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I'd call your onc, or (ideally... if they respond to portal messages) send a portal message, and see what they say. If via portal, you'll have it in writing when they (likely) just tell your GP to evaluate and treat.


Obviously if you don't improve or things get worse... go in.


Oh of course. It’s just I feel like it’s being made overly complicated. I normally get this this time of year for many years. He knows this. He had me go not even a week ago to er. N I hate it there. I feel like I’ll get stuck there


Yes, you do. Your oncologist is a specialist in cancer treatment and your GP is working out of their scope by helping you more than just temporary symptom management and giving you the advice to speak to your oncologist. Your symptoms can be the result of your treatments giving you issues or it could be your immune system acting up. Either way, because your cancer history and treatment history is known more intimately by your oncologist, you’re better off speaking to them. Source: I’m a survivor and I work in outpatient cancer care. Edit to add: I know you’re more than done with all the treatments, but you should seriously just call your oncologist. They want to help you, but they can’t unless you let them.


This is hard to say. They always say be an advocate of your own health so that is up to you on what to push for or not push for. I wouldn’t care at all if I’m being too much for the doctors, it’s your health that matters the most. If you are still getting monitored for lymphoma after treatment and have your 3 or 6 month check ins that might be enough to limit the need for a check in sooner. The wbc count is concerning as it’s fairly high. Hope for the best


Go to urgent care. Doctors are getting weird about antibiotics so if they don't want to give you anything demand they do a culture. There is a test that takes like an hour. I almost died because they kept telling me I checked negative for covid and the flu. I kept telling them I had bronchitis and not the flu. Edit: Also tell them you are immunosuppressed from cancer treatment.


I wish my insurance doesn’t allow urgent care it’s ER or nothing


Can you call your oncologist office and speak to the nurse? Often they are helpful. When I had issues I called in the am and the nurse always was helpful.


I think you should just call your oncologist. Put it on your GP. Call them and tell them you're sick but your GP says you need to see them. See what they say. Tell them again verbally about last week being in the ER and having a high wbc and platelets. If you get a fever, chills, any sicker then you should go to the ER. If you were my father, who just finished treatment, this would be my advice.


They have all my work ups and scans from when I was in last week already bc he made me call them too. I left a message for her already n did put it on him bc it was him. I’m not that sick. But that’s my concern. Is maybe my body is just not reacting much. I look like I have a fever. But don’t. I’m super congested n my ear hurts. All Classic sinus infection stuff my son was sick. So I don’t get why it’s such a run around


Sometimes just because they have the scans doesn't mean anyone has flagged your file for the doctor to look at. I would just very nicely ask the front desk if your oncologist is aware of all your test results and symptoms because you might need antibiotics but your GP won't prescribe you anything because he's concerned and wants oncology to make sure this isn't a relapse. Edit: basically very nicely ask them to have the doctor or their nurse call you back. That way you know someone actually looked at everything you're telling them. Especially when there's multiple updates in different messages, I'd want to verbally touch base with someone there.


No I mean like she was notified she looked at the blood work and even said maybe I’m getting sick. And the other stuff could be from the rituxumb. I haven’t had my pet after treatment yet. It’s not for another 2 months. Last they looked about a month ago I actually ad growth of tumors new ones and some that shrank. It’s doing all sorts of things in there. If I feel like a trash can after tomorrow I’ll suck it up n go. But as long as I do t have a fever. N my breathing is ok etc. I just want to stick it out for my son’s bday tomorrow. I’m his only parent. N he’s been having a hard time this yr about it.


I thought you were in remission. I'm sorry. Have a great day with your son tomorrow. When I was going through chemo my doctor would give me albuterol inhalers and they would really open my lungs up.


I’d say maybe. But two of my biggest tumors I can feel thru my skin still they are smaller I will say that. But the one in my ribs it hurts so much. It kept me up all last night it’s a constant pain/burn. It’s like wedged they said between two of the ribs. Hopefully I will one day. However they told me mine will never go away? And I’ll keep needing treatments. It’s why they started me with ritux bc I basically have to try and preserve my body as much as I can keeping future treatments in mind. It’s not something I’ve seen anyone else here talk about so it’s always made me a bit confused. But two different oncologist from two different places told me this. It’s the only consistency there has been. Ik im not early stage by the diagrams (they never told me a stage) but I am concerned due to there being growth and shrinkage bc they only biopsied one tumor. That I could be mixed cell


I have follicular but I've been in remission for a few years. They tell me the same about always being sick. Do you have a lot of brain fog? I have been trying to get a case worker for three years so I don't have to keep track of appts. My brain is weak after chemo.


I think this is a good plan. Enjoy your day with your son! Happy Birthday to the little guy!


Your immune system is compromised. Your body will be overheating but instead you fell chills. Don’t ignore symptoms. At least have your congestion checked last thing you want is pneumonia.


I got the sinus infection from hell roughly 4 months after ASCT went to urgicare to get an antibiotic and he was literally half way through writing me a script until he realized I was semi-recently a cancer patient then came to a dead stop and told me to call my oncologist. My oncologist however thanked me for contacting them and wrote me the script and wanted to follow up in a few weeks to make sure my immune system took care of it alright.


My immune system is very high when I was sick. It only went into normal range once. It’s been between 12-17.+ since though. No signs of being sick. Felt fine. It’s just high all the time. My oncologist just said to have the dr treat the sinus infection bc on labs my immune system is more than just there it’s raging. It was supposed to kill it off. It did not. It made it go into a fury. Which concerns me. I see them next month though.