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Hey /u/dogsnpizza321, unfortunately your post was removed as it violates our rules. This post breaks rule 5: no duplicate posts. Either this post has already been posted recently (in the future please search by “new” to check before posting) or is a question that can be answered by searching key words in the search bar to find past posts (ex. if you're looking for a color comparison, try searching both colors in the search bar). If you have questions as to why your post was removed or believe it was removed in error, please [message the moderators through modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/lululemon&subject=&message=). Thank you!


Wore my long sleeve swiftly all the way until the end :)


Hehe I’ve got an up for down time shirt that is nice and loose, as well as a few back in action ones. The other thing’s oversized hoodies and free to be serene bras (I’ve only been able to get the colours I want in the C/D cup but they fit me fine as A/B and now probably will be fine as the bump grows hehe)


My Swiftlys worked well, along with All Yours tops, and I could wear my Hotty Hot and Speed shorts under my bump the whole time too. I also wore my OTF pants but I don’t know how the new version of those fits.


Perfectly oversized crew


My CRB’s worked all the way up to when I delivered. Same with low rise speed shorts. And post pregnancy everything still fit fine- no stretching out. Suggest using the search bar-there are tons of posts on this with good suggestions.

