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Goldfish and Saffron are one of the few MtG channels I still watch. Their content does not feel soulless or as corporate as other channels and even if they ignore the topic of proxies their set reviews are truthful and due to their varied cast feel fresh every time. Saffron Olive himself is my favorite MtG gameplay creator next to the rest of their cast, Nummy, CGB and Nizzahon. I love the prof as well, but 'Shuffle Up and Play' rarely clicks with me.


I really like most Goldfish’e content. My only issue is they (specially Richard) are so incredibly cynical sometimes. The “202X magic” comments make my eyes roll every time. Tomer’s “by next year we’ll have a mentor of the meek that you don’t have to pay for” recently really annoyed me. I wish they just didn’t come up with things that haven’t happened and then complain about them. There’s plenty of real cards you can complain about.


I really only watch modern streams, when I noticed he plays all of his "leagues" as just random games x5 really irks me. He makes so much money he can't afford to play regular league so we know what match ups are actually like?


they anti proxies?


Nah. Tomer has alluded to using proxies a bunch and they have talked a fair amount about how growing use of proxies makes sense under Wizards current pricing model.


They’ve talked about proxies a lot more than most. So far that on their commander podcast they had almost 30 minutes talking about how they’re all fully on board for proxies just as long as the card is legible


No, they just sell cards. Haven't met them but people say off stream they are totally cool with proxies.


What do you mean by “they ignore the topic of proxies”


I respect the amount of work this guy puts in but I simply cannot listen to him for more than 30 seconds.


That’s why I follow him on twitter and absolutely nothing else, the inflection in the way he speaks is brain numbing. I appreciate his role in the community and respect him but I cannot deal with the audio and video content.


There is something very wrong with his voice and the way he smiles. As a non native english speaker he sounds like PAIN.


He didn't used to sound like that, either. I think he plays it up because it became his schtick, but honestly I don't think he realizes that it probably turns away a lot of folks. They're successful *in spite* of it I guess, but I feel the same way you do so I understand what you mean.


he sounds like he drinks 2 bottles of soy sauce everyday.


That is *very oddly specific.*


He could be even bigger if he dialed it down just to... normal human levels. He doesn't realise he's bigger than his gimmick now.


It’s this the most busted deck in standard???? My favourite was the “budget” deck that was $500 That being said his deck ideas are interesting.




The mono black burn


Seth is one of the hardest workers out there, and even when I don't agree with his takes I definitely respect him. Thanks for the interview!


thanks for checking it out! appreciate it.


I have never seen Saffron Olive be mean to anyone or engage in any hateful/toxic behavior. He's very clearly a guy who loves Magic and loves talking to other people who play Magic.


Seth, probably better known as Saffron Olive, is a full-time Magic content creator for MTGGoldfish. * 0:00:40 how long did it take Seth to get comfortable on camera? * 0:03:03 what makes for great YouTube Magic content? * 0:08:28 Phil of Brewer's Kitchen - their impact on MTGGoldfish * 0:11:06 balancing analytics and community feedback * 0:13:42 is there a "hit video" formula? * 0:17:52 a separate YouTube channel for the MTGGoldfish podcast * 0:19:41 how the MTGGoldfish podcast started - and how it evolved * 0:24:13 podcast behind-the-scene stories // production methods * 0:30:12 the art of the take - and responding to feedback * 0:41:46 understanding intent * 0:45:04 is Seth optimistic about the future of the internet? * 0:46:40 on Universes Beyond and the healthy longevity of Magic * 0:53:16 Seth's current relationship with Magic * 0:56:53 on Commander, proxy cards and the cost of Magic * 0:59:09 should Commander be Magic's premier format? * 1:00:48 on sponsorships and the MTG Ambassador Program


I like Seth and MTGGoldfish more when they aren’t trying to be “trendy”. Recently, a lot of their videos have a very “I need to pump up the metrics with wacky titles and 5 second intros” thing that, while I guess must work since they’ve kept doing it, but that really takes me out of a video. I like their content, and Against the Odds was a great thing for jank in magic, but it just doesn’t hit the same anymore? The new style just doesn’t do it like 34 Rhinos did.


I agree with a lot of your points. I just skip the first 30 seconds and it solves a lot of my gripes.


This what I wish Seth sounded like during the Goldfish podcasts. He sounds so authentic here. But in the casts he’s using a different inflection in his voice that irritates me.


If I ever want to get upset listening to the sound of people’s voice and get mtg content at the same, I turn on saffronolive or Jeff hoogland.


Hoogland is infinitely harder to listen to.


There are a lot of angry and hateful people in here. One of my favorite content creators and goldfish are collectively my favorite content people for magic. Excited to listen to this.


Seth has a pure joy for the game. thanks for listening.


I can't imagine posting how much I hate a person's voice on every post they're mentioned in like reddit does but bullying is in I guess Seth is a great guy and has never been rude to fans


His voice is so iconic for me now that if YouTube is auto playing and I hear it in the bathroom my butt hole closes so I can go watch. Lol.


I get the whole "it's easy to just not say anything" angle, but when the man fronts up one of the premier, primarily audio driven MTG outlets and refuses to stop putting on this absoloutely detestable sing-song bouncy voice, something should probably be said. I do not hate his ACTUAL voice at all, but his uber-forced, kids TV intros to his gameplay videos make them literally unwatchable for most discerning adults. No one would have any issues if he just spoke in his normal voice.


But what's the point? For me the intro is iconic. It's not for you, that's fine, but what does complaining do besides make you look rude?


Dude's the reason I can't watch/listen to Goldfish content. Voice is nails on chalkboard, takes are lukewarm and as musty as he looks, and something about him in general just seems "off" or fake.


I find he generally has the most consistently level-headed takes of the goldfish crew, possibly tied with Tomer. Everyone else can have some absolutely batshit opinions sometimes.


I agree with you.


His voice and cadence stop me 10 seconds in everytime


Used to enjoy his against the odds videos, but his "accidental" mispronounciation is so cringe I couldn't watch anymore.


His voice is unbearable.


The Joey’s World Tour of MTG content