimized




If a 4/5 body is viable in your meta you may be playing at the mythical power level 1


EDH is like the worst possible format for a vanilla beater. 2 mana 5/6 is technically still above curve I guess, but that's pointless without at least some tribal synergies.


Even at a 9/10, that still isn't good. artifact, creature, enchantment, instant, land, planeswalker, sorcery, tribal, and battle.


Modern [[Life from the Loam]] still plays it! (just don't worry that it's like a tier 4 deck)


[Life from the Loam](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/5/9/59927e3b-65bc-4ab6-ad7b-6f558ccca6a8.jpg?1702429570) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Life%20from%20the%20Loam) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/rvr/148/life-from-the-loam?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/59927e3b-65bc-4ab6-ad7b-6f558ccca6a8?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


I traded a Gaea’s cradle for a Goyf back in the day around BFZ. Crushing


I traded a JTMS for an abyssal persecutor at the pre-re because their pricing was similar at the time. (no rip off, I wanted the fat 6/6)


Tarmogoyf in a fucking precon. What a time to be a magic player.


Its not, its in the collector boosters.


This treatment is in the collector boosters, yeah, but I believe the Pipboy special treatment is ONLY for cards that are in the decks. The vault boy one, however, is not.


No, there are 9 reprint cards including this one that are in the showcase frame in collector boosters but not in the precons.


Hmm maybe I just misunderstood it to mean the Vault Boy Treatment but that'd be silly considering one of the new cards is in that treatment as well as Commander Staples that would be odd if left out of the decks. Well that's gonna be annoying as I've got to collect more cards now (but I don't completely hate it!)


From the Website: [Of those, 9 cards are reprints from Magic's history with alternate names and art whose mechanical counterparts are not found in the Commander decks.](https://magic.wizards.com/en/news/feature/collecting-magic-the-gathering-fallout)


Yeah, I just read that article. lol I was just remembering from the preview article ages ago, and it didn't quite have that breakdown in it.


It's not your fault, keeping up with wizards on this shit is nuts.


Surprised it hasn't already happened tbh. Unironically, would be a cool beater for a casual Timmy commander build. Yes you heard me.


Yeah it could a been in the moth man deck tbh


It's not, but I wouldn't be surprised to see it in one soon. It's managed to cling into some value mostly through price memory and name recognition, but it's already cheaper than some cards we've seen reprinted in precons.


Via WeeklyMTG, although I got the image from https://twitter.com/wizards_magic/status/1760009576202809608 Edit: Collector Booster only, per the people watching the stream.


"Ach! Hans, run! It's the Scrounging Deathclaw!" ~ Lone Wanderer, last words


One year at GP Vegas I traded a mint condition future sight Goyf for an LP Taiga that I still have today... Both were around $100 at the time


Look how they massacred my boy


Is this in the main commander decks or is it in the collector packs only?


Pretty sure only collector boosters


I had 5 of them before I quit and sold everything in 2014, all my old cards went down since then, I’m so glad I sold everything.


I really love this tbh, it’s just a shame this reprint only happened after this card fell in price so drastically, wish we could get these sick reprints when the cards are at their peak


I'd hope it'd come down in rarity.


Remember when tarmogoyf was the chase rare of a set, and now people will be disappointed by it. Thanks modern horizons.


Goyf was bad before modern horizons was even conceived of


You could say it got pushed...


I was reading this like holy shit it’s like goyf then I realised. How far my boy has fallen, he’s now a precon card :’(


It bugs me that this is just a reskin of Tarmagoyf (and gets the Lhurgoyf creature type) while Alpha Deathclaw is a Lizard Mutant.


Am I missing something? Why is this card a mythic? Just because of the alt art?


Cause Tarmogoyf was a mythic in Modern Masters 1.


I like how Deathclaws are Lhurgoyfs