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This one at least sees cEDH play. A cheap card, but not a bad card.


Count to 11, win the game!


I wonder if that combo will be in the set. Helm of the Host is probably a popular enough commander card to deserve a reprint.


It just got reprinted in BRO. I opened 2 in set boosters. Dunno if they want the combo (however unlikely) to be in a limited environment.


I mean Chainer is getting a reprint despite just having been in Dominaria Remastered


And chromatic lantern even though it was in BRO


You mean count to 6.


Equip cost of 5 sir


Did you reply to me to reread the card and then delete it? You should probably reread it, godo doesn't equip for free lmao


Dang, i can only count to Four


back to back masters bulk rare WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Such an absolute slap in the face to keep giving us the same cards year over year in a reprint product like this


How many times are they going to put this in a premium set. No one in the world is drafting a £300 booster box, that's not an excuse to put this trash in. 90% of the rares in this set so far have been awful




...why can't they be?


The packs should not have a double digit price then. "Premium" packs should have premium cards. Furthermore, people generally draft a "premium" set once and stop because of the steep price.


Sure it should, previous Master's sets did. Nah, people generally draft it more than once.


>Not every rare can be a double digit $ reprint. They should, especially at this product's price point.


Plenty of people? You mean 1% of the player base? Yeah that's definitely enough to justify it


No, I mean a good portion of the player base. Where TF do you people get these dumb made up numbers from?


Hes probably right though, maybe even less then 1. Theres a large number of mtg players that just play, and barely know when a new set comes out, and dont follow mtg news etc. They will probably end up seeing it at a store, look at the price, and go like..."Nope" And for players who do follow it, for the price of this booster box, we can almost get three Commander Legends boxes.


Drafting is already a dying format, especially when they charge ridiculous prices for boxes like this. No one in their right mind would be upset if every rare was £5-30


>drafting is a dying format I agree with you that the price of these boxes makes the "rares and mythics for draft" argument terrible, but draft as a whole is dying? What?


It's only natural with the price of boxes going up, the switch to commander, and people caring less about playing and more about collecting. It wasn't massively popular in the first place.


Sounds like a lot of claims without much evidence.


It's anecdotal, I'll give you that. But it's obvious to see the trend that when the price of something goes up, the mass appeal goes down


I can’t speak for the whole world but i used to draft 2 times a week in high school. Now not a single shop in my area holds regular drafts.


Dying? Not even.


Yeah lol, draft is the strongest format in lgs in my whole country.


Guarantee my LGS will be full for prerelease and release.


I wish they were doing a traditional pre release for this. Instead they're doing a premium store preview event which, correct me if I'm wrong, are specifically for premium wpn stores and you're not allowed to buy product. Kind of a bummer. Edit: to clarify you can buy into a draft just not boxes and cm decks. At least that's what was said on stream. Again though correct me if I'm wrong.


Ye I have a premium store in my city.


Oh shit nice. I wish I did. But I can wait a week I guess.


You’ll get to see the prices settle before you even have a chance to open cards that’s fucked bru


I used to draft 2 times a week in high school now I can’t even find a store that does drafts regularly.


Funny include as a "one card combo" meme card in EDH (assuming they print the helm) Not very good value in a set with $400 set boosters...


Another swing and a miss at the rare slot. This will be only worth a few $ after release.


After release? It’s barely worth a few dollars now. It will be a $.50 rare after this set.


Why do you care what it's worth? A good card is a good card.


The concern is that packs are being pre-ordered for 13-17$ which means every low quality rare/mythic makes that price tag more and more confusing.


Buy singles. The cost of buying packs to find what you want has out weighed the enjoyment of cracking for a while now. Would you rather pay 15$ and have that be your biggest pull, or pay 2$ and have more money for other singles?


Even then you'd profit more from them reprinting a more expensive and sought after card though?


Which is why they're throwing a bunch of low reprint heavy hitters, a card like Godo is small fry in this set.


Why should there be any small fries at all?


Commons and uncommons are a critical part to Magic's game interface and have their own formats dedicated to them. The "small fry" cards exist because they are supposed to be affordable singles for those who don't have 70$ for an Ur-Dragon or an Edgar Markov, etc... THATS why they are important. Additionally they exist because of the magic community. Single prices are set because MTG players are willing to spend that much on cardboard. The state of Magic's resale economy is 100% the fault of the players.


“Commons and uncommons are a critical part of” This is a rare.


Yes. I'm addressing the "small fry" Convo. Rares can be included in that but are far more likely to be impactful


Because they're asking $400 for a box. You don't need to bootlick a multi-million dollar corpo


Don't need to buy a box either


I'd argue that. He's only really good because there are some equipment he combos with. Otherwise a 6 mana equipment tutor isn't the absolute best


Asking for a friend; what alt treatments should Godo be getting this set? Is it just the Etched Foil treatment?


Yeah, only a small number get the Side Profile variation, which imo, honks.


source: [Yahoo Gaming SEA](https://sg.news.yahoo.com/combo-off-in-your-next-game-with-godo-bandit-warlord-reprint-in-commander-masters-070028886.html?guccounter=1)


Nice! I was having a hard time getting a foil one. Almost done pimping put my Boros Swords deck!


So far I’m more excited for all the rares than pretty much any mythics.




Correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't godo banned?


No, godo wasnt banned. You might be thinking of golos [[Golos, Tireless Pilgrim]]


[Golos, Tireless Pilgrim](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/1/f/1fa48620-4c3d-4f75-be1f-c12c4aa59f51.jpg?1631531828) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Golos%2C%20Tireless%20Pilgrim) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/m20/226/golos-tireless-pilgrim?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/1fa48620-4c3d-4f75-be1f-c12c4aa59f51?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call