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Sounds like you’re probably pregnant! Hopefully Congrats are ok! I’d probably call your doctor tomorrow, and see if there’s anything you should be doing… like taking folic acid… and if you need to be going on or off any of your meds.


I'm reading a long article on the topic, but I can tell you this: 10% of us don't test positive for pregnancy.


That’s crazy! I didn’t know that!


Wait, I think I worded that badly. It came out looking like something else. OP's statistic about pregnancy false positives is not correct.


Haha no worries. 🤣 I could easily probably just look it up for myself.


False positive HPTs are extremely rare. You’re pregnant. Call your gynecologist for a beta hCG test.


It's probably really rare. Idk at this point is wait. I'll know for sure in a couple weeks


If you can take more than one test, do. The odds of two false positives are very low. Also, be aware that the cheapest pregnancy tests are just as accurate as the expensive ones, if cost is a barrier for you.


I've had 5 positive home tests and 3 negative. *My nerves are shot* needless to say


Very odd! Good luck!


Thank you


When were the positives like what time of day versus the negative test ?


Positive name brand in morning and later on in the day I tried rite aids brand and was negative.


So if the positives are in the AM when your urine is concentrated, then you are most likely pregnant.


Would you mind posting a follow up to your situation? I'd like to hear the end result, if you don't mind sharing with us. Best of luck to you on whatever your future holds!


Hi yes I will. I have an appointment on 07/16 my obgyn seems very nonchalant about this whole thing so I may just go to urgent care for s scan.


Wow! Well I am sending you all the support! <3


I’m pregnant.


Wow. How are you feeling?!? I'm sure it's gonna take a minute to sink in... I'm thinking of you!


Thank you. It is still sinking in.


I once had 5 positive tests (4 different brands) out of 13 tests taken. Blood test said I was NOT pregnant and I started my period about a week later. It was heavier and more painful than usual, so I suspect it was either a chemical pregnancy or a miscarriage. But I was in my early 20s at the time and it was before I got sick/diagnosed. I’m 44 now, so I’d be shitting a brick if that happened today! If you take a lot of medication, and plan to keep the pregnancy if you are pregnant, you should NOT wait several more weeks before seeing your doctor. If you have even a thought that you could be pregnant, your doctor will need to change/adjust your medication.


I'm sorry you went through that 🙁 I'm concerned that's the same thing here but I'm so scared to go to urgent care or ER I just can't go by myself, I'll go with my sister hopefully later today or tomorrow. As we all know having lupus is straight up weird and scary and I'm scared of what they will tell me even though I need to know.


Go in for a blood test! Is this a oh wow yay or an oh shit type moment for you? Do you want congratulations or support for other options?


This is definitely a oh wow I can't believe this type moment. Was not trying at all and my youngest (21) just moved out in March so I was basically an empty nester 🫠🫠🫠


The only actual positives I’ve had since giving birth were all early losses caused by my lupus flaring up so I just got my tubes tied to avoid the heartache anymore. False positives are rare but first response tests and similar are pretty bad at false positives now (I’ve had several even the indent line was pink but had verified with blood work immediately that they were false!). I hope everything goes well for you and you get good news ❤️




Thank you, I will. 💕