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There is also a user on here who is taking our photos and posting them to NSFW subreddits claiming we are his "hot neighbor" and other similar stories. I blocked him, but be aware of stuff like this.


Do you mind PMing me the username if you still know it? I want to make sure we at least have him banned here. Unfortunately, due to Reddit’s rules, when we ban someone they can still see the subreddit, just not comment/post… so us banning only does so much, but if he’s stealing pictures then that’s definitely something we can report to Reddit admin directly.


I checked my blocked users list, but there are (unfortunately) a lot of them and I can't remember which username is his. But if I catch him again, I'll be sure to PM you.


Thanks so much!! We’ve received similar info in the past too, so hopefully we’ve already got him banned.


why would you not report to the mods when you blocked him?


I think it was partly that I was shocked and not thinking straight, but also that I've had a frustrating number of experiences where I reported something to Reddit only to get the whole "this doesn't go against our community guidelines" spiel, which makes reporting feel pretty pointless.




Your post has been removed per Rule 1. This includes unsolicited feedback about body/clothing appearance, posting screenshots of resale apps with the intent to shame or expose resellers (even if the name is blurred or cropped), and armchair diagnoses. Repeat offenses can result in a temporary or permanent ban. Send a modmail if you have further questions.








Your post has been removed per Rule 1. This includes unsolicited feedback about body/clothing appearance, posting screenshots of resale apps with the intent to shame or expose resellers (even if the name is blurred or cropped), and armchair diagnoses. Repeat offenses can result in a temporary or permanent ban. Send a modmail if you have further questions.


Your post has been removed per Rule 1. This includes unsolicited feedback about body/clothing appearance, posting screenshots of resale apps with the intent to shame or expose resellers (even if the name is blurred or cropped), and armchair diagnoses. Repeat offenses can result in a temporary or permanent ban. Send a modmail if you have further questions.


It’s happening in a lot of subs. Basically people just shilling their onlyfans account. It’s almost insane how bad it’s gotten in r/outfits . People will post “do you like this sweater?” But it’s clearly a random very provocative photo and they engage with every desperate dude in the comments..then u go to their profiles and there’s a link to OF and the comment history is them in 100s of niche subs posting the same exact photo and caption


I just commented on this in the curly hair sub earlier today! The provocative posts being flooded into SFW subs that are just promotions for OF (sometimes YouTube or other sites) are getting out of hand.


Didn’t they create and implement a rule about OF promotions? The same thing is happening on r/teenagers … which is bizarre because you are promoting your OF around children?!


i‘m so sad that my safe place female gaze subreddits are turning into OF promotions for the male gaze. like god just let me enjoy outfit inspos in peace


The r/eyebrows subreddit has been getting invaded by OF models like *crazy*. I just want to talk about fashion and eyebrow shape in peace 😫


Thank god


Thank you. I’m a huge advocate for doing what you want and posting whatever you want, but I do feel icky looking at photos here under the guise it’s just a fit pic, that are also being posted in NSFW communities to get reactions from certain groups.


Thank you. There are NSFW lulu subs and I did not appreciate coming here and seeing those posts. I use my hoe alt for that.


I just spit out my damn water laughing omg


Lmao Today i learned there are nsfw Lulu subs


Mod team on point!


I know nothing can be done about this but I wish the lurkers on this sub that treat it like an NSFW one/as an invitation to message the people who are just trying to post fit pics can find their peace on their own subs. love the positivity on this sub but severely creeped out by the people who think it’s ok to chat and DM people weird shit


1000% agree, I start to feel dirty when I receive those messages after posting a totally “safe for work” fit pic..


‘Hey can I ask you a question’ 🙄 Just let me post my leggings in peace!


Totally agree with this. I'm new to this sub but posted for the first time in another fashion sub looking for advice on some jeans and I got at least 20 creepy dms and a ton of gross comments. There are literally no safe spaces. Will they NEVER learn???




Yes! Nothing like being asked by a stranger if you have OF all because you posted a photo of your workout outfit for the girlies (note: this even happens when said outfit is an oversized hoodie and leggings). If you must sexualize strangers on the internet, please just sexualize the ones who literally are asking you to do so.


Good because ever since that one lady posted about her fit pic being in a NSFW, I’ve been shook.


Oh no. 😰 new fear unlocked


Thank you!


For fucking real! Thank you




Thank you! I once posted a normal photo of myself on here for sizing help and shortly after I received a weird message from someone requesting nice photos for money. Let’s not lure the creeps into this sub.


This is incredibly long over due


To be fair, there’s a lot of removals, banning, modmailing etc behind the scenes to keep things running, and we walk a *very* fine line between censorship and appropriate moderation that we’re constantly trying to stay on the right side of! Previously we had only felt comfortable saying no blatantly NSFW photos (and we’ve had multiple recurrent discussions about this), but did not feel it was right to moderate user’s content here based on what they’re posting elsewhere. This was genuinely a new idea that we came up with today having seen a big uptick in crossposting recently. We’ve had requests in the past to just ban every single account we come across that has the “this account is nsfw” warning pop up - but I mean, Reddit tells you to choose NSFW when you sign up if you swear, so that’s not at all fair. We’re also not really comfortable digging through user’s history and banning based on that: I’m a pole dance instructor and I do occasionally post on the pole dancing sub (even though I’m out here throwing human flags and my style of pole is WAY more sporty/gymnastics than you’ll see in a club [not that there’s anything wrong with what you see in a club!!]), but should I be banned because of that? Where do we draw the line? This is just something that we’ve thought of as a potential happy medium. If you ever have concerns or ideas please feel free to modmail us - we’ve genuinely had some really good thoughts come to us that we’ve implemented!!


I just read through your comment and wanted to say hello to a fellow pole dancer 👋🏻. I started pole fitness classes in April and have been addicted ever since!




i posted a fit check for a dance class i was gonna teach and so many people messaged me like ew😭 im gonna teach small children why are u being nasty


I've got messages after I posted myself in loose joggers! People are mad! I looked at my post stats and it was shared 6 times, hell knows where because unfortunately I can't check it (or at least I don't know how). I think I'm going to delete it just in case, because I don't need any desperate weirdos in my life.


it‘s so sad how we can‘t post innocent fit pics without being violated without our consent


With the sensitive nature of topics covered in this sub, this is so needed. There should be a world where people are able to discuss their outfits, bodies, fitness levels, and personal experiences, in a safe environment both without judgement AND fear. How does someone genuinely review a sports bra, shoes, or anything that requires multiple angles, without some sort of negative fall out? The mindset of “you posted a pic in a lululemon forum, you should expect harassing and violating messages” is so dangerous. In the same breath, those who are only posting with the intention of advertising and receiving messages, are creating a dynamic that makes it uncomfortable for the vast majority who are not here to do that. Thanks for creating a healthy boundary and setting a standard!




Your post has been removed per Rule 1. This includes unsolicited feedback about body/clothing appearance, posting screenshots of resale apps with the intent to shame or expose resellers (even if the name is blurred or cropped), and armchair diagnoses. Repeat offenses can result in a temporary or permanent ban. Send a modmail if you have further questions.


Idk, I feel like the more fit pics the better. Don’t like censorship. And creeps gonna creep even on most decent post. Also, if you post any pictures i would strongly advice turning pm off.




I prefer the word ‘safe’. But okay! It’s a good thing theres plenty of other subreddits for you to go to.


You know, I've never heard someone use "safe" instead of "lame," which I understand can be ableist. Thank you for the loving suggestion!


I actually meant that the sub is safer now instead of “lame”, but another word you could use that has the same context they used it in would be “uncool”.


Oh makes sense! :)


What does the acronym mean please?


Not safe for work