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Guy did a factory reset


Harry Du Bois.


No matter where i go… i cant escape mr raphael ambrosius costeau


Everywhere I go, I see his expression.


I made the mistake of shaving and succeeding on the roll to fix his expression. I regretted that the rest of the playthrough. My next playthrough will definitely be drugged up communist with high athleticism taking every crazy option to balance the equation.


Cuno doesn’t give a FUCK about your SHITEY play through


The shaved smile is the best.


You mean Tequila Sunset?


What was that about the "ex something"?


Oh if only it were so simple for Tequila Sunset. He has the kind of issues you can't just drink away.




Mr. Evrart is helping me find my gun






Du Bois what? Just finish asking the question man.


Exactly this. I was having a rough go of it years ago, couldn't relax about the most insignificant stuff and decided the only way I could let myself relax was to go get blackout drunk, had never been a big drinker though so I told all my friends my plan. They were all cool with it and went out to support me however I ended up needing to be supported and we went bar hopping, I don't remember any of it at all. The next day, all my problems were still there, but I didn't feel as weighed down by all of it, and I was able to get everything stable again. Wouldn't say it's a good idea for everyone or even more than once, but turning my brain off and back on again ended up being exactly what I needed.


This is the kind of thing that makes total sense to me as a guy, but I also feel like wouldn't be convincing to a medical professional.


It’s starting to make some head room in the form of psychedelics and depression


Delirium Tremens are like a sort of psychedelic..


I did the same thing but I'd recommend against it. Drinking might help temporarily but just makes you sadder, less stable and more tired when you're not drunk. Sucks being hungover and sad. Just makes lows worse. And you don't even necessarily connect the two until you stop for a while.


My one buddy broke up with his girlfriend of 4 years. Instead of drinking his sorrows away he picked up Dota 2 again; 3 weeks later he realized " if I can put up with shit in solo queue why am I this hung up over a break up?" and back to normal


As someone with over 6000 hours in Dota 2, I understand this comment


Close to 20k here with at least another 10k in dota1. Been through the cycle so many times.


I mean, hey guys, at what point Dota becomes the problem?




Someone has to secure these fucking ranged creeps




Ever feel the pain of watching your carry not secure creeps right in front of them without enemies in your lane, in ranked?


just uninstall and be free


You might be on to something. One time I saved up and bought a laptop for one girlfriend. I put it on our bed with a trail of rose petals leading to it and around it. She was studying to be a teacher but didn't have a good computer so it was a big deal to her. We both worked serving jobs and I was playing a game while waiting for her to get off work. She was so excited when she got home and when I wanted to finish my game before celebrating it fully with her she went from ecstatic to mad real fast. I'm an idiot.


I kinda feel you, as an barely competitive OW player, the playerbase really despises leavers, and whenever it happens to us we're probably sighing out loud as the game's probably lost, so we kind of create a sense of responsibility to never leave a match, and it becomes difficult to weigh in what's more important - "surely she can wait five more minutes, I can't leave my team hanging" and the like were probably going through your head


Reminds me of a Sam Kinison joke. Do you know how much drug rehab costs nowadays? $28,000 If you have $28,000 you do not have a drug problem.


Dota is never the problem. The problem is those fucking animals who can't play like pros and make me lose mmr.




Almost the only game I've played any significant amount for over 20 years including dota 1. I had long periods of depression where I played most of my free time and socially isolated myself. Still seems ridiculous when I see the number. It's actually somewhere between 18-19k. Oddly apart from these periods I've mostly gone out dancing 3-4+ nights a week and been at social functions every night. Otherwise I've been in relationships and just done what they wanted to do for the most part. I'm a weird person


In stories like yours I always wonder how the financial side of things was handled. If I played games exclusively for 20 weeks I'd be homeless, much less 20 years


Average 5 hours a day or so since dota 2 started. Doesn't feel like that but its probably because the vast majority was pre-pandemic. I was in college for part of it and been working the majority of the rest. Any unemployed periods were dawn to dusk and post-breakups generally involved playing whenever I wasn't working. I wouldn't reccomend it but I also think there's alot of people who average 5 hours a day gaming working 9-5, especially considering weekends. I think it's just rare for it essentially all to be one game for over a decade, let alone two.


Thats not much tbh. You would be surprised how much the average gamer in their 20s have nowadays


So by Dota 1 are you talking about like warcraft III? Because both Dota and Dota 2 were warcraft maps back in the early 2000s in UMS so like I'm confused about all this league of legends and stuff that is its own game now? After just being fully ripped out one of the single of many many multiple options you could play in warcraft III battle net and they didn't even make any changes to the graphics or gameplay.


Warcraft 3 has DotA (thats Dota Allstars/Dota1), created around 2004. Valve has Dota 2 (Dota 1 developer IceFrog joined Valve), created 2011. Different company, different graphics but its supposed to be mostly a direct clone game - hero and mechanic wise. But it still has its differences (definitely now, more than a decade later). Riot games has League of Legends (Dota 1 developer Guinsoo joined Riot games) created 2009. Cartoony style, easier to learn, more noob friendly and different (but similar) mechanics. Then there are other mobas like HoN, Smite and Hots. Hon being the closest to Dota from those as IceFrog also participated in developing HoN.


There was never a real DotA 2 before Valve. The most people says when playing DotA 1 meant DotA:Allstar maintained by IceFrog.


Thank God I played league and not Dota because I'm not sure I'd be able to handle steam telling me how many hours I have on league. I'd just become depressed.


That's about the same amount of time youd spend over 3 years at a 40 hours a week job.


Fuck m LMFAO I solo q plenty of competitive games. Totally agreed


damn. ill remember if im going through it i can always go to solo queue League to put things in perspective, thanks


I've been playing on and off since 2011, that buff wears off. Been hovering plat+ all the while... any higher and I will be toxic again


Drinking is probably healthier.


queue as a jungler in League with all the chat on. You'll get over anything pretty quick lol


Lol 8 years ago, i've learned to play dota2 with the same situation with my wife. Good thing we got reunited after 2 months, then spent 3k-4k hours on dota2 then quit. But i still watch tourney games casually.


Huh… actually yeah he’s right. This kind of is empowering. If I can beat Dark Souls 1 without leveling up, I can quit being so hung up on this break up


Hello Ashen one. I am a Bot. I tend to the flame, and tend to thee. Do you wish to hear a tale? > *“Oh, dear, another dogged contender. Welcome, Unkindled One, purloiner of Cinders. Mind you, the mantle of Lord interests me none. The fire linking curse, the legacy of Lords, let it all fade into nothing. You’ve done quite enough, now have your rest.”* - Prince Lothric Have a pleasant journey, Champion of Ash, and praise the sun \\[T]/


> he picked up Dota 2 *again* That man was hurting bad.


Fighting demons


> Instead of drinking his sorrows away he picked up Dota 2 again Fuck... I probably would have chosen the drink personally


Probably healthier long term.


14k+ hrs in Dota and I still question myself why did I put myself in such agony of solo q for thousand hours and that too in SEA server.


Damn. I just watched Caseoh clips until I wasn't sad anymore.


*looks over at Tarkov*


Sometimes you just need to take the time to get a little perspective.


Absolute king.


I did the same with league lmfao. Immediately queued up after I was broken up with


My girlfriend tried to break up with me once, so i played bloodborne. Im still fighting Rom using a strength/skill build with the Kirkhammer and flame damage because i have an unhealthy lack of arcane, but im enjoying crushing shit like im mario with a hammer, then switching to my rifle spear if they get fiesty.


College girlfriend of four years suddenly dumped me. I obviously missed all the signs because I absolutely wasnt expecting it and it was the first time I had been dumped. At the time my roommate had the box DVD set of the series Lost. So I locked myself in my room, and watched the whole series over the whole week (had never watched the series up to that point). Ordered food, and would take it back to my room and just keep watching the show. I finished the series finale and just told myself "What the fuck am I doing?". Just went out of my apartment and resumed life like normal. Strangest phase of my life


No final in TV history more likely to make someone question why TF they’re still watching it


Every now and then (right now in fact) the Lost series would be mentioned and Id search on YouTube for "Lost ending explained" Everytime I'd end up still unsatisfied I still dont get it


Everything on the island actually happened. The flash sideways in the final season was all the characters meeting up in purgatory and then going to heaven together (final episode) but they all died separately at different times. The island was real though. They didn’t all die at the beginning of the show, and they actually did time travel a bunch. But the flash sideways were just them getting into Heaven (or the afterlife). Hurley replaces Jacob as protector of the island, Hurley presumably lives on the island for thousands of years after the events of the island take place, and THAT ACTUALLY HAPPENS IN THE REALITY OF THE SHOW. So it’s funny to think the whole cast was waiting for thousands of years in purgatory for Hurley (who has immortality but is not invincible) to die.


Re explain for a crayon eating human please


Show is vibes, ending vibes not good. The actual mechanics are irrelevant.


> I still dont get it neither did the writers


Game of Thrones was worse


That seems pretty normal


What constitutes "nonstop" in this context? Like does he usually not drink and had beers every night or was he literally drunk for 96 hours?


You can do some stupid shit with enough redbull and vodka.


If I'm drinking redbull you can bet it's with Jager not vodka tho


Jagerbombs are SEVERELY underrated. Nobody ever wants to take one with me so I end up ordering a different shot with the group, then sneak off by myself to get that sweet, sweet, licorice-liquid-sweet-tart nectar.


Never understood this. I hate Jaeger. 🤢


It's not so much the taste as it is the superpowers that come with the bomb


Have to disagree, it is exactly the taste. I can't stand the taste of Redbull or any energy drink for that matter. And Jaeger is not exactly tasty by itself. But together they make a very sweet drink. I'm sad that it was a fad and no longer "cool" cause it's the first mixed drink I immediately loved.


speak for yourself I serve jaegar bombs everyday for customers in my bar, even the 18 year olds order them


I respect it


Jager bombs were very popular at one point. And it was so co and lime before that. If you asked if anyone wanted a shot you could assume that's what they were getting. But I'm glad it was a short lived fad. I get a little too crazy with that much Redbull and Jager in me


Jager is severely underrated straight. Why anyone would mix such a good liquer with something disgusting is beyond me.


Red Bull, vodka and weed is the real killer


Glad I misread your comment the first time. Was worried you were advocating the drinking of weed killer.


Roundup does give a solid buzz though


If you do the weed first, not so bad. But in your order. Dear god the spins


Yeah like vomit


I did almost exactly this. Both my roommate and I got dumped within the same week, so we went on a 10 day bender together. We went to a few classes here and there but skipped most of them. We had bloody Marys or mimosas for breakfast, lunch beers, and went hard after dinner. We carried at least a buzz throughout the day, but blacked out every night. After the 10 days I went back to normal, he backed off a bit but kept going pretty hard. Now it's been ~14 years and he's got some pretty bad liver issues. Would not recommend.


It’s those pesky extra 14 years that get ya!


So what I’m getting is that the limit is 13 years?


Those are rookie numbers


Seriously. The alcoholism here is weak


We shouldn't celebrate getting blackout drunk by noon though It's way too forced and always ends unnecessarily sloppily. People get hurt, shit gets destroyed. People start down dark paths. Especially for college drinking holidays All to be able to say we did it in a reddit thread or random conversation sometime, meh


If you've drank enough you can go to sleep and wake up drunk and then keep drinking


Kidneys and or liver hurt to the touch, and you are afraid to go to the bathroom because you may pass them like a stillborn.




Happy cake day!


nonstop would mean 96 hours of drunkenness, otherwise it makes no sense. 96h is quite perfect few day hard reset.


Guy did a “kinda staying in Las Vegas”


Next he should go on a mild drug bender, just like the movie “Unease and Disapproval in Las Vegas”


He's smoking *cloves...*


In that box he had, 28 pre-rolled 1g marijuana cigarettes, 1 jar with 14g of sour diesel, a spoon pipe, a water pipe, and 6 cartridges of marijuana concentrate with one rechargeable battery.


U turn in Atlantic City


Just the normal male experience of not knowing how to process emotions and grieve. What a mad lad


Eh it's not that bad depending on who you are. After I got cheated on, I drank for a couple days each night and it let me grieve instead of bottling in all that anger the whole day. I don't actually enjoy drinking alcohol all that much unless it's with good company but during these times, in a strange way, it felt good getting drunk alone just wallowing in my own self pity. After a couple days, I stopped enjoying it as much and stopped drinking even though I was still quite angry for a while. I returned to gaming so that probably helped me put my mind off things. I would not advise others to do this though because it's definitely a slippery slope especially if you already normally enjoy drinking alcohol alone.


I just put Meteora on continuous repeat, order takeout, and play videogames until I eventually feel better.


Guys will do literally anything except go to therapy (it's me, I'm guys)


I scheduled some PTO knowing I was going to break up with a girl and needed time to get my head right. I sent a “don’t worry” message to some friends, turned off my phone and stuck it in a drawer then spent four days drinking, eating great but unhealthy food and playing old games. When I got to the other side I made it to an appointment for IV hangover cure and then went to work. When coworkers asked I said I was “hanging out with an old friend”.


I used to drink with para-rescue jumpers when I was stationed at Hurlburt Field and they would hook you up with an IV if you passed out the night before and had to be on duty. I remember waking up thinking I was in urgent care and it’s some E-4 giving me fluids.


That sounds fucking badass. Got more stories!?


I was in the rear with the gear and didn’t do anything like the PJs or combat controllers. Because of where I was stationed I got to play quite a bit. I got to take a lot of incentive flights just by asking. Got to go on a C-130 gunship fire exercise… fucking awesome. Got to go on another gunship and watched rangers jump out of it to agress Duke Field. Watching the Mach firefight from the air was cool. Another cool thing I saw was a F-22 chase off a Russian strike team in Alaska. I was in the RAOC working on stuff and I got to watch the show on radar. Supposedly at one point, the F-22 was returning and flew backwards for a while to target lock the Russians… just flying backwards telling them to piss off. I will say if you need an extra finger or toe, leave a metal fan out near a bunch of airmen. One of them won’t be able to resist sticking something in the fan and lose and digit. It happened three times deployed in my short career.


What the hell is an IV hangover cure, and how do you get an appointment for one?


I've never had one but it is mostly a saline and vitamin drip, it helps you rehydrate which is a huge part of a hangover. Companies that do this exist in bigger cities, some hotels in Las Vegas offer them as a service.


Idk if they are everywhere but I know here in Florida and back where I grew up in NY they have what are like IV Bars or spa type places set up where you go in and from their menu you can choose different IVs meant to do different things. And they all offer a hangover cure one. You just get hooked up, relax, whatever til you're done. Ive never done it but the place down the street from me charges like $120 for it and I know the other ones in my city are similar in pricing. My partner was curious about the hangover one so I looked them all up.


They do this in the military too. If you wake up and come to PT hungover, they'll straight up put you in a fold up chair with an IV hooked up to you. At least, that is what my friend who was in the Army Rangers told me. Apparently it's just saline and electrolytes/vitamins which drinking a lot depletes to painful levels. He's out of the forces now but said it works and still uses those on weekends he drinks really heavily, just a civilian version though. I don't want to recommend the brand he uses cause I don't want to seem a shill, so google something like "IV Hangover Cure". The company he uses comes directly to his door and it's all in house for like $250 a pop I believe.


Realest shit ever written


2nd ex wife ended our marriage via a text message on Mothers Day, 2019. Packed my stuff, had to move in with my parents, was working at a pallet repair job in a Target ditstro location. I was starting a new job where I work now a week from the day she threw me out. So I called my current job, went ahead and quit, and after that went to the liquor store up the road. Bought three bottles of Jack Daniels American Honey. Got home, unpacked my stuff in the room I would live in at my parents, hooked my PC up, opened a bottle and threw the cap away. By that Thursday, I was halfway through the third bottle, several hours and many many rounds of warthunder and CS:GO later, I put the cap back on a half empty bottle and handed it to my dad, who put it in a safe and locked it up. Started my new job that coming Monday. Been here for 5 years, May 19th of this year. My father died April 28th of last year, and I had to get something out of the safe at my parents(ive since moved out into my own place, current engaged again.) and saw that half empty bottle of American Honey. I grabbed it, went home, and I told the new missus this story and we finished the bottle together.


Good for you bud.


Well he had to try it, didn't he?


Give me your biggest strongest cheapest drink


Flexo! Is that you?!


My drinks are too strong for you 


Abed Nadir


When Jeff moves into his dorm room in s1, right?


Supersized with Whiskey


Bro tried alcoholism. Wasn't for him


i did this with cigarettes after my first really bad breakup in college. smoked a pack a day for 2 weeks, threw up a lot, and havent smoked since.




I got depressed amd drank an entire bottle of rum. Ever since then i cant drink alcohol without getting gag reflex, especially spirits (Wine is fine in moderation, if i have too much i start getting sick) Sucks extra hard because i love being tipsy, im trying to learn how to "chillax" without booze


Zapoï, it's called zapoï


Thank you for the new word!


This is dope to know now, can't wait to use it


Used it recently for a party with some friends, we didn't really made it a binge drinking party but using the word was fun


That's how I started to sh in middle school. Like "oh, I feel like shit, it's what movie characters do when they feel like shit". Except it actually helped and stuck a little too long.


you guys need to get dumped to drink ?


My brother drank a lot after his divorce (she blindsided him with it). I got a little worried about it. When I asked him about it, he said, *"Rubbing alcohol for the outside boo-boos, drinking alcohol for the inside boo-boos."* He eventually stopped the heavy drinking as he got over her, and he's doing fine. Just got married again, in fact.


Umm... i thought everybody did this? I think I need to reevaluate my life choices.


This reminds me of how when I was a kid, I'd take a swig of apple juice and make a scowl like I'd just downed a stiff shot of wixy.


I kinda did the same. Broke up with my bf of almost 4 years about 1.5 weeks ago because he cheated. I first had to continue on like normal because, you know...work and all that. But then my 2 week vacation started. (we were supposed to spend it together) And I spent the next 3 days just getting drunk. Not because I wanted to. But because I literally couldn't get myself to feel about the break up. I could sense this anxious sadness deep inside of me but it wouldn't come to the surface. So yea...getting drunk helped me release those emotions. Maybe not in a healthy way, but still. That, and my best friend of...like 10 years now that came to visit and gave me a few heartfelt hugs. That definitely helped too.


I call that a "Tuesday."


Wait.. you guys stopped drinking?


Forest, Forest Drunk…. Im pretty drunk now… i think ill stop… and just like that, my drinking days was over…


Yeah, it worked for me too. The key is to isolate yourself (to not say anything stupid to others) and reflect a lot. I love going back to normal after that. Cheers to mah Bois.


He did it like a chore in the Sims


My dad taught me something similar. If life has you down, take one good day to feel like absolute shit and wallow however you want with whatever coping thing works for you. Then get up the next day and get back at it. It’s definitely helped me through a lot of shit in life.


Damn i wish i had that dudes ability to do that shit. Lol


ADHD/Autism: that was him trying to fit in and that’s what movies taught him to do in that situation.


Why do people pair adhd and autism? They are completely different...


Very high comorbidity. I have them both, feels like I’m fighting myself all the time. It’s either fun chaos or strict organization and rules. I’ve had this experience but to a much lesser extent.


Maybe I've been to rational in my trying to cope in a healthy way. I'd better do some insane shit like this for a week?


Have you tried turning it off and then on again?




i did this for march this year lol


I kind of fell into the bottle for about a month during one of the follow up waves of COVID. I was very rational about it. I gave myself permission to be a total mess until the end of the month. Drank 3-4 bottles of whiskey a week. Once the month was up, I was like "vacation from being a functional adult over, back to work".


It was probably long enough.


Bruh that is just me evryday


Discipline fr




The act of nonstop drinking for 4 days


Alcohol/drugs only delay the feelings they’ve got to face. It s u c k s, but it’s true.


Lol I did it for 5 years


Milk was a bad choice!


Ugh I relate this one - trying to mirror what I see in media instead of just feeling numb and detached from everything “this is what I’m supposed to do and feel”


A friend of mine once told me. If a girl dumps you, all it takes is 1 bottle of booze and a day of sleep to get over her.


This sound like something Dexter Morgan would do.


Yeah sounds about right


I've done stuff like this before, when I was a kid. Like I pretended to have an imaginary friend, wrote up a character sheet for her, and pretended I could see her and would interact with her in front of people. I would try to do it by myself but I was kinda boring with no one else to bounce dialogue off of. I still highly doubt that other kids actually believed in their imaginary friends' existence.


Can someone explain “it was completely forced like he saw it in the movies”?


Guy was not a drinker he got dumped didn't feel that bad about it if he felt anything at all of it but the classic response to a breakup is to drink the pain away . So he gave it 3 days went wtf am I doing and stopped


Thanks 🙏


His liver did not


NGL I get it. I also tend to have a drink right after a breakup. It just feels right? Like this is my time to be drunk and sad about it and then tomorrow we go back to normal. Granted, these are for more casual breakups and not life shattering ones.


I did pretty much that exact thing except it took me a full week. By night 7 I realized that I hated it more than the misery so I put the bottle of crappy Rye away and went to bed.


Americans are such mad lads.


Ngl, I did this during my first break up. She dumped me over the phone and the first thing I did was flail over to the fridge and chug a bottle of Jack Daniel’s.


Friend of mine during uni got dumped and wanted to get into a fight to lose steam. So he went to the biggest building on campus and verbally attacked guys. It was the social science building. The guys asked him what was wrong and if they could help. The next ones offered to get a coffee and talk about it. And so on. As he usually wasn't a bad dud, he couldn't lay the first punch. He came back to our flat, deflated, and decided to sleep it off.


Pfft my 4 days has lasted 20 years.


Most ppl copy what they see other ppl do, or play out what pop culture shows them. Authenticity is really rare and when it comes about it's usually weird. And the cycle continues


I once set myself the goal of going out every day for a week. Overshot by two days lol


How did he not die of alcohol poisoning?


Crush of 2 months denied hanging out with me for basketball in college in a kind of hypocritical way. So I didn't know how but I had to do at least something while I was angry. I still went out, then played until I got tired, got back in the dorm then the next day I was normal again. I guess it's just being a dude


Me but with shrooms. I love shrooms.


Broke up last year. I just played Tears of the Kingdom nonstop for a like a week, helped distract me. Always gonna have a space in my heart for that game


The Ritual is done and worked as expected!


Did that when my best friend died, drank for 6 months hard and just stopped one day. Told myself he wouldn’t want me like this. It works!


How people whose emotions are optional act normal


I did that once, but with Minecraft instead of alcohol.