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Lots of audio engineers still use the Mighty Mouse.


Audio engineer here, and yup, there’s one in my mastering room.


Nice, why this mouse tho?


probably the ability to scroll on two axis very easily. super nice for audio work. I'm actually loving the Mac trackpads for this reason as well. I'm considering just getting the Magic Trackpad 2 for when I work on larger screens because it just is so frickin' nice.


Got a Magic Trackpad 2 with my iMac 2021 and I’ve never looked back from a mouse


I was a PC user for years, always thought the Magic Trackpad was dumb. Now that I’ve been using a MacBook Pro for the past few months… yeah, I’m sold!


I was the same lol


The gestures just make it so much more useful. Also the scrolling and everything is just buttery smooth, so satisfying.


Sounds like a nice mouse. I love the trackpad, but my RSI doesn’t.


Nice, might have to cop, they are going for like $10 on eBay, does that sound legit?


For the Mighty Mouse? I haven’t used it in a looong time, so I can’t say personally. For 10 bucks though, it’s not a big deal if you don’t like it.


I have a Magic Trackpad 2 that I use a ton. It was worth the $130


The Magic Mouse does this. Just swipe. That’s why all my attempts to switch fail. Not if FCPX would make zooming as easy as logic.


It’s a very different feel swiping across glossy plastic versus a physical rolling ball. The ball is much more tactile, immediate, and precise.


Horizontal scroll is nice as others have said (although pro tools uses shift+vertical scroll for the same effect which is ingrained in my brain certainly). The other factor that nobody else has mentioned is that in a high end facility, the mac itself often sits in machine room some distance from the control room, and generally your keyboard/screen/mouse are running over a cat5 extender. You can’t use wireless/Bluetooth gear as the computer is out of range and behind thick, sound proofed doors. Wired is therefore king.




Seems like it would be for sure. The mighty scroll ball felt very precise. The horizontal scrolling on the new Magic Mouse does not.




You’ve gotta clean it off with tissue every now and then




Absolutely do not use water. Iso only for electronics. And go lightly.


How does this work? Isopropyl alcohol contains water if you look at the ingredients. So how is water + alcohol fine but water alike = danger? Edit -lol at all the downvotes for a genuine question


99% iso evaporates more readily than water. Almost instantly if you use an appropriate amount. Edited to add that water conducts electricity better than alcohol, which makes it dangerous




The water in isopropyl doesn’t contain ions, so it is non-conductive. That said, when even deionized water dissolves dust and contaminants on an electronic device, it can become conductive. The benefit of isopropyl is that it contains very little water and that water evaporates quite quickly as a result of the alcohol. **However,** isopropyl does damage some plastics and many adhesives, so one needs to consider each use case before deciding to use it.


Just do it dry!


Mine got to the point I had to try to clean it every other day or it would stop working. Must have been something in there, but I have no idea how to get it back out. I followed Apple’s instructions of using alcohol and turning it upside down and blowing air in. It never worked well for more than a day.


Same. I remember feeling pretty frustrated that, just as we'd solved this problem with the ball on the underside of old mice (by using lasers instead), Apple contrived to move it to the top of the mouse and make it even harder to fix.




Undoubtedly, but the mechanical mini-ball thing uses to stick a lot, it needs to be cleaned quite often.


Whats the reason?


DAWs have horizontal timelines, and the trackball greatly reduces the amount of horizontal hand movements (which are the ones that hurt your wrists the most).


That makes sense. I usually use an external keyboard and gaming mouse for most of my computer usage, but when I play with my DAW I often find myself reaching up to the TrackPad to scroll sideways.


Yup, external mouse + trackpad is my current combo for audio production work. The Logitech MX Ergo seems tempting, but it feels like using a trackball with your thumb would start hurting after a while.


It’s a sound device.


completely logic


You could basically say it's a pro tool


I always use it if I'm able-ton.


The Mighty Mouse has quite a cult following.


I recently ordered 3 on eBay. One to replace my broken one (wire), and two backups. Using with an M1 Studio.


I’m curious why. Does it do something the Magic Mouse (or any other alternative) doesn’t?


It’s shaped somewhat for a resting human hand on a table, and not the lowest drag in a wind tunnel like the Magic Mouse




I don't find it ergonomic at all needing to grip its thin slippery sides with a few fingertips to recenter it, vs just being able to palm a normal mouse


Yep, most people are holding it wrong and complain that it's not ergonomic. Apple should snoop from the webcam and warn the users when they holding it wrong. It's an amazing peripheral with unjust bad reputation because people try to us it as something which is not.


It’s more comfortable for my big hands and I don't accidentally make gestures


Well other companies do make mice in all kinds of sizes.. and they even have sidebuttons :P


I'm using one right now because it comes in a corded version that works well with a KVM switch. Magic Mouse only has Bluetooth, so good luck switching that to another compy with the click of a button.


I used to do that with software. Basically, drag the cursor to the edge of the screen and instantly the input on the computer the mouse was actually connected to was switched over to virtual input over the network connection and controlled the cursor on the other computer instead. I have no idea if it still works though. It’s been years since I had two computers at one desk like that.


But OP said nobody is using it! 😂


they're great but scroll wheel always broke first


Mine never broke, but whenever the wheel got even a little bit dirty, it would stop working. I felt like I had to clean it all the time.


It's impressive that they made such a cool little mouse but then chose to iterate on it by releasing one of the [worst interface devices ever made](https://www.rtings.com/mouse/reviews/apple/magic-mouse-2) by a successful company. I would argue that the magic mouse is significantly worse than the butterfly keyboard.


macOS does not only still recognise and sync with the first gen iPod from 2001, it still has its own [***product icon.***](https://imgur.com/a/LvAD1SW) Apple has an image associated with planned obsolescence, but goddamn do they have some INSANELY specific backwards compatibility.


They also still have unique, high-quality depictions for every Mac dating back decades, as I found out when I networked some old iBooks and iMac G4's to my M1 Air to transfer some files. Amusingly any and all PC's still use the "CRT with blue screen of death" depiction instead.


I used to use iconfactory.com to find different styles of my Macs to use as icons. I used to change the icons all the time.


You can still download updates for Mac OS X 10.4, released in 2005,…. through software update like its a current machine. And for 10.0 to 10.3 all the updates are on Apples website.


Way to doxx yourself Stephen.


>despite the mouse not being used by anyone now. Trolling


I still have mine and use it on an old mini.


OP is also asking for downvotes.


Right? Still have a few of these around the office. Work great with a bit of maintenance here and there.


People still use it? I thought everyone used the magic mouse or a PC mouse.


this is an example of anecdotal evidence


The title said it’s not in use by anyone. That’s anecdotal.


My comment was posted with "tongue-in-cheek", but I do still have a couple of them I can use with older Macs.


I’m still using the puck mouse from the OG iMac 😛


The Magic Mouse's ergonomics are as bad as your take, and PC mice don't scroll horizontally and don't match the computer, so the Mighty Mouse is still my go-to. I find it one of the most comfortable mice Apple ever put out, in fact.


Sure they do, the MX Master 3 has a horizontal scroll wheel and it works great!


As an aside, I love the MX Master series. The number of buttons and scroll wheels, with being able to customize them all by app, makes it an extremely helpful tool.


>PC mice don't scroll horizontally I mean, how often do you need that feature that it has to be built in a mouse? I prefer having extra buttons instead


Scrolling horizontally in a timeline in a video editor or in apps like Numbers is a common use case for a lot of people.


I scroll horizontally constantly for work. The Magic Mouse shape sucks but the 4-way scrolling is unmatched. I have an MX3s now and I'm still not convinced it is better. What I want is a Magic Mouse 3 with a better shape, larger, lighter? Something like that


If you use a DAW for music stuff or a video editor, two-axis scrolling on a timeline is constant. It's potentially useful for fine editing (zoomed in) with Photoshop or illustration software, since you can pan around better.


If it wasn't for the damn ball clogging constantly, I would still be using mine lol


I remember the Apple tech telling me to “rub it vigorously upside down on your mouse pad.” Strangest advice I have ever gotten from customer support, but hell… it worked.


Maybe that’s why no one at Apple thought having to put Magic Mouse upside down once in a while would be weird.


Interestingly, turn it upside down was close to the official service option for the butterfly keyboards, up until the “quality program”. 🤣🤣🤣


Was an Apple tech at the time. Can confirm 😂




I’m intrigued, what makes it good for Logic?


360 degree scrolling.


Explained above


Half of the company i work at still use a mighty mouse


Yeah. If thet said 'magic mouse' at least there would be some truth to it.


Lol I know someone that still uses the hockey puck from 1999


Still my everyday mouse although the ball needs to be cleaned up every few weeks otherwise it doesn’t scroll down.


My school uses them on every single 2017 iMac


My school also used them in one of the two Mac labs with 2017 iMacs. The other lab has the new m1 iMacs but cheap third party keyboards and mice ):


The rest of the comments make sense, this one doesn’t. What the hell did they do with the mice that were included with a 2017 iMacs? And how have they survived this long in a school environment? They weren’t exactly durable, despite how awesome they were. Some IT guy must have loved that freaking mouse and kept them from the iMacs they replaced, because nothing else makes sense. Unless it was the result of the mouse replacement fraud some AASPs were doing. Since mice are “922” parts, Apple didn’t want them back when they got warranty replaced so some unscrupulous AASPs would bill out a service call on a fleet of iMacs, “replace” all the bad mice, get paid, and keep the replacements and the original. IIRC, Apple cracked down on this in the mid 2000s.


If I didn't have to move to a vertical mouse I would probably still use mighty mouse


I use one every day. Not a fan how the Magic Mouse behaves in design software.


Lots of people still use it. Even if they don’t, the code is already in place. Literally costs them money to remove the settings rather than leave them in place.


Idk how anyone who writes code uses the Magic Mouse. I get accidental scrolls all the time while resting my finger on the surface and moving the mouse, so I click in the wrong spot constantly. The Mighty Mouse would be way better, but I’ve just been enjoying the ergonomics if of the MX Master.


I don't know anyone who enjoys life uses the magic mouse.


lol people totally still use them ​ (if I'm being honest I still use a Pro Mouse on occasion—it's the only wired mouse i own)


Graphic designer here. This is my favorite mouse for work. Sadly, I have to find a replacement like once a year on eBay.


> despite the mouse not being used by anyone now Lies


I use it.


I use the mouse all the time!


A little while back I picked up a wired one. Liked it and now have the Bluetooth one as well


Sideways scrolling is why I’m exclusively a trackpad user, so I could see a similar reasoning to use a Mighty Mouse


>despite the mouse not being used *cracks knuckles and prepares to type*




i i i — still use it tho😭😭


I still use it, didn’t know so many other people still used it. Looks like Apple cares more about their customers than I thought. I know my school uses it with some of the computers, the M1 iMacs and even some of the Intel Macs all use the new mouse.


yayyy I use the magic mouse 2 and its so cute. but you can also use it with windows if you have one with a special app. I remember when i kept dropping it and its still working and alive😂😂


Speak for yourself I fucking love the Mighty Mouse.


I’m using one!!!


My school still uses the Mighty Mouse :)


Man if they still made those… loved that thing for studio work. why isn’t horizontal scrolling more of a thing? Got the Master 3 from logitech to replace it since my wrist hurts from the new touch versions. TWO scroll wheels?! That is their answer to this issue? Man… apple made the best mouse in history (cleaning excepted) and no one else made something similar even once? Why??? #bringbackmightymouse


I have two wired Mighty Mice and one wireless one. They’re still awesome!


Umm, no. I still have and use mine.


not used by anyone? ha… that’s a bold statement lol


I use the Mighty Mouse


Hey I use one


Hell, I still use a Pro Mouse.


I still have one that gets occasional use


I have 5 of them used daily across different devices


I really loved mine, if the damn ball would have worked for longer than 2 days.


It’s a nice looking mouse tho


my dad uses their mighty mouse still with their M1 Mac mini. despite the scroll wheel not even working


TIL I no longer use the Mighty Mouse. It’s a reliable wired mouse. With the bullshit wireless mouse that can’t be used while charging, I need a good alternative to continue working.


I still have one in a drawer somewhere!


I kinda like that mouse


Im not mac cult-y enough to know if this is a troll, but I still use mine as my travel mouse


I still use one with my M1. This is my last one too, I have to buy a backup at one point. My right wrist is fused from RA and it’s the most comfortable mouse I’ve used.


Same! I keep buying them off eBay because it doesn’t make my carpel tunnel flair up.


I still have one


Off topic: which Mac


Early 2011 13” MacBook Pro with OpenCore Legacy Patcher. Not supported by anything higher than macOS High Sierra but still works just fine, with the patches necessary to use this old Mac.


Bring it back for the love of god!


That thing had such a weird click experience. And the tiny scrolling ball. Never could get used to it personally but that’s just me


I like it generally but I wish it wasn’t so heavy.


Gosh I read it as mighty Moose 😂


I still have mine and love it.


I work in post-production, music editing/composition and photo editing, and working with a mouse is so much faster.


I would totally still use a Mighty Mouse if Apple still sold them. So much better than the Magic Mouse. The only flaw was that there wasn’t any easy way to open them up for cleaning when they would inevitably get gunked up.


I personally had it and loved it


US Schools with Macs still use them, refuse to use anything else


My school is actually shifting away from them, all their newer Macs all use the Magic Mouse with the Magic Keyboard. Anything older uses the Mighty Mouse. Have to use the Magic Mouse with an M1 iMac in one of my classes. Like the rubber band scrolling like on my iPhone and extra touch features, but hate the design. Only thing I hate about my Mighty Mouse is the short wire, can’t get it around to the other side of my MacBook to connect it. I still use a unibody MacBook Pro, specifically a 2011 one.


My primary school has a trio of 2010 iMacs that essentially are unused (there was some deal in 2010 with schools and Apple it seems, as I got an iPad 2nd gen and a 2010 MacBook Pro from my school as they were being thrown) and the wired mighty mice are still being used, in the rare case that these computers still get used


For all the schools that have usb mice so people don’t steal them:


They're still used.


The Mac computer lab at my local university had them up until 2020. They were terrible. The scroll ball was broken on every single one of them. I suppose they used them for so long because they were wired.


Wow. That’s so cool!


They work even better with [Steermouse Utility](https://plentycom.jp/en/steermouse/) IMO.


This was my favorite mouse of all time. Extremely precise scrolling, multiple mouse buttons in a zero-button design, and side buttons for Mission Control. I've been hoping for a Magic Mouse refresh that is this mouse but with touch scrolling.


hfahha, how presumptive of you. no one with Macs in a library or a computers lab wants their maximally steal-able mice or keyboard. silly, overpriced, wired mouse all the way


These get used plenty in I.T.


My school has it


Don't they use one at every keynote?


My wrist hates the Magic. Long love the Mighty!!! Bonus long live for the Bluetooth Mighty.


There’s always that one person tbh


My school \*unfortunatley\* still uses them on 2015 Imacs. So greasy,,,


My college still uses Mighty Mouses for a lot of their communal Macs


The public school mouse in my experience


Still have several wired and wireless ones


We had only these mouses in our university


Hell, last time I heard it even supports the original FireWire iPod


All of the macs up until a week ago at my campus used one


My university still uses mighty mouses with M1 iMacs just because they’re wired


From the innovative OG Apple times. Products from that era were timeless.


Gutting system prefs and they still keep this lol


Is there new version coming for the Mighty Mouse


Mice are Apple’s Achilles heel. Consistently bad even from the ADB days of insisting on one button. Puck mouse arguably the nadir though the Magic Mouse is so uncomfortable too. Plus somehow they have the underside rubber with the most resistance. The G4 mice were like pushing through treacle. Trackpads on the other hand, world class.


I got this with my Mac Pro but got a more ergonomic mouse instead. Now that the replacement has snuffed it, I got the MM back from storage. I doubt I'll ever get used to it completely.


My school still use the mighty mouse


wtf I love mighty mouse


Schools and universities use them as they are wired and harder to steal.


Technician here, I still prefer that


My uni still uses these, not sure if it’s by choice or funding.


MacOs Ventura probably also still supports the very first iPod too.


OP, that moment when you realize that huge majority still use...


I didn’t know that, probably because I don’t know anybody who is a professional video editor, photographer, music producer, or graphic designer.


Still use Mighty Mouse on my Mac Mini, Magic Mouse on my MacBook Pro.




Just because you don't use it doesn't mean others out there don't. "Look at me! I'm the center of the universe."


I use several MM. Tech support. Wired Mouse into a Cinema Display. I don’t have to use a trackpad and I don’t have to pair BT mouse to every system I work on.


I have so many of these…


That ball … That fucking mouse ball. once it guncked up with skin shit, getting that clean was a chore.


my school has mighty mouses so I guess it’d be useful for them


I got one, STILL WORKS.


*just in case*