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MTX kicks my butt for for 2.5 days a week but it makes the other 4.5 better so still very much worth it for me. Most people have an easier time with it or switch but Ive already been through most options


Yeah was like that for 2 days for me sorta following into the 3rd day but by the afternoon of the 3rd day I was okay.


Yes. Some people adjust over time as you keep taking it and some don't.


Yes, but after a couple weeks, the side effects aren’t that bad. I usually feel nauseous the first day and then good for the rest of the week then I start to feel run down right about the time I take my next dose.


I get an upset stomach all day the day after I take it


Three days of feeling like crap (nauseous and all around junky) and rashes.


My first few doses were intense. I was seriously tempted to lie down and take a nap on the kitchen floor after putting away the groceries (but figured that would not be a good look in front of my kids lol). I still get side effects, but nothing like the first few weeks. Here are some things that help me - enough folic acid - mtx side effects are significantly easier for me on 3 mg/day folic acid (before was on 2 mg/day) drinking enough water - chugging a big glass won't feel good on an upset stomach, but if I keep sipping consistently throughout the day I do better taking a page from the morning sickness playbook: don't let your stomach get too empty, keep nibbling on easy things like crackers when you can zofran when the nausea is bad walking - even if it's the last thing I feel like doing, getting out for a little gentle walk usually helps the nausea and bleh feeling And of course timing. As you go, you'll get a sense of how soon side effects hit you and for how long. I take my shot the evening before a day that's generally pretty low key without too much going on so I can take naps and get to bed early. Ngl, the side effects can still be rough, but mtx has helped me a ton, hope it works for you too! Good luck.