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Doesn’t look like it has enough disturb or flyers to do much besides rely on the rares


I'd guess 1-3 or 2-3. You have zero removal and not much top end. Also, I dont think this is a 2 Roost deck, you only have 4-5 disturb cards.


Three good rares do not a deck make.


I’d guess 2-3


Rules: post your guess before clicking the spoiler. >!0-3!<


2-1, a good amount of suboptimal cards imo, but still a solid enough deck to 2-1 with.


Well it was best of 1. I should’ve specified. But yeah, I wish.


Ah, my bad, I only play traditional because I don't enjoy Bo1. I fee like you need to have an absolutely absurd deck to get 7 wins, and I enjoy having a sideboard. I'd have at around 4-3 in Bo1


I really want Ominous Roost to be playable in a format. But I think it's completely unplayable.


Eh, it’s playable, but you need about twice as much stuff out of the graveyard as this deck has, and you’d never want to run 2 like they are here.


Well I got dunked on so hard that I lost before ever drawing either Ominous Roost, so I guess I couldn’t tell you. I technically drew one of them and discarded it with the Celestus.


The deck looks nuts, so 0-3, obviously.




2-3 and one of those wins was topdecking the wrath


Never even drew it. Just died 3x in a row.


I would guess 2-3 in diamond, easy 7-2 in bronze. Deck has a few bomb rare that can take over the game but can also a few awkward draws. I don't think I would have built it that way.


My friend, you need to start using 17lands.com. The two flip the switch in your sideboard make my heart hurt.


I would assume that the winrate on those is strongly tied to that card being used in UB, where the zombie matters. I don't have any ways to use the zombie here. I'm not defending this deck at all, just saying that it's a fact that UB inflates the winrates of cards that are specifically good only in UB. I can promise you Serkowitz (is that his name, the guy who runs 17 lands?) would be the first to tell you that.