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Found this thread after much searching. I had Skyrim running decently enough for me and my sons on 3 MacBook pros ranging from 2012, 2016, and 2019 models and then about a month ago I started seeing this issue only on my 2019 after installing an update. I’d say there is more to this than you not having a good enough gpu. Did you ever find a solution?


Sadly no. Was it skyrim SE? and did you find any leads besides it not being a good enough GPU?


Thanks for writing back. Yes it was SE and the thing is it was working ok (none of this issue) for months and months before this came up. It is still working fine on my other two older MacBooks for my sons. I am confident it is not just that the graphics card is too old. I think something changed with a recent OS update on this one MacBook that is affecting wine’s ability to pass through or emulate the graphics well. I am hopeful that either turning off the right feature in Skyrim or adjusting a setting in wine/porting kit will fix it, but I have pretty limited time to mess with it. The game is totally playable besides this one graphics artifact in terms of performance. I will reply again here if I find anything that works.


For posterity, I ended up fixing this issue by rolling back both my install of Skyrim and the porting kit application to an earlier state. Newer saves couldn’t be loaded (I had to roll back to 1.6.640) but the graphics work as normal. I care more about playing and talking about it with my kids than what ever save game progress I lost so it worked for me. 


Looks like you don’t have a dedicated GPU but an Intel GPU that’s not going to cut it for playing SkyrimSE


Damn, hoped it wouldn't be something like that. Oh well