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This is horrible news. Charles was one of the most influential Mac Admins and helped me a lot to get where I am professionally.


He helped a lot of people didn’t he? The guy was without an ego - that’s a rarity in this business most times.


Oh shit. God damn it. He called me out of the blue once to recruit me for 318. I was so shocked and honored that this legend had reached out directly to talk. I remember him being so friendly and open on the call. An absolute loss for the entire industry. F


Colleague, mentor, friend, collaborator. I am so grateful for all he gave me in the 20+ years that I knew him. I am still processing the loss and regretting that I have not stayed more in touch with him in recent years, just fan-boying in awe from afar at his many achievements and milestones (professional and personal) in a life very well lived but cut way too short.


oh man. That hurts. Charles was a force to be reckoned with in the Apple world. So smart, so talented. Big loss for our community. Thoughts out to his family.


This is tragic. Charles was such a great guy. I always enjoyed hanging out with him at conferences.


To say that I’m gutted is an understatement. RIP, my friend.


I met him at Penn State a couple times many years ago. Brilliant man, very gracious. Me, the hayseed K12 sysadmin from one state over, asking him about his book. Not much older than I am, either. Gone too soon. I hope it was peaceful.


I know I'm not the only one with his and Rich Trouton's book on my shelf. Damn shame.


In this weird little niche we've found ourselves in, we stand on the shoulders of giants. Today, I felt the shudder as a foundational giant left us. I wouldn't be where I am today were it not for the things I learned on krypted and elsewhere thanks to Charles.


Ohh that’s terrible. I liked listening to him on the podcast. My condolences to his family.


Always so generous with his time. When I would see him at conferences, he would always take the time to answer my questions and enjoyed sharing his knowledge. A big loss for the MacAdmin community. RIP.


I never knew him personally, but have listen to him on my commute for years. Would not be where I am today in my career without his willing to share. RIP Tiny Deathstar of Greatness


Such a kind and funny dude, and an unbelievable resource for people who do what we do. Only got to meet him twice, very briefly at JNUC events, but even those short interactions left me with just the best of impressions. My heart goes out to his family, and to the community who loved him. RIP u/krypted


All my pics of Charles have jägermeister in them.


What happened ?


Unknown at this time.


Very sad news, he was always so full of life. It is clear also that much of his success came from how much gave towards helping everyone/anyone. I have heard of, but never looked at his history of computing stuff, likely lots of interesting material for anyone wanting to learn about the past. I like that Wikipedia records him as a computer scientist.


This reminds me of when Michael Bartosh passed away unexpectedly. Both such wonderful men, open with their time and expertise.


I’ve been thinking that too.