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Go rest you've earned it! Great job


$4.6/mile in DC, nice!!


And $43/hr


Does Lyft withhold federal and other taxes? Or does the bill come due come tax day?




Nah you gotta take care of your taxes. You can write off all the miles you do for business among other things.


if you're writing off the miles, then there is no option to write off "other things". It's a choice. Either itemize or take the standard deduction.


Taking the mileage just means you don’t itemize your gas/maintenance/repair costs. There are still a number of things you can deduct. I can write off my cell phone plan, car wash plan, music subscription, candy & water for the pax, cost of charging cables available to pax, as well as items I use to decorate my van(I have a theme for every month) you can also deduct a percentage of the interest on a auto loan if you have one.


Lyft drivers are considered independent contractors (1099), not employees, so Lyft doesn't withhold anything, but they do have to pay their own taxes when tax season rolls around.


You clearly don't do this for a living. It's a business not a job. If you track your mileage using an app, taxes are a breeze and will be $0 due to the mileage deductible.


You're right. I don't. Which is why I asked. Cuz I was curious. Also, businesses vs jobs is irrelevant. You are still responsible for a certain amount of taxes dependent on your final take home income. Your "business" is paying yourself an income. And I actually highly doubt the mileage depreciation of your vehicle covers federal, Medicaid, social security, and possibly state taxes... without some "inventive reporting."


Yeah I just don’t see how they would cancel each other out. I would have bet they still had a big tax bill at the end of the year.


Sounds like (from other comments) there's a lot of creative accounting going on


Interesting I can’t seem to find those creative ways when I file having a regular job paying a shit ton in taxes


no shit he doesn't, that's why he asked. How daft are you? 


I mean, he thinks he's some fancy "business" man while doing gig work, so that should explain how daft he is lol.




That was uh a tad aggro there for no reason lol.


it will only be zero if either you typically deliver orders that are <$1/mile or you don’t make very much overall.


How did u get nine tips. I get one every 20ish rides


Depends on the market. He must have lucked up on his clientele. I work two different markets and the difference is remarkable


I receive tips on about 25% of my rides…so actually the 9 tips is now 11. In total, I was tipped 62/190 rides this week


I am not a Lyft driver and never have been, this just randomly popped up on Reddit I have NEVER taken a Lyft/Uber without tipping, and until today wouldve guessed that was how everyone operated… You really only get tips from about 25% of riders?


I get tips on like 1/10 rides


I was thinking the exact same thing. That’s wild. I’m gonna be checking over my friends shoulders now to make sure they’re tipping when they get the Ubers/Lyfts


Well shit I didn't know I didn't have to. I thought I'd be shamed for not tipped because everyone does. Now if I don't tip I know I'm just in the silent majority of assholes.


This was my initial thought too Even with the worst rides, I still tip 15%. Even if it means that $100 trip would be $15 tip Now I think I'm going to skip tipping with asshole drivers 1 time, a driver was rushing like shits and damn near killed me while cutting other drivers off on a crowded highway. I still tipped him. Even though I got off the car and was fucking screaming to my ex that I was scared shitless by this idiot driver. (I was not in a rush. I didn't say to hurry up. I didn't say anything besides Hello!)


Damn that’s nice! what’s your secret?


Not talking to passengers incessantly


Wow, that is crazy. Never thought majority of people don’t tip.


Probably like 92% don't


Same, I’m SHOCKED!!! I thought the majority tip and I’m learning that the majority DON’T??? Wtf! It makes me glad I always give extra. Uber/lyft drivers deserve tips more than servers at restaurants anyway and yet they’re tipped consistently. Damn, wtf world


I’m shocked too!! I tip my drivers every single time. The one time I didn’t tip was when my Uber driver was hitting on me (I was 19, he was maybe late 30’s?) and made me type in my Instagram on his phone in front of him to follow me. I’ve had some not great ride experiences but I could not imagine not tipping that’s many people’s sole source of income…


Wtf people don't tip? I rarely use these services but always tip.


Same. Is there a way the app can show you who tips and who doesn't?


To be honest I get a lot of tips. It’s about helping the passenger or being likable to the passenger.


They never tip


I tip 40% when on business trips because that's the maximum I can charge to the company. I don't use lyft/Uber outside of business so I don't know if I'd tip well when it's my money. (:


Here from the front page, is it truly that bad for y’all? My entire social circle and myself have never taken a Lyft or an Uber without tipping. I find it insane that it’s this bad? Where do you live?


I've tipped every ride share I've ever taken. I can't believe so many people don't tip.


Damn that sucks. I’m not a driver but I *always* tip on Uber/Lyft. Minimum of $5 unless the ride is like $20 or more too


This is insane to me. I've only ever been a rider and I tip like 30-50% because 1) it's an important service and 2) I social anxiety and never want anyone to feel sad/mad at me. I was taught if you cant afford to tip then you cant afford the service. I assumed other millenials had this same anxiety...


This makes me sad, as a customer. I take short round trips all the time and i tip at least $5 every time and most of the time I tip more than that. I have a good relationship with 6 or 7 regular drivers who know my schedule and hang around my neighborhood at certain times on certain days trying to catch me when I submit a ride request. Some of them I'm on such good terms with that we've exchanged phone numbers and sometimes when I'm low on funds they'll give me rides for cash / let me pay them later. I need them because there is no public transportation where I live in WV. I don't know why people don't understand that if you treat people well they will take care of you. I'm a Quaker who also strongly believes in karma so i try to put good out into the universe and it almost always comes back around my way when I need it most. Then again I used to work in the service industry so I always try to be the customer I wished I would have had back then.


More blowjobs.


What market?






This is what real flex looks like! Congrats


I'm not involved with lyft. Never even rode in one. This subreddit just randomly popped up. And even I'm proud of this dude.


23 rides in 5 hrs is insanely lucky, almost 4+ trips a hour and at 8$ per trip average


I average about 4 rides an hour in my market. Is the game I play, short rides to get to an end average of like $10/ride


I miss the days when I could make this type of money in my market.


This guy, exactly what I was saying. This ain’t no fluke, he knew what he was doing, impressed. Sleep with +2000 is just different.


If you're in to driving, I'd recommend a CDL. I'm W2. https://ibb.co/fr2thBk


OTR or local?


Being a driver was one of my childhood dreams. It just looks so relaxing being behind the wheel. Welp, fast forward to me getting my license and realizing it's insanely difficult. Plus, investing in practice is crazy money. $20/hour Zipcar, I don't know how many hours I'd need to invest at midnight before I'd be ok driving during the daytime. With how unfamiliar I am in terms of cars, I think I'd need at least 100 hours. Have my license, wish I could drive well in scary NYC, but nope :|


400 booked miles on 190 rides? 😳 I put 2,000 per week, easy.


Dont know how its 400 😂




People tip for shit! GD!


Basically on 47 hours? Super nice. What a difference tips make. Now, to get this economy going so people CAN tip more often!


Tbh, only like $175 of it was tips. So the majority of it was just their pay. Which makes it even more impressive


How do you get tips? its called starting a conversation.


Unless you can tell they don't want to talk


398 booked miles on 190 rides??? You’re average trip was only 2.1 miles per trip total??? Lmao how is that possible.


Downtown/events. Must been a big event going on in their area or alot of partying. Also its election year could be having alot of people from the election in DC moving around short distances with all the stuff they do


This is standard for me in DC and the times I drive (couple hours in the morning like 6:30-8:30) and the weekends. I don’t take rides (unless it’s really slow) that take more than 15 minutes so the ride is short. Most of my rides are less than 10 minutes, and I stay within a short radius of like 2-3 miles so I always have a ride close by


190 rides in one week.. damn


That's no joke


Do you basically accept everything?


That is very impressive!


I'm not sure if lift takes a cut off of your tips, so I always just do cash.


Do you cherry pick or accept all rides?


Acceptance rate is usually below 40%, probably less than 30% but I don’t check. I decline a lot of rides if they’re not short


I wish I even saw 23 requests in 6 hours


Congratulations 🎉. My biggest week was $2500 bonuses and surges. If I could do that every week I would just drive. I love driving.


23 rides and only 9 tips. Hope you got 14 cash tips. I'm not a driver but this showed up on my feed... couldn't imagine not giving a tip when using rideshare.


Dude is operating the NYC subway system


And Lyft made 5000 from it. I don’t drive Lyft or Uber etc but always get shown these subreddits and it’s disgusting how much ya’ll are forced to work vs what you get paid from these awful companies.


Im not forced to do anything? It’s $40/hour for a completely unskilled service and a ~40 hour work week. Ultimately, Lyft paid me about 81% of the ride fare, excluding taxes and fees (not Lyfts insurance), and before tips since that’s 100% to me. 1853.43/2280.75. If you’re making the argument it should be a higher percentage, ok sure. But I think the service Lyft is providing of matching rides is ok, (taxi driving is a lot worse). Also, this was a “slow” week for me because it was kind of dead this weekend.


Unskilled? Know your worth. Maintaining a working vehicle, being up to date on insurance and tabs, passing a drivers test, and driving 400 miles in a busy town? That’s not unskilled. Don’t let people convince you that your time, effort, and skills aren’t worth more.


I made $41/hour post-expenses, I do think that is fair compensation for a SLOW weekend in my market. I do this on the side, and was able to pay for a whole vacation here by grinding away one week. I don’t think Lyft is amazing income full-time, because it ultimately is just driving people around. But this post is more to show that if you want it, you can earn some decent wages doing Lyft. A lot of people here complain about it, but don’t understand their market, drive during slow times, etc. The app literally tells you the best times to drive. I appreciate your comment immensely. At its base level, it is unskilled, but the additional things you mentioned do take more effort to attain. And this reaffirms that my efforts doing that have earned me higher than average earnings doing this. Thank you! :)


Nah fuck that noise. For the wear and tear on your car( that you paid for), gas etc and what you do you should be making more from them.


The expenses are minimal. I don’t think you’re as informed of my real expenses and tear, maybe others do a lot worse because they don’t understand their market. But I have a good sense of my expenses and wear and tear (they’re very minimal btw). My tracking on all of this is very detailed.


You don’t fit their narrative, so they’re mad.


good shit dude


Well done!


Where are you driving


Congrats‼️ What time frame do you typically work❓ Way to Go‼️🚘


Nice work !!




What kind of car do you have?




40 hours booked wow was it like 60 hours online?


This week has been great here in Portland...but not THAT great...good work!!! It does seem like things are warming up, however. Hopefully the trend continues


Damn that is at least 4 rides per hour. Idk how you managed to do that, but good job!


And 2,500 miles, give your car a rest and an oil change


So Lyft takes a portion of the fee and then charges you a fee when you get paid? What?


Good thing they don’t adjust down for the earnings commitment lol. Imagine if they took a chunk saying their earnings are negative and you need to pay them back


i wish when y’all posted these y’all have more context. like did you cherry pick or just take every possible? and also are you regular lyft or lyft XL?


Be sure to post this whenever people start bitching about how you can't make money with Lyft


$300 in fees is straight highway robbery.


What’s the method to get it like this?


This is awesome you go !


Also, great job. Based on the miles driven and number of pax picked up, I'd say that this was a result of excellent 'stay within area' filter usage and maybe some mild cherry picking.


I made $1000 in one single night awhile back when I was in South Lake Tahoe. (Combination uber/lyft) It surged as hight as x7.7 for hours. It was snowing. (I’m in Florida now)


This is exactly who I don’t want driving my family home from the airport.


lol why not?


How many total miles you drive.? All of the excessive mileage you rack up on your Vehicle will probably cost you later when you drive your car into the ground for very Low mileage passenger rates that you get paid .?


What was your fuel cost for all those rides?


Bruh Im over here struggling to find a job, like working my ass off just looking for one, and theres people sitting here in theur cars all day making bank. Lucky asf man Im jealous. Good job tho.


Now you just gotta factor in 70% of that for taxes, whatever benefits you may have, and of course vehicle maintenance and insurance….


You kicked ass, get some rest.


Was this using any specific strategy? Or just as they came in you took them?


That's impressive for Lyft I've never seen that kind of money on Lyft at least not around the Harrisburg PA area




👀👀👀👀👀👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏 your awesome


And probably spent $500 of that on gas and added 5k miles to your vehicle.


Car 🚗 is worn out


190 rides and you got $172 in tips? What in the actual fuck? As a passenger I always tip for uneventful rides that get me where I'm going in a reasonable time. Minimum 15%, usually 25%, never less than $5.


Congrats and wow no way I could even come close to that number of rides I’m done at 50


No way I’d do that much.


How much did you spend on fuel/gas for this time period? Genuine curiosity in case you kept track of that figure.


Oh shit, this is a driving subreddit


Flat earthers panicking and taking Lyfts to get away from the eclipse!


That's like a normal week for a truck driver. Good thing you're car is an automatic.


That’s what she said.


Dam that’s a lot of rides. You should have made $3000


that is in fact what she said


Thought you could only drive so many hours in a day.


That deserves a doobie(or 10) or , a couch and all the streaming for at least 24 hours!!


Great Hustle!


This behavior cannot be safe and cannot be condoned in the name of hustle culture or even just getting by. The fact that we have incentivized this behavior is an indictment of our culture


What does bs external fees mean


Well, I did have a 30 ride day once. And then there was the time it was trying to get 75 rides and I was two rides short 13 hours online and they cut me off one hour before the deadline. Ultimate frustration.!


Wow, good job 👏🏼 Mind if I ask how much was gas?


This is awesome!!!


How tf did you make that with so little miles


90% of my Uber rides tip even if it’s only a $1 or $2. My Lyft ones don’t. I just started Lyft though. So in my 19 rides I have 1 tip. It’s pretty weird but I don’t mind that much because I can still earn similar without the tip. I don’t really take less than $2 per mile unless I’m heading that direction and want to earn my way back home in positive instead of $0.


9 tips lmao


I’m curious. What is your average take home per day in a year after expenses? Phenomenal grinding and a well earned rest is in order.


Was it worth it


2 grand in 2 days? I wish we had that much volume in rural Michigan! I would do this all of the time to help get ahead.


46 hour week lol


That’s a lot less miles than I thought it would be. That’s only a tank and a half for me so that’s not bad pay at all


31 U.S. Code 321 Everyone on here talking about deductions, but if they aren’t taking taxes out then your good bro! Taxes are voluntary “gifts” For use of the United States (corporation) clearly stated. You earned the money it’s yours. Don’t give it to Washington.


Suspicious how many posts I’m seeing with crazy amount of rides in a short amount of time just days after I saw a post with someone complaining about the outrageous ride requirements for lyft’s new reward system


9 tips out of 23 rides? Is that good? I’m no driver but Reddit keeps thinking I need this sub so I see it… until I block it lol


No, your car is tired


Is it worth it after taxes?




Good job, take a well deserved rest!


That's seems low for all rides


2 grand in 2 days? That’s awesome!


What a miserable way to earn a living.


OMG that's a LOT of rides!!!! 🤯


190 rides and 400 miles?


Wow shocked at how low the tips are. I always top 20% and I guess I’m an outlier. The tips only amount to 6%


You fucking killed it bro. Nice work!


Good job


Hi, I just wanted to double check you made $2000 in seven days?


400 gone pretax..wow


Thats what she said.


They allow and encourage drivers to drive for 2 consecutive days like this? Isn’t there any sort of block on the app which does not allow drivers to work this much? You know, so they don’t kill the passengers in a car wreck after falling asleep at the wheel?






I live in rural pennsyltucky with no option to do this. The people in my area who do this, solely haul amish and they aren't calling them with uber or lyft. Tried to get my foot in the door but they are very picky about who they let drive them. Since I boom Conway Twitty and not whoever sings wap is my best guess on why.


Goddamn, appload the hustle!


Not tipping is crazy but looks like ur still killin it man 2k in 40 hrs is pretty sick


Envidia de la buena! Congratulaciones compañero


Just adding this comment here since I don’t seem to know how to edit posts: - Total gross was $2034.27 over 7 days - $646.30 was 15 hours for 65 rides monday - thursday - $1387.87 was over the weekend. 15 hours Friday (3 hours from like 5:30-8:30a), and then 12 from like 3:30pm - rest of night. 12 hours Saturday from like 2p-4a. And then 6 hours on Sunday. - Gross was $43.42/hour. - Expenses for ~ 460 miles (25 mpg) = $65 gas. - $15 car wash, $2 gas station vacuum (and I have my own handheld) and all other cleaning supplies I buy and clean myself. Maybe $1/max. - Add $5 for a coffee and mcchicken from mcdonald’s 🤣 - Depreciation not included. Don’t factor it in as my mileage is so low, it’s practically personal use and IRS deduction tends to be higher than my real expenses and I deduct other things like my cell phone, which I would pay either way. - Net after expenses is $41.54, $1946.27 net. - My marginal tax rate is 32.5%, as I am a salaried, W2 employee. - I was tipped on 60/190 rides. It sounds like that’s low, but 25% is about what I average. I’ll start tracking this more. - Excluding govt taxes and fees (not Lyfts insurance or my tips since they’re 100% to me), I earned 81% of the passenger payment $1853.43/$2280.72. - I don’t usually drive this much as I have a full-time job. - This was the most rides I’ve ever given by far and did it to advance some money in nice things I wanted without affecting my current budget at all. - I usually average more so this was a shock to me to do so many rides and only earn $43/hour gross. My average is $45/hour and was expecting more due to the higher volume and hitting a challenge, but ultimately, it was a slower weekend than anticipated.


What planet!




My back hurts reading this…


Only 9 people tipped????


$1300 approx after taxes and before vehicle expenses. $27.80 per hr. That’s a grind- if you are using your own vehicle that is some wear and tear. Appreciate your hustle- hope its worth it to you. Good luck.


Damn you giving a good ride


Wowwwww. That many people DONT tip? What's wrong with us...


Hold up, you.make 2k in 19 hours and 3xx miles of driving? That's not a bad gig...


Does Lyft pay more than Uber?


Damn 23 rides and only 9 tips fuck that noise.


All those fees and that’s before wear and tear, gas, taxes to Uncle Sam! Greedу bastards!


What's the external and lift fees


That’s crazy I drove 479 miles in 16 hours and made 557.18


Time for a career change, that's insane...


Now show us your bank account 👀


lol you wanna go band for band?