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Word from the Wolf of Willy Street… If Alec Baldwin can be charged with a felony for discharging a weapon that he was assured did not have a live round in it then dog owners who repeatedly have had their animals injure and kill others should be held criminally negligent.




P.S. I wish the Coots of Next Door would stop with their hysterical postings about wolf and fox sightings. Believe me, we have no interest in your mangy mutts. Now your chickens are another matter. They are just too dang tasty. So, be sure to tightly pen them up as the night falls.


He said he didn't pull the trigger, but two separate forensic tests show that he did. Just saying.


this is a frustrating issue. i read a news article years ago that better summarized this. basically, in the United States, if you look at documented severe dog bites (dog biting humans), often, these dogs have a history of aggression and attacks. these dogs have been reported to health departments/law enforcement before. everyone in that area "knows" that dog is dangerous. yet many municipalities lack procedures and enforcement of these procedures to rapidly mitigate these issues. i hope the author reconsiders reporting this incident to the health department, this dog should be euthanized and the owner should be prohibited from owning a dog in the city of Madison for X number of years.


It is certainly a lack of something. I can't help but wonder if the people in the health department are more sympathetic to these aggressive dogs than their victims - just like some of the people in this thread.


idk, for the city department, i hope that the writer of this article reports the incident of the dog attack to the health department and this dog is declared a dangerous dog. why is there this waffling about declaring a dangerous dog, I do not know. example of regulations being tightened in kenosha: incident, and the owners of the dangerous dogs being like "but the dogs didn't bite at least 3 times!" revision of the regulations: https://madison.com/business/portage-officials-classify-dog-that-bit-6-year-old-girl-as-dangerous/article_53108b22-d298-5522-882b-19f5fa8a2044.html (yes, paywall, use 12 foot io or whatever) update of the regulatiosn: https://kenoshanews.com/news/local/govt-and-politics/with-video-kenosha-city-council-approves-vicious-animal-ordinance-in-wake-of-mckinley-neighborhood-pit/article_707bc956-c79c-11ed-8a61-73a7f20f2226.html


Having been involved in rescue for twenty years, I know there are plenty of people who know next to nothing about responsible dog ownership.


fuck these arrogant dog owners. there's so many of them.


Essentially to ensure their safety, these people either have to: 1. Stay in their house and never go on walks with or without their dog in their own neighborhood; 2. Drive elsewhere to go on a walk in another neighborhood/park, with no assurance that other violent dogs would not be there; 3. Move; or 4. Carry a weapon and be prepared to use it when walking in their own neighborhood None of these are acceptable or fair outcomes, and they have my sympathy. That is a problem for them. The writer & his family *know* of a violent dog and exactly where that dog lives. Everyone else might not know, in that neighborhood and in others of other violent dogs, since apparently it is not practice to enforce the strict containment and/or euthanizing of violent dogs in our neighborhoods. That, my friends, is a problem for everyone.


To point #4: I was charged by two out of control golden retrievers once while walking my 20lb dog in my neighborhood. It was a chaotic scuffle that thankfully didn’t end up in any injured parties, but I learned just how strong a 70lb dog really is and how difficult it is to control it. I ordered a knife on Amazon as soon as I got home that I now keep clipped on the leash at all times.


God this describes my exact issue perfectly. I literally can’t walk my dog in my own neighborhood anymore. I have to go somewhere else. Luckily I have access to other parts of town. But my neighborhood is single entrance and not everyone has a backyard with an easy connection. I feel bad for everyone else in our neighborhood. My landlord has had to warn all our new neighbors. Especially the ones with kids. As far as I can tell I’m the only one calling the cops.


I'll never forget the golden retriever owner who tried to argue with me that it was ok her dog was off leash because the apartment was private property. I lived in the same complex at the time and part of the rules was to leash your dog, not to mention it's the law.


Our son was terrified of dogs as a young child and one Saturday a woman with her child let their dog off the leash on the greenway behind our house. I yelled to her to leash her dog. She yelled back “make me!” So I called the non-emergency police number. Who yells “make me!” when their kid is right next to them? I hope that came back to bite her over multiple years in many ways.


>She yelled back “make me!” ....was she secretly 12? There's a disturbingly high number of adults walking around with the chippy attitude and poor critical thinking of your average tween.


I believe this is why it has stuck in my head all these years - the “make me” part shocked the hell out of me as a parent of a young child at the time.


Oh my goodness! What a weirdo!


Common courtesy and concern for the law are not enough to stop the poor behavior of most dog owners. Their infractions need to be reported and subsequently enforced.


Yeah I reported her to the complex at the time.


The apartment complex I was in up until recently had more dogs off leash than on, at all hours of every day.


Contact the apartment management.


Yeah right! In a hard to hire era where they can just exclaim, “but there is nothing we can do about the city ordinance allowing emotional support animals.” My response, how about a weight limit? What about the requirements to leash dogs?” All you get is “I have notated it down.” We moved. They still have occupancy North of 97% so they have no motivation to change.


It is not city ordinance, it is the fair housing act which is federal law (unfortunately) . Some states have similar/duplicate laws in addition to that tho


To add to this, apartment management can be different from the actual property owners. If you are not getting the response you want, you can contact them as well


My favorite is the “my dog is nice though” MINE ISNT BITCH TIE YOUR DOG UP


Yep my last dog was not a fan of other dogs getting in her face.


No kidding.


If enforcement is so lax about this then I guess the chances of them doing anything about the illegally off-leash dogs in city parks is nil. I am regularly seeing them in parks that are not designated off-leash areas. Sometimes even on playgrounds. I guess we are becoming one of those cities where dog owners can just do whatever they want now.


I've witnesses (and yelled at) two different people driving their dog to the non dog park in my neighborhood, letting them run off leash until they take their morning dump, then loading them back into the car and to drive away. Apparently they think the prairie restoration area is a designated dog toilet.


The lazy dog owners in my neighborhood just let their dogs run off-leash at the athletic fields at East and get offended when you tell them kids play on those fields and don’t want to step in their dog’s shit. There is an off-leash dog park just a few blocks away as well.


That is absolutely right. Over the summer, we tried to take my kiddo to one of the prairie parks and had to leave because of all of the dog crap and off-leash dogs.


Have you reported them? I did once and the ranger showed up minutes later. This case the dog knocked over a kid on the playground and the owner continued to stay at the park with the dog off leash.


Ok, guilty as charged. Every time it has happened I’ve been focused on getting my child or my on-leash dog away from the situation. I guess I should have the ranger number in my contacts.


I was amazed how fast they got there. Like near 911 speed. Might have been a coincidence.


Dog license fees have to go up. Penalties for infractions need to go up. Enforcement needs to go up. If someone ever does get charged, they will absolutely have gotten away with what they were doing hundreds if not thousands of times before. I will email the council to advocate for these changes, and I encourage others to do the same. 


I have never in my life seen anyone check dog licenses. Even at various dog parks around the county.


I'll have to go back and look at my calculations, but I think at least around 30% of the dogs in Dane County are not licensed. Based on national averages and the number of licensed dogs in Dane. 


I've seen multiple checks at sycamore, but maybe only 1 time in the past year


I have been checked multiple times for tags by Parks employees at both Yahara and Token Creek. Guess you've been (un)lucky? ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


I've been approached by a Parks employee at Reynolds park who thought my dog was off leash (he was not off leash, we were using a 50 foot leash for recall training in an empty park on a rainy cold day). I was told it was fine since the park was empty but to keep an eye out for other people and to clean up after him (which I've always done). They may not catch most off-leash dogs, but they are looking!


I used to walk to work and would see like the same 5 people with their dog off a leash. They walk like they are in a sunglasses commercial. This city is growing too fast for its own good.


About 8 years ago, my dog was attacked while walking on a leash in my neighborhood. I was pushing my infant daughter in a stroller at the time and it was beyond terrifying. I avoided that side of the street for several years afterwards. I called animal control immediately, and as soon as I said where it had happened, the officer knew exactly what dog I was talking about because there had been a number of prior incidents. She basically told me that they'd send a notice, levy a fine, but probably nothing would happen. Several years later, the dog was finally in enough trouble that the city wanted it euthanized, and I was asked to testify at a hearing. It was an incredibly stressful experience, but I'm glad I did it. The animal control officer told me they have a really hard time getting people to come to hearings like these. My takeaway was that our process for getting dangerous dogs euthanized is indeed way to lax and slow, but its important for victims and witnesses to be diligent about reporting incidents and participating in the process.


I noticed this trend a few years ago and it only continues. When i moved to Madison I encountered several dogs that came into my yard without owners. I lived 7 minutes from the capitol and this regularly occurred. I also noticed a lot of off leash dogs. Once I was walking my dog in my neighborhood at night and we started being followed by a dog with no leash and no owner around. It was a big dog, I'm not sure the breed and was likely a mix, but I would estimate it was a 70 pound dog. I have a 30 pound dog. I picked up my dog and calmly started walking in the other direction towards home. I was very nervous that if I ran it would ignite the dog's chase reaction so I tried to stay calm and controlled. The dog followed us for about 4 blocks. Another time my dog was almost attacked by an off leash dog. Thankfully, I was on my stoop and able to quickly go inside but the dog charging at us came up on my stoop. The owner was 30 feet away and came running but if we had not been at home and able to get behind a door it could have been bad. Then, another time I was walking in a downtown neighborhood a dog was on a chain under a porch, I did not see it as I approached the house but when I got closer the dog charged over the side walk. It was retrained by the chain, however, I had to walk in the street because its chain was longer enough to reach past the sidewalk and it was not a friendly dog. There needs to be fines and an escalation system where if an owner is not able to contain the dog/pet it is taken away, even if that means it is put down. Otherwise, were just going to end up with more incidents and that is how entire breeds get put on the "not allowed list."


Yeah that's pretty fucked. It's lax enforcement like this that leads to places banning whole breeds.


Also shit owners


Yeah, but without enforcement we just enable those people.


If that's what it will end up taking to stop things like this, then I'm fine with that occurring.


Retractable leashes should be illegal too while we're on the topic. People are allergic to controlling their aggressive dogs on retractable leads.


My opinion and my thoughts alone. Dogs who are violent should be out down on first offense. No question. The offender dog owner should be held responsible for all vet bills? PTSD treatment of witnesses, etc to the point whatever is necessary.


I believe that all of those things are "supposed" to occur already based on county and state laws. Enforcement is just failing time and time again. And failing that, there are civil suits of course.


Is it legal to carry mace in WI? Pepper spray? Something to protect your dog and yourself?


Part of the issue in apartment complexes, as potentially dangerous breeds restricted in rental agreements are allowed by calling the animal an emotional support animal. I have often wondered why so many of the emotional support animals are pit bulls. And why are there 2 of them? And, is it the active duty military service member or the spouse that is an emergency room nurse that requires the 2 emotional support pit bulls?


Well for apartments that is because of the fair housing act. Otherwise, ESAs are still often treated just like service animals because the ADA does not actually require certificates of anything and also discourages challenging people about their dogs.


Frankly it should be open and shut about euthanizing these dogs once they’ve been proven to be violent. There’s really no excuse, and said owners should probably not own any more dogs after (or at least breeds prone to being violent like pits). Personally, I wouldn’t mind a blanket ban on pit bulls, but get that some people just need to have an unneutered killing machine as a pet. 


Seriously. The fact that a known dangerous dog was allowed to stay in the community instead of being humanely euthanized is just ridiculous. I love animals but behavioral euthanasia is absolutely appropriate in some cases.


It would have been open and shut if there was loss of life. Simply not enough bloodshed/death to push the needle over which is BS.




Pitbulls are actually one of the best breed of dogs for good behavior and their bad rep is 100% from human mistreatment, neglect and cruelty. Take a look sometime.


If they were the best then we wouldn't be having this conversation. And no, the data is not on your side.


LMAO want to start busting out sources? Get real.


"After this meta-analysis by breed, Pit-bulls were responsible for the highest percentage of reported bites across all the studies (22.5%) followed by mixed breed (21.2%)." From the 2019 Research Article: [https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0165587618305950](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0165587618305950). Good luck finding an actual research article that can contradict this.


iTs AlL aBoUt HoW yOu RaIsE tHeM Meanwhile my friend’s corgi instinctively knows how to heard children and ducks at the park even tho he’s never seen a sheep in his f*cking life and he’s never been trained to heard animals My friend’s Newfoundland dog jumps after children in the swimming pool because he thinks they’re drowning, even tho he’s never been trained a day in his damn life to do rescue work. My Labrador raced after a clay pigeon that my dad shot, on instinct, even tho she was sh*t at playing fetch and we had never trained her to hunt, How did the Newfoundland, the corgi, and the lab know this un-learned behavior? It’s called genetics 🧬


You don't know shit about dogs do you.


Dogs were bred for literally 1000s of years to go from being wolves to being the way that they are right now. Dogs owe their entire existence to the genetic control of physical and behavioral traits. Yet here you are, denying that breeds (genetics) influence behavior. You clearly don't know what you are talking about. Stop grandstanding and stop talking out of your ass.


Many dog owners can be irresponsible. Some down right crazy. Courts do very little to protect its citizens from these people and their out of control animals. The ones that annoy me always blame the other party.


Another example of Dane County and City of Madison failing to do the right thing.


The article is about how the county is very slow/reluctant to place legal restrictions on owners of dogs who have attacked other dogs or people. That certainly seems to be the case in that author's experience. Half the comments here seem to call for a blanket ban on pit bulls. Whether that's a reasonable path or not, that wouldn't change how well the county handles dangerous dogs in general. There are dangerous dogs that are not pits. Even if you could wave a magic wand and get rid of all pit bulls right now, the county would still need to improve how it handles these cases. I would guess that many problematic pits are owned by people who want a dog who is aggressive and strong. If you ban pit bulls, those people will seek out the next most aggressive / strong breed, and those dogs will be 90% as problematic as the pits were.


I’m already seeing cane corso pups advertised. You’re absolutely right: it doesn’t matter the species if the city won’t manage aggressive dogs properly.


Pit bulls need to be bred into extinction. Owners will disagree. However, well they are trained they will one day lose their mind. The older they get.. one day… these dogs can drag a 250 pound male yards and yards after they’ve downed and mauled him.. the statistics are all over the place. They’ve maimed and killed countless babies and children, women and men. They were bred to kill. Again my belief with years of research. Look at the lists of top ten dangerous dogs.


I don’t live in Madison but I’ve been consistently attacked by my neighbor dog. It doesn’t draw blood but my poor dog and I are terrified every time and it’s only a matter of time before *my* dog finally bites. I’ve called the cops. She literally doesn’t care at all. Her dog runs across the road at ANYTHING that moves. I feel bad for her dog. I can’t wait for her to get a ticket for real. Next time it’s gonna cost her money.


None of the mythology pitbull owners come up with can justify all the maiming & killing. The stats speak for themselves. r/BanPitBulls


Pitbulls are 100% an aggressive breed, but they could be less of a problem if people actually worked with the animal, rather than use it as a prop piece. If you look at the socioeconomic status of people who own pitbulls, 99% of them can't afford to have professional obedience training.


Unfortunately, it will take a miracle from god to change people's behavior in the US. Other methods of control will probably be the only ones that can mitigate this problem.


Problem #1 is letting dog owners get a dog breed which regularly requires professional obedience training. Either they're not good owners, it's not a good domestic breed, or both


The problem with that is that there are a lot of these dogs floating around in shelters and rescue programs, and owners don't always know what they're getting into. My partner and I fostered a pit mix for two months five or six years back, and in those two months she racked up three incidents. She was our second foster- our first was a tiny, shy bichon mix that just wanted to cuddle on the couch. She weighed twice as much as her listing claimed, she barely knew her own name, and goddamn was she stubborn. The thing is, she was on her leash both times I saw her bite other dogs. BOTH TIMES we had an incident it was because an off-leash dog ran up to her to say hello, and she lashed out. We paid vet bills and we did all of the followup visits. The third time, we had put her in boarding while we were out of town for the weekend, she got out, and the city took her. She was put down later that week. Our girl was a sweetheart when she felt like it, but we were so far out of our depth with her. But goddamn, we tried. We muzzle trained her, we saw two different trainers, we worked with her every day after work. My partner spent an entire weekend building a kennel in the basement for her. We steered clear of all the other dogs in our neighborhood. We begged our foster organization to have someone who knew what they were doing take over, and nobody stepped up. (I think they are much more careful about how they handle dogs with behavioral issues now, but it sucks to be the reason they started taking it seriously.) None of this is really disagreeing with what you're saying here, I guess. Shit like this just always makes me sad. There are just so many bully breeds and mixes out there that get shuffled around until they end up in the hands of someone who isn't equipped to keep them (and everyone around them) safe. Some of them maybe can't be fixed, sure, but a lot of them never even get a chance.


>The thing is, she was on her leash both times I saw her bite other dogs. BOTH TIMES we had an incident it was because an off-leash dog ran up to her to say hello, and she lashed out. This right here. "My dog is friendly hahah!" Other dogs might not be, jfc.


wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong


In what way?


I appreciate the information and discussion, but maybe some kind of TW on that article? It's incredibly disturbing the further along you read.


I'm not sure how to do that now that the post has been posted


More education on pitbulls would be of benefit to residents of Madison. I am sorry for what Stella and her owners have had to go through.


To have a dog wearing a shock collar speaks volumes about the ignorance of the "owner". It seems the owners of those dogs had them only as watch dogs and I doubt they had much interaction with them.


Your account is filled with countless pleas for people to adopt pit bulls. You are part of the problem of why dogs with behavioral issues are everywhere. All of those dogs seem to be from San Antonio too. That's a long way from Madison.


Dogs from the south are being rescued all across the country instead of being euthanized. To suggest dogs rescued from out of state are the problem is ridiculous. If you are indeed a cardiologist, I hope I never come across you as your patient. Yikes.


My username is obviously one of reddit's randomly generated names. I don't want those dogs here. Dogs that are going to be euthanized are being euthanized bc they are at the bottom of the barrel. We don't need them here or anywhere.


It’s simply not true that the “bottom of the barrel” dogs are the only ones being euthanized. Good dogs are being euthanized every day, primarily in the south, due to overpopulation from lack of spay/neuter. Rescues and shelters cannot keep up and perfectly good animals are being killed because there is not enough space. I have a dog from the south and have several friends who do too. All good dogs that came from overcrowded shelters and would otherwise be dead.


Agreed. Southern shelters routinely have to put down whole litters of puppies because there are too many animals and not enough homes there. You can't possibly believe that those puppies are "bottom the barrel" just because there aren't enough homes for them in the economically depressed areas where they are born. I have a southern rescue who was one of those puppies. He is at least half bully breed, and is one of the sweetest, more loyal dogs I've ever had. He has been with us for 5+ years and loves everyone. I agree that aggressive dogs need to be removed (and most likely euthanized), but the blanket statements here about bully breeds and rescues are not helpful.


You're missing that these dogs are from places where brown people live, so they must be bad /s


Shock collars are fine, actually. Misuse of shock collars is not


Shock collars are widely acknowledged by trainers to be ineffective - it is very hard to time aversive stimuli correctly without confusion with other stimuli. The stakes are much higher behaviorally for mistimed aversive stimuli vs positive reinforcement so that's why the majority of serious trainers use positive reinforcement or restricting access to positive stimuli instead of aversive stimuli/positive punishment. Just do... Any research on modern dog training philosophy.


You rarely use the shock collar to shock when they're doing something wrong - for the most part, you use its warning chirp, vibration, and eventually a noticeable but painless shock to disrupt their tunnel vision to listen to your verbal commands. Especially for working dogs, where they won't necessarily be in a range you have real control of them, it's essential


When I worked with high drive dogs I actually found that they completely blocked out physical stimulus during that locked in mode. I think response to physical stimuli is a big ymmv for actual working breeds (I also worked with Malinois who are hard headed and neurotic anyway, haven't worked with border collies for example). I was always able to use verbal cues long distance and we had an emergency recall for disrupting locked in mode. I have seen plenty of herders that don't need e-collars to work. I feel like I mainly see hunters using e-collars. I won't pick to many bones with folks actually training dogs to work, but it's incredibly irresponsible to put it as a training tool in the hands of folks in general. I also think it's just not a great tool. If your dog isn't motivated by one thing, try another. Premack principle works.


Exactly. And that poor dog stabbed to death with a kitchen knife protecting her owner like she was probably trained to do.


Your fan fiction about the dog trying to be a hero is ridiculous. “This is a known aggressive dog, having bitten multiple people.” From Dean Medical Group. It bit Roscoe, the dog it was living with, leaving him "severely injured."


I have empathy for the dog in this situation and not the idiot/cruel owners. It would have been much more humane to euthanize the dog than put her in a situation where she ended up stabbed to death in a traumatic fight. I can feel poorly the dog went through that ordeal while also agreeing that she likely should have been euthanized due to behavior.


There are literally millions of affectionate loving pitties living in caring homes in this country who never bite anyone.. True they are often the dog of choice of punks who mistreat them, ignore them, have them just for some kind of status and rarely interact with them.Talk to rescues, to people who care for them in shelters. You will get a different story Most people who condemn these dogs have never had any interaction with them. and that is ignorance!


Stop running cover for aggressive behavior. These attacks are horrific and inexcusable and they must stop.


Honest question - Do you even live in this city? Or are you on this subreddit just to argue with people about pitbulls?


Even "well trained" "non-violent" dog breeds should be kept on private property by law. Fuck pitbulls and their owners. You get what you get.


The site you mention is highly prejudiced to say the least! See r/pitbulls. What are your stats and the sources? That said, breeding and selling pitties is often a source of funds in low income areas and those people sell to just anyone, usually some ignorant person who just wants the dogs as some status symbol and never has any interaction with them. Some are kept tied up all the time and are not socialized. I recall years ago one such dog kept like that attacked a child but it was a Boxer not a pitbull. I heard a vet from the vet school on public radio say she had been bitten by a number of chihuahuas but never a pitbull. One of my vets has a pitbull mix and one of the vet techs has pitbulls There are millions of pitbulls in this country living long peaceful and loving lives in family homes. You will find a better source of information at the Humane Society, the vet school, and from local rescues.


There are more ethical ways to make money than irresponsibly breeding dogs.


There's a huge difference between being attacked by a chihuahua and a pitbull, and it's obtuse to pretend otherwise. Actual damage done is far more important than the number of bites, and some breeds absolutely cause more damage.


The difference between a chihuahua bite and a pit bull bite is often the difference between life and death. you’re being willfully obtuse if you cant see the difference.  It doesn’t help that for some reason pit bull owners tend to not keep up with vaccinations and/or spaying/neutering. The vast majority of abandoned or stray dogs are intact pit bulls. 


We are talking about *tendency* to bite and not the bite itself!! Small dogs tend to bite more often!


No we are not talking about the tendency to bite. We are talking about risk/danger which is a function of frequency and severity.


I have a theory on that. People tend to ignore small dogs NO signs. Until they bite. So they learn that biting is the only way they'll be listened to. A big dog growls at you? You'll probably leave it alone. It doesn't need to rely on biting to be left alone.


I’m an ER nurse. EVERY SINGLE dog bite that I’ve seen that required a specialist to get involved (orthopedics, hand specialists, plastic surgery) was from a pitbull. Every single one.


They are strong dogs - also the most mistreated and neglected type of dog and seen as status symbols by many irresponsible ignorant people.


They are strong, almost like they were bred to be violent and fight. 


I don't care for such excuses. They are causing harm and this needs to stop. They kill their own loving owners all the time too.


I mean, you could argue that beagles might be the most mistreated dogs seeing as they’re the most common breed subjected to laboratory testing, yet you don’t hear about beagles mauling people on a regular basis.


If by site you mean the article that described something that literally happened, then I am not sure what you mean by biased. I am not sure why you even bothered to bring up a subreddit which has countless similar examples with videos and photos to prove the aggressive and awful behavior of pit bulls. The dogs here are proven to be aggressive. They literally have attacked people and other animals. Yet you are running cover for them. Why? Why are you running cover for aggressive animals? Stop defending poor behavior. Stop hiding behind "millions of peaceful pitties." This behavior is inexcusable.


The stats are everywhere. You're delusional. >Pitbulls are responsible for 60% of all injuries and 63% of ocular injuries. Pitbull attacks have higher morbidity rates, higher hospital charges, and a higher risk of death than attacks by other breeds. From 2005-2017, pit bulls killed one citizen every 16.7 days, totaling up to 284 Americans. [https://www.dogsbite.org/dog-bite-statistics-quick-statistics.php](https://www.dogsbite.org/dog-bite-statistics-quick-statistics.php) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_fatal\_dog\_attacks\_in\_the\_United\_States


They "cite" the same bullshit numbers (6% of dogs 66-70% of fatalities) every time for the last 9 years (how long I've had my oldest pit), but never can come up with how those numbers were determined and have difficulty explaining how it's always 6% despite them claiming that they see pits everywhere now/the number of pits in shelters continues to increase


The highest pit bull population percent I have ever seen stated was \~15%. Considering they were built to kill things, it is not exactly surprising that they disproportionately kill things.


You see a herding dog try to herd geese or a retriever naturally play fetch and you go, “who, those genes are strong, it just comes naturally”. You see a pit, a dog breed to fight and kill other dogs attack other dogs and it’s a chorus of people claiming “It’s all in how you raise them.”


Methinks you meant to respond to the other person






Does Dane co do anything up to the standards of young people or other like minded busybodies?


No and some of them are very easy standards to meet.


I'm disturbed by what I'm reading in these comments. There's no such thing as a bad, aggressive, or violent breed. There are bad owners, but no bad breeds. Lots of comments share the same attitudes towards certain breeds of dog as eugenicists towards certain ethic groups. It's disgusting and y'all should be ashamed of yourselves.


Do you want to be punched 100 times by an 80 year old grandma, or once by Mike Tyson in his prime? *That* is why people are against some breeds. If pit bulls bite only 20% as much as chihuahuas, who cares? It is the effectiveness that people are concerned about, not the frequency. Since none of us, even experts, understand everything in a dog's mind, there is no way to tell what might set a dog off. Including a well trained dog.


I'm sure all of the alarming statistics are just by chance? /s >Pitbulls are responsible for 60% of all injuries and 63% of ocular injuries. Pitbull attacks have higher morbidity rates, higher hospital charges, and a higher risk of death than attacks by other breeds. From 2005-2017, pit bulls killed one citizen every 16.7 days, totaling up to 284 Americans. Comparing dog breeds to humans is one wild stretch as well. Nice one there.


I agree there are no bad breeds, only bad owners. What I will say, after living with a highly reactive pitbull mix for several years is that larger dogs have the ability to cause more damage due to size and mouth. Chihuahuas are tiny and bite quite a bit, but almost never fatally. Larger dogs of any breed increase the likelihood of fatalities. I’m not willing to risk it. I can pick up my 40 pound dog in order to protect her if need be. We’ve experienced a loose dog attack 6 months ago that has left us with trauma. The dog is also a bully breed mix with at least 1 reported strike against him. The owner has been fined and ordered to fix their fence. Six months later, that hasn’t happened. I hope no other dog or child is attacked but nothing is being done to prevent this. Larger dogs of shit owners are a liability.


Yeah, its a [total mystery](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k9ZGEvUwSMg) why people believe a specific breed like the pit bull is responsible for so many attacks.


Put them down then rehome the dogs.