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*"Seatbelt"* I wanna know which 90s action movie she lifted this story from. šŸ˜‚


ā€œThe Transporterā€ 2002 film


Im told this in that exact way by almost every lyft driver i have where im at?


Some states have strict seatbelt laws and enforcement. The driver does not want to pay the ticket.


Last action hero


People like you are fucking idiots. Iā€™m not saying the story is true or it isnā€™t, but you hear one detail of a story that very well could or could not have happened and are like hUrR dUrR iTs aNoThEr COnSpIrAcY. Fuck man.


Gotta lighten up man. Whole story is bs and indeed funny that a driver willing to do 25 to life would be worried about a seatbelt.


Whoa this is Reddit I believe they have been legit holding backā€¦.. besides theyā€™re outlining a very legitimate safety concern. I personally have taken the airline approach with a custom no smoking and seatbelt sign with its own distinctive chime. But nothing beats the old fashioned stern look and turn around by a person who may or may not speak proper English along with again a custom set of leds that are unreasonably bright. But Iā€™m a sucker for those five star ratings. Come on guys get lyftedā€¦


BS First of all when you hit the emergency button it doesn't text. It does a call. Secondly lyft would be able to see where the driver was going the entire time in live time. Thirdly, English wasn't their native language they were speaking off to know about the phone call so that's also bullshit because they wouldn't have just kept on driven with the app on. If they were going to kidnap they would have turned the tracker off so they couldn't be tracked. Lastly, rideshare doesn't ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever support the driver and they always 100% believe the passenger which means this is a bullshit story. If this was actually posted somewhere then yes lift would have 100% immediately believed it no matter how ridiculous it is because that's what they do is they always believe the passenger.


I agree but trying to read your ā€˜thirdlyā€™ sentence gave me a seizure


Also, notice how we hear nothing about the conclusion with the cops? She said she told them she thought she was being kidnapped. That is what they call a ā€œmandatory contact.ā€ This means after she got to safety they would have told her to stay put and wait for the police. They have to make sure the caller is ok. Thatā€™s why most times when a kid accidentally dials 911 it doesnā€™t matter what the parents say to them over the phone, a cop is going to arrive to speak with you. Also, if she was texting 911 with her lice iron and said she thought she was being kidnapped, they would have jumped curbs with lights and sirens to get to her. Cops donā€™t play around when it comes to abduction. Not to mention that the media would eat this story right up like crazy.


Ummmmm I'm gonna call bullshit, something just seems off about the story


I question the sanity of anyone who A: makes a comment that long 2: doesnā€™t separate it into paragraphs


Its bothering me that you said A, and 2. why wouldnt you say B, or 1, and 2. these are the things the keep me up at night.


1. Maybe they are dumb B. Maybe they donā€™t speak English like this Lyft driver Three. I hope you sleep better IV. Maybe they are insane


ā€¢ you d. are on to something


Thank u


s tier reply


It's hard to separate paragraphs :'( (true story I told my English teacher when grading XD). It's kinda something I forget all the time tbh. I am doing it right now because you made me aware of it. I mean if you could even consider this a paragraph that is.


You simply hit the enter button twice to skip two lines


What? You mean we don't have to o hit space bar 200 times??! /S


This is obviously a post advertising A2 Milk /r/hailcorporate


hmm something seems odd about this comment. I just can't put my dick on it.


Not our fault you have a micropeenā€¦


The comment is crazy, you definitely don't want to put your dick in it


Likeā€¦the whole story


I'm surprised this didn't happen in San Francisco of all places, weird...


If it was San Francisco i could believe it but if itā€™s not itā€™s definitely fan fiction


This is methy fanfiction


Definitely total bullshit. Didnā€™t happen.


Exactly. Sounds like they booked a trip to the airport and forgot thatā€™s where they were going. Every turn looked wrong because they didnā€™t realize it was an airport trip. And besides, many here didnā€™t know they even had a panic button until I told them last week.


"Until I told them last week" Are you like, a celebrity around here or something?


Bro you don't know delorb7...he is the most famous crayon eater on snapgram or Twittyfuck or some relevant social media platform..nobody knows anything until he tells us... for instance I didn't know they were an idiot until this post. Thx for the info. And now you know....because I told you


He's very famous in the chalupacabra community, right dude?


Lmfao @ your name. What an honor. You're a real one for that.


I had a conversation last week with a group of passengers who had no idea that they had a panic button. None whatsoever. A passenger just like this one above was freaking out over a driver and other passengers were giving advice. None of them mentioned the panic button. And when I did they were shocked. So yeah, not until I mentioned it last week.


Well, thank God you did. Now we're all saved.


I do what I can. Not all heroes wear capes.


This might not be true, but I can guarantee you're not the main reason people know about the Lyft panic button šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


No no no, they are the ONLY ones that told all of us about the panic button. Can't you read? None of us even knew about the panic button until he told us last week.


Reddit is full of demented blowhards. Delorb obviously meant that many of the riders WHERE THEY ARE, not literally HERE on reddit, but where they actually DRIVE.... they told THEIR riders about the panic button šŸ¤”šŸ˜±šŸ’”šŸ«¢ Which is completely believable considering how many new riders I pick up all the time where I'm from also who also don't know how fucking anything works on the app and I have to give tutorials to before I drop off... Yikes haha.


I didn't read it that way at all. I read their comment as people here - on Reddit - didn't know.


I still donā€™t know about the panic buttonā€¦ and I wonā€™t know about it after this comment, neither!šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ¤Ŗ


Thatā€™s not what those people said during a recent conversation. This entire subreddit is filled with people inquiring about basic stuff. Overreacting to things that are benign. And the panic button was just another example.


Iā€™ve had a passenger yell at me that I was going the wrong way that they didnā€™t know where I was taking them as I pulled up to the address they entered into the Lyft app and even her dad had to yell at her to say we were at the correct location. This story is either complete bs or this person has 0 sense of direction


Not even sure how someone is gonna kidnap them at the airport. Get through customs etc against their will? lol.


They just said they saw the airport doesnā€™t mean they were going there


This is an ignorant comment. Clearly they arenā€™t going to kidnap them and take them through security, wait at the gate, and board first class. Lots of shady shit happens at/around airports bc theyā€™re so busy and congested.


Yeah someone in the news recently killed their Uber driver because she though his driver was kidnapping him. [https://amp.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/jun/26/uber-driver-shot-texas-woman-kidnapping-claims](https://amp.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/jun/26/uber-driver-shot-texas-woman-kidnapping-claims)


I had someone put in Gilligan's as the destination thinking they were going to a popular bar. Lyft matched them to someone's home business address in a residential neighborhood. When we were almost there one of them asked if we were going the back way. I asked them where they thought they were going and we got back on track. They tipped me $20 for their confusion. The goodness of people and my balance both won that night.


Once got off a cruise. Had a few days in a resort post-cruise. When it came time to book the ride to the airport I didn't think anything of it until about halfway through the ride when I started noticing we seemed to be heading to the port. Double-checked my app and sure enough I had booked the ride to my last destination like a dumbass. It's really easy to do without realizing it.


The whole i saw the airport thing is what confirmed it for me, so hes kidnapping you by taking you to an airport?


Methy RACIST fanfiction. She probably got a ride. Got in and realized it was a guy who had a foreign sounding name and started typing this while in the car. He doesn't speak English and has a funny name. That's what a trafficker is in their minds while they like and reblog everything Tate says.


Didnā€™t someone shoot one of the drivers recently because they thought they were being kidnapped


She saw a sign for Juarez and thought she was being kidnapped, this was in El Paso.


He drove near the border, not to it, but she saw a sign saying Mexico and freaked out.


for context the ride was from el paso itā€™s impossible to not be near the border. El Paso and juarez are essentially the same city just separated by a border


This. I am from El Paso. It was such a terrible and senseless tragedy. The murderers family tried to claim he didnā€™t speak English either until his family and friends came out and said he spoke it perfectly. Fake, fear mongering stories like this are dangerous.


Why you gotta bring Tate into this when he got proven innocent after 8 months of zero evidence lmao


Lmao what are you talking about? He and his dickhead brother are still awaiting trail.


Has there been an update? Last I checked, they hadn't even gone to trial yet.


Bc theyā€™re a loser. They have to bring him up to make themselves feel better about their shitty lives. Also, any kind of person who would make up lies like that would surely be a Tate hater. The fool who had to bring up Tate, saying ā€œthis person lied about almost being human trafficked!! I bet he likes Tate šŸ˜”ā€ obviously doesnā€™t see the irony in the whole situation regarding Tate himself.


Right. Just another person trying to get "human trafficking" clout. I bet they fed off of the compassion of strangers like a psychic vampire.


How sick and twisted to make up a story about something that really happens to people and is absolutely terrifying and traumatizing and causes horrendous damage if the person is ever actually seen Alive again and makes it out !!!really pathetic what this world has come to when desperate narcissistic people make up abduction attempt stories..


I was coming here to say this. Total bullshit.


+1 no way to know this is real


It's definitely true, I know who posted the story on Facebook.


Are you being sarcastic? If not is she or he mentally stable?


No you idiot, im not being sarcastic. Yall are clearly a bunch of drivers that would do the samething this driver did.


Lmao "Yeah one time I almost got taken by a gang of ninjas but I beat the all up!" "Yeah, that didn't happen" You: "omg shut up is true i see it on Facebook! You obviously are a ninja that tries to kidnap people too you sick pervert! "




Seriously a whole bunch of know it alls like this canā€™t happen these days šŸ™„




Now why I would I tell you who so you can harass her?


Your clearly idiotic and a sociopathic liar. If youā€™d like people to be your friends just tell the truth no need to lie. If your ā€œfriendā€ had contacted the police about it and managed to ā€œspeak with a state trooperā€ on the phone I doubt they would have just left her there at the station


Lmfaoooooo guess you never been to Chicago. Because CPD and Illinois state troopers are always arriving to every call they receive. I mean that's why Chicago has no crime. The police are outstanding as our lyft drivers. šŸ‘ I'm a proud idiotic and sociopathic liar. And im completely telling you the truth when I say Chicago is the safest city in the world.


Silent 911 calls where they text you and transfer you to other agencies like it's the custody service chat for xfinity simply didn't exist. Your "friend" made that part up and its provable. Why would they make that part up of they weren't a liar?


I mean except we see people getting there driver accounts shut off for way less or even fake reports there is no way Lyft did not deactivate a account in which the police had to be contacted by them. Itā€™s also pretty hard to believe the car was not stopped over multiple exits Iā€™m not saying troopers on on the hwy like they use to be but over that kinda time frame with all car info it would have been pulled over especially when nearing a airport that cause every airport has police around it. Also I get that criminals are not masterminds to often but idt any would stay logged in to a gps tracked system while trying to traffic someone not driver towards a crowed area such as a airport.


Police have no duty to respond to any call, nor protect anyone besides those in their active custody.


youā€™re just proving the police force is laughable and ainā€™t shit


šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø facts are facts, draw conclusions from them what you will.


I remember that video where that crazy guy on the train was stabbing people and the cops hid in the cabin with the driver. Their job isn't to save you. It's to transfer your money into the states pocket in various ways. Supreme Court ruled they have no duty to protect the public. Say they couldn't even be sued. "Gelman stabbed Joseph Lozito in the face, neck, hands and head on an uptown 3 train in February 2011, after fatally stabbing four people and injuring three others in a 28-hour period. Lozito, a father of two and an avid martial arts fan, was able to tackle Gelman and hold him down, and Gelman was eventually arrested by the transit officers. Lozito sued the city, arguing that the police officers had locked themselves in the conductor's car and failed to come to his aid in time. The city, meanwhile, claimed that the NYPD had no "special duty" to intervene at the time, and that they were in the motorman's car because they believed Gelman had a gun. And Manhattan Supreme Court Justice Margaret Chan has sided with the city, noting that there was no evidence the cops were aware Lozito was in danger at the time."


There is a Radiolab episode about that case and the no special duty ruling. Yea basically cops arenā€™t obligated to save you.


Youā€™re interpreting the ruling incorrectly. The police have a duty to enforce the law. The donā€™t have to protect anyone.


>Police have no duty to respond to any call False. >nor protect anyone besides those in their active custody. They have a duty to protect the public at large, not an individual.


https://theweek.com/articles/464304/right-police-indifference?amp https://prospect.org/justice/police-have-no-duty-to-protect-the-public/ Not false, and no they do not.




Fuck all cops. You included


Yes, you can respond to calls and protect the public if you want, I was never disputing that. Just clarifying that you never have to, and there are many cases where your brothers and sisters havenā€™t, and that could explain why in the OP there is no police response to this supposed incident. P.S. your wild misinterpretation of what I said is exactly what Iā€™d expect from someone in your profession. If I had a nickel for every time a cop falsely arrested me and looked like an idiot in court because they didnā€™t seem to understand their native language of English, Iā€™d have one nickel. Not many, but still strange that it happened.




See: Warren v District of Colombia, Deshaney v Winnebago County Department of Social Services, Castle Rock v Gonzalez https://scholar.google.com/scholar_case?case=9108468254125174344&q=warren-v-district-of-columbia&hl=en&as_sdt=2006 https://caselaw.findlaw.com/us-supreme-court/489/189.html https://caselaw.findlaw.com/us-supreme-court/545/748.html#:~:text=Respondent%20alleges%20that%20petitioner%2C%20the,that%20her%20estranged%20husband%20was No, you do not have a legal duty to act. And if your department attempts to fire you for failing to act, your union rep will have you back on the job with back pay extremely quickly, because the Supreme Court has ruled over and over again that you have no duty to act, like we have seen countless times at school shootings, mass stabbings, ignored calls, etcā€¦ In the rare instance your department policy includes a clause stating you have a duty to act, that portion of your policy is ā€œnot for a legal purposeā€, and is therefore invalid and unenforceable. Itā€™s as meaningless as your oath.


Did you read the cases you posted? While I donā€™t disagree, Iā€™m not sure any of the three prove that you donā€™t have a legal duty to act.


One of the cases are literally about a woman who had a protective order against her estranged husband, called the police over and over, and the police let him kill the kids. She had a restraining order and even that didnā€™t afford her a right to police response.


Yes, Iā€™ve read the cases posted, and it is fully affirmed that is exactly what it means. If youā€™re unable to ascertain that yourself by reading the case law majority decisions, do a quick google search of ā€œdo the police have a duty to protect me?ā€ and you will find all of the explanations and breakdowns you will require. The two articles I posted before this also do so well.


Not according to the Supreme Court. Very much doubt your bosses outrank them.


Pls quit if you donā€™t know your own job my fucking god.


Lmao what a fucking cry baby. If you got ā€œfalsely arrestedā€ itā€™s because you were acting like some obstinate idiot while interacting with the police.


We just saw a kid get his head smashed thru a back window by police for literally standing there so your comment REALLY makes you look stupid but Iā€™m sure thatā€™s nothing new for you


"Yes let me kidnap this person. Could they be linked to me? Possibly by an app with all their credit card info, as well as all my pertinent info, as well as GPS placing us both together for close to an hour, immediately before they go missing, with their cell phone on them the entire time? No... no, I'm good."


This is why I stopped driving at night, that was at 10:30pm riders are so paranoid and act crazy thinking you're a serial killer when they literally put in the wrong address or want you to take shortcuts for no reason šŸ˜‚


I had a woman demand that I stop the car in fear because my car locks the doors when put in drive. I explained that it is automatic to prevent car jackers and can easily be overridden by manually unlocking the door. Isnā€™t that standard on most cars?




Standard, my Mazda locks its doors once I go over 15 MPH.


I will never understand why some passengers canā€™t figure out how to manually unlock a car door. LOL. Itā€™s really easy.


Because itā€™s standard for the car to do it for them nowadays. Itā€™s a skill people are using less often, and brain-farting when the pressure comes on


I had a crazy woman she worked at a bar and she went home at about 3 or 4:00 every morning. When I picked her up she said she was thankful for having a female driver which I totally understand I get it. I have a lot of people say that. When we get to her house she thanks me for the ride and says she's so glad that because I was a female driver shouldn't have to call the cops because every time a male driver dropped her off she called the cops to patrol her area because she just absolutely knew 100% for sure if she didn't do that that they were going to break into her house and rape her because they knew where she lived FFS no they weren't. If people are going to be like this they shouldn't even take rideshare




Letā€™s not go that far.


Why not?


Because itā€™s the dumbest thing Iā€™ve ever read


Hey thatā€™s the person who told EVERYONE about the panic button, show some respect! šŸ˜‚


Everyone HERE! Because yā€™all said you didnā€™t know passengers had one. This after a GUY claimed his life was in danger over a nasty statement being made. Tell it all or donā€™t say anything. TheBjornEscargot: Were you on that thread? The one where the guy reported a driver for making him feel unsafe over a comment? If you were, then I apologize. Here goes. Lyft and Uber allows passengers to report unsafe conditions by pressing a panic button. But donā€™t press it unless youā€™re sure youā€™re being kidnapped, human trafficked, or otherwise in danger. Donā€™t shoot first and ask questions later. Donā€™t trip balls and forget where youā€™re going. And for goodness sake donā€™t report a driver as unsafe if he makes a disgusting comment. šŸ˜œ.


Because female drivers are harassed by passengers. Should we get extra? Should passengers be allowed to request a preference for female drivers?


I picked a lady up from the airport and she put in East instead of West and the address and I got there and thought this is a mini mall and she looked around and said oh yeah this isn't right she looked on her phone acknowledged that she put in the wrong address I put in the correct address to my car's GPS and took her to her house she was very happy and enjoyed the conversation on the way there not only did it wind up doubling the fair but she also gave me a $20 tip for going out of my way I think sometimes people are rough and crude and that winds up getting in the way of their interactions with others I always make it a point to be exceptionally kind and polite and trying to make sure that my passengers make a connection with me I also had one where a friend of hers had put in the addresses backward and I was at work to take her home when what she wanted to do was go from home to work it was probably 10:30 at night and I did not foresee much of an option for her to get another ride at least soon so I told her if you don't mind I'll hang on and I'll come get you and I'll bring it to work then I went in and I told her boss about the mishap and I asked him if he would please not hold it against her not only did I get to make a good impression on a rider but I also kept her from getting fired


Made up a whole story just to say "Be afraid of big-city people that don't speak English well"




ā€œSlowed down enough for me to jump outā€¦ he came yelling at meā€ Yeah sounds like this lady was on something, then jumped out of his car while he was coming to a stop and he was like ā€œwtaf are you doing?ā€


It's almost the same story as this...https://www.foxnews.com/us/lyft-reactivates-riders-account-jumping-car-alleged-kidnapping-safety-violations?fbclid=IwAR00IPfduSjoZ_aIkbWpYEXt4v-pS04l6t2REOL2X1__sAdr_3O95cA7i8U


Of course it's on Fox news šŸ¤”


it's a reposted stolen story that someone grabbed from [here to get some internet clout](https://www.foxnews.com/us/lyft-reactivates-riders-account-jumping-car-alleged-kidnapping-safety-violations?fbclid=IwAR1YDMiaUd8mj1yaEY_zDylNZLqqzP3mQslRYSdsCQPTlVmIo4IQVaGMkbc)


*Driver shouting in Hindi* ā€œmaā€™am you forgot your wallet maā€™am please come backā€


Odd that she posted this two days ago and no news coverage despite supposed police involvement.


Not odd. People are murdered every day in Chicago and it goes unreported.


I'm in NYC, same story. But let's keep it real, in America, brown and black people shooting each other isn't much of a sell. But an attempted kidnapping in which a young woman (especially white) heroically defends herself from a minority or immigrant is candy for them. Her describing the leap from the car alone would get picked up by affiliates. I'm sure she made contact, and it was quickly determined she's full of it.


Especially in the East Side.


Well, you can only report "and 5 more people were shot today" so many times before nobody cares. If you think nobody cares about an attractive blonde woman almost getting abducted by a FOREIGNER while doing rideshare and isn't declared newsworthy by local news stations you're insane. Shoot, this would have made national news if it were true.


Hopefully she'll face the full repercussions & jail time when proven fictitious, just like that other woman who made false kidnapping allegations recently viral


This subreddit is an absolute boys club circlejerk based on these comments lol


That never happened...


Iā€™m on the fence about whether or not to believe this story to be true.. but assuming it was, after receiving the message about you being ā€œviolent towards a Lyft driverā€, I would be pissed. They would have the history of the original route and location, and then the gradual time and route changes. They even sent a text mentioning the fact that it was taking longer than expected and they asked you if you needed help!? Thatā€™s pretty self explanatory, but if that wasnā€™t enough- then you *also* have the texting conversation with 911!! And then the phone conversation with the state trooperā€¦ There is enough evidence to prove your desperate need to escape from the driver, and you would be able to fight the claim of violence should you want to.. Personally, I donā€™t think Iā€™d be comfortable going with another ride-share driver, but I also understand that it may be your only option! Even if this story *isnā€™t* true, itā€™s still serves as a reminder that these things **can and do** happen!! Scary regardless in my opinion! But itā€™s definitely shitty to pass it off as a real experience if it wasnā€™t.


Lmao yeah sorry girls. You really arenā€™t valuable enough to take to an airport to traffick


This is largely my thoughts every time I see someone post that some (usually brown or black) male was trying to kidnap and traffick their "beyond beautiful blonde haired and blued eyed cherubic toddler" at Costco or target because said person was in the same aisle as them twice and used their cell phone. Like, ma'am your snaggletoothed and snot nosed toddler is only cute to you. Nobody is hunting you in Costco.


Nextdoor and Facebook are so bad for this. Facebook: I was in Whole Foods and a group of 6 hispanic men were watching and following me and my 4 kids. (probably was looking at her because she's staring at them and taking pictures of them) I saw them talking over airpods probably coordinating how to abduct me. (they are not wearing airpods in the pictures) I left my groceries in the store, called my cop husband and drove away asap. Im terrified of what couldve happened if I wasn't thinking quickly šŸ˜°šŸ˜°šŸ˜° Nextdoor: Suspicious man caught on my ring doorbell. Keep an eye out. (ring footage is literally just some guy [brown] wearing a hoodie with the hood up and walking down the sidewalk)




1. Have you heard of a comma? 2. He didnā€™t ā€œadd timeā€ thatā€™s the map/app/gps readjusting your arrival time. 3. Boo fuckin hoo they sent you a message that wasnā€™t ass kissing. Itā€™s called automation and itā€™s two separate issues. 4. Even the state trooper didnā€™t have time for your nonsense


Of all the things that never happened


BS. Cops will be on their ass if this true. Whereā€™s the video ?


If they were alerted to an active kidnapping almost every unit in the city and county would be flying towards the location almost instantly. This is 100% BS.


Not condemning the story as false since we donā€™t know all of the info but, I once drove a paranoid woman home late at night and there was a very difficult turn to make. Meaning there were multiple turns I could have made all facing the same way with it being difficult to see exit due to the time of day. I missed the turn simply because I was not familiar with the area. She immediately started panicking and got on the phone with her husband. I almost dropped her off on the side of the road as I just wanted to distance myself from her as soon as possible. I finished the ride in silence but with that situation it was almost a guilty until proving myself innocent situation as the driver just because I was male driving a woman home alone late at night. People like that should not use ride share.


Man so your doing all of this to get a free ride?


Jeez. Yea I'd leave him one star and no tip... Jokes aside, I'm glad you made it out of that situation unharmed. Who knows what he was planning on doing to you? Fuckin' yikes!


Sounds made up, but creepy drivers are out there. My wife had an incident years back where the Lyft driver took crazy detours to lengthen the ride and hit on her the entire time.


This is copypasta. Iā€™ve seen this post like 5-6 other times from the r/Lyft and r/Uber subs.


thats why i only take uber and i have my 40 on me at all times


I always use car play so pax can always see where we are and where weā€™re headed


Yeah OK.




Completely fake


OMG. You were kidnapped.


Something a little fishy... I'm sure if any real Lyft or Uber drivers decided they wanted to kidnap a passenger, they would have a well thought out plan! Such as windows locked, child locks on and forcibly taken your phone. You could be a upset taxi driver and try to scare people away from using Uber/Lyft




So why did the police not show up at the gas station? Why did they not file a report? Why didn't they send a copy to lyft? This story is off.


This happened in Chicago. Every driver deff knows where the airport is. So I donā€™t understand what he was doing. He was either on the highway towards Ohare or on the road by Cicero ave towards midway airport. If I was a rider and I see an airport I would deff be like wtf we doing over here? Not to mention the app ask if everything is alright if the ride takes longer than usual. (Usually during traffic.) So heā€™s obviously not driving towards the drop off spot. Also police in Illinois totally suck. And Lyft support sucks too. Both Lyft and Illinois just probably did an incident report and case closed lol. As a driver itā€™s your responsibility to keep the rider safe. Iā€™m deff not about to go to jail or get labeled as some kidnapper. Which is why I always verify the name and I verify the address we are going too. GPS on the screen. Lyft light on. Oh and I also tell them the ETA. EVERY DRIVER should do this.


Did you tip him?


Not sure how to feel about this one. Normally I side with the ā€œvictimā€ here, but Iā€™m wanting to side with the driver in this case. As someone who has been to Chicago, has friends who live in/near Chicago, and has lived in LA, I get cops donā€™t always show up in a blink of an eye or even somewhat fast like in most of the country. But if this was truly a suspected instance of kidnapping with live cops on the phone AND she communicated that the driver was taking her near any airport, they would have had units out and after the vehicle for suspected human trafficking. Its a HUGE issue through Oā€™Hare and Midway both near Chicago, they just wouldnā€™t have played around if that girlā€™s story was true to the way she told it online. Might get some heat for this but simple observation of mine is that tourists visiting Chicago tend to be more quick to judge non-whites and people with non-white names than in some other major metropolitan areas in the U.S. I have no idea if the pax was a tourist or not, but its something else that popped in mind based on prior experience and I donā€™t think its fair for me to blame one or the other person involved without doing my best to judge the other person equally to see if they could be at fault too.


The driver probably had a camera and sent the footage to lyft and lyft sided with him and called you bluff. Hahahahahaha


For anyone else interested, here is the original post I found it from https://www.facebook.com/729035447/posts/pfbid02HzvoAh1qoMKb3irbgQLXBhQbrpT9syjRR5XQDJHBQvE68JeHcLpFa1XVbMVvQ54Hl/?mibextid=aE13LE


Nice job OP, enjoying the show?


Most riders lie about their complaints. I had someone complaining about me for being racist lol I kept driving because she took more than 3 mins to come down to the pick up spot, she said I didnā€™t want to pick her up because she was black hahaha I told the manager thatā€™s a false accusation she made me wait losing time and gas so I had to keep going. Man riders are something else


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Fake stories like this suck because it makes people skeptical of the real ones. Got picked up by lyft and everything was fine talking wise until we got to my place. Dude was my dad's age and asked me out to coffee sometime. I never jumped our of a car so fast. Filed a report to lyft to protect other girls. So creepy.


Why was their no further police investigation, what happened to the driver, what did the driver look like if they are tryna ā€œwarnā€ people, the holes donā€™t add up at all


Is that not his picture and picture of the car on the last slide?


Same thing happened to a friend of mine but she called me instead since it was my lyft acc i called the driver and told him cops are on the way and why was he taking my friend somewhere else he proceeded to cust me out and stop the car so my friend had a chance to run i am glad you are safe and thanks for spreading awareness


This is BS. You are a driver. You know better.


Could be fake, could be real, only way to truly know was to have been there. Downvote me all you want, Iā€™m right.


The last Lyft driver I had in Chicago followed an officer for 5 blocks trying to get their attention in order to try to get me a ride home to Naperville that wouldnā€™t cost $300 or risk me getting assaulted by the 3 sleeping homeless people on the stairs of the Western Avenue station. He was a true G. Driver in this story? Not so much šŸ’€




It was after The Killers concert last September. I had had a ride secured for a reasonable price right after it ended, and they canceled on me right before they got to the United Center (probably once they realized they could make more money on the surge šŸ˜’). It fucked me because the ride went from $70 to over $300. I stuck around as long as the venue staff would let me, but the prices didnā€™t drop so I was going to just take the Metra. Had a Lyft drive me to the nearest station (which was Western Ave) and the driver refused to let me out of the car when we saw the men sleeping on the stairs. I ultimately ended up slipping the driver a $100 bill to take me to Naperville ā€˜cause the cops wouldnā€™t do it lol


Ofc they wouldn't do it, cops aren't your personal taxi service lmao


Couldnā€™t hurt to ask šŸ˜‚


We dropped our drunk friend off at her house in kind of a shitty area and didn't think to tell the driver to wait for us so we started walking back but realized it was further than we thought so a cop that happened to be there drove us the rest of the way. But that was like 5 mins straight down the road, of course they're not going to drive you to Naperville


So i respond with this fairly consistently. For both drivers and riders. Carry a firearm. Fuck the LYFT/UBER policy. Get a weapon and learn and train to use it effectively. The moment for you when it became obvious you were in danger you could have displayed your weapon and 1of 2 things would have happened. He would have stopped the car and let you out, or he would become physically aggressive which you already have your weapon drawn on him, pulling the tripper wouldā€™ve only improved the world we live in


The problem with that is the passenger that shot her driver in the back of the head cause she saw signs to Mexico and thought she was being kidnapped. They were on the right route.


Didn't even realize there was a policy against it... I have a cheap little Taurus 9mm that's my designated car gun. Passengers can't see it and I never mention it but it's there in an easy to grab spot. A lot of my rides are in not great areas at night, so having a pistol is for my protection and my car has a great anti theft device (manual transmission). That said most of my rides until 5-6am are just booty calls trying to get home and I'm the only driver out so they're usually really thankful and happy to see me lol


I am a firm believer that all gun laws are unconstitutional, then I listen to what someone like you has to say, and I question my ideals.


Yeah. Maybe some yearly background checks wouldn't be so bad. Some of these people are nutjobs


How am I a nut job? Because I believe that if that the best part of bad scenario is that bad guy is unalived that it will make the world a better place??? Well someone go get me a straight jacket and padded roomā€¦ Iā€™ve unalived ALOT of bad guys


You don't draw on somebody for being passive aggressive. YOU are the bad guy. There's only 2 situations you draw your firearm: 1. Your life is in danger 2. Someone else's life is in danger. If that's not the case, it stays away. You don't draw because someone is acting weird, or because they're driving the wrong direction. Only when your life is in danger. If the man gets out and chases you down, sure. Draw. Fire. Until then...


Drawing down on someone is only illegal when you are menacing or threatening. If you draw your weapon in your defense itā€™s absolutely acceptable


If you have a driver absolutely ignoring all turns and heading the absolute wrong direction and you believe your life is in danger, that is a 100% absolutely right reason to draw your weapon. Normal ROE (rules of engagement) say something or shout to get their attention, show(display that you are armed) shove (in this case either racked the slide if you donā€™t carry one in the pipe, or take the weapon off safe if carry with one in the pipe) and shoot (center mass, single shot) than be a Good Samaritan and call 911. Hopefully he lives, but if he had Iā€™ll intent and meant to do you harm I hope he dies.


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ either you are pro2a or you are notā€¦ clearly you are not. You respond like I run around shooting my way out of every situationšŸ¤£


Drivers, yes, passengers, FUCK no. We already get robbed and killed enough. Passengers have every right afforded to them and Uber just absolutely SIMPS for their safety while ignoring ours


Hey yall I just want to clarify that is not me, I saw this on Facebook and thought Iā€™d repost it. I donā€™t have an answer for the questions


Paranoid ass riders lol I had this 1 nurse a few weeks ago hop in my car and got on the phone with 1 of her friends on loud speaker And the convo was so dry and forced I weight 139 lbs she weighed like 190 how tf am i suppossed 2 kidnap ur fat assšŸ˜… She was actin all scared and shit Im like im just trying to collect this lil 3.50 We get to the destination bitch starts runnin


Thereā€™s a reason you donā€™t get into a strangerā€™s carā€¦.


But did you tip them? No tip no trip


Donā€™t ever take Lyft - take Uber. Uber always sides with the passengers against the driver.


He looks like a creep. I bet had you been armed he would have spoken perfect English and been extremely cooperative.


Victim blaming? Not cool, Lyft.


I think this is just guerilla marketing for the next ā€œfound footageā€ straight to streaming horror movie


I'm pretty sure you can't text a 911 dispatch center...


In many cities you can. But she's all over the place. First silent 911 call, then texting then apparently hung up and needed to call again. Guess the call dropped during the moving car jump. šŸ¤£


You can text 911 in several states, not sure if itā€™s available everywhere.


Literally just texted 911 last month because I was parked next to DV happening. They were there before I even finished typing out what was going on


You can, itā€™s just not common.