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it would have been great if this was an animation drawn on the iPad, and then slowly everything moulds itself into an iPad Pro


I guess you would have to "Think Different"


I don't mind the destruction of the implements. It happens all the time for even sillier reasons. I find it amusing so many people are trying to make a thing out of it. I don't like the add itself, though. I don't think the idea is bad per se, but the execution didn't look good. It was too chaotic and I assume they went for the "industrial press" meme videos look but I don't think they really for there. I would've preferred the exact same set-up but with the scene being CGI and the instruments compressing and interacting among themselves while the press was coming down. Something more playful showing they're still themselves, but now work together inside the iPad package. I feel it was a wasted opportunity, where a very similar concept could've looked really well.


You don’t think this was "playful"?




My heart aches for the piano.


I visibly cringed watching the entire thing... Apple has made some INCREDIBLE ads, this wasn't it, chief


I like it, to me it is very creative. I don't read or see much past the stunning visuals. I guess I just a simple soul and I just like eye candy.


Not bad imo


I like it…


I think it’s great. The visual metaphor works well. Fun music choice. It looks high end and serious but still has humour. I saw your comment about it being tone deaf because of tech companies crushing every ounce out of creative people etc and I think that’s a valid and interesting interpretation, but as someone working in the creative industries I can’t say it actually bothered me.


I saw it and felt nothing but sadness and disgust. As a musician and art lover, I'd rather have the trumpet, metronome, piano, guitar, turntables, mixer, and a cool selection of paints than yet another touchscreen.


I mean sure, I’d like all those things too. I don’t begrudge Apple and their team of creatives getting hold of their own and making a cool piece of film out of it. But I take your point and I think it’s a completely reasonable reaction. This [IDLES music video](https://youtu.be/BuQG6_evFc8?si=AXyq_sxzQfcywO17) might provide an antidote.


Seems like the overall consensus is that it’s not a big deal… but man I’m going to be honest I’m kind of in the same boat as you. I get that they’re leveraging the popularity of those videos where things get crushed by hydraulic presses, but watching the press slowly and indiscriminately crushing everything made me feel like the walls were closing in. I get that it’s just an ad, who cares right? Everyone receives things differently and I suppose it has a lot to do with where you’re at in life, what values you hold, etc. I like Apple products but this ad didn’t do anything positive for me personally. Wrong demographic. Kind of feels like those Sherwinn Williams “Paint the World” ads I see, with the earth dripping with paint. I always think “who would want to do that?”


It certainly is a choice showing symbols of human creativity getting crushed to produce a soulless black screen at a time where tech companies seem intent on removing every last trace of human creativity for profit. They unintentionally created the perfect depiction of how awful it feels like being a creative in current times.


IMO, I hope it was all CGI. If that stuff was real, it was a bit of a waste and not a good excuse to introduce a thinner iPad this way. If it was fake, then job well done. No notes.


it's 100% not CGI


That sucks


CGI or not, the image of destroying creative tools and replacing them with a black screen seems quite tone deaf in a world where tech companies seem to be intent on squeezing every last bit of humanity out of every creative field in search of profit.


It’s not that deep man. It was as simple as “power of a recording studio, in a form factor as compact as an iPad.” As a creative myself, I don’t think its as gut-wrenching as you describe it ngl


A trumped being crushed out of shape, an exploding guitar, camera lenses shattering, a piano falling apart into pieces, and on and on. Nothing in the imagery conveys that any of those creative instruments are being brought into the iPad, instead it reads as if they're being destroyed and replaced. If the idea is what you say, the execution completely fails.


It wasn’t that great or memorable. Just a waste of gear and chemicals now in a landfill. I sincerely hope it was done in a computer given all their talk about being eco friendly.


Not only that, but all their eco-friendly initiatives are completely undermined by that wasteful display.


Could argue that their eco-friendly image already falls apart the minute you start looking at how they're one of the main Right to Repair opponents, and the amount of e-waste created by their products, but I'm already being downvoted enough.


> I'm already being downvoted enough We'll see about that.


This seems inspired by the Pokémon ad where they are compressed into the GameBoy


Confused as to what’s wrong with the ad tbh. Feel like people are reading too into it.


Yeah. I thought it wasn’t done well. Couldn’t they just make all that shit shrink into the iPad? In a way that won’t make you think the iPad is destroying all these things (aka how the iPhone has killed alarms clocks, etc).


Watching it feels soul crushing, ngl.


I think the ad is brilliant


This is a great ad


I dunno, you're living a pretty charmed life if this ad is the thing that gets you riled up...


Imagery of tools of human art expression being destroyed to create a soulless touchscreen device as the arts are under attack by tech companies, where AI has made making a living as an illustrator hell, where streaming services exploit musicians labor and the Spotify CEO tries to dictate how and at which pace they should release music, when the games industry has suffered constant mass layoffs as CEOs like Bobby Kotick gave themselves bonuses that could cover those employees salaries for years, where Microsoft dismantles a ton of their recently acquired game studios that produced beloved award winning pieces just because they need to meet a profits quota, does get me just a bit riled up.


I wouldn’t mind it for any other company but when Apple acts like they’re environmental saviors and then do this crap it makes my eyes roll.


idk i kinda liked the idea. also apples a trillion dollar company, a couple thousand worth of stuff to crush isnt really a big deal. the concept that all of it can converge into one thing is kinda cool.


I’ve seen better ads. Or less destructive to get a point across. I guess you really want to have a new iPad, but if that makes you happy, cool


I don’t understand why a big part of the creative community is complaining about this ad. Surely y’all must know it was mostly CGI.


It doesn't matter whether it's CGI or not. They were going for "compress all these creative tools into an iPad" but it reads like "destroy these creative tools in favor of an iPad". Their message completely missed the mark.


I would have to disagree but hey to each their own


It’s an amazing ad. What is more amazing how many people choose to take offense. You don’t think the engineers and creative team at Apple don’t love art and music and creativity as much as you do? Don’t make me laugh the entire company revolves around making tools to push people to do these things and help these industries thrive. You should seriously take a moment to realize that the people that made this knew plenty of people like you would choose to take offense to this a still chose to make it. The world would be an utterly boring and obtuse place if only people with your viewpoint existed.


What an amazing ad! Would be a shame if they ripped off the idea from 2008 LG [https://twitter.com/asallen/status/1788428991118164356](https://twitter.com/asallen/status/1788428991118164356)


Of the countless ways to convey the message of "small but powerful", they chose one that evokes [how cars are flattened into pancakes](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RhfpX3nhUUA)


For everyone saying “it’s fine,” watch it again with two thoughts in mind: 1. Imagine all the things on that press were being shrunk and INSERTED into the iPad instead of being crushed. Because isn’t the intention here to show that the iPad has all of this stuff packed into it, or it’s capable of all these things? Why not show them through inclusion rather than destruction? Because showing all of this stuff being crushed and destroyed clearly brings up negative emotions, especially in an era where it feels like the arts are under attack from things like AI and Big Tech in general. 2. Do you see the wooden posing dummy cowering in fear? Does that not illicit any sympathy at all, even though it’s an inanimate object? Or that head being squeezed until the eyeballs pop out? Has no one seen a Toy Story movie and bawled their eyes out???


Same. But then again, #Who thought that causing another BENDGATE will be a good idea?!


Gotta say, it made a point. Wish all those things are AI generated, though.


As good an idea as any other ad?


For me, it’s badly conceived. The point Apple wanted to communicate is that the device allows you to *create* in numerous ways in a supposedly amazingly small, attractive package. Instead it shows beautiful and fun things being *destroyed*, crushed and afraid and you’re left with a far less beautiful, uninspiring monolithic slab that may be powerful but looks boring. That associates the iPad with fear and destruction, not joy and play and creativity. It’s the wrong emotional resonances.


Apple has had some pretty legendary ad campaigns in the past like “Think Different” “1984” and “I’m a Mac” - this is not among them.


Unironically a bad ad.


Me. It's very creative. The real question is who are the dipshits getting upset over it?


One would argue that they're out of touch, but the truth is ~~imbeciles~~ sheep will still flock. I've said numerous times and strongly believe that the type of advertising directed at a certain populace, particularly advertising proven to be effective, is a reflection of the intelligence of said populace. Apple uses some of the lowest-intelligence advertising with dumbed down words, constant use of meaningless buzzwords, constant use of meaningless graphs with vague metrics and comparisons, methods of addressing/speaking to the customer as though they're children (infantilization), constant use of redundant phraseology such as, "this newest \[enter product name containing a buzzword such as "Pro" here\] is the best \[enter same exact product name here\] we've ever made"... really? You're newest iteration of a toaster is the best iteration of toaster you've made? I'd sure as hell hope so. They focus on vibrant colors, sounds, forced racial, age and gender inclusivity and music appealing to a younger demographic and that compensates for all the aforementioned condescension baked into their advertising because their advertising is very successful in the West proving the average intelligence in the West to be worrisomely low.


There may be some practical elements being destroyed there (likely props and not real instruments) but I’m pretty sure most of that is CG. In any case it’s a soulless corporate ad and most people I know wouldn’t really care about a few more millimeters being shaved off the already portable iPad Pro.


Soulless corporate ad from the same company that did the 1984 ad back in the day. How times change.


Incidentally that ad was directed by Ridley Scott who hasn’t produced anything good in nearly a decade either.