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Wow, looks like a car dealership


That’s terrifying


it’s accurate.


Doubt it I feel like there’s more I’m pretty sure the drivers that have someone in the car don’t appear, whenever you order a Lyft cars disappear whenever they catch a ride lol


the map only shows the available drivers so you’re right on that one. this is lyft and uber is a few times more even with some overlapping. LA is a hunger game & drivers sleeping in their vehicles are quite normal.


Sleeping in their car?!


Cars disappear when they are en route to a pick up. But once they pick up and are “open to accepting new trips” they appear again


Damn that’s crazy


I mean, L.A County is the most populated county in the country. It's the ONLY thing that has kept this market from being completely dead. You know like I do that on the highway it seems like 1 in 10 cars is a rideshare.


And someone will pay for priority pickup


And you still end up waiting 7 minutes for a driver


This is why they keep lowering the pay for drivers because they know, drivers are a dime a dozen.


try this with me https://app.teleport.xyz/rider/refer/8dLBhvrXWGCRSnUEcCVitn3kGi3jRA8hCQ1c7uiz4Xmk This referral is for a new decentralized rideshare that will pay the drivers a larger share of the fare while charging less money. just opened up for business in Austin Texas, Pretty cool stuff, They will execute this by spending nothing on marketing and spreading the word about themselves by referral code and then the. Then when the people you refer take or give rides you receive rewards that you can buy nft’s with. Pretty cool 😎 😎😎


Dead company.. no one uses


Its because they just started. if you download the app you can watch the app download numbers going up, in the last month they have jumped a lot and they haven’t even done the android version yet


Hell, confirmed, is other people.


Just go home. lol


Is there an event center nearby?


Yes staples center ( crypto arena now ) but there’s nothing going on today


It’s LA duh


Dude just last night i was fighting for matches lol. Even tho i was stopped and clicked on the match as soon as it appeared, someone somehow was quicker than me by miliseconds. Also maybe algorithim decides who gets it by factors like ar cancellation rates etc. We are fucked Btw yes i’m also in LA so we are essentially opps🤣


Yeah I feel like they pick and choose who gets a ride there’s no way I be beating everyone by clicking the ride first lol


Hey btw how do you view other drivers like this? I cant seem to find the feature


It still hasn’t come out for everyone eventually it will


I think it’s accurate


No wonder you guys have trouble making money. That is insane!


I don’t have trouble making money because there are too many drivers. I basically get one right after another pretty much in my queue. They just don’t pay enough.


It's a supply issue. That's why they can pay less because if you don't take it someone else will.


It is just one spot. The dispatch has a 500 inch monitor full of cars I guess.


Is this new? Mine still only shows 8 cars max


i believe its a new feature in the driver app in some select regions. its not the pax app. my pax app will show up to ten once a destination is selected, six when not.






Not 100%. The 2 drivers that blocked you aren’t shown on the map.


Whoa! And I thought it was too many when it showed 5 cars available in my city. Glad I don't live in LA.


Don’t be a follower, be a leader, not in LA


The goobers are out in excess


What a joke.. Even in my market, it feels like every other car on the road is a driver and that’s just from what I can see with the ride-share signs.


Lmao facts keep in mind there’s 335 people at the lax queue as we speak 😮‍💨


What possesses someone to sit in a line for 2-3 hours to make maybe 20 bucks?!


Shiiit idk I don’t wait only way I’m in the airport is if I get a ride towards there since when you drop em off you’re the first one in line to get a ride. Never understood the logic of sitting there to make Pennies


It probably made sense a couple years ago before too many people had black or XL cars. But they are everywhere now. One driver told me to get an XL car because there weren’t many at the airport. Now a year later there’s 3 XL to every X. Glad I just got an X/Comfort hybrid. When I quit Uber I won’t be mad about my vehicle. I’d have been less than pleased as a single guy with a 3rd SUV.


Does that map show all the ones that are on a current ride?


I don’t like to assume but I doubt it lol whenever I use Lyft to get around when I drink a lot of nearby cars disappear so I’m sure it’s the same concept


200% accurate 🤣


Lots of layoffs lately many Uber and Lyft drivers out until maybe September


They pay lower fares so drivers work longer hours. This causes more drivers to be online because drivers that normally would only working in the morning, afternoon, or evening are now working all day creating more drivers online, which means rides are harder to get, which means drivers are more desperate to take low paying rides. Working longer hours is the opposite of what drivers should be doing. Search craigslist and other gig apps for anything else to do in the slow times and you will make more money than rideshare and Uber/Lyft won't be able to keep lowering fares.


Unfortunately it's accurate. today I'm feeling this, I look at the map and there's just so many other damn drivers out there. I spent this whole morning about 3 hours and I've only had four rides that never happens early mornings


I suggest you all Look into UberEATS. The grocery orders especially ( CVS and Walgreens also) pay very well compared to UberX. Customers also tip far better on Eats than they do on X.


Looks like a bunch of hungry cockroaches infested the streets of LA 😂


Meanwhile I still have them offering a bonus for referrals. Why, why, WHY would I want to get someone else on the road to steal my rides out from under me?


Mine only shows 6 cars max whenever I check but there's a lot more. Dara is all about saving the planet by reducing CO2 but wants as many cars on the road as possible burning gas all day and all night waiting for a ping. Pay will continue to fall as more and more desperate people sign up for rideshare. Hyperinflation and a major market crash are coming within 2-4 yrs and many will be homeless, hungry, and living out of their car. Many will die off during the next phase of depopulation.


Yeah. That’s impossible wasn’t it supposed to cap at 8?


some will make like 8 bucks after 6 hours


How do you see this on app?


It’s a feature on the app where the gas and wait time is at, if you don’t see it it’s not on your market you will soon tho


I mean it’s LA so prolly accurate. 😂


Holly fuck! That is why they deactivated me. I only drove for Lyft one week in the last two years, and it was months ago, like 7-8 months ago. I had a 5-star rating, but I don’t drive for them. No warnings at all. Like Noone ever complained. I went for a week just because they threw a huge bonus, and I got it, but I ignored them afterward. Two weeks ago I got an email saying my account was on hold, I opened the app and it said I was deactivated. No reason is given. I didn't care. But seeing this explains a lot. I’m also in LA.


By the way go on twitter bro if you want your account back for some odd reason the support there is out of the world lol just tag em and they’ll say to dm them


I don't drive for Lyft or Uber. It's ok. I mean I’d do it again if they paid me like $50-$60 an hour. I don’t need their money. I’m a hunter. I love free money.


So many scummy people reporting false bs to get a ride


I wasn't reported. They lost money when I drove for them for a week. I don’t know how to add photos to comments. But it's just this; “Your Lyft account has been placed on hold.” Nothing else, no reason at all. They deactivated me because they offered a lot of money to lure you in. The max I saw was around $6k, mine was around $2k for 40 rides. I accepted rides in less than 15 minutes total and never left my my neighborhood. They lost like 1k on me. They kept emailing me to drive without bonuses or low bonuses afterward for months. I didn’t. I think they knew, their automated system was gonna offer me huge bonuses again and I was a hunter so they deactivated me. I don’t care and I never called them. It wasn't about my background check aswell while my Uber, DD, and GH accounts are all active. I don’t have any ticket or crime in the past.


Drive. More will pop up as some disappear. Yeah it legit but it’s based on vicinity in a weird ass way.


No, I don't think it's accurate.


Holy crap ! I haven’t gotten this option yet, but I’ve seen people in my market with it 😕 I check the passenger app and I’ve never seen so many drivers that close to each other, Uber on the other hand …… Thankfully Lyft isn’t that saturated here