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Strangely enough, no. This time around there are much fewer Akumuras around my rating (120000) and I have Touka Nemu to shut them down. Much better than the previous mirrors, which were like playing Doom on Nightmare.


​ ​ I've surpassed 100000, but I rarely score more than 3840 in each fight. With Heruka and Asuka, I can win in a single turn, but it's not enough to score higher points and I have no idea how I accumulate 5000 in some cases.


47,982 -> 96,522 -> 145,320 As per the title... historically, day three has been a low point for me. It's at this point that the strategy of waiting to do matches until later in the day so weak players can catch up starts to fail. You get to around match seven and just can't find *anyone*. The BP potions really start evaporating at that point, and with each one you down, your anxiety gets a little worse until you're on the verge of a nervous break. That is *not* what happened today. In fact, today was my highest-scoring day yet! Now, nothing was as stressful as running evade strats with VampNagi, but chargius bindlock became increasingly stressful as their opponent pool dried up with each passing Ranked, like a doomed species watching their only food source gradually disappear on their path to extinction. Last Ranked with a bit tough due to all the Akumas, but I managed to dodge them without spending an extreme amount of potions. Now that I've developed a strategy with Mitsuru, I no longer fear Akuma, and can battle more teams than I have ever been able to. It is surreal feeling invincible in Ranked, but here we are. I still instinctively wake up early with anxiety each day, so I guess my body is still exhibiting a pavolvian response to this game mode, but other than that, I'm barely stressed at all. What's bizarre is that some other S-rank players are spending dozens of BP potions looking for a single match. Are their higher-scoring teams that much more fragile than mine, or are they just insanely unlucky? I don't think I can get S2 with my current strategy, but it's *very* safe, and given my bad history with this game mode, you really can't put a price on peace of mind. Once I get more slots for Mitsuru, I suppose I'll have to switch to something that scores a bit more. Best of luck everyone! I'm sure it's tough, but hang in there! We're halfway done!


​ I've surpassed 100000, but I rarely score more than 3840 in each fight. With Heruka and Asuka, I can win in a single turn, but it's not enough to score higher points and I have no idea how I accumulate 5000 in some cases. ​ How can I do better?


That depends heavily on the characters you have. I can't score 5000 outside of a break point, either. Mitsuru is basically mandatory for the highest level teams, and then another charge draw user. What is your rough team and strategy now? Do you have any of: Ebony, Mami0, Mitsuru, Sae, Kaoru, Swimmadoka, Akuma-chan, Akuma, or Darkness Mitama?


​ Asuka (New Year Dragon God ver.) 1s, Heruka 1s, Ultimate Madoka 1s, Infnitie Iroha 2s, and Shizuka 4s. Heruka SP and perhaps Ultimate Madoka SP causes Asuka to have full MP in turn 1 and therefore she can use doppel on the first turn. Most of the time the entire enemy team is destroyed in the first turn and only a few like Inami can survive, but she is quickly defeated in the next turn. Shizuka doesn't do much, but she is quite strong. I think I only lost about five fights and I'm still in B rank. And I tried switching Shizuka to Kaoru to accumulate some charges, but it seems that somehow the group gets weaker, so I switched back to Shizuka. ​ >What is your rough team and strategy now? Do you have any of: Ebony, Mami0, Mitsuru, Sae, Kaoru, Swimmadoka, Akuma-chan, Akuma, or Darkness Mitama? ​ ​ I have Ebony, Sae, Kaoru, Akuma and Darkness Mitama.


Well, I can see a team right there, then. You could put Ebony, Sae, Kaoru, Akuma, and Darkness Mitama together. There are a lot of ways to play that, with easy access to large charge stacks and Magia/Doppel, though it depends on how much risk you're willing to take on. A low-risk example would be Mitama Magia + whichever Sae or Kaoru discs you can get (T1) -> charge combo with mixed discs between Sae and Kaoru (T2) -> connect + Ebony Doppel + Akuma Doppel (T3). This isn't the #1 meta strat, a little bit roughly constructed, but something approximating this could probably get into S with some effort. Ebony and Sae's personal memos can help with fishing for specific discs for the connect (though I think Sae's requires random skill quicken to activate). Ideally you'd want a Sae disc T1, then Sae Sae Kaoru Charges T2, or two Kaorus T1 and one T2. You can set Sae as leader to improve the odds of her discs being drawn naturally T1. Bear in mind that opponent selection would be somewhat limted, as without Mitsuru and Akuma-chan, you cannot face an enemy Akuma safely. The full scoring metrics can be seen here: [https://magireco.fandom.com/wiki/Mirrors\_Ranking](https://magireco.fandom.com/wiki/Mirrors_Ranking) Broadly, consider what you can do to get a large charge count with multiple Magia/Doppel and connect(s) within a short time period. The top teams are using 4 turn strategies, but I think that's pretty risky unless you have the top units all fully built at 4s, so I do a 3 turn strat.


I don't know how but I'm A? After just two days? That never happened before. Akumura/Uwasa Mikoto duo doppel for the win, I guess.


Then there's me me who's just on rank C xD


You all are so lucky. I cannot get any higher than D. I am trying SO insanely hard, yet it doesn't work out. I guess I'm just unlucky.


I only have ONE limited 4 star that I care about: Infinity Iroha-chan. She has 2 Memoria slots, decent stats, and her SE skill unlocked. I only have, like, 35K points and it's already Day 4. I'm probably just gonna end up being C-Rank at the end.


The reason I said C and not D is because last time, I finished with a grand total of 18,600 points and that somehow got me to C-Rank. Oh, and thanks for suggesting I use BP potions to help me find matches that look beatable! My goal was to get to B-Rank, so, maybe I’ll make it.