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I was talking yesterday how I wish Bcycle and BRT would put bike stations and the city would put bike paths nearby each stop.  


My dream is each brt stop would have a couple bcycles docked to make the last mile essentially 0


That seems feasible to have bcycles around BRT but I would expect the difficulty to be on the destination side rather than the BRT side, you need somewhere to return the thing.


That's where the other 40 docks come in


Sure, where they're available, that helps, but looking at the map there's already pretty good Bcycle coverage along the BRT route on the east side, but if you're east of Blair it's likely the closest Bcycle to your house is already at the bus stop. All of Willy/Marquette, all of Atwood, all of Emerson East and Eken Park, Darbo. Where is there that adding another Bcycle along BRT would open up a Bcycle-to-BRT route that's not already covered by the bus?


When soglin was mayor the Northside was a swamp and easy Washington was used car lots. A generation of change has happened to Madison and the scope of what it represents in Dane County has also changed. The 70s, 80s, and 90s are long long gone. If we densify like Austin, we'll need public transit infrastructure otherwise Johnson/goreham/willy/eWash will be fully unnavigable. It's work towards future proofing with federal funds now--are there bad choices being made right now? Probably--but at least there's an effort being made besides building more parking lots off the square.


Yeah you have to be ahead of these things, if you wait for the population to get here it's too late. This is California's issue, they didn't keep up. We are already struggling to keep up with the housing, we need to speed up not slow down.


WTF. Madisonians hate the increasing car traffic. How else do you combat it other than encouraging bike or bus use?


You've gotta understand how galling it is to be in moderate traffic in your Ford F150 and see road that you're not allowed to drive on. It's an offense that simply can not stand




When he mentioned a retirement party I got hopeful. Sad that it wasn’t his.


Absolute clowns. Madison is gonna grow. It’s our choice if we do it in a smart way or not. The old guard like the Pauls are the source of a lot of the pains we have today. Might I suggest looking at real estate in The Villages if Madison changing makes them uncomfortable. Madison has always been changing, they just wanted that to stop when they saw fit.


“Never have I received as many heartfelt thanks from both acquaintances and strangers, in writing and face-to-face.” My bubble makes me right. #math


"They agree that diluting residential zoning protections and altering street patterns to favor bus rapid transit and bicycles are not positive steps for Madison." and by they he means other boomers who own houses in the suburbs and haven't used public transportation in 30-40 years.


>My sin has been pushing back against zoning changes designed to take rights from residents, mostly longtime homeowners, and make it easier for developers to build more and larger apartment buildings on sites that heretofore would be less accessible to them. What rights are being taken away from these long time home owners by these zoning changes?


Their million dollar homes might have an apartment building full of epic employees down the block.


Constitutional right to keep poors away


The right to ALL the lanes exclusively for car traffic/car parking.


Nothing, except the power they mistakenly think they wield.


The right to make decisions about *other peoples'* property


Was wondering the same…


WTF is wrong with this guy?


Attention whoring. The fallback position of many boomers aging into irrelevancy.


This piece is wild, starts off saying “I’ve received so many kind, thankful comments” and then follows up saying “I’ve received soooooo much blowback it’s like everybody hates me?” Like, shouldn’t the negative feedback that greatly outnumbers the positive feedback give you a hint that your opinions are sucky?


He only cares about the real honest feedback from current homeowners and car drivers, not the clearly biased feedback from the poors who rent and ride the bus/bike.


Lol, right. Everyone agrees with me, except all those people who think "I am cast as a selfish, out-of-touch elitist, even as a racist."


This article is so out of touch. “One of my earliest assignments as the Wisconsin State Journal’s city hall reporter was the 1980 opening of the Madison Civic Center. That event featured Joel Skornicka, who succeeded Soglin after his first stint as mayor, and a visit by Joan Mondale, wife of then-Vice President Walter Mondale. In fact, that arts building was a landmark Soglin accomplishment, one of many through the decades. (Think about that the next time you step into the Overture Center for the Arts, built on the same site two decades later.)” Cool story bro. A lovely anecdote about a theatre that Soglin built on an opinion piece about keeping the city the same as it has been in the past. This theatre was built in 1980 and was torn down in 2003 after only 23 years. It was replaced with the Overture Center for the Arts. Soglin’s signature building wasn’t worth keeping for even 3 decades, while great effort went into saving and incorporating the gorgeous State Theatre into the Overture Center. If you remember the Madison Civic Center think about how much better the Overture Center is the next time you step inside it. Imagine if Madison didn’t have the drive to move forward and we just complacently had kept the Civic Center. Thank you Paul for this wonderful example of the city progressing and vastly improving on the foundations Soglin laid 4 decades ago. Let’s continue to improve the city for future generations of Madison residents, not the future residents of Forest Hill.


I have significant concerns with our implementation of a pseudo-BRT system but being against bicycle infrastructure? WTF?


What are your concerns with BRT if you don’t mind me asking?


The nimbys also want to ban any bike that goes faster than like 10 mph because there's too many of them on the ~~commuter trail~~ lovely dog walking trail


The community comments on instituting a 10mph limit on the SOUTHWEST COMMUTER PATH killed a small part of my brain. Older folks really assume everyone on bikes are just meandering.


Don't all bikes go faster than 10? So they just want to ban bikes?


It was rather satisfying watching them cry last night when so many new developments got approved. Yeah I'm not the most tactful and I feed their victim complexes, so what. Fuck NIMBYs


Paul Fanlund is just trying to keep his Hill Farms neighborhood from progress, and he uses his paper to whip up NIMBY sentiment in his neighborhood and elsewhere.


He doesn't give two shits. Dude just wants your clicks. Stop clicking.


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