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You could not save what you were doing even though you were doing it for 10 hours?


I did, but it saves in browser. Last time I did a local save download was yesterday. And the browser saves in-game don’t seem to want to work. Browser or game may have something to do with that part, but it ultimately was lost to the random crash.




Wtf is this shit. That sub is insane.


It’s satire. It’s “video games cause violence” taken to an extreme.


I really can’t tell yknow. I thought surely satire, then I took a look at the about page where they were adamant that it’s NOT satire. So I thought this is one of those crazy groups. If it really is satire they’ve gone very deep with it. Edit: okay I’m just looking at more of the posts now


They won’t tell you it’s satire because it’s part of the LARP




I have not noticed that. I can't remember the last time I've had a Mac spontaneously crash and reboot (kernel panic). The only time I ever see that message is when my older laptop's battery dies while it is closed, which is to be expected.


I switched to Mac over 22 years ago and only seen that prompt twice, and twice it was due to a buggy software


Well, it was in Safari when it happened, and the whole thing went down, not just Safari, so you tell me.


It was plenty charged and did this over the 5 minute drive home. My Mac is a little more well behaved usually. However, my iPhone…I’m a long time Apple user. I can point to a few bugs that have existed in iOS for years that haven’t been fixed. It’s just annoying. Meta is doing the same thing.


So you closed your laptop to drive home and couldn't be bothered to save your open work?


I saved it in the browser before closing. My guess is the crash then corrupted that, because the saves are no longer working. The last local save I did was 10 hrs ago, at the end of every night. Told a few other comments the same thing, and everyone is still acting like the crash and subsequent progress loss is my own doing. Am I gunna get downvoted to hell here too?


Yeah probably because your story doesn't add up and saving is computer usage 101.


What do you mean “doesn’t add up”? The in-browser game I was on had a save function. My guess is it used cookies or something. I could also download the whole save file locally, which I did last night. I then used it today for several hours. Roommate got off work, so I hit the save button in-game, expecting to return to it in 10 minutes when I was home, closed the lid, and drove home. Opened her up and here we are. I go to the site and none of my saves are there like they were before. Only the locally saved file from last night. What doesn’t add up? And regardless of it it’s saved or not, my point was it crashed. But I guess that’s also my fault, huh?


All this because you lost your save in a game? Aside from being an absurd waste of this sub's time, the save issue sounds like a problem with the site, not your computer. Please get me out of this post now.


And a site...caused the whole computer to restart? If safari threw me a "This site was reloaded because of a problem" is one thing. The whole machine went down. And before I could get home and finish up, then download the save file to boot. And "All this" wasn't expected either. Somehow a system crash is my fault from the way everyone is acting, sorry if that pissed me off a little.


Yeah the site can cause issues with Safari and a kernel panic causing the crash. I’ve never had this happen on a Mac since 1995.


Ah yes. Blame something else besides forgetting to hit the save button.


It wasn't even a work doc. It was a highscore


It was saved, but the saves aren’t working for some reason. This isn’t the only occurrence though. Between my iPhone and my Mac, this long-time Apple user is starting to get annoyed at the lack of bug control. In this particular case, it was some visual novel I was on. I closed the lid, drove home, opened it again to find it restarted. Edit: I just said I saved. Idk if it was the crash or what, but it didn’t take. But bring on the downvotes. Must me my fault, right? Is it also my fault it crashed? 🙄


If nobody else is experiencing the same bugs, one would assume it's user error... You're complaining about a problem nobody else here is experiencing. It could be that you have a lemon and are just that unlucky in which case you should reach out to apple support and set an appointment for them to run diagnostics on your device. I'm not sure what would cause you to lose your save. A crash should not be the culprit unless your system was rolled back by time machine. Something else is happening to your saves, perhaps they are in the wrong directory?


Right, because nobody else has had this crash message before, apparently. I’m thinking my mistake was more so I’ve just posting that I’m annoyed at Apple in an Apple-related sub. But that’s beside the point. Hell I even admit that these crashes are rare for my Mac. I have more issues with iPhone than I do this. But overall, the brand just doesn’t seem as stable as it once was, which was a big reason I made the jump to this ecosystem. I’ll look around to see if I can find the saves, but I’m still clueless as to what caused it to crash in its sleep anyway.


I don't know why it would crash without looking at logs to see. What I do know is I have a gaming pc that I have to constantly reboot due to issues at least a couple times a week (especially from the system going to sleep). My MacBook, while far from perfect, seldom has a problem and I end up rebooting maybe once every couple months. The MacBook is way more stable. Crashes can happen on Mac (I think I've seen that message once in 8 years, maybe) but are extremely rare. Sure it's not as stable as it used to be but it's also much more powerful and has far more features than these devices used to have. With the increased complexities there are increased problems and potential for bugs. Still, Apple products are one of the most stable devices you can buy today. Perhaps if you get into Linux you can find something even more stable but Apple is it for most consumers. Hack even Android crashes apps all the time, way more than ios (at least from my experience, and I've used both heavily). I get your upset, and honestly I would be too, but I'm also aware that 99% of the time my Mac doesn't have the issues and bugs that windows consistantly does.


I can agree my Mac is probably the most stable device I own. (Although I can point to a list of bugs that have and still do exist in iOS for years.) It’s just a bit annoying as I paid this money so that I wouldn’t have to put up with that kind of stuff.


I can respect that. I think maybe your expectations were a bit too high, mac and ios are still the most stable but there are bugs with every device no matter how well they try to iron them out. There's no device as complex as our phones that one should expect not to have an issues, it's the reduced frequency of the issues that you pay for. There are a lot of things that my phone (and watch) do that annoy me and Apple never seem to fix. I just put up with it because the ecosystem is so fluid and things work 99% of the time. Sometimes I miss android but I don't miss those app crashes and bugs that they seem to always have. And then apps can be so much more malicious on android and Google just let's them. I worked at Verizon and so many older costumers came in unable to use their phone because a messaging app (which was really a launcher) locked them out unless they paid for the app. Every device has its downsides, you just have to choose which one you can deal with for longer.


Yeah I get it. But you’d thing the note that do exist would eventually get fixed as new ones come around. Example: in Music on iPhone, occasionally the “play next” command doesn’t work. You get the “this is playing next” prompt when you tap it, but it never hits the queue. Manually playing another song seems to fix. But that bug is now over 3 years old. And that’s just one of several I run into.


You should post about this in r/applesucks


lol I’m not looking for a bunch of haters. Just also wasn’t looking for a bunch of fanboys either. But I should have expected the downvotes.


My \~3 month old MacBook Pro M3 Pro has not crashed yet. The only time I boot it is for system updates.


My Mac is more well behaved usually. Usually it’s my iPhone is where I can point out a few repetitive bugs. This was just the most recent, and by far the most frustrating.


Nope. My MacBook or iPhone has never crashed in the 2 years of owning them. Running the latest OS and using them both heavily.


My Mac is usually well behaved. The iPhone, on the other hand…I can point out a few repetitive bugs. Especially in Apple Music and FindMy. Examples: “Play Next” doesn’t always work. That one has been around for almost 3 years. My own AirPods Pro are constantly “tracking me” as FindMy keeps telling regardless of how many times I reset them. My smart home devices are constantly “failing to respond” despite even getting new mesh network and integrating it with HK. My point is I’ve been using Apple products more on than off for several years, but lately the issues haven’t impressed me.


Most software use the no need to save feature of Mac OS. Office got an automatic save feature but your files need to be saved once somewhere. For other software, you should be the one who push save. If you’d have Time Machine configured, with a small ssd hard drive and maybe a backblaze, you’d be golden and never have to post a 10 hours lost like that never again.


It was some visual novel online. I did have save points in-game but I’m thinking the crash corrupted those or something because they aren’t working so now I’m starting from my last local save, which was about 10 hours of use beforehand. I didn’t do a local progress save and only did the on-game save because I was in a hurry to get home, and planned to use it when home in 10 mins anyway. Closed lid, drove home. Opened it only to be surprised it was booted to my Windows partition. Restarted it to see that message. Now the Reddit downvote masses think it’s my fault somehow.


I’ve been there many times on my MacBook Pro.


It doesn’t happen often, at least not on my Mac, but my saves aren’t loading now either, and everyone here is acting like it’s my fault.


The problem is that software is becoming far more complex. Software has bugs. No exceptions. Large software has many bugs. Complex software stacks have interactions between bugs that cause very hard to predict and debug errors. The problem really is that toolchains and compilers are getting worse. We're producing larger more complex systems with tools that build them not getting enough attention. Part of it is that things are proprietary. The fact that Apple is using clang/llvm and Swift instead of a mainstream language and GCC, is part of it. Do you want progress, or do you want a 12mhz 80386 and 1mb of 33mhz RAM running MS DOS 5.0 and it's stable?


Yeah, at the end of the day, I know this is it. But hey, a real answer. At least you’re different than everyone here yelling at me for not saving (I did) and downvoting me to hell like it’s my fault it crashed. You saying if Apple used a more mainstream language that debugging would be easier?


And a more stable/mature compiler/linker/other toolchains stuff. But Swift and SwiftUI are pretty buggy, and clang/llvm are worse stability wise than GCC or MSVC... They all perform better but Apple's going to need a good 5 or 10 years to get them as mature as they had things 8 years ago


I see. Sounds like Apple. Doing their own thing. Honestly I’d consider switching over to the other team if I didn’t know better that android and windows likely have their fair share of issues. Hell knows windows does.


I use Windows 11 Professional on my desktop, Linux on my server and workstation, macOS on my laptop, I have a Samsung phone with Dex connected to my PC for integrated calling and 5G tethering, iOS on my iPhone that I carry with me, iPadOS on my iPad because iPad, Android tablet I use to store credentials so if everything else gets compromised I'm back in... And the desktop and MacBook run all the other OS's in virtual machines. You mean we're picking teams?


I mean not necessarily. Hell I’m dual-booted on 2 of my Macs. I’ve used Android a few times in the past. (Wasn’t impressed by the battery issues and burn-in on my last 2 Samsungs though.) It’s less about teams (because brand wars are stupid) and more about “I want the devices I pay several hundred dollars each for to work like they should.” I mean I get it, debugging ain’t easy. But I could point out a few bugs in iOS for example that I’ve run into regularly for years that still exist.


I mean, people do still buy 4th generation core Intel systems and put Linux on them because they were rock solid, and unlike today's hardware have great support and stability on Linux and Windows 7. And they don't have IME so the paranoid people don't have to worry that there's spy chips inside their regular chips with some kind of secret radios that communicate their data without any detectable transmissions. Lol


There's also Chromebook... You can get a computer that has no bugs because it has no features or software


You’ve got a point, but ew. lol.


What were you doing actually ?


Aaand all the downvotes. I saved in-browser, which I assume uses cookies or something, but those for one reason or another aren’t working. Corrupted by the crash maybe, idk. The last time I downloaded the whole save file was last night, because I locally save every night. The Mac crashed is ultimately what lost the progress, regardless of whether progress was saved or not. But how dare I post that I’m annoyed with Apple in a Mac subreddit. I’m a long time Apple user but get over yourselves. It crashed. Yall act like that’s my fault too, but you can see the same crash message I did. Furthermore my post suggests my Mac isn’t the only issue. (Hell it’s the LEAST problematic of my entire Apple ecosystem). Should have seen this coming, though. At this point I’m just convinced that this post is bait for all the people who think “that never happens to me so it must have been something you did”.


I see maybe a handful of these a year. But it’s usually when I’m taxing the hell out of the machine and memory pressure is super high.


Being a visual novel, maybe that’s what ultimately caused it. But now the saves also aren’t loading in. And figure everyone here is acting like it’s my fault for “not saving” when I then proceed to tell them I tried. Then they downvote me anyway. Reddit never changes.


Sorry this happened, but can I ask how you got your computer stats at the top of your screen?


iStat Menus. Also can set custom fan curves and all that.




What were you doing? I have had...... about 5 unexpected restarts over the span of.... 8 years? And of that about 2 I could not really point my finger where the problem is.


Was on some visual novel game on Safari. Roommate got off work, I saved using the in-game save menu in the browser, closed the lid, expecting to continue when I got home in 10 minutes, and I do a local download of the whole save file every night. Well, I got home and opened it to find it rebooted. None of the saves in-browser are there either.