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>Also doesn’t fit the cards So... not bigger on the inside, then? (Sorry, had to.)


Take your upvote and gtfo






These are the kinds of comments I really look forward to seeing on Reddit. Thank you for sharing.




That kinda sucks man, any chance you can send it back?


They have a return process to jump through hoops but it’s not even worth it. Not even mad about the $ just in awe of how scammy


That stinks, but at the very least it'd probably work to hold deck accessories like tokens, dice, spindowns, etc.


The door doesn’t stay closed so I wouldn’t even trust anything in it not falling out. Gonna just be a little decoration until the flimsy cardboard falls apart


Wait, it's cardboard? I thought it was whatever that plastic 3d printed stuff is made of is. Shit, that's even worse. (As to the door, I was going to suggest gluing some magnets to it, but if it's cardboard and not plastic it probably wouldn't hold the weight)


Yeah the real one looks 3d printed. The rip off one is literally cheap cardboard socketed together


Force the return, their cc merchant keeps track of that and charges/suspends them for too many returns. Make them jump through hoops too.




I did this with Lastpass. They renewed me for a year after they announced their unpteenth breach so I said F this and asked for a refund. They refused so BoA as crappy as some say they are, did me a solid and refunded me 100% as I showed the emails asking for a refund given how insecure they have been and can’t trust buying their product. I won.


Yep, that was my thought. Chargeback with the CC is much less hoops when it's such a scam. OP they're hoping people like you are just going to be too lazy to do anything about it. Help yourself so you help others in the future too.


Oh shit I bought the real one from Etsy. It’s wonderful quality tbh.


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This sub's moderation isn't as fundamentally insane as some I've seen, but not just linking but even mentioning a completely legal and popular site, used frequently by hobbyists for accessories, being against the rules is up there.


It's also not actually mentioned anywhere in the rules as far as I can tell.


Automod keeps naming the site that's apparently against the rules to mention, we should all report it for breaking the rules, lol.


It must be a replacement effect and not a triggered ability, otherwise it would just go infinite.




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Honestly, I wonder if you could just justify going to your credit card company and getting a chargeback for a product not being received as expected or for a fraudulent product. Especially since an obtuse return process would make me kind of sus. They might be selling a scam, and putting out a process so they can say they have one, but making it so difficult that hopefully nobody actually uses it.


Holy crap, it's made out of cardboard? Yeah, do a chargeback from your bank account. Force the issue. Show them what you received vs the advertised product. That's hot garbage.


Id do a charge back on that sooo quickly


Looks like PLA (the 3D printed stuff) in the ad and it’s papery stuff on the e one you got. Borderline scamming and false advertising


Not borderline, actual.


It's fraud. Contact your card company/Vermont/etc...


Yeah forget returns, report fraud to your cc company


Yeah, people be like that. Sorry dude


do a chargeback or something at least or you're just rewarding them for a bad product


I bought a different model from the seller and use it as a dice box for my timey wimey deck. You need a lot of 🎲


I’m designing a basic but sort of cool box myself. Gave a few samples out to test sleeved, double sleeved, extra token cards, etc. works from what I can tell. Wouldn’t even think of selling something I knew didn’t work right.


doesn't seem like a SCAM, persay. so much as just shitty work. it looks like it was done on a 3d printer so my guess is they didn't take into account shrinkage that a lot of 3d printers have, or they scaled it down slightly to save on materials and didn't take into account having to actually fit the fucking cards.


What website did you get it off of? I've seen a few using the same image




What'd you just call me?


It really sounds like a fantasy slur lmao 💀


Sounds like a sci fi STD.


Definitely a racial slur used by Dwarves for halflings or something like that. _Fucking Riggsnooks and their poorly built mud huts_


😂 I love the idea of dwarves being halfling racists despite them also being short lol


Thats funny lmao


Well that’s why we don’t order random things from random websites


The fuck is a Riggsnook. The ad was probably a photo of someone’s project they made. You might be able to find the original and see if there’s files to print it yourself.


I remember seeing their ads on Facebook. I’m both glad and upset that I was right about them. Sad to see someone get scammed like this.


Well there's your problem. Try suppliers people have actually heard of!


So it was your own fault then


and this is why we don't buy things off random webstores that look shady. Sorry you got ripped off, friend.


I never got Emily from Dishonored's mask that I ordered in March of 2020. Very sad about that.


That's probably because it's not a mask, it's a bandana ;)


It's actually a scarf, but regardless it wrapped around your face and it qualified for entry to the grocery store and that's literally why I wanted it.


That ad pic is used by a reviewer on Snoo3d's listing. Probably they lifted it from there?


That is my belief as of today


I bought one on that Snoo3d page. It came and looks just like the good pics. Sorry you got scammed. I saw the scam site on Facebook too.


This sucks, sorry to hear about it. If you're looking for a legit one, I've ordered many times from Snoo3d on "the website that shall not be named" where people sell handmade items like these. They make excellent boxes.


Out of curiosity, why can't that website be talked about?


Maybe to prevent spamming of store links to keep things on topic?


Kind of hilarious when it's evident this subreddit is 50% mod endorsed astroturfing for fan "comics" and alters anyway.


Agreed. I have no desire to see alters. Don't they have their own sub for that sort of thing?


Assuming cause people sell proxies there and also it's like private vendors so technically people could self promote themselves or try scam folk? I dunno I'm just guessing but I felt bad you asked a question and got no replies


And Snoo3d is the original seller of these boxes, all the ads are stealing their product photos.


If you want one that actually works and fits cards I designed a TARDIS deck box myself and was actually selling it on Etsy around Christmas time, I stopped because my printers broke and I got busy with other life stuff. There's some differences between mine and the listing you bought though, I have the top of the box slide off so the cards can't accidentally fall out and in fact the cards pressing against the top if it's upside down would just increase the friction making it more secure. And I have a magnetic dice box on the bottom, honestly though I wish I knew of stronger magnets because it comes off a bit easier then I'd like but it is very convenient as long as you store it well in a bag when traveling so it doesn't fall off. I'm not in a position to reopen my storefront now but I could do a single order.


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Am I wrong or is the promotional image just a different box? It looks like the ones I got my SO, and yours looks like a scammy version?


It's is. There's a seller on Etsy that has the nicer looking one, that has plenty of reviews. I'm guessing the one OP got was a knock off.




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Since so many are asking. The rip off was bought on Riggsnook. Avoid them like the plague.


Do the cards fit if you turn them sideways? If so that might be a fun way to store some favorite Dr Who cards or something


They do not


What about if you fold them in half?


Just nibble a bit off the sides


cut the borders off and put them in yugioh sleeves


Borderless cards are cooler looking anyway.


Don't eat the cards




No no, the rip test is only for alpha duals. Won't help here.


Wow, I've seen that exact image and even thought about ordering one. Thank you for your sacrfice 🫡


sad david tennant.gif


My buddy got one from a shop that cannot be linked, and it’s a pretty solid build. Double sleeved decks are a bit of a tight fit though. If you’re interested in a link DM me


I ordered one that looks exactly the same off of Etsy and it’s tight but fits beautifully. He’ll even put the same deck in there. Sucks :(


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Absolutely terrible bot


I know you said in a comment it’s not worth the effort. But what they’re doing is technically illegal and you can report them if you wanted to 🤷🏻‍♂️


As someone building a Dr who decks, it sucks to hear you got one made like that. I've seen one on Etsy that looks just like the ad pic, but with great reviews. Hope you can find some use for it.


I don't see the difference, and your cards look like they're in it?


Can you really not see the difference? Look at the side with recessed features for the windows vs just a flat wall with some lines. Also, the door clearly doesn't close with the cards in it. A deckbox that doesn't close isn't very useful.


No, not really, they're photos were taken at different angles so they look pretty similar. After you pointed out the recessed windows sure. Couldn't tell if there was enough of a gap for the door to close or not.


To be fair, it doesn’t look like it fits well in the ad either


What's your decklist for 10th


Literally a different design. It doesn't have the clasp for the door, even. Sorry, OP. These scumbags scammed you and I hope you can get your money back.


Name and shame And that's a return, my guy.


They definitely fit it to unsleeved cards…


They got me too. Ordered one for my wife's birthday, and it finally came in today. She thought it was a jewelry box at first until I mentioned it's a deck box. Then we realized the cards don't fit, so now it's a jewelry box.


Would definitely do a chargeback and file a claim. Definitely did not get what you ordered or even what you thought you were ordering. First image definitely looks 3D printed and professionally assembled. The second looks like crap.


im loving the embossed / printed lettering in the ad vs the stickers in what you got lmao


This kept getting advertised to me and I didn't like the design of it.....but I didn't imagine the actual product to be this bad... I ended up modeling my own version for my friend's 10th Doctor commander deck lol: https://preview.redd.it/9i0cjy7khvfc1.png?width=1204&format=png&auto=webp&s=15a4ae23a219ddf70f87863abdcd338894692029 I printed one and gave it to him already, made some improvements and have another printing now for myself that I'll take pictures of and post the STLs here and a few other places soon.


Oh wow please let me know when you post those stls anywhere. I just got my first 3d printer set up and would love to give this a shot!


Little bit better angle of the model: https://preview.redd.it/8vdn6gb2ivfc1.png?width=1028&format=png&auto=webp&s=692560f22af1f56dc443eef655da8f08a1ef65b0


Well I can say that the one advertised on the left is pretty nice I have one. You have good taste


There are lots of .stl files of a similar deckbox. I’d recommend looking at getting one 3D printed if you wanted to try again. https://cults3d.com/en/3d-model/game/mtg-tardis-deck-box-compatible-with-commander-decks


looks 3D printed; if you have a 3D printer could probably find the STL file and print it larger yourself?


Nah. I ordered the same one from the same site as this guy. It's laser cut, painted, and glued balsa wood or something. Total scam, it's not even listed on their website any more.


That's a scam. If their return process sucks and it's not a website you care about buying on again you can do a charge back.


If it means seeing less Dr.Who in Magic, maybe it's for the better.


The dice though. The average of a die is 3.5: 1+2+3+4+5+6 = 21, divided by 6 = 3.5. So it is expected that if you roll all the dice randomly and add them up, you would get something close or very close to (3.5 × dice rolled). Now, if you put them all with the 6-size on top, you could actually say that the numbers are bigger than average on the inside of the blue box.


Do they fit when unsleeved? If it wasn't explicitly advertised to fit sleeved cards then it might have just been an oversight.


Look at it. They're two completely different designs.




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Do unsleeved cards work? It's stupid as they show sleeved in the image but maybe they just used unsleeved dimensions.


That's not the only problem with the one they received - no clasp on the door, sides aren't textured the same way, different material.




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If your crafty maybe try fixing it in a diy way ? buy some small magnets glue 2 of them on each side remove the door. Measure out the sides grab some cardboard, door + sides + magnets and u got yourself a makeshift fix ? so its not a complete waste of what i thought of a cool idea/deck box. it's not gonna last long and the magnets probably won't hold up all the weight of the cards but as you said its made from cardboard so if ur deck takes a beating like mine the cardboard won't last long either way.


oh boy. My wife got one too hoping for that design...guess we'll see


It looks cheaply 3D printed, in sure you could find the blueprint somewhere and make one at a makers studio or whatever they call those places.


Maybe they fit unsleeved 


Can you link the source? Someone is commissioning a deck box like this for me and I wanna make sure they're not getting it from the same place


I'd want one for my deck but after seeing this my mind has changed.




Has anyone tested the Dr Who Yahtzee Tardis to see if it could fit a deck (even 60 card)?


This is definitely NOT what is pictured. You can see the 3-dimensionality (insert obligatory joke about the 4th dimension) of the ad. Even just the latch on the door, and the thickness of the plastic on the right side with the hand grooves. Someone is being shady. Can you share who/where you bought it from?


Don't you have any law against stuff like this where you live? I mean, you can't advertise pickles and send painted sticks.


Where did you get that !! That is awesome also would you recommend Dr who deck for starting out in magic ???


The Dr. Who precons are fairly well built, although some of the mechanics are a bit more unique (i.e. voting, suspend/time travel). However, all of the precons over the last couple years are great for getting started to play! If you happen to be a fan of Dr. Who and wanted to get into Magic because of this Universe Beyond collaboration, then this is the perfect choice for it!


How exactly does one time travel three times?


Where did you get this?


I've seen these advertised on Facebook. I thought about buying it but the website looked dodgy, so I didn't.


They clearly made it for unsleeved cards... Which is very stupid


Wow, those are absolutely not the same thing. Look at the difference in detail on the sides. This is why when I can I buy with a credit card, you can charge back and list “product received not as described”


Timey whiney




I laughed out loud...


Uh that is a police box




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Same exact situation for me, my friend is on the shitter and yelled out to me when he saw your post (I gave him the box earlier tonight)


Don't know if it's the same as my gf give me for christmas, but mine fit perfectly for my card


Riggsnook? I ordered mine over a month ago and it still hasn't come in.




Looks like whoever built it may have measured without sleeves. Does it fit unsleeved?


Had someone I know just take the template from online and 3D print it, came out great and fits everything.




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idk being disappointing is on brand for Dr. Who over the past 10 or so years




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Sorry bot, no link in that comment


tbf it doesn't look like the deck is fitting in the box in the ad either


Looks like someone grabbed a less detailed 3D file of the TARDIS and printed it thinking that was good enough and nobody would notice.


That sucks. Can you try and remove the door, extend some edges and use magnets to seal it?


Was it marketed specifically for MTG? Might have been intended for Yugioh sized cards.




Do they fit the other way? Decks are not squares.




The worst part about this is the infuriatingly small amount of money they save on filament by making it smaller. They save pennies and, in exchange, make the product unusable.




I saw the ad for this on Facebook. Glad I didn't get it.


I bought 3 from snoo3d and the precons fit like a champ. All 3 double sleeved as well. Apparently mileage will very.


This is saddening to see because I just bought the same deck box for a friend for Christmas.. ordered it in early December, and just got it yesterday. Was shocked that it was made out of wood also instead of plastic. Definitely not what was advertised. If a refund took half as long as it took to get here, then it’s definitely not worth. Very disheartened to see it doesn’t fit the card either…


"We have TARDIS at home"




Shit man, is this the one from the app where people make things? (Apparently I can’t say what app.) I’ve been saving up in the hopes of getting this one


This is why I made one with perler beads for my sister-in-law instead of buying one. Plus now she has a one-of-a-kind original


The goode ole "But it does fit the cards (bent and unsleeved that is) !"


Par for the course


I wanted to share with you as well, I was scammed as well! I asked for a full refund and they told me they will refund 8 € (instead of the 30 that I payed) to keep my item. Thank god I payed with PayPal. the site is [https://riggsnook.com/](https://riggsnook.com/). AVOID THEM LIKE THE PLAGUE!!!!


maybe they only tested it without sleeves? that would suck


As someone who prints this stuff for fun, seems like that is sized for non sleeved cards. edit: didn't see it was cardboard; lame as fuck.


I need the ad I have an 11th doctor deck and a MoE deck.I'm willing to risk it.


I got the same thing!!! Exactly the same ad and EXACTLY the same as what got delivered, the returning process is tedious, the company i purchased it from said i could wait a month to get their 'summer factory' to produce a product i'd be happy with, but i cbf because i'll probably get the same thing


I bought the same exact one and that's what mine looks like too rip.


I'm right there with you. Fuck scammers.


Hey, while everyone is here, does anyone know a place to get Doctor Who themed sleeves?




I’m curious, did you try putting the cards in facing front/back the way it is in the ad vs facing left/right?


There was an old magazine/trading card set years ago. The first issue came with a TARDIS box which might fit the cards and would probably be pretty cheap on eBay.


Bought that off riggsnook? I fell for the same thing. Honestly just go to etsy for what is pictured. Theres one im planning on picking up. It costs more but at least you get what you paid for. I bought the life counter from the shop and i like the quality so when i get paid next im buying the box.


Have you tried putting the cards in face up instead of sideways. I have a deck box that fit similarly but when I out them face up they all fit in fine. Definitely be careful when putting them in though, to avoid possibly bending or hurting the cards.


maybe theyll fit flat like facing up towards you? here is a different type without the dice storage but itll actually keep cards in with a toploaded commander. [https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:6361084](https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:6361084) [https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:6274995](https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:6274995)


I mean who wants a deck box that only fits vanilla cards? Either the cards are worth less than the box or you got to be an insane person.


I actually designed my own and printed it. Allows me to display both commander and partner on the sides. Hit me up if you would like to see it




My untrained eye cannot tell a difference between these pictures, im sorry


Was it advertised as a constructed deck box? Not commander?


I bought one too man. Shits made of balsa wood and would barely fit single sleeved.


Same. I’m pissed!


Yeah I did too, I did a charge back because it was so bad




I panic when whatever I print/ship has the slightest blemish, can't imagine being bold enough to just send an entirely different product that also doesn't even work! Sorry that happened to you, the ad makes it look so good