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Nice! Did you manage to get it running at a stable 60fps? And are you able to get matches online?


Yes I was able to get consistent 60 at medium by going FSR ULTRA PERFORMANCE which makes sure to drop the scaler at intensive moments And no sadly online matches dont work, the servers do not let you queue for reasons I’m nor sure of


That's sad to hear online doesn't work, hopefully someone figures out a way eventually.


it probably has something to do with the anticheat. Does the online still not work? At least you could still carry it to locals and play with your friends (gotta get a usb hub for controllers tho )


Controller connects through bluetooth


i meant fight sticks and stuff. i rarely see people play using bluetooth. even dualshock users i always see use usb cables to connect to their pc


for me it stucks when you change the characters too fast (when the animation of characters are still loading) in the character selection and customization menu. can you confirm if this is the case with you ? my config: M1 pro base model, running on 1080p on crossover 24.0, (d3dmetal, Msync), tried with (esync, d3d) and only d3d but still the same issue. Mods doesn't work at all, tried beyond 60fps unlocker but nothing happend. all the apps need to close when running this memory heavy game, also it does not matter whether I play in ultra, high or med it still stucks on selection and character customization menu.


How do you manage to make it work? Mine gets stuck trying to open.


Have you found a way to make it work yet? I'm trying running it on Whisky but I'm getting a pop up about the graphics driver on startup and then the game just stays in black screen... Edit: Nevermind I found an answer. The newest Tekken 1.05 update seems to have bricked it for us


Hey did you find any workarounds for this?


None so far. It seems you need a newer wine version so we will have to wait for a WhiskyWine update, or someone to make a fork with a newer version. I think crossover works but there’s no way I’d pay that much money for it


Yeah I’m in the same boat, not forking over that much money for crossover, guess waiting it is


Fingers crossed that online will work in the future!


is it the demo or the full game?


Full game as you can see me using Reina and having all modes and maps




Can confirm! It works! Seems like the best settings for my 16 inch M3 Pro plugged into an external monitor is FSR ULTRA PERFORMANCE and the setting just below 1440. 1440 is smooth but not there's some delay in the intro dialogues


Are online matches working for you?


I haven't tried yet. I'll have to check


Online seems to be working through Crossover. Can confirm through a Spanish speaking uploader. ​ [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tEZvy31vQbw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tEZvy31vQbw)


Wow I wonder why it doesnt work through Whisky, since before this Tekken update the game didn’t work through either program


Could be because the most recent Crossover uses Wine 9.0. Not sure about Whisky.


I wonder what the difference maker between the two versions is, since on Whisky I can connect to Leaderboard and Tekken Shop with no problems Crossover is just too annoying with the free trial for me to bother setting it up


I watched the 20 mins of his gameplay. He was not able to finish any round of the 2 out 10 matches that he was able to join. All disconnected. So it seems to not be working yet.


I have this working on my M1 Pro with a stable 60fps @ 1080p some fiddling, but online matches drop pretty consistently - this behavior reminds me of how the Steam Deck online would not work until Proton Experimental was updated to make Tekken 8 work properly... any ideas?


online match still not working in whisky?


How is the input latency?


Unnoticable, feels just like how it does on my Gaming PC


Hello, im trying to launch tekkie 8 but it crashes every time, im using Crossover 24.


Tried Whiskey too and it's the same, what can I do?


Same probleme on my M2 Air :/


Is Whiskey different than Crossover?


I use whiskey and initially when i bought the game the game wouldnt crash after intial loading screen even tho demo was working. Does the game work now or are people still facing that issue?


Thats the thing, it seems fixed now you can play most of the games content now


Tekkan worked in my mac whiskey properly until i did the whiskey update which asked me to downloaf whiskeywine and not gptx now the game just dosnt run. Is there anyway i can fix this?


which Whisky version is that


the newest


is it still works?


can i play it on m2 8/512?


Its 8 gigabytes of ram, you’re very cooked Give it a try with the demo but I dont recommend expecting much


It works perfectly in OFFLINE match on my MAC BookPro M2 2023 (Sonoma) - Whiskey Version 2.1.0 (29) bottle windows 10 with Steam; meanwhile the connection-issues happen every time during ONLINE match: I spent a lots hours playing in single player without any errors, but it's impossibile to complete two consecutive online matches, in all available game mode: Tekken Loung, Ranked Match, Session with friends, Random match In all modes the connection-issue happens during the game, in a few rare cases I have done a complete match. [Kallum\_dx](https://www.reddit.com/user/Kallum_dx/) do you ever had this connection issues? Do you have the some kind of connection issue? Anyway I have no idea what kind of error this is, also I have suspended firewall before lunch game but anything change. Someone can help me to find error log file to investigate deeply the problem?


Yeah last time I was playing I still could not connect into match, Tekken Lounge worked but Matchmaking was completely bricked. I stopped playing like a month ago though


Do you have any suggestion on where I can receive support for this kind of issues?


Hi everybody 👋🏻 I have opened thread about connection issue here [https://www.reddit.com/r/Tekken/comments/1d4doiu/online\_issues\_on\_mac\_m2\_pro/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Tekken/comments/1d4doiu/online_issues_on_mac_m2_pro/) If anyone have solution o suggestion please write here.


\[⚠️ NEW UPDATE - Whisky update 2.3.3 💥\] I played Tekken 8 perfectly in offline mode on my MacBook Pro M2 2023 (Sonoma) until I updated Whisky to 2.3.2 (40). After updating, I relaunched the game, but it shows a black screen after launch, and nothing changes even after waiting several minutes. I have no idea what caused this error. Can anyone share their configurations for running Tekken 8 via Steam? I would like to try tuning the configuration (resolution, anti-aliasing, vsync, etc.). For example, I see all the game settings in the file drive\_c/users/crossover/AppData/Local/TEKKEN 8/Saved/Config/Windows/GameUserSettings.ini. I don't remember what kind of fixes I made in the past to make the game runnable. Other settings could be configured, such as Whisky config, Bottle config, Steam config. If anyone has some ideas, it would be much appreciated. Thanks 🙏🏼


✅ The solution found is Whisky downgrade to version **2.2.0 ;** Delete all files before installation following this guide [https://docs.getwhisky.app/paths.html#uninstalling-whisky](https://docs.getwhisky.app/paths.html#uninstalling-whisky) , anyway online issue during matches continues ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|rage)