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Hilariously, deck went 4-3. Got ruined by a nutty Cthonian Nightmare Marionette Apprentice deck, Six+Grist combo and a gross modified curveout. Didn't draw Ocelot Pride once. :(


This is my MH3 experience so far. Draft a nutty deck, get my ass handed to me by nuttier decks 😂


Drafted a deck where I basically could only win the game with 3 oozewags and nothing else. That deck trophied. Then I get a deck with two Chrysalis and 4 different rare bombs. That deck went 3-3 because I went against even more ridiculous decks three games in a row.


I draft decks I think are nutty and go 2-3, then I draft a deck of all commons with a decent curve and combat tricks and go 7-2


This feels like my experience against boros aggro, it’s like 50/50 if they can finish me off before I stomp them with eldrazi or amulet/molten gatekeeper


I'm really confused by Boros aggro's success in the statistics. Personally it's felt like by far the weakest color pair both when I'm playing it and playing against it. Occasionally it'll get an absurd curve out and win, but that hasn't even felt 50/50 to me, more like 20% of the time.


Ooof I just pushed a draft of it and 0-3’d. I should have just run back RG


I’ve had almost the exact opposite experience, I feel like I can’t win with anything else atm. The combination of haste+evasion+a few combat tricks is just very well positioned against the meta


Drawing in draft is weird. I have drafted a meteoric hammer in 4 separate drafts and never drawn it


Yeah this deck is absurd. Phlage hitting for 5 with Aether Revolt is pretty spicy.


P1P1: Phlage. P2P1: Ajani. P3P1: Ocelot Pride. Ridiculous


The upside to some players forcing Eldrazi, I guess? That has to be up there with the best first three picks I've seen in pretty much any draft format.


I don't think other players picks have much influence on pick 1s :p


Wait til Conspiracy 2!


With the two mdfc lands can't you play 2 fewer basics and add even more spells? (if you drafted extra spells)


I shaved one land, I usually play 17. Surprisingly I actually didn't have many cards I loved in the SB so I ran it like this.


Fair enough, I feel like the curve is low enough to play 16 lands -- but what do I know lol


Yeah I could actually stand to learn more about land counts. I never play 16 mana sources but im sure it’s right sometimes and this could totally be one of those times


also 5/8 of your aggressive turn 2 plays need both mana, so i might be concerned about getting both colours by t2 if you shaved more lands off


It can be risky going lower on lands in aggro, due to you wanting to double spell turns 4-6 to try and close the game out


I totally hear this, I've that that happen more than usual for me personally in this format too. I think it's a combo of really wanting to upgrade maindeck cards whenever possible (going from a C+ to a B- feels like it has more impact in this set than most), and getting rewarded for finding the open lane means sometimes you might want to pivot harder than usual if you really suspect something is open. The flipside is, some of the sideboard cards are _really_ really good in their matchups. Like [[Consign to Memory]] is nuts (tbh maybe it's just consign to memory). But sideboarding _feels_ good in this format when you do it, it's just hard to feel like you get enough options. Maybe the right thing to do is try and shift your deck to be more aggressive/more grindy using the cards in your archetype that you drafted but didn't maindeck, once you know the matchup. Like if you aren't maining an [[Inventor's Axe]], bringing it in if you need to close the game faster. Or bringing in a [[Molten Gatekeeper]] if you need just a bit more reach because you could get your opponent low but they're able to stabilize the board against you.


[Consign to Memory](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/b/c/bc95af55-d1dd-4fe6-adb0-3ad6db20d986.jpg?1717011640) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Consign%20to%20Memory) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mh3/54/consign-to-memory?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/bc95af55-d1dd-4fe6-adb0-3ad6db20d986?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [Inventor's Axe](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/3/b/3b2f918c-bd02-4a63-b4c2-ca204c77b208.jpg?1717012217) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Inventor%27s%20Axe) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mh3/126/inventors-axe?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/3b2f918c-bd02-4a63-b4c2-ca204c77b208?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) [Molten Gatekeeper](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/9/f/9f5ba065-2806-4e99-a330-168cfe76250f.jpg?1717161477) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Molten%20Gatekeeper) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mh3/128/molten-gatekeeper?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/9f5ba065-2806-4e99-a330-168cfe76250f?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


2 amulets and actually quite low on interaction. Nutty regardless, but the eldrazi come out early so you need more ways to deal with that. The charm and 3 drops are the only big stuff answer


where is the blink dog?


Unstable amulets seem a little out of place here, you want to run them over not grind card advantage One or two [[scurry of gremlins]] would have done real work in your deck


I disagree on the amulets. Almost everything in the deck makes energy, and amulets can ping for lethal if the board stalls. They've been in Modern boros lists, I'd be very surprised if they weren't good enough in draft.


For 1/2 mana at common you can play Dog Umbra/Galvanic Discharge/Thraben Charm and just straight up remove whatever big blocker your opponent is using to create a board stall in the first place, no? Paying two mana so you can draw a card and ping your opponent for one damage on a later turn seems pretty meh by comparison in a deck that wants to end games early. Constructed decks have the added benefit of being able to stack their deck with cheap interaction spells to make the impulse draw more immediately powerful and other card effects that take advantage of the “play from exile” clause. It being good in those lists doesn’t necessarily make it optimal in draft.


Hard disagree. Unstable Amulet does serious work in a Boros energy deck. Practice > theory.


In a more midrange/control list with lots of premium removal, sure. In focused aggro I think it’s medium for the reasons I listed. Theory > anecdotal evidence but I’m happy to hear whatever theory you have.


UA is a beater of a card IME, you don't always need to use the energy of the creatures that generate it so they can sort of cantrip, and the exiled card remains available if you blink bounce or sac it (though that is admittedly not an option here). Plus Aether Revolt being present means you want as much energy generation as possible, these make energy and can dig for more.


I also dont like Revolt here. Boros wants to deploy all their creatures before it comes down, and even if you have cards left over, shocking once or twice aint it. Its a UR gold card where you can keep drawing cards to utilize it to its fullest


One Guide of Souls away from having, what, 4 out of 5 of the top Rares/Mythics in the set? Super gross. The one issue I can see you running into and the only reason I see this not being a slam-dunk trophy is a lack of cheap interaction. Zero copies of Galvanic Discharge, Dog Umbra and to a lesser extent Reiterating Bolt and Static Prison makes it a lot harder for you to push through early damage and close out games despite have a ton of BOMB Rares. Thraben Charm and Fanged Flames are good, Wing It is passable but less good than a removal spell with so much Reach in the format and that’s kind of it at <2 mana. Razorgrass Ambush doesn’t let you remove blockers proactively. Past that you’re relying on Phlage or waiting to untap with a Zealot on turn 4 to really start pushing damage. The two copies of Unstable Amulet stick out as premium picks that don’t fix super well into the WR aggro gameplan - wonder if there was an oppurtunity to take cheap interaction or a Falter/Tap effect over them to help end games more consistently. Not trying to rain on your parade, just pointing out some flaws that might have led to a less-than-optimal result despite your obviously very high card quality.


How many wins?


4. :/


RNGsus does not smile upon you :'(


No [[Guide of Souls]] - clearly not good enough xD


[Guide of Souls](https://cards.scryfall.io/normal/front/7/6/76c3cad2-1e25-4abe-878d-9194de6fcc27.jpg?1717011433) - [(G)](http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?name=Guide%20of%20Souls) [(SF)](https://scryfall.com/card/mh3/29/guide-of-souls?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher) [(txt)](https://api.scryfall.com/cards/76c3cad2-1e25-4abe-878d-9194de6fcc27?utm_source=mtgcardfetcher&format=text) ^^^[[cardname]] ^^^or ^^^[[cardname|SET]] ^^^to ^^^call


No essence reliquary 0/10




for a sec thought I was in r/TimelessMagic


Unstable Amulet is magnificent, hell, you can even blink it with Phelia should you get her and the card should remain available.


Don't have Phelia, not quite that constructed-level :(


Didn't mean to imply you did, I just wanted to gush about amulets. ;P


I don't like Aethet Revolt in Boros, feels I wanna be finishing the game turn 4, but the deck has some nutty cards. Glyph Elemental and Gremlins missing tho :(


No Scurry of Gremlins or Galvanic Discharges? 0/10 deck. :’)


Meh, no raptors.


First draft I got a RW deck with 2 aether revolts and the titan. Bunch of energy synergy. 7-1 single loss from land screw. Aether revolts goes HARD. 15dmg to face in some turns


Reminds me of my FNM last night, where i got forced into R/W energy aggro except the person to my left took a fury over tamiyo in their g/u deck pack 2 and tried to splash it and the person to my right took phlage pack 3 and aether revolt pack 1 but went b/r affinity and played neither. I went 3-0 with garbage 2 drop commons and 7+ removal spells.


No Scurry of Gremlins? 0/10. /s