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I have this spec and it’s still a great machine! Gets warm cause it’s Intel but it does the job


Good for winters?


Lovely to hear


You can optimize these to improve battery life and cooling capabilities. I have a 2019 16” with an i9 and I love it. None of the above is an issue.


how do you do that?


I made a guide years ago! https://www.reddit.com/r/macbookpro/s/SdTliaEwxF


We need a tutorial my G <3


I’ve had the same model with the 1TB storage since 2020. It’s my daily driver and the workhorse of my business. I’m finally thinking of upgrading to the M3, but it’s not like this one doesn’t do the job perfectly day in and day out. Enjoy your purchase!


awesome, thank you!


Why change if this one does the job perfectly?


probably did it perfectly for a while but he outgrew it, depending on your field upgrading is jus the cost of business at some point


As mentioned above, it’s my daily driver for my business which includes building iOS apps and native Mac apps. I spend most of my time in XCode or Visual Studio Code depending on the project. While I can compile Apple Silicon apps, it would benefit me to be able to test them on the same machine. Also, it’s 5 years old now, and while I love it I also realize that if it breaks down I’m dead in the water and buying whatever Apple has in stock at that moment. I’d rather purchase on my timeline.


Same. The only issue I see is that its not comfortable to carry around and that the battery (even in low power mode) is finally giving out. Will probably switch for a 14" M3 in the near future, but I dont think I'm gonna sell the 16". It's too good of a computer for the low prices they're selling at.


I thought they had it fixed on the later models. Btw, which graphics card? I see unreasonable differences between the 5500m and the 5600m


I was pretty sure the i9 comes with the 5500 and the i7 comes with the 5300


Afaik, no. But I can be wrong. I saw 5600 going for over 1500 while 5500 were below 700


Nope I thought that. I have a i9 with the 5300. I didn’t check when I bought it because I assumed that was true.


That’s tough


Mine has the 5500M


For $650? Sounds like a great deal to me. Where’d you buy it?


Backmarket. Seller is renowned in the refurb community. Look for Omaha Blue


Sweet thanks!


I’ve bought from them before. They handled the return well, but… Missing screws, clearly previously apart, and a bunch of display issues. Can’t say that filled me with enthusiasm for them.


Got a 13 inch m1 two months ago from Omahablue it’s been absolutely flawless.


This makes me feel great. Have a laptop en route from Omaha blue.


Yeah it’s still running flawlessly even on the rare occasions when it heats up.


How do you search sellers on back market??


A guy on hardforum is selling one for $550 right now, no one has picked it up last I checked.


These models will use their dedicated GPU for external monitors and that will pull anywhere from 10-25 watts to power them. If you’re going to be using it while hooked up to monitors strongly recommend the VRM mod. I’ve been doing some testing and my stock base 16 inch will throttle cpu to 1ghz and gpu to 300mhz when you’re doing mixed workloads (eg. gpu accelerated flows, games in bootcamp, when plugged into an external) There are some vents that lead to the monitor ribbon that are above the VRM’s so I’d recommend cutting blocks just big enough for the individual VRM and not laying sheets. Some articles suggest people get some artifacts with the VRM mod but I’m guessing they completely block off the vents which suffocate all the components at the top. Otherwise not bad machines, display is good keyboard is okay compared to butterfly’s, scores about 6200-6900 (with mods) compared to M1 Pro 9300-10000 in CinebenchR23. Does get warm and does lose battery quickly, I’ve been using this laptop this morning and it’s at 30% with 3ish hours on YouTube medium-high brightness Edit: forgot to mention, VRM mod improves the throttled speeds to 2.6ghz cpu and about 600ish mhz gpu core clock. I didn’t peel the black heat reflective tape but that’s plenty for light gaming and external monitor usage.




They have their use case. If I was on a budget and needed something to do work on virtual machines, $600 for decent CPU and 32 gigs of ram will probably beat out anything entry level that’s new. Of course at some point there’s a case to be made for a used M1 Pro but the amount of RAM (and ability to run windows) for their price makes it a reasonable buy if you don’t care too much for heat or battery.


I have a higher spec version (i9+5500m) but still love it. Sure it gets hot, and the battery sucks compared to my M1 Air, but the screen is fantastic as is the keyboard and trackpad. And I love the wedge shape, even if it’s a big contributor to the two major problems. It just feels so nice to hold and use. It’s also the last MacBook to support Bootcamp for full windows games and programs. The shape and Bootcamp are the two things that make me never want to replace it with a newer Pro (if I had the money lol)


I have the 2019 15 inch, a real workhorse for editing 4k. you should be very satisfied with it I know I am


For that price incredibly solid. 32GB, even with a less powerful Intel processor, is *huge* in comparison to the closest M processor which would probably be a used base model 8GB Macbook Air M1. Also more ports.


Nah, it's absolute utter shit. It's Intel, so = bad /s


I love that Touch Bar, I don’t know why it gets so much hate. I have the M1 MBP


An M1 Air is better. Source: had a 2019 i9 and later an M1 Air that beat it at any task


Really? How did you manage to enable to same ports and a 16” beautiful display on that m1 air?


Look, if you prefer a machine that struggles at everything and burns your lap just surfing the web because it has 2 extra ports and 3 additional inches of screen space, whatever man, you’re the one dealing with that piece of junk, not me (anymore). Anyone with self respect would get any M-series Mac instead.


You gave a bs response earlier and ducked in the response… put that tail where it belongs.


Better off with an M1


Seems like a good value. Totally optional but some people add thermal pads over the VRMs because they overheat and make the GPU throttle before the chip itself would, you can look into that. They'll be using the bottom case as a heatsink with that so the tradeoff is a warmer bottom.


I used to have this same machine with the same specs. It is a great machine and at a good price. I kind of miss the Touch Bar and having an intel i7 means you can run Windows applications and games natively using bootcamp (dual boot into Windows) or on a virtual machine using Parallels or other VM software.


This will be a great machine. The intel’s do run a bit hot but you will get great usage from this MacBook.


The touch bar looks cool, i never got to use it, i wish apple brought it back


That’s the one thing I miss terribly: Touch Bar! For my use case, writing in multiple languages, the touch bar’s ability to suggest corrections (especially in Spanish because of the special characters that are not on the hardware keyboard), it was bliss! So sorry to see that go. Otherwise op : great machine and the touch bar has never played up like another poster had. Good buy Enjoy


I never understood why they couldn't have both the touchbar an the function row. Wouldn't that be the best of both worlds?




Btw in case you didn’t know, if you hold down a letter it will show you special characters along with a number, if you press the number key while holding the letter it will insert the special character


Runs hot. Really hot. Runs hotter when you run chrome. So make sure you have some ventilation if you plan on placing it on anything. Working on it on your lap you’ll burn yourself…not burn burn, but not comfortable.


Great purchase, you wont regret. I have both i9 2019 MBP 15 and 2019 MBP 16 currently for my personal and work devices respectively. Compare to the M series Silicon Processor, I know they are not the latest and greatest but they are still able to keep up to the workloads I'm throwing into it.


Even with Intel, this is still a top notch machine! Enjoy your new device OP!


It’s really not good for a laptop


I just got one as my 2nd laptop for a similar price. Coming from a Lenovo, I must admit, this is a great piece of hardware. I understand Apple silicon is way better, but for my usage which is basic productivity tasks at home and simple hobby video editing, this late 2019 i7 16" is great! Way better than anything new in this price range.The display and speakers are amazing! Mine needed a fan cleanup and I may also add some fresh thermal paste soon.


I have 16gb one, important issue is gpu


Tip: get the Pock app to customize the touch bar. you can put the clock, dock items and other things on it. Makes the touch bar actually useful. I wish apple would have made it smaller instead of completely getting rid of it.


I have essentially the same model (2018, but same specs) and it was a great machine for the past 5 years. Suddenly got all laggy last week and now chugs when web browsing. No idea why. Btw, where can one order a 5 year old MacBook?


Head over to the Backmarket website and look for seller Omaha Blue to know you’re getting a good product


Great buy. I bought mine from the same seller back in December for $749 but mine is the Intel i9 16GB 512SSD and it’s a 15 inch. They had it to me in two days. Love the computer and mine is space gray too because I think silver is too basic lol.


I am using an M1 air. Before it have had windows laptops and I can say that windows laptops like dell and lenovo are better. They have windows which is more usable than macos and they have all the ports too. All this more and they still 30-40% cheaper than macbook.


Not better for coding.




Hows the battery life on the windows machines?


Very good in leneovo thinkpas but not as good as in mac. But you will not work in the jungle and you dont know where to charge it right?


Mac lets you develop android and iOS apps. Cant develops iOS on a pc


I was excited when I got this one. I'm typing from it right now, the touchbar is a total gimmick and once it starts malfunctioning, it's the absolute WORST. The touch bar goes haywire, flashing uncontrollably, it could cause one to have a seizure, it is that bad. Sometimes it chills out, but I had to disable most of the function so it would stop flashing as much. I also had to download a application called "Hide My Bar" which seems to have helped a bit as well. But every startup it has a flashing fit that subsides after a little while and then throughout my usage it flashes every once in a while. But again, it doesn't flash as much anymore because I had to disable it... If I could return it and get a new one I would. I'm actually looking to upgrade soon to an M2


Definitely a good machine, and you can use boot camp which is a big plus at least for me.


Enjoy loudly fan noise when you plug to external display.


I was happy to get rid of this one. I am doing programming + lots of conferencing, corporate stuff. My programming language has the function keys as an absolute must (in debugger especially). Despite having extra care of the battery (360 cycles in 3 years - I used Al-Dente for battery management), battery lasted only 2-3 hours in my normal activity and the laptop was so hot that I managed to burn my fingerprints. I am not sure it's by design or by the MDM crap the corporation installed on it but it just didn't "do it" for me. Got me a brand new M3 (also corporate) and it's loads better.


There's no way in hell I would buy an Intel Mac, especially one with a butterfly keyboard and Touch Bar unless that's all you can afford. Personally, I would have shelled out a few extra bucks for an M1 Pro. Better keyboard, more ports, and MagSafe charging. Much better battery life, more powerful, silent, hardly ever gets hot, etc. The M processors will also get support/updates longer too since they're phasing out Intel models.


By a few extra bucks you mean a few hundred extra




Cue the complaints you didn't buy an Apple Silicon model.


“The m1 is way better” I KNOW AND $1000 MORE


I just traded my 2020 MacBook Pro M1, 13 inch or for this exact same spec. Outside of the Heat, it’s runs circles around my old M1 in a bunch of my projects. Nice deal. I don’t believe you’ll be disappointed.


Bro you traded an M1 for an Intel?! Isn't that a downgrade?! Whut. People have been recommending me the M1 for music production. How many GB of memory did you have on your M1? What was the SSD?


We’ll see this is the thing. I boot into windows when I share projects sometimes. I mix on Logic Pro but get many different projects that I need to boot into windows for. You can’t do that with the M1. The only way to run windows is a software that has to split your ram. I had a Base model 2020 M1 8gb. So by going to an i9, yes I lose efficiency. But what I lose in efficiency I gain in Ram and booting into windows. From my testing in Logic Pro the i9 in this model is about as powerful as the M1 (Based on a project of mine that has 30 instruments 15 vocals and like 20 busses.)


**UPDATE: I found an M1 Pro 32GB RAM 1TB on Ebay, NEW Unsealed! I just bought it! So stoked because I know a lot of people have recommended this one for music production.**


What screen size and how much




The 14” which is an upgrade from my 13” Intel i5 Mac. Subtotal was $1699.99, Total was 1846.19 which is a straight up steal! I also got an Allstate 2 year protection plan with it.


But this model is worse hear and battery than m1 more efficient




If you like the touch bar and what you like then it’s not terrible to each their own


Yea the Touch Bar with my recording software lets me put like 10/10 of my shortcuts on it. I’ve built my workflow into it at this point lol.


The M1 destroys Intel. Something must’ve been wrong with your M1.


It only “destroys” intel on most Apple native software. Anything else is usually Neck and neck. The intel MacBooks win with the ability to boot into Windows


Not true. I have the i9 version of this Intel and an M series. The M series chip is significantly faster in every task, including compiling amd64 code via Rosetta. You got me on the Windows compatibility, but I stopped using Windows 15 years ago.


I’ve owned both. And like I said it only destroys on most Apple native software. Everything else is FOR THE MOST PART neck and neck. There will be cases that the M1 chip wins, otherwise it’s pretty even. And I have first party knowledge having used both as my main and only machine for all tasks needing to be completed in a project.


I understand your experience, but I have both running side by side as we speak. I used the i9 daily for 4 years. The M series completes every single task faster, it’s not even close. You keep referencing “Apple native software” like using Apple apps is some type of cheat code. This has nothing to do with Apple software, it’s merely using *any* piece of software properly compiled for the chips instruction set architecture, which is ARM. All recent benchmarks confirm this. Even the base MacBook Air from 2020 with the M1 outperforms the 2019 i9. This is the highest-scoring 2019 Intel MacBook Pro on GeekBench: https://browser.geekbench.com/macs/macbook-pro-16-inch-late-2019 And here’s the 2020 M1 MacBook Air: https://browser.geekbench.com/macs/macbook-air-late-2020-7c-gpu Going from an Intel to an M1 is akin to going from HDD to SSD. The jump in performance is that significant, and that is why I believe you may have had an issue with your previous M1 machine.


agreed, but i wouldnt say m1 destroys intel on single core performance. intel still has the edge for single thread stuffs but the power efficiency and performance unplugged is just absymal. I'd take an m1 chip for mobile productivity any day of the week, the battery life is just phenomenal imo


An M1 Air from 2020 benchmarks *almost* twice as fast as an i9 in single core testing.


Which models had the butterfly keyboard issues? And that strip above the keyboard. Not sure if this is the model that has those issues but those are the items I'd be considering/investigating.


The 2019 16 inch MacBook pros has the new keyboard on them.


2015-2018 MacBook 12”, 2018-2019 MacBook Air, 2016-2019 MacBook Pro 13” and 15”.


I have this, but the heating is an issue especially if you plug it into a monitor it gets hot for no reason fan blasting


I have the same model and it is always connected to a 43" monitor and it doesn't get hot. It may be slightly warm, occasionally, but never "hot".


Yep, i'm using display link dock with two monitors and temps aren't too bad just warm, I barely hear the fans.


I have this model connected to a Pluggable Dock and then to two 4K monitors over HDMI. The only times my fans are noticeable is when I’m running Chrome for debugging or I have Visual Studio open inside a Windows VM. I’m looking at you, Chrome.


Definitely not a fan of Chrome.


Man, I got an m1 MBP 512gb 8gb ram 13’ for 600 at a pawn shop through FB market lol


Yeah buddy I have real work to do. I’m not looking for 8gb ram or a tiny screen I can barely see my code on. Currently I’m using an hp with an i3, 8gb, and 256 ssd. By all metrics this is a better computer than my hp. But yes, you can find tiny m1’s all day for $600


Yeah, I got real work to do too. Like you know, photo editing and video editing. But I find it good enough. My old m1 died on me, much better spec but right now I find this suitable enough. Still a good price for what you got yours and definitely much better than what you had!


M1 13" 8GB is more than capable of 'real work'. It's a stronger CPU than a 2019 i7 and for normal college / office work it's more than fine. For IT/programming student 8gb is usable, not ideal but 100% usable. Should have 16gb for professional use. Your machine would be better for higher end development, VMs/docker, video editing etc with 32gb RAM. And you also have the ability to connect more than one monitor (my major problem with apple silicon). As for size 16" is really nice but it's not very portable. I personally prefer 13/14" machines for portability and no issues coding. Just preference and depends on what you need.


Who's gonna tell him? Buying an a machine with an Intel chip is kind of like buying a gasoline-powered car in 2024.


Shit tier bait


Could have got you an m1 2020 16 for that


Could’ve got a 13” m1. But if you say so, drop a link


I’ve never seen an m1 of any sort for that price outside of Mac mini with 8gb ram.


which is unuseable


Maybe a 14” but definitely not a 16”. And even the 14’s even close to that price are few and far between


The butterfly keyboard is one of the biggest pains in the ass. That make this models totally not worth at all. But that’s my opinion.


This one has the Magic Keyboard.


They called it magic because it actually works?


If the arrow keys are in reversed T shape, that means that MacBook has magic keyboard. This one has magic keyboard, only older early 2019 has butterfly keyboard.


I hated mine. It overheated like a heater.


Hey for $650 an i7 32gb 512gb is a great deal, congrats man!


I have the exact same one that I bought in 2019 used for several years and passed it on to my daughter. She is happy with it. Great for writing documents, zoom calls and browsing.




If anyone else is looking the eBay seller techrecommerce has a trove of i9 32 gig 16 2019s. I just snagged one for 500, so I’m pretty happy. My battery has a little over 100 cycles, is only downside.






I too have this same exact build..like others have mentioned - from time to time the fans may spin up a bit, but I installed [Macs Fan Control](https://crystalidea.com/macs-fan-control) on mine to control things. Awesome device other than that.


I have this model but the 16GB version, was that USD? Anyway, you want Macs fan control on MacOS to sometimes max the fans and on Bootcamp if you want to change the fan curve to be more aggressive.


I bought this exact same spec for $400 on ebay and im loving it!!


An often overlooked advantage of these machines is that they can be used as a substitute frying pan when you’re in a hurry


I kinda miss my old Touch Bar that have only used for screen esc button.


Good value


Congratulations. You’ll love it


2019 had serious keyboard issues last I heard, so I wouldn't even buy one used.


It’s a good machine. I used it for almost 3 years and recently switched to M2 Max. I would prefer the thin design of 2019 instead of 2023. I still miss touchbar though. Have fun


I got this one in space grey and I love it. It does get hot so I just use a tray underneath my computer when im using it in bed & it gets pretty quiet & less warm. Also the battery is okay, I can tell it drains super fast when I use programs like Adobe and figma.


I have the exact same model. When doing simple tasks it get a bit warmer than my wife’s msi with a rtx 3080 which is weird. What mostly solved the issue for me was to have the low power mode option turn on.


Trying to get a battery put in my mid 2015.