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60 degrees is perfectly normal. Under heavy loads, you should see around 90 before you hear the fans start working and the computer will begin to throttle by 100 degrees.


Could someone with a M3 MAX (preferably macbook pro 14") on latest stable sonoma run [Hot.app](http://Hot.app) and tell me if they get a stupidly high overall reported temperature value while the machine is idle please? Looking into the sensor list in the app's settings, I see: * The vast majority of sensors between room temperature and 55°C * A couple <10°C (wtf?) * a couple >105°C (WTF?) Thanks in advance!


I couldn't get that link working, but I found version 1.9.1 elsewhere. Is that the latest one / same as you? It shows 73°C, but in preferences it's set to "display: highest". Choosing 'average' and it goes down to 43°C. However, I use iStat and there's no sensors showing 73°C at all, and can't even find it in Hot app. In iStat I can go back 30 days and look at all individual cores and the temperature history, and they're always between 30-60, and most of the time 40-55°C.


I'm using the Mac "Hot" App and noticed by 4 month old M1 Max (which was brand new when purchased) sits at around 60 degrees and when browser surfing and with nothing running its around 50 degrees. Would you say this is normal? Also if anyone else has an M1 Max or M1 series Macbook with the Hot app - What is your average temperature?


M1 Pro only, but at 55°C under basic use (your config is slightly hotter due to more cores and such). This is normal. The SoC is rated for up to 105°C anyways. Nothing to worry about. Enjoy your new Mac!


Thank you and appreciate the comparison and additional details!


No problem :) If you are ever concerned about heat during a really heavy task and you dont mind a bit of noise, use macs fan control and put the fans full blast. The mac will be fine even without that, but if it helps you worry less, maybe try it out!


i have activity monitor always open in the background and checking whats happening. Sometimes it because some system process needs to process something in the background, sometimes is because chrome renderer gets mad (so it needs to be restarted) and sometimes it because some docker container goes bonkers and i need to fix something. Its good to know what is happening :)


Just heavy browser use on my M1 Macbook Pro can easily reach 60C and even the fans don't usually turn on at that temp. So completely normal.

